총선 사전투표율 '역대 최고'
Manage episode 411199312 series 2813952
진행자: 최정윤, Ali Abbot
Assembly race heats up as early voters turn out in historic numbers
기사 요약: 22대 총선 사전투표의 최종 투표율이 31.28%로 집계되면서 역대 '최다' 사전 투표율 기록
[1] More registered voters than ever turned out for early voting on Friday and Saturday, further heating up the election race, with the Democratic Party of Korea claiming that it points to a possible advantage.
*turn out: 모습을 드러내다/ (결과가 특정 방식으로) 되다/ 바깥쪽으로 향하다
*claim: 주장하다(assert, declare) / 갖다
[2] According to the National Election Commission, the early voter turnout rate was 31.2 percent -- the highest since early voting was introduced in 2016.
*turnout: 투표율, 참가자 수
[3] The Democratic Party said the high early turnout was “reflective of the South Korean public's desire to punish the Yoon (Suk Yeol) administration at the earliest possible date.” “The people have demonstrated their sovereign power by voting,” Rep. Kang Sun-woo, the party spokesperson, said in a statement.
*sovereign: 자주적인, 독립적인(autonomous) / 최고 권력을 지닌 (n. 군주, 국왕)
[4] The Rebuilding Korea Party, a new third party composed of Democratic Party-affiliated figures, said the people “have responded with a fervent will to strike back at those who try to rule over the people.” The party, founded and headed by the legally embattled former Justice Minister Cho Kuk, was publicly endorsed by previous President Moon Jae-in.
*affiliate: (더 큰 회사, 기관 등과) 제휴, 연계하다/ 가입하다
*fervent: 열렬한, 강렬한 (impassioned, passionate. vehement, intense)
*embattled: 궁지에 몰린, 공세에 시달리는 / 교전 중인, 포위당한 embattle: 진을 치다, 전투 태세를 갖추다
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240407050093
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
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