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Oprah Winfrey is delighted to introduce a new weekly podcast series from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time: Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart’s wisdom will help you learn to quiet your mind, separate your ego from your true self and live a fully present life. Essential Teachings by Eckhart will provide a path to discover an enlightened state of consciousness. Oprah says Eckhart transformed her life and hopes these Essential Teachings will inspire you to seek your own higher purpose.
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Denis Botana e Danilo Silvestre contam alguma coisa um para o outro. Histórias, causos, experiências pessoais, algo que um de nós descobriu, viveu ou leu sobre nos últimos tempos. Tem do submundo dos perfumes às origens dos reality shows, passando por vício em xadrez e arte contemporânea.
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Este é o 'Durma com essa', podcast de notícias do Nexo, um jornal digital para quem busca explicações precisas e interpretações equilibradas sobre os principais fatos do Brasil e do mundo. De segunda a quinta, o programa traz para você a notícia mais instigante do dia. E que pode continuar a ecoar por aí.
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Mit Ernährung Krankheiten in den Griff bekommen oder sogar heilen. Das geht! Und die NDR Ernährungs-Docs wissen, wie es geht. Wissenschaftsjournalistin Julia Demann spricht mit Dr. Silja Schäfer, Dr. Viola Andresen und Dr. Matthias Riedl über ihre spannendsten Fälle und erstaunlichsten Erfolge. "Essen als Medizin" lautet ihre Strategie, die Themen reichen von antientzündlicher Ernährung bis Zuckerersatz. Gemeinsame Mission: eine Ernährung, die schmeckt, die beim Gesundwerden und -bleiben hil ...
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Apprendre, découvrir et explorer de nouveaux champs de connaissances, progresser ensemble, aborder et partager des sujets qui vous touchent directement, c’est le programme d'ESSENTIEL academy ! Retrouve Julie & Mag tous les mercredis à 20h pour une séance express de coaching !
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Faruk Furkan Yilmaz

In diesem inspirierenden Podcast erkunden wir die vielschichtigen Facetten der traditionellen Maskulinität und beleuchten den Weg zur Selbstständigkeit. Jede Episode bietet tiefgehende Einblicke in die Essenz der Maskulinität, von der persönlichen Entwicklung über berufliche Herausforderungen bis hin zu den gesellschaftlichen Erwartungen. Wir bieten wertvolle Ratschläge und motivierende Geschichten, die Männer dazu ermutigen, ihre eigene Definition von Erfolg zu finden und selbstbewusst ihre ...
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Podcast oficial del paraiso del house de la FM mezclado y seleccionado por Diego Castillo aka 4DELUXE. Cada fin de semana en tu dial favorito de radio y en nuestro podcast oficial en
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Die besten Tipps für ein gesundes Leben gibt es jeden Freitag zu hören. Im Gesundheitspodcast geht es um Ernährung, Sport und Wohlbefinden. Und damit auch um viele Volkskrankheiten – und wie wir ihnen vorbeugen können. In jeder Folge beantworten Doc Esser und Anne eure Fragen. Wenn ihr dabei sein wollt, schickt uns die Fragen per Mail an
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Vetiver Vibes with Essentria

Nikki Fraser & Rachael Dean

Vetiver Vibes is a podcast created to open the conversation around becoming a certified aromatherapist, creating a successful health business and your go to place for general tips and tricks in aromatherapy. Join us weekly where we teach people to be empowered in Aromatherapy and bring you the Essential Oil Scoop!
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Comunicare per essere®, la comunicazione valoriale che ti permette di manifestarti, di essere, di relazionarti, seguendo sempre i massimi valori che ispirano la tua vita. Un approccio dialogico, relazionale, generativo, applicato alla vita quotidiana, che accompagna e sostiene la tua evoluzione e la strada della massima espressione di te. Pensare bene per vivere bene. Agire bene per creare valore. Fare le scelte giuste, capire quali siano, impegnarti per raggiungerle. Come dare il meglio di ...
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Eerie Essex

Bethan Briggs-Miller and Ailsa Clarke

A podcast for those who want to join us on our journey into the stranger side of the county. We will be exploring the folklore, urban legends and supernatural encounters that form part of it's rich history.
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Nicole Siller ist Sexualberaterin, Beziehungscoach und Autorin. Du möchtest Dein Liebesleben wieder lustvoll genießen? So wie gutes Essen? Facettenreich, überraschend, schmackhaft, bewährt? Ich möchte Dich in diesem Podcast inspirieren und anregen, Deine Sexualität sowie generell Dein Leben, weil das ja alles irgendwie zusammenhängt, genussvoll und selbst zu gestalten. Damit Du es (wieder?) richtig auskosten kannst. Natürlich ist das für jeden Menschen individuell. Da gibt es kein Richtig od ...
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Essentially Translatable

Lutheran Bible Translators

Explore missional conversations from global leaders in the Bible translation community. Discover their stories and why they‘re passionate about putting God’s Word in the hands of people around the world.
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Essential Church exists to remove every non-essential barrier between people and God and move them towards a loving relationship with Jesus Christ that can be enjoyed for all eternity. For more information, visit
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Neste podcast, você vai ter a experiência de ouvir livros que adoramos ler, com histórias que amamos escutar. Vai ser melhor ainda se você estiver com o livro em mãos pra poder acompanhar esta aventura sonora. Pelo Instagram, o adulto que te acompanha nessa jornada pode se comunicar comigo, me mandar uma mensagem sua pedindo "Conta essa história pra mim?". ACESSE: APOIE O PODCAST:
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Cruise expert, YouTuber and author Gary Bembridge helps you discover, plan and enjoy unforgettable cruise vacations with his tips packed show. For more visit and and look for his books including "The Cruise Traveler's Handbook" and "Essential Cruise Tips".
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Kingdom Business Interviews With Essence Is Where I Interview People Who Are About God's Business And I Also Talk About The Issues Of The World Support this podcast:
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Partecipa alla lettura della Bibbia con il commento del pastore Egidio Annunziata. Vivi i preziosi momenti di lode e preghiera insieme agli altri membri della comunità Essere Un Cristiano. Incontro Live è il programma dal vivo del ministerio Essere Un Cristiano trasmesso dal vivo ogni domenica alle 10.30
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Welcome to the world's #1 essential oils podcast –– where each week, we demystify the world of aromatherapy and make essential oils your no-brainer approach to just about everything. Explore how to use essential oils for better health, toxin-free living, DIY projects, skincare, weight loss, emotional and spiritual health, and more.
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um podcast que une bom humor, uma piração por assuntos sérios, trejeitos cearenses e a paixão por falar de realitys shows, doctor who e muito mais. Como host temos Bruno que mora no interiorzin do estado, e tenta trazer reflexões ocasionais em episódios mais curtos, assim como episódios maiores com convidados e entrevistas. Support this podcast:
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Edufaith Essentials

Dr. Nakia Simmons Cotton

Edufaith Essentials is an educational podcast dedicated to providing essential tips and knowledge about diverse learners: students with disabilities, Section 504, ESOL, MTSS/Response to Interventions, teaching, leadership, and current information. Edufaith Essentials' mission is to bring awareness, tips, and information to impact and promote inclusion in education positively. Edufaith Essentials aims to Restore Faith in Education, One Student at a Time.
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Neben Sex gibt es nichts Intimeres als Essen. Lebensmittel sind nichts Beiläufiges. Schließlich isst und trinkt jede und jeder von uns unglaubliche 1,5 Tonnen im Jahr. Von der Herstellung über Auswirkungen auf Klima und Nachhaltigkeit bis hin zu unserer eigenen Gesundheit: Was bewegt uns aktuell und in Zukunft, wenn es um die zweitschönste Sache im Leben geht? Hannes Royer und Maria Fanninger, das Gründungs-Duo von Land schafft Leben, unterhalten sich jede Woche mit spannenden Persönlichkeit ...
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Join AOT2 and Ugochi on their wild journey as they discuss everything Pop culture, music, movies and more. 234 Essential focuses on Nigerian pop culture but goes beyond trending topics on social media. It looks at the bigger picture and provides accurate historical and societal context to what is trending online. 234 Essential Podcast is another podcast original from Global Village. For fan mail: For ads: 234 Essential on Twitter 234 Essenti ...
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La Vostra Essenza Audio Experience

La Vostra Essenza Profumeria Inc.

Welcome to La Vostra Essenza Audio Experience Podcast, design to explore the powerful connection between fragrances and olfactory senses. Unlocking your ability to understand deeper into Fragrance, Perfumery, Self-love, Dating Secrets & living a higher self in each episode all within 5 minutes. Join our new host for 2024, Sasha, as she delve deeper to discover into your abundance mindset and self mastery. Once you discover and you truly understand why it's so important, you'll be unstoppable ...
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The Essential Reads podcast is a collection of classic audiobooks from your favourite authors such as Orson wells, Robert Lewis Stevenson, John Steinbeck, and many more, narrated by Isaac Birchall. Join Isaac on his journey to help get these books to the masses in an easy accessible way.Support the show and Join the Book Club
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Featuring extended interviews with some of the biggest names in football and in-depth analysis of the latest talking points with Sky Sports' football journalists, dive deeper with the Essential Football podcast. For Euro 2024, we're bringing you podcasts before and after England and Scotland's fixtures, featuring the best analysis with our Sky Sports pundits and all the news from our reporters in Germany. Follow or subscribe today and make sure you don’t miss an episode.
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Get the essential astrology download for your week! Your host, Veronica Perretti, delivers the forecast with humor and clarity so that even the newest astro-phile can follow along. Discover how current events are impacted by the movement of the planets. Find out what's happening up there in the heavens so you can dictate your fate down here on Earth.
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show series
O governo boliviano anunciou nesta quinta-feira (27) a prisão de 17 pessoas, entre elas militares ativos e reformados, além de civis. Os detidos são suspeitos de terem ligação com a tentativa fracassada de golpe de Estado que ocorreu no dia anterior. O Durma com Essa conta os acontecimentos que culminaram no episódio e explica o histórico recente d…
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Cosa vuol dire avere consapevolezza? Molte cose: più di ogni altra, vuol dire diventare padrone della tua vita. La consapevolezza vera è molto coraggiosa, e proprio perché è coraggiosa, ti rende forte. E così, poiché sei forte, affronti le prove della vita con determinazione nuova. E dato che sei consapevole, non ti fai abbattere dalle difficoltà, …
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Influencer preisen uns auf Instagram und Co. etliche Produkte als angebliche Wundermittel für eine besonders schöne, junge und straffe Haut an. Doch entfernen Anti Aging Cremes wirklich Falten? Was bringen Behandlungen wie Microneedling? Wie wichtig sind Kollagen und Hyaluron für eine schöne Haut? Das besprechen Doc Esser und Anne in dieser Folge. …
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Nicht für die Schule lernen wir, sondern fürs Leben – aber was lernen wir in der Schule über unser Essen? Marius Hladik und Lorenz Baumgartner stellen im Gespräch mit Maria Fanninger fest: Nicht unbedingt das, was wir für ein gutes, gesundes Leben brauchen. Dabei geht es den beiden Bundesschülervertretern (BSV) nicht nur um Lerninhalte zum Essen: „…
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In dieser Folge lernst du, wie wichtig es ist, sich auf dein Gegenüber einzustellen, um deine Ziele zu erreichen. Erfahre, wie du durch empathische Kommunikation und aktives Zuhören effektivere Beziehungen aufbaust und erfolgreicher verhandelst. Entdecke Techniken, um die Bedürfnisse und Perspektiven anderer besser zu verstehen und somit gemeinsam …
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Diese Folge ist eine Ergänzung zur letzten Folge. Ich spreche über meine Arbeitsmethode im Falle von körperlichen Grenzverletzungen und darüber, ob es ok ist, so eine Tat loszulassen. Ein Kernthema ist dabei die Arbeit mit der unterdrückten Wut. Wie wir da dran kommen und sie dann loslassen erfährst du, wenn du jetzt auf Play drückst. AKTUELL: DAS …
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In this episode, Eckhart describes the subtleties of what happens when we become present. He says the mind slows down, thinking recedes, awareness rushes in and our preoccupation with the past and future fades. He explains that some people are so obsessed by their history, it consumes their current life. Eckhart says the mind is a wonderful instrum…
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O Supremo definiu nesta quarta-feira (26) que pessoas pegas com até 40 gramas de maconha ou seis plantas fêmeas da erva são usuárias, não traficantes. Com a descriminalização do porte do entorpecente para uso pessoal ocorrida na véspera, essas pessoas não vão mais responder a um processo criminal, e sim a um ilícito administrativo. O Durma com Essa…
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► Iscriviti al canale YouTube esse: presenta: Glocky rappa su un type beat di Nardo Wick (prod. Flatpearl, Wisik, Nate B, Kicooedit)Una produzione esse Segui #esseMagazine su Instagram:
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Welcome to the SoulGlitter Mix, celebrating the best of house, soulfulhouse, chillhouse and jazzhouse music! Let the Soul of the Music fill you with Glitters of Joy! This episode features amazing creations by Justin Kayser, Corrado Alunni, Dj Fudge, Steal Vybes and many more. Please support the artists! Always • Justin Kayser ft Richard Earnshaw Bl…
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Send me a message. What do you think about the book/pod Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen chapter 23, narrated by Isaac Birchall Subscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :D SUMMARY: Sir William Lu…
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Voltamos com mais um episódio do Escuta Essa, podcast semanal em que Denis e Danilo trocam histórias de cair o queixo e de explodir os miolos. Todas as quartas-feiras, no seu agregador de podcasts favorito, é a vez de um contar um causo para o outro. Neste episódio Danilo fala sobre a história do LSD, sua ascensão e queda, e como ele virou arma pol…
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Former England defenders Gary Neville and Michael Dawson deliver their verdict on England's 0-0 draw with Slovenia. We also hear from Gareth Southgate and our man with the England camp, Rob Dorsett. Plus, as music and football collide this weekend with Glastonbury also on the calendar, we look ahead with England fans and Indie band Sea Girls.…
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With ships sailing full, and all the major cruise lines saying that on average they're sailing at 104% capacity, the techniques that I used to use and spoke about in the past, even as recently as this video from two years ago, to get cruise cabin upgrades no longer work. But after some rethinking, I’ve successfully cracked how to still get upgrades…
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AOT2 and Ugochi discuss Davido and Chioma's wedding, Shoprite closing in Abuja, the flood in Lagos and other news that made the rounds this week. OUTLINE 00:00 - Introduction 09:05 - Fan mail 21:22 - Catch up 46:04 - The celebrity wedding of the year 01:19:30 - Tweet of the week 01:29:37 - Shoprite closes Abuja branch 01:34:40 -Release Therapy 01:4…
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Julian Assange passa nesta terça-feira (25) por audiência nas Ilhas Marianas do Norte, um arquipélago no Oceano Pacífico onde funciona um tribunal americano. O criador do site Wikileaks fez um acordo com os EUA para se declarar culpado por conspiração por causa da obtenção e divulgação de informações sigilosas de segurança nacional do país. Em cont…
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In dieser Folge erfährst du, wie die richtigen Worte deine Emotionen und die deiner Mitmenschen positiv beeinflussen können. Lerne, wie du durch bewusste Kommunikation stärkere Beziehungen aufbaust, Konflikte vermeidest und deine Ziele effektiver erreichst. Entdecke die Kraft der Sprache und wie sie deinen beruflichen und persönlichen Erfolg förder…
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Ich bin von unserem Workshop auf Kreta zurück und erzähle von einem Thema, das uns dort – aber auch im Einzelcoaching sehr oft – begegnet ist. Es spielt bei Emotionalem Essen und Übergewicht eine große Rolle und hält dich möglicherweise dauerhaft davon ab, nach einer Gewichtsabnahme schlank zu bleiben. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * …
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Not giving a fuck - das ist der Titel des Buches der Kulturwissenschafterin Beate Absalon. Wir unterhalten uns über Erwartungen, Möglichkeiten, über wertvolle Knackse beim Funktionieren und vor allem über lustlosen Sex und sexlose Lust - wie kann es gelingen, (wieder) zu lebendiger Intimität zu finden? Hier geht's zu weiteren aktuellen Angeboten un…
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What You Will Learn: In this episode, I share how essential oils can support thyroid health. First, I provide a brief overview of the thyroid and why it is so vital for health. I also highlight how to determine if this endocrine gland is imbalanced. Finally, I focus on the main part of the show: essential oils and how they influence thyroid functio…
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In dieser Episode erfährst du, wie dein Unterbewusstsein deinen Erfolg beeinflussen kann – sowohl positiv als auch negativ. Entdecke die verborgenen Glaubenssätze und Denkmuster, die dich möglicherweise zurückhalten, und lerne Strategien kennen, um diese Blockaden zu überwinden. Erfahre, wie du dein Unterbewusstsein auf Erfolg programmierst und so …
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Brasília começa a semana esvaziada nesta segunda-feira (24), Dia de São João. Parlamentares terão um recesso extraoficial para visitar suas bases durante festividades juninas, sem precisar estar presencialmente em sessões no Congresso. Além disso, entre quarta (26) e sexta (28), políticos e magistrados participam do Fórum Jurídico de Lisboa, organi…
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We know that many Esse Health employees are living our “We want you well” motto by making healthy choices and being more active. The same goes for members of the Esse Health leadership team. In this episode, get to know Esse Health’s President, Jim Snider. From working in exercise goals incrementally throughout the day, to how he stays balanced des…
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Voltamos com mais um episódio do Escuta Essa Olímpico! Todas as segundas-feiras, no seu agregador de podcasts favorito, é a vez de contarmos um para o outro histórias surpreendentes sobre as Olimpíadas. Neste episódio falamos sobre dois competidores que resolveram dividir uma medalha cortando ela na metade! Não deixe de enviar o Escuta Essa Olímpic…
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Edición #1243 del paraíso del house de la FM mezclado y presentado por Diego Castillo aka 4DELUXE con novedades de Gian Varela, Green Velvet & Marco Lys, Ivana Spagna & Paul Jockey bajo el remix de The Cube Guys, Jason Walker bajo el remix de Glen Friscia & Georgie Porgie, Kyle Watson, Lenny Fontana, Lexa Hill x Duane Harden & Leon Stanford, Madonn…
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Forse sarà passato del tempo, da quando hai scritto a mano. Poco, tantissimo. Forse, non ci hai mai pensato, che scrivere a mano possa aiutarti a vivere meglio. Forse, se appartieni ad una delle generazioni che ha imparato a scrivere con carta e penna, prima di digitare hai potuto dare forza ai tuoi pensieri, voce alle tue emozioni, nuovo sprint al…
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In dieser Episode tauchen wir tief in die Macht deiner persönlichen Wahrnehmung ein und wie sie deinen unternehmerischen Erfolg beeinflusst. Erfahre, wie du durch gezielte Veränderungen deiner Sichtweise Herausforderungen in Chancen verwandeln kannst. Lerne praktische Techniken, um eine positive Denkweise zu entwickeln, die dir hilft, Hindernisse z…
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Send me a message. What do you think about the book/pod Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen chapter 22, narrated by Isaac Birchall Subscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :D SUMMARY: The Bennets go…
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Neste episódio, você vai ouvir a história de um príncipe que precisava se casar, mas beleza e riqueza não eram importantes para ele. Uma moça esperta e inteligente era o que o atraía. Eis então que uma festa é motivo para chamar as moças de todas as partes (como em um bom conto tradicional) para contar uma história inventada do começo ao fim para o…
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