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Es geht hier viel um Rennrad-, Gravelbike, Bikepacking und Triathlon. Oft gehen wir sehr in die Tiefe, vor allem bei nerdigen Technik-Themen. Für Anfänger und fortgeschrittene Sportler ist immer etwas dabei! Viele Erfahrungsberichte, persönliche Meinungen, interessante Interview-Gäste und viele persönliche Trainings-, Bikepacking und Sport-Abenteuererfahrungen.
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Crushing Iron is an age grouper and his coach talking and learning about triathlon. Together they explore the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual side of training and racing everything from a Sprint to an Ironman. Great for beginners and intermediates triathletes. Released every Monday and Thursday.
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Hosted by Coaches Bevan McKinnon and Tim Brazier, Fitter Radio brings together their shared passion and knowledge of triathlon, running, nutrition and basically all things endurance. Listen to the latest research, interviews with pro athletes and leading experts to help you improve your sports performance and your health.
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Love Ljungström & Emma Varga

Triathlonvänner är podden där vi möter elitaktiva, tränare, ledare, ungdomar, motionärer och alla andra som utgör triathlon! Tanken är förutom att förkovra oss i vårt största intresse - nämligen triathlon - också uppmärksamma, fördjupa och lära känna nya och gamla Triathlonvänner. Kortfattat: Gillar du triathlon är vår förhoppning att du också gillar Triathlonvänner. Värdar är proffstriatleten Emma Varga och inte-proffs-triatleten Love Ljungström.
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triathlon talk – Carbon & Laktat

Frank Wechsel, Nils Flieshardt, Simon Müller, Anna Bruder, Peter Jacob

Die Topstars der Szene. Die Experten der Branche. Und die Gedanken der Nerds. triathlon talk – der Podcast aus dem Hause triathlon. Jeden Dienstag: Carbon & Laktat. Zwei Experten aus der Redaktion sprechen über das aktuelle Triathlongeschehen. (Fast) jeden Freitag: triathlon talk. Eine Persönlichkeit aus dem Triathlonsport im ausführlichen Gespräch.
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Triathlon Swimming: Insight for Beginners to Advanced Triathlete Swimmers. Learn how to swim faster and with ease with training tips and triathlon swimming advice from Tri Swim Coach and distinguished Ironman professionals and triathlon coaches. Kevin Koskella is a world-renowned triathlon swim coach with over 27 years of swimming experience. This podcast has tips, stories, adventures, and overall entertainment and education regarding swimming and triathlon. Join our community that contains ...
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Mission Triathlon Podcast

Lotta & Schorsch von Mission Triathlon

Im Mission Triathlon Podcast von und mit Lotta & Schorsch dreht sich selbstverständlich alles um den besten Sport der Welt - Triathlon. Neben Infos rund um den Sport bekommst Du natürlich Tipps für Dein Training, Hintergrundwissen zur Ernährung, Wissenswertes zur Regeneration und hin und wieder auch Facts zum Equipment. Zudem nehmen die beiden jede Gelegenheit wahr, um interessante Gäste im Podcast wichtige Fragen zu stellen.
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Triathlon Mockery

Triathlon Mockery

Two young lads, Joe Skipper and Tom Oosterdijk, happen to be professional triathletes, giving their opinions on tri-related things. Discussing weekly race results. And talk about the weekly main subject. Sit back, and enjoy listening to our BS. Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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A weekly round up of everything happening in the world of triathlon! This podcast is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to know what is happening in the greatest sport on the planet. Each week we will discuss the latest news, go through race results and give our analysis and preview upcoming events so you know who to watch and what to expect. We also chat to the biggest names in the sport about the sport. We aim to provide you with an insight into the workings of the sports bigg ...
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ATP, or 'Another Triathlon Podcast,' is a fresh voice in the world of endurance sports. Our name is a playful nod to the abundance of triathlon podcasts out there and also stands for Adenosine Triphosphate, the energy source of our bodies, symbolizing the relentless energy of triathletes. We want to have some fun with triathlon, not take ourselves too seriously while delivering insight, answer your training and racing questions and give you everything you need from inspiration to information ...
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Welcome to the Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast! Brought to you by Advanced Sports Dietitian, Taryn Richardson. Listen as I break down the latest science to give you practical, easy to digest strategies to transform yourself into a Supercharged Triathlete! You have so much untapped potential...and I want to help you unlock that with the power of nutrition.
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Zwei Brüder – (k)ein Ziel Begleitet uns auf unserer gemeinsamen audio-visuellen Reise und schaltet ein, wenn wir Woche für Woche unsere Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse aus dem Training austauschen. Taucht mit ein in unsere Welt und trainiert eure Lachmuskeln. Das ganze Erlebnis runden wir ab mit Expertentalks: Ob Profi, Hersteller oder Veranstalter – Wir werfen ehrliche Blicke hinter die Kulissen des Triathlon- undRadsports.
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In this podcast I share the trials and tribulations of a middle-aged amateur triathlete. Take me along with you during your workout to hear about my personal experiences of training and racing and get some motivation to utilize for your own workouts. I'm not a coach. I'm not an interviewer. I'm a fellow triathlete! Feel free to reach me with comments or feedback at [email protected] Feel free to check out my YouTube channel as well: ...
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The TriDot Triathlon Podcast

TriDot Triathlon Training, Andrew the Average Triathlete

This is The TriDot Podcast! We are here to educate, inspire, and entertain. We’ll talk all things triathlon, swim, bike, run, nutrition, recovery, & strength training, with expert coaches and special guests. So whether you are a triathlete training for a sprint, olympic, or IRONMAN event. Join the conversation, and let's improve together.
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No Limits Map to Triathlon Podcast

Todd Malcolm - Ironman specific triathlon coach

No Limits Map to Triathlon is a podcast for the everyday person. Coach Todd is your host and he is here to give you tips on how to train, race and live a great life filled with triathlons. No it is not easy...but doable. Happy Training!
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That Triathlon Show

Mikael Eriksson

That Triathlon Show is the podcast for triathletes of all levels who want to train smarter and race faster. With over 600 episodes and millions of downloads since 2017, this show cuts through the noise and misinformation, delivering practical, no-nonsense advice rooted in both the art and science of training and performance. The podcast features in-depth interviews with the world’s best coaches, top sports scientists, and elite athletes. Each episode dives into the nuances of training method ...
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Triathlon Swimming with TOWER 26 was created by Triathlon's go-to swim expert coach, Gerry Rodrigues, and USAT Certified Coach/Professional Triathlete, Jim Lubinski. These podcasts will help triathletes get the most return out of their swim preparation by covering all the essential topics and ingredients that are necessary to make triathletes better and safer swimmers. Through Gerry's countless years of coaching thousands of triathletes and Jim's racing/training/coaching experience, the two ...
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Im Watt is los-Podcast spricht Host Sören mit Profisportler:innen und Menschen aus der deutschen Triathlon- und Ausdauerszene, um mal so richtig in deren Alltagsmomente, Kopfkino, Ziele und Gedankenkarussell reinzuzoomen. Das Motto: Bitte keine Fragen, die schon 8000 Mal gestellt wurden! Du bekommst hier journalistisch aufbereiteten Content und gut recherchierte Themen. Viel Spaß beim Reinhören. Feedback, Kooperationsanfragen und Gästewünsche gerne an: [email protected]
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Mondo Triathlon Daddo Podcast, l'unico podcast di triathlon in italiano! Esplora con Dario Daddo Nardone il fantastico mondo della triplice, scopri i racconti e le storie di triathlon dei grandi campioni e di appassionati amatori! Trovi tutti gli episodi su Diventa un supporter di questo podcast:
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The official podcast of World Triathlon brings you exclusive stories and interviews from the world's top triathletes and coaches, from World Champions and Olympic contenders to the new faces breaking out onto the world scene. Never miss a moment of the action on!
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Coach Rob Dallimore( and Coach Jim Lubinski( present this podcast series preparing athletes for the specific demands of particular triathlon races. The two coaches speak about the course specifics, race preparation, location ins and outs, best training practices for the specific course, and anything else associated with the specific race. In the 1st season we will detail the Half World Championships in Taupo New Zealand taking place December 14th a ...
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HUB Life - Triathlon and Endurance Lifestyle

Dr. Marion Herring and Dr. Rob Green

Dr. Marion "Moose" Herring is an orthopedic sports medicine physician with Dr. Rob Green Sports Chiropractor. We are lifetime endurance athletes.We are trier of most fads.We are maker of many mistakes.We are husbands, fathers, sports med docs, and athletes just trying to be the best us.
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The Triathlon Age Group Journey

Jillian Carlson, Jay Cougnet, Matt Sommer

As triathletes, we love watching and racing with the pros. However, what they do is not always possible for us. This podcast is for age group triathletes that want to be part of a conversation on being the best triathlete they can be with their time, talent, resources, and level of effort. Being age group triathletes, coaches, parents, and full-time working professionals, your hosts, Jillian Carlson, Jay Cougnet and Matt Sommer will be your guide on this adventure. Each podcast, we will disc ...
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The show that helps Endurance Coaches bridge the gap from hobby to creating a dream, impact filled, profitable coaching business. We will discuss all things Endurance business: - time management - marketing - mindset - growing your community of engaged athletes Listen here to grow your athlete roster of ideal, perfect for you, athletes while bringing home more income for you and your family. Endurance coaching is already your dream job, let’s make it a full time reality!
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Aloha und herzlich willkommen beim Triathlon Podcast! Möchtest du einen Blick hinter die Kulissen des Triathlonsports in der DACH-Region werfen? Suchst du nach den besten Triathlon-Tipps, Experten-Know-how zu Triathlon Themen, sowie Unterhaltung und Motivation für dein Training? Oder interessierst Du dich dafür, was Profisportler, Agegrouper, Rookies, Coaches und Unternehmen über den Triathlonsport zu sagen haben? Dann bist Du bei mir genau richtig! Triathlon Podcast bietet dir eine Vielzahl ...
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Jeff Sankoff is the TriDoc, a physician who will do the research so you don't have to in order to understand if any of those things marketed to endurance athletes can deliver close to what they promise. Before you put anything in or on your body, understand what the science says by listening to an expert who has done the work for you.
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power & pace | Triathlon-Training by

Jule Bartsch, Anna, Bruder, Frank Wechsel, Björn Geesmann

power & pace ist das moderne Trainingskonzept von In den Kategorien MOVER, ALLROUNDER, CHAMPION, FINISHER und QUALIFIER trainieren viele Triathleten nach den Plänen von Coach Björn Geesmann auf ihre ganz persönlichen Ziele. Dieser Podcast bringt den Sportlerinnen und Sportlern die Trainingsphilosophie und deren wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen näher. Denn power & pace ist weitaus mehr als nur ein Trainingsprogramm: Rund um die Workouts hat sich eine große Community gebildet. Bei pow ...
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The Triathlon Gadget Lab

The Triathlon Gadget Lab

The Triathlon Gadget Lab is your AI powered go-to podcast for the latest and greatest in triathlon gear and technology. Whether you're a cyclist, runner, or swimmer, we dive deep into the world of power meters, GPS watches, smart trainers, aero gear, wearables, and more.
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Rozmawiam o pasji z pasją. Triathlon, to więcej niż tylko sport. To styl życia - mówię ja, Marcin Dybuk rozmawiający, ale nie przeszkadzający gościom podcastu :)
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Triathlon as a sport has a unique part to it, where it allows everyday people to compete in a range of sports, Triathlon, swim bike and run, Duathlon, run, bike,run, Aquathlon, swim, run and Aquabike, swim and bike, for their country against others in their agegroup. The Agegroup Multisport Podcast is a platform where Agegroup Multisport Athletes from around the world, share their Journey from Multisport beginner to Agegroup Athlete. In telling their stories the athletes are providing valuab ...
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ALOHA KALLE - Triathlon Training im Dialog.

Conrad Kebelmann und Marcus Herbst

Im Podcast „Aloha Kalle - Triathlon Training im Dialog“ spricht der Profi-Triathlet und Triathlon-Coach Marcus Herbst mit seinen Age Grouper Athleten über alles, was das Triathlon-Training ausmacht. Es geht um individuelle Bedürfnisse, die eine zentrale Rolle im Training spielen, und wie der regelmäßige Austausch zwischen Athlet und Coach den Erfolg maßgeblich beeinflusst. Marcus erklärt, wie wichtig es ist, auf die jeweilige Lebenssituation der Athleten einzugehen und wie man das richtige G ...
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Transition, c'est un podcast triathlon, technologies et entrainement. On y traite de technologie, d'entrainement sportif et tout une variété d'autres sujets liés au triathlon, au cyclisme, à la course à pied, au trail et aux autres sports d'endurance. Une fois par mois, retrouvez un épisode qui plonge au cœur d'une thématique liée au sport ou à la technologie avec un invité ou une invitée, spécialiste du domaine.
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Suhaan Devavarapu

This triathlon podcast focuses mainly on high schoolers and kids interested in getting involved in the multi-endurance sport at an early age. The episodes are hosted by Suhaan Devavarapu who is a national level triathlete and a Junior at Granite Bay High School in California. He talks about how to train for a race while balancing school, juggling extracurriculars and AP Classes.He discusses various strategies and tactics that can be applied to get better at this sport. He also highlights how ...
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show series
Il protagonista della puntata numero 90 di Mondo Triathlon, la rubrica di Dario Daddo Nardone in onda su Bike Channel, è MASSIMILIANO DEIDDA Tutte le puntate di Mondo Triathlon: Guarda Mondo Triathlon anche sui canali di Bike Channel: - SKY Canale 222 - DTT Canale 259 - DTT Canale 60 tasto rosso SI - www.bikechan…
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#264 ALOHA KALLE - Laktatmessung im Amateur-Sport: Der Weg zur besseren Performance In dieser Episode tauchen wir tief in das Thema Laktatmessung ein, und zwar nicht nur aus der Perspektive der Profis, sondern auch aus Sicht von ambitionierten Amateur-Athleten. Der strebsame Athlet Yannick ist hungrig nach Wissen und will alles über die Laktatmessu…
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Send us a text In this episode of Another Triathlon Podcast, host Jenna-Caer, joined by co-host Josh, sits down with professional triathlete Menno Koolhaas to discuss his incredible journey from a young triathlete to competing at the Ironman World Championships. Menno opens up about his training, overcoming injuries, and his ambitious goals for the…
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Welcome back to The Tri Swim Coach Podcast! And if this is your first time listening congrats—you just made the best decision of your triathlon career. Or maybe the worst. We’ll see. Want to talk with Brook? You can find her on IG: 🔥 First up—Austin, Te…
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Have you ever left for your run and your watch battery was dead? Or gone for a group ride to notice your bike computer is still at home? Did it ruin your workout? If so, have no fear - Coaches Ryan Tibball and Will Usher join the podcast to break down training without technology. We have become so connected to our training gadgets that something wi…
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Bev and Tim catch up on tri news. Thomas Trollope won the free race entry to IRONMAN New Zealand. We find out how his day went. Tim and James Elvery of Race Ranger discuss the recent implementation of the Race Ranger system during the Challenge Wanaka age group event, focusing on the experiences of age group athletes and the feedback from officials…
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Send us a text In this episode of the HUB Life Podcast, we dive into Moose’s journey as he transitions from road running to trail running. We break down his training approach, the challenges of building endurance on the trails, and what he’s learned along the way. From technical terrain to pacing strategies and race prep, Moose shares his firsthand…
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Aloha! Dieses Jahr 2025 gibt es ein neues Triathlonrennen im Rennkalender in Deutschland - den 1. Brombachsee Triathlon! Zusammen mit Renn Organisator Christoph Döbler spreche ich u.a. darüber wann und wie das Team auf die Idee gekommen ist am Brombachsee einen Triathlon auszurichten, mit wem sich das Orga Team austauscht, um die Erstaustragung zu …
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Heute zu Gast Sascha und Robert vom Gravel Club! Schönes Interview über die Gründung des Clubs, Events, Philosophie und am Ende sprechen wir auch Ausführlich über das Bikepacking Event „Shardana Bikeventure“. Heute zu Gast Sascha und Robert vom Gravel Club! Schönes Interview über die Gründung des Clubs, Events, Philosophie und am Ende sprechen wir …
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In this episode: In this episode we tackle a serious medical mailbag segment about the dubious world of 'Bro Peptides.' They sound great on paper, but you’ll want to tune in to hear why they might just be the latest health fad to avoid. Then, balancing a professional triathlon career and medical school isn't for the faint-hearted, but somehow, Matt…
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Ich schwöre feierlich, dass ich ein Tunichtgut bin!! Wir haben unsere TT Bikes und es ist alles so krass gerade. Wir können uns nur bei allen Leuten bedanken, dass wir das hier machen dürfen. Ganz dicke Küsschen auf eure Köpfe. Außerdem klären wir das Arztproblem und wieso Lasse jetzt plötzlich als Umzugshelfer arbeiten muss. FOLGE WIRD PRÄSENTIERT…
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This week, we discuss the recent news that Imogen Simmonds tested positive for Ligandrol, a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) known to enhance muscle mass and strength. Simmonds has denied intentional use, attributing the positive test to intimate contact with her partner, who was unknowingly taking Ligandrol to improve his physique. We …
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Today we look at ways to work on little things that matter instead of always grinding yourself to the core. Better economy and efficiency go a LONG ways in this sport, so how do you get better inside a typical training session. We look at different ways you can work the swim, bike, and run to keep your HR in a solid place, but create more stimulus.…
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Ein Überblick über alte und neue Wettkampfregularien, die für dich relevant sind. In dieser Folge des power & pace Podcasts erklärt Jan Philip Krawczyk, welche Regularien für Triathletinnen und Triathleten relevant sind und welche Neuerungen das kürzlich veröffentlichte Regelwerk aufweist. Vom Check-In bis zur Ziellinie und darüber hinaus erfahrt i…
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In a world obsessed with youth in sports, there's a quiet revolution happening among athletes in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond. These masters of endurance aren't just participating – they're demolishing expectations and rewriting the rules of athletic performance. It’s fantastic to see, and gives me hope for my future as an ageing athlete. That m…
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In deze uitzending bellen we met Pim van Diemen over z’n race in Nieuw-Zeeland. Mitch Wismans schuift aan om te praten over komend seizoen. Alle informatie over onze sponsor AG1 en de gezondheidsvoordelen van de voedingsstoffen is te vinden op
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Can you achieve epic results in just one month? We show you how one athlete did it, and how you can too. Erin just had the most typical first month we would expect and absolutely loved it, test, 3 weeks training, test and huge improvements which we guarantee Timestamp: 00:00 - Athlete Background 04:07 - Bike Training Program 12:00 - Important Trait…
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This week, we huddled around the mic in California to chat about training, racing, and managing fatigue. We covered: Carbon and aluminum disc brakes vs. rim brakes Staying fit while on vacation Last-minute race advice for a novice Tire inserts for road and mountain biking Bike bags—what’s worth it? Our biggest aha moments in sport A big thank you t…
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Michellie Jones is an Australian triathlon legend with a resume including two ITU World Championships, an Olympic silver medal at the 2000 Sydney Games, a victory at the 2006 Ironman World Championship, and a Paralympic gold medal as a guide to Katie Kelly in the PT5 (PTVI in today's classification system) in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. Michellie has a…
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Hey coaches - a short and strategy-heavy episode for you today - how can you tell you are about to get an inquiry? What you can control and can't control? How to speed along the process? What works best here? The Dream to 6 is open this week - if you are a 10/10 "Heck Yes", finally ready to do something different in your business, speed up your coa…
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Triathlon has been a recognised sport in the UK for 42 years, with the first official event held in 1983. My guest, Steve Trew, was there at the very beginning. Steve has had an incredible career in sport, particularly in triathlon. As one of the UK’s first triathlon coaches, he blended his experience as a competitive runner, triathlete, and person…
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Lena war Teil des zdf-Esembles, das den Ironman Hawaii 2024 Livestream zum Leben erweckt hat. Als "rasende Reporterin" hat sie Epxert:innen Stimmen von z. B. Jan Frodeno eingeholt und in der Mixed Zone mit dem Weltmeister Patrick Lange gesprochen. Doch was geschieht davor und währenddessen hinter den Kulissen? Wie läuft so eine Produktion der Super…
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Imogen Simmonds unter Verdacht, Sam Laidlow kämpft ums Comeback – und neue Regeln sorgen für Chaos! Diese Woche wird es heiß! Imogen Simmonds sorgt mit einer positiven Dopingprobe und einer ungewöhnlichen Erklärung für Aufsehen – ist ihre Karriere in Gefahr? Gleichzeitig kämpft Ironman-Weltmeister Sam Laidlow mit einer mysteriösen Krankheit, die se…
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In todays episode Mark and Caroline chat with Griff Easter. Griffin Easter is an American cyclist known for his versatility across road and gravel disciplines. Born on November 6, 1991, in Claremont, California, he has achieved notable successes throughout his career. 2014: Won the 70-mile Division I men’s road race at the USA Cycling Collegiate Ro…
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Du hast vielleicht auch schon einmal vom Schwellentraining gehört. Aber was steckt genau dahinter? Und solltest Du entsprechende Trainingseinheiten in Dein Training einbauen? Wir erklären es dir in dieser Folge. 😉 --- Zum Mission Triathlon Racing Team 👉 Dieser Podcast wird Dir präsentiert von Spen…
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Send us a text If it isn't on Strava, it didn't happen, right!? No way! You put in the work and you know it, that is all that matters, right!? Well, both are kinda right. Data is a tool that helps us get the most out of our training and racing. It keeps us in check and it motivates us too. Matt, Jillian, and Jay discuss the data fields on their dev…
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Jim and Rob chat the course specifics and best approach to help YOU have the most successful day at Ironman New Zealand taking place Sqaturday March 1st, 2025. You can also recommend other races to join the CtC lineup via Instagram on our Counquer the Course Instagram page @conquerthecoursepodcast. Thank you for listening!! Show up to race day read…
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Jim and Gerry welcome Legendary Triathlete and Founder of CAF Bob Babbitt and Zuma Beach Triathlon Race Director Michael Epstein to the show. A walk down the triathlon memory lane with talk of the roots of triathlon. After Bob and Michael log off, Jim and Gerry get into a swim video analysis. To register for the Zuma Beach Triathlon click here: htt…
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Zum kleinen Jubiläum beehrt die Coaches niemand Geringeres als der GOAT unter den Trainern himself: Dan Lorang. Wie sieht sein Tagesablauf aus? Was hat er von Top-Athleten wie z. B. Jan Frodeno gelernt? Wie bekommt er die Interessen mehrerer Athleten unter einen Hut? Und wie sieht er die Zukunft des Sports? Dies alles und noch mehr stand zur Debatt…
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🚨 RACE WEEK! 🚨 Two of the stars of the Paris 2024 Olympic Triathlon - and indeed Tokyo 2020 - Hayden Wilde and Morgan Pearson (Morgan's bit starts from 20m30s) look ahead to the weekend's big season opener WTCS Abu Dhabi. They talk title chances, the young contenders ready to try and ramp the run pace up even further in 2025, and the prospect of so…
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