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Welcome to The Gemma Hanley Podcast where you can expect honest conversations about how to overcome Anxiety and Overwhelm to calm your nervous system and become confident, happy and free. Along the way I’ll be sharing my own story of holistically healing 23 years of Anxiety & Depression. If you’re a woman seeking answers to perfectionism, people pleasing, burn out and resistance - you’re in the right place beauty, let’s begin!
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show series
This week we’re celebrating 100 episodes !!! so I'm sharing something extra special - a raw and honest Q&A with my partner Harri. Whilst I’ve shared snippets of our relationship in past episodes, you'll finally hear from the man himself about how we navigate love, growth, and building a life together. Together, Harri and I answer: How long have you…
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The line between “authenticity” and “emotional dumping” can be difficult to decipher in intimate relationships. In this episode I share two stories about my own emotions from the past week. If you've ever wondered "am I being too sensitive?" or "is this oversharing?" - you’ll love listening in. You’ll hear me share: Two stories about how I sat with…
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Lets dissect the role a client must play in the coaching relationship should they want to see results. This follows on from last week's episode where I did the same for the role of your coach. In this episode, we’ll cover: How your honesty directly determines your results The common 'safety nets' that keep you stuck in the safe & familiar How to kn…
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Ever wondered why some women get incredible results from coaching while others stay stuck? Over the next two episodes I am (passionately) explaining why. These episodes will cover the integral roles that both a coach and a client must play so that coaching works. Part 1 is all about the role a coach must play: How a coach's own inner work directly …
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Want proof that loving your body AND being the real you is possible? In this episode, I'm joined by past client Charlie who vulnerably shares her journey from perfectionism and judging her body to genuine self-acceptance. We explore: How she broke free from "needing" to be perfect The shifts she experienced in relationship to her body How and why s…
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Ready to capture the fresh new year energy and follow through on your inner wisdom more honestly than ever before? In this episode I'm sharing vulnerable insights about how I'm already following my intuitive nudges this year (even when they feel scary!) I also cover: What to do when intuition defies logic Why you can’t hear your intuition My favour…
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Want to set inspiring goals for 2025 that actually feel true to YOU (not what you think you "should" do or what others expect of you)? In this episode (part 2 of a goal setting series) I share a fresh approach to creating goals that light you up inside, while being realistic about your time, energy and resources! You'll learn: How to identify your …
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Feel as if you "know better but don't do better" when it comes to taking the actions steps that would see you achieve your goals? In this episode (the first of two goal setting workshops) I take you through powerful question and reflection prompts to uncover the hidden patterns that stop you from confidently progressing forwards in life.. AND empow…
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Think you have to choose between being kind and having boundaries? Think again! In this episode I dive into the science and psychology of delivering strong boundaries that are drenched in kindness. Learn about: Mindset shifts so that your boundaries no longer feel selfish or too sensitive Hear me demonstrate loving but firm boundary examples Elimin…
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Want to set healthy boundaries without second guessing yourself, feeling riddled with guilt or dealing with dramatic reactions from others? It's possible! In this episode I break down the common mistakes we make when setting boundaries that lead us to feeling overwhelmed instead of empowered, and exactly how to shift this. Here's what you'll learn:…
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Feeling defeated and disheartened by the dating process? What about being filled with hope for a promising first date (or even third or fourth date) only to be let down and disappointed? I’ll be honest - throughout my own 21 years of dating, there were times where it was extremely difficult to remain optimistic and keep trusting I’d meet “the one” …
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Rushing through each day with the feeling that there’s never enough time - it might be the ultimate stressor to our nervous system (resulting in overthinking, fear and chronic illness). It means that even if a woman “gets there” (to the relationship, motherhood, business etc) she’s probably burnt out, second guessing her choices, and is unlikely to…
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Have you ever felt as if life is harder than it should be? That no matter how hard you try to grow your business, enjoy motherhood, attract like minded relationships or stay consistent with healthy foods... you’re not really progressing forwards in a way that feels satisfying? In this week's episode I introduce you to a strategy that helps you answ…
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What if you could attract better dates and create more connection in your relationship without waiting for the other person to change?! It’s possible my love! (I know because I watched it play out in my own life) Without even realising it, we constantly send subconscious cues to our date/partner about how they should act and what we desire from the…
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This week you’re meeting one of my inspiring clients, Claire! She’s here to generously share her story and wisdom with you of how since working together, she has learnt how to fully process emotions, show herself love and free herself from limiting beliefs that held her back. In this extremely open hearted chat, Claire opens up about: Subconscious …
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The most important thing about your inner work? That you actually get results - your life is changing for the better! However it’s almost a given that along your healing journey, there will be times where you feel confused, lost and like you’re pushing shit uphill and getting nowhere! In this podcast episode, I will Remind you why your answers can’…
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For a long time, I believed that uncomfortable emotions and chronic symptoms were the problem… and for a long time, I stayed stuck. In this podcast episode, I explain why the real problem behind recurring discomfort in the mind body is this: Not knowing how to retrieve the intelligent message or answer that an emotion or symptom is trying to show y…
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A fixation on being in a ‘high vibrational state’ might just be as disempowering as using a victim mentality. Often, being ‘high vibe’ requires a woman to reject past pain that is surfacing so it can be let go of - it wants to come up and out of her body. When she is taught to actively bypass and “stop” anything other than positive emotions, she co…
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I nearly canceled the first date with my (now) partner. In the end, the only reason I followed through and went on the date was because of a promise I’d made myself. Months earlier I’d realised that I was subconsciously ‘rolling my eyes’ at parts of the dating process.. (the parts that felt annoying, disappointing or a waste of my time) And that so…
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I was recently reminded, while experiencing the worst flu of my life, of the very first lesson I had to learn before I could heal chronic fatigue, anxiety and depression (a whole lot more physical symptoms too but those were the headliners) and it’s this… In the most challenging moments of our life (both emotionally and physically) there comes a fo…
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This week I’m excited to be brining Hillary McVeigh back to the poddy, she’s a Human Design Teacher, IFS Practitioner and Intuitive Certified Coach. Once a family lawyer, she is now passionate in helping women transform their inner rumblings into reality so they too can create their dream life and business. This episode with Hillary covers: Making …
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The answers to your success are not only found in a positive mindset & visualisation of your goals, they are found from intelligently exploring your resistance, self doubt and emotional/physical discomfort too. I’m seeing a common theme that is keeping women confused & stuck when it comes to their inner work… Toxic positivity coaching - which force…
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I spent more than 15 thousand dollars on my emotional and physical health before I found the solutions that actually started to help me - so I know what it’s like to shudder or shrink at the idea of investing in yourself. In this episode I bring you behind closed doors and into my personal experiences (and major success I’ve created in my life) fro…
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Recently on one of our Reveal & Rise coaching calls, two of my clients were super honest & told me how a boundary I had set in my personal life (and shared about) triggered them. Given I used to be an A+ grade people pleaser, I knew exactly how they were feeling. Listen in as I explain what my boundary was, 4 teachable moments from the reaction my …
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Perfectionism runs deep. It’s hard wired into our neurology and nervous system as an automated behavior that gets us love, approval and validation. When we do things perfectly, things feel more certain, predictable and controlled. When we let go of this exhausting behavior it feels exposing.. that we could be seen as ‘not good enough’, ‘lazy’, or l…
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This is a conversation that has completely transformed the trajectory of my life - MULTIPLE times! Here’s the thing my love: when we are stuck in procrastination, uncomfortable emotions or confusing symptoms (and we’ve been unsuccessful in changing it) it’s important to acknowledge that we’re overlooking something. It’s not that we are purposely ig…
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What attitude do you bring to your morning routine? Does it have you jumping for joy and feeling alive in your body? Or is it more of a “have to get this done” vibe with a sprinkle of fear about what will happen if you don’t? Here’s a common pattern I’m observing in women (and saw in myself in the past too): the use of the same morning routine rega…
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Here’s the thing: quick fixes and magic pills would be amazing.. *IF* they actually existed. When it comes to finding a plan for your inner work that actually.. works, you’re going to have to dig deeper. Women who get results from coaching have done their research. They’ve gotten clear on what they (as an individual) need from a coach and program. …
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A very sensitive and extremely important topic for us to have a transparent conversation about - WITH COMPASSION! Let’s start by saying, the fact that you are a mother reading this right now - is so extremely impressive. Your heart is so big, and I am in awe of your desire to lead by example for your children. Here’s what you can expect from this e…
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Uncomfortable emotions used to control my day and how I viewed myself. The most frustrating part was that I really was doing my best to feel them and let them go - but any progress was either minimal or short lived. I’d tried self help books, journaling and letting myself cry, so I was extremely confused about what I was doing wrong. Today is a com…
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The more flexibility and adaptability we can bring to our life, the greater the chances of us achieving our goals and experiencing more joy! This week I bring you behind the scenes of my personal life and business - showing you in real time how I am walking the talk - giving myself permission to change my mind and do things differently so I can sho…
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People pleaser to boundary queen can feel like such an unrealistic leap … and to be honest - it is! So in episode, I talk you through some ‘in between’ options that will support you in healing the subconscious pattern of wanting to avoid conflict by keeping everyone around you happy. You’ll learn: The 6 ingredients to connection based communication…
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I’ve never met anyone who feels better for it - AND YET - almost all of us do it. So how can we understand why mindless scrolling is happening, and how to change our behaviours around it? This is the exact conversation I bring to this week’s episode: A current client example of how we’re working on this A new decision that has totally transformed m…
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Your mind, body and soul are always speaking to you.. Delivering intelligent messages about where you’re accidently living against yourself and how to stop doing that When we miss these intelligent messages, they will get louder. A slightly “off” mood can manifest into extreme overwhelm, fear or depression.. Feeling a little run down can manifest i…
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Come BTS of my own mind body healing with the parasite I experienced earlier this year in both a personal share AND educational episode In this episode I teach: How holistic healing sees the mind & body as one (not separate!!) The deeper meaning of physical symptoms and illness in the body (especially if they are chronic or ongoing) Confirmation: I…
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The basics on empowered psychic readings .. that’s what you can expect from this week's episode. Adriana is a Psychic Business & Mindset Mentor who helps soul led entrepreneurs scale to multiple 6 figures with psychic guidance & soulful strategies. Only a year or so back, I had an extremely limited understanding of what value a psychic could add to…
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Feeling depressed, numb, hopeless, uninspired or as if you’re in a dark hole are common What is not so common, is being taught how the subconscious plays a role in that, and how the subconscious is also part of an self empowered plan out of the pain. My goal in this episode is to begin changing that Here’s what you’ll gain from listening: The choic…
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The quality of your neurotransmitters (serotonin, gabba etc) are determined by the quality of your gut health. This week on the podcast I interview Heather Famularo who is a mum, wife, nutritionist and certified GAPS practitioner. She’s passionate about seeing food intolerances reversed by healing the gut. She knows that simply removing foods and l…
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Here’s the thing about quick fixes and surface level approaches to your inner work.. When you’ve tried enough of them, they no longer feel like the quick or easy They start to pile up and compound - leaving you feeling as if you’ve tried everything but nothing has worked (despite being at it for months or even years!!) The fastest way forwards beco…
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In this episode I share a communication technique that will eliminate hours upon hours of unnecessary conflict in your relationships. The best part - it’s incredibly simple, fast and easy to use! You’ll hear me break down: 3 questions to ask before you have a sensitive and vulnerable conversation Unsolicited advice - the problem with receiving it a…
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I’m progressing some pretty big goals in my life right now. It has taken me way out of my comfort zone and the result of that recently were some serious feelings of comparison! So in this episode - I use myself as an example of what to do if you find you’re battling self doubt, wondering if you’re good enough or feeling “less than”. In this episode…
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Come behind the scenes of my personal life! This week I’m sharing the boundaries and non-negotiables I have in the relationship with myself so that distractions (self sabotage, avoidance etc) are kept to a minimum. I cover: How I responded to anger and frustration in my body immediately before hitting record on this episode Then VS Now (how distrac…
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I have an absolute gift of an episode for you this week lady love, where I interview Natarsha Bamblett and we learn more about her personal story and evolution Nartarsha Bamblett’s work is in Cultural and Indigenous education, and a key part of this is her acknowledgements of country which extend beyond just empty words, that are too often tokenise…
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In this episode I give you the insider scoop on coaching that works and gets results (and that which doesn’t) Reveal & Rise is 4 years old, so when I pair the performance data I’ve collected over that time with the $50K+ I’ve invested in my own experiences as a client to other coaches.. it’s a conversation I feel overly qualified to bring you Here’…
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A deeply loving and bullshit free chat about 4 sentences that hold women back most: “it’s not possible for me”, “I don’t have time”, “I don’t know how”, and “I’m not good enough” I share with you: Where these limiting beliefs might be true, and how to get yourself unstuck from them Why we need to look at this negative self talk to be able to progre…
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Another requested topic on the podcast this week beautiful, and here’s what we cover: The cost of pretending to be someone you’re not My own journey of self rejection, and where it all started The changes I made to become a confident woman Trusting your intuition An easy way to check how authentic you’re really being Plus more! Watch the replay to …
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If you have two feet and a heartbeat this conversation is for you lady love! As I’m yet to meet a woman who hasn’t experienced the frustration of the start, stop, start again, only to stop again cycle when they are trying to implement a new habit or goal Whether it’s an exercise or nutrition plan, setting new boundaries, starting a business, creati…
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I can honestly say my spending and money habits used to be one of my biggest triggers to feeling shame. It felt like I just couldn’t get it right - even that I must be stupid. Fast forward to today, and I can just as honestly say it’s something I am most proud of. So when one of you in my audience reached out and asked me to talk about it on the po…
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Q: When you keep getting sucked into a narrative/drama in your mind or with a person, how can you best just stop playing into it or is it something deeper? This is the question I answer on this week’s episode of the podcast. Together we cover: How to feel more calm and peaceful when your mind is spiraling or fixated on something uncomfortable Two q…
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