V for Valentine is de anti-politieke podcast over politiek, mens en samenleving met Robert Valentine en Boris van de Ven. Het laatste bastion voor de vrijheid waar we vechten tegen een maatschappij onder een totalitaire staat, waarbij geen individuele vrijheid of persoonlijke levenssfeer wordt toegestaan. Waar we elke aflevering het falen van het politieke en economische systeem blootleggen en oplossingen bespreken tot het komen van een vrije en menselijke maatschappij. De verzetsradio in ti ...
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We defend the “patriotic many” and expose the “antics” of the few. Our world is envious and sees that our Nation has been threatened by these few. We can transition to newer, smarter, and better ways, but cannot regress into Socialism and Marxism. Hostile social and political behavior attempts to destroy our lives and lifestyle. GrassRoots TruthCast supports freedom, liberty, and the actions necessary to protect this longest-lasting Constitutional Republic. Find your place in our circle each ...
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Never miss a moment with Valentine, Jill and Jon! Check out the whole Valentine In The Morning show on demand each day here or listen live Monday-Friday from 5-10am on 104.3 MYfm or on the iHeart Radio app!
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Me llamo Valentín López y en el 2010 estaba perdido en un ambiente familiar tóxico que detestaba…, solo y sin dinero, lleno de malos hábitos y conversaciones limitantes, timidez y con muchas inseguridades… 14 años después, gracias al Desarrollo Personal y al Coaching… me he vuelto letal y ofensivo. Ahora te ayudo a elevarte a tu máximo nivel, tanto en los negocios como en la vida transformando tu mentalidad, hábitos y disciplina a través del Coaching Holístico… Puedes seguir mi proceso diari ...
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Ciao, è bello che tu sia qui! Il mio nome è Giusi Valentini, e sono qui per metterti a disposizione idee, risorse e strumenti per farti riscoprire i tuoi talenti e raggiungere chiarezza su quello che vuoi. Sono Life, Career & Mindfulness coach, insegnante di yoga e terapista del respiro. La mia MISSIONE è sostenere le donne nel loro viaggio verso loro stesse. Happy Daily è il mio podcast gratuito tramite il quale metto a disposizione meditazioni guidate, esercizi di coaching e impulsi, che t ...
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Mama Wellness Weekly is the podcast for all things mind, body, soul alignment through all the phases of motherhood, from preconception through menopause. Here you will get insights, inspiration, tip and tricks from me and hear empowering conversations with guests equally passionate about holistic women's health. I'm Hilary Valentine, holistic women's health coach, pelvic floor occupational therapist and mom of 2. Since I can remember I have loved learning about health and how to optimize our ...
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Welcome to the Valentina podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to Valentine, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@pawel_czerwinski
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What valentines chocolates do to you’re body
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Welcome to Max Valentine, where amazing things happen.
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1.3.2 Virtual School assignment
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Why some of us are unlucky Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@rawpixel
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Welcome to Valentina Baker, where amazing things happen.
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The life and times of Esse Ekunwe
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Welcome to Christopher Valentine, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to the Sas Valentin podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Hablando de tecnología y otras cosas en muy poco tiempo...
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Jean-Pierre Valentini est né en Corse dans la ville de Corte le 5 février 1964. Il fut scolarisé tout comme la plupart des enfants. Assidu et consciencieux, Jean-Pierre fait partie des meilleurs élèves de sa promotion et constitue un modèle pour ses camarades. Il s’oriente vers le monde des affaires et obtient un MBA (Master of Business Administration).
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Real talk with valentine is about everything and anything ,provides a safe place for expression and real life talks , health&life,fun;games trivia &QnA ,friends,empowerment, breakthroughs, TV shows etv
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Welcome to VHS Broadcasting, where amazing things happen.
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Podcast by Xia Valentine
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Welcome to the Valentin Radu podcast, where amazing things happen.
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¡Bienvenido al podcast de Valentina, Azucena, Erika & Omar, donde suceden cosas sorprendentes! Cover art photo provided by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@samuelzeller
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Wake me up in the morning
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We shared out worst Valentine's Day experience.
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Love makes you feel great,got love? Try love.. you'll find the right folks to love you back.
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Welcome to the Atlantis podcast, where amazing things happen.
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1-Minute Motivation is a podcast series by Mindset & High-Performance Executive Coach Valentina Kordi giving an instant motivation boost to remove common mindset obstacles that sabotage your success.
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Valentin Da Silva
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Hablamos del amor Cover art photo provided by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@sharonmccutcheon
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POLI 136 - Religion and Politics - LE [A00] [Screencast] - Prof. Magagna, Victor Valentine [WI16]
Magagna, Victor Valentine
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In this podcast you will be educated about all the life changing experience.
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El amor que Valentín sentía en secreto por su alumna permitió que ella recuperara la vista gracias a este milagro la iglesia conmemora el día de la ejecución de Valentin asociado al del amor o los enamorados
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Why have Valentine's day restricted to romantic love alone. Lets explore how one can look at the 'day of love' through the eyes of other relationships too. This is my first podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback :)
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Podcast to you Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@anniespratt
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“Il Gusto con Candy Valentino” è uno spazio dedicato all’enogastronomia italiana, una delle eccellenze italiane nel mondo. Attraverso racconti, approfondimenti e interviste, scoprirete la storia di alcuni tra i più noti cibi e prodotti alimentari, la loro lavorazione, le ricette e tanti luoghi da esplorare nel nostro Paese… per vivere momenti di gusto. candyvalentino@mail.com www.webradio.senzabarcode.it
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Raus aus dem Musäum, rein in die Welt! Der Pflicht-Podcast für alle Karl-Valentin-Fans und Liesl-Karlstadt-Liebhaber*innen und solche, die es werden wollen! Die Komiker-Legenden Karl Valentin und Liesl Karlstadt beherrschten die Kunst des „Daherredens“ aus dem Stegreif – und begeisterten damit nicht nur München. Aus demselben Geist der Improvisation unterhält sich Christoph Leibold mit kundigen Gäste-Duos aus Kabarett & Kultur, um für die Kunst des Komiker-Paars zu begeistern. Inklusiver jed ...
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Valentin D'Amico deejay passionné depuis tout petit par la House/Electro, né le 10 novembre 1995 et mix a sa première soirée aux Planches de Paris a ses 13 ans et a maintenant 15 il sort son premier épisode de ses podcast " House F***in' Good " ou les autres arriveront s'il y a bonne image et bon commentaire. Merci a tous et bonne écoute ! <3
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Parliamo di viaggi e non solo Il mio lavoro di Agente di Viaggio per 18 anni mi ha messo a contatto con diverse realtà turistiche del mercato italiano, sviluppando un bagaglio professionale variegato . Scegliendo di diventare Consulente di Viaggio ho deciso di metterlo a disposizione dei miei clienti per farli ritornare al centro della consulenza e dare la possibilità di viaggiare in modo da seguire i loro 5 sensi cioè creare una Travel Experience sia che scelgono un viaggio su misura o un c ...
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"The People's Choice" John Everyman & "Sheriff" Gary Stephens recap what has been happening in BECW prior to there big events once per month. This ranges from backstage interviews with BECW Wrestlers and staff, to recapping our weekly internet show, Visiting Time At The Asylum right through to hashing out the card for our big events. Everything you need to know about BECW in one place
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Valentine in The Morning give you Hollywood Headlines. Jill has all the latest celebrity stories you need to start your day! Don't miss the Hollywood Headlines, listen to them all on our podcast or live at 5:50, 6:50, 7:50 and 8:50 every morning on 104.3 MYfm! Listen live to The Valentine In The Morning Show on MYFm 6a-10a.
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Conversations, concepts and insights from people who have dared to go after their dreams, who share their gifts with the world, and who have created the life that they want. This podcast aims to free you from whatever is holding you back, spark transformation and give you the courage, inspiration, permission and tools to live your best, most inspired and fulfilled life, so you can make the biggest positive impact in the world. Hosted by Elisabeth Valentine, Danish born London based voiceover ...
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Es un programa de entretenimiento saludable familiar. Descubre declamaciones poéticas, relatos de cuentos infantiles y consejos educativos. Disfruta aprendiendo y creando recuerdos inolvidables en familia 👪 Cada episodio es una experiencia única que despierta la imaginación y siembra valores positivos. Únete a nuestro podcast mágico donde los cuentos infantiles cobran vida, la poesía enamora y los consejos educativos inspiran. ___ Soy Valentina Zoe y me alegra que dediques tiempo para compar ...
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💿Entra a mi biblioteca de entrenamiento: https://www.audible.es/search?searchNarrator=Valentin+Lopez 🎥Accede al grupo de YouTube para estudiar las masterclass ordenadas: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KNDcckv1v2T9ULYXPUgLSg ⚔️Para trabajar 1 a 1 conmigo: https://wa.me/message/PCBCRR5XS2J3B1 🏋️Te doy el ejemplo a través de mi proceso diario en: https://w…
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In this BONUS episode, I introduce my "Rise to Thrive Power Sessions" Get all the details about Rise to Thrive Power Sessions including... -Who they are for -How it will help you -What you get -And most importantly what quick win your going to walk away with! Ready to book your Rise to Thrive Power Session? CLICK HERE Sign Up before 12/2/2024 and S…
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Rispondo alle tue domande - cambiamento, mente, donne, controllo
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Eccoci con un nuovo episodio in cui rispondo alle domande che mi sono arrivate dalla community. Oggi parliamo di tanti argomenti diversi, nello specifico di cambiamento, della nostra, mente, delle donne e del controllo. Queste le domande alle quali risponderò durante il podcast: 💫 Sto mettendo in discussione tante cose. Cosa fare per dare la giusta…
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Newsmax's Bianca de la Garza with Gene - Rhetoric from Harris ~ Substance from Trump
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Let's take a look back at Gene discussing the tactics being used for the election on Newsmax October 29. The Democrats are becoming Republicans because they are embarrassed with the absence of concern over REAL ISSUES. Kamala Harris ignores the 325,000 children who have been 'trafficked' into slavery and sex. We are watching a 'Tsunami' of support …
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High School Regrets And Awkward Marriage Proposals
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: Regrets from our high school years, we all have them; the one that got away, the thing you said to your best friend, the fight that derailed your educational future. We take a step into the past to hear what you regret from your days in high school. Later we hear what you would've changed about your marriage propo…
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De seniele Biden geeft op zijn weg naar buiten nog een zetje voor het beginnen van de Derde Wereldoorlog. Vanaf nu mag de lapzwans Zelensky de ATACMS gebruiken op Russisch grondgebied en doet dat ook meteen. Onder luid gejuich van de nieuwe secretaris generaal van de NAVO Rutte is er een munitie depot getroffen. Poetin heeft hun nucleaire doctrine …
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The race is over. While Trump is substantially ahead in the 7 swing states, there is more significance coming to us in the message from Vladimir Putin. He says he now seeks peace with Ukraine. Really! No small coincidence Putin's announcement for peace is within two weeks. showing Trump is likely our next President. It's too late for Kamala to "clo…
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: We check in with our listeners about the worst places they've traveled to for vacation. You'd be surprised how awful some of the most iconic travel destinations can be! Later we hit the gym with some folks who've been trying to get back at their ex's by getting ripped and shredded. Listen live every weekday from 5…
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Radicalmente, operas a la frecuencia que vibra en el universo. No hay forma de engañarte, porque dentro de ti, en lo más profundo, sabes la verdad. Conozco a personas que siempre buscan excusas para justificar su falta de éxito o el éxito de otros. Y eso está bien, porque cada uno está en su propio proceso. Pero cuanto más grande es el juego que ju…
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Radicalmente, operas a la frecuencia que vibra en el universo. No hay forma de engañarte, porque dentro de ti, en lo más profundo, sabes la verdad. Conozco a personas que siempre buscan excusas para justificar su falta de éxito o el éxito de otros. Y eso está bien, porque cada uno está en su propio proceso. Pero cuanto más grande es el juego que ju…
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Please support the podcast by dropping a review! In this episode, I interview Haunani Ramil to delve into the transformative practice of cycle syncing, particularly for mothers. We discussed the importance of understanding one's body and its natural rhythms, the benefits of aligning lifestyle choices with the menstrual cycle, and how to navigate th…
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Surrounded By Dummies And Pets In Comouche's Courtroom
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: We turn to our listeners for som esilly stories about themselves or others who have said or done something so ridiculous that they've never forgotten it. Later on in today's edition of Comouche's Court, we get the scoop on some veterinarian bills that are causing some static. Listen live every weekday from 5-10am …
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Romanticized Concepts And Profession Confessions
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: When you're about to move in with someone for the first time, you can get stuck in the clouds about how amazing, cute, and romantic it will be. For the most part, those clouds get cleared quickly as reality sinks, and we ask our listeners what kinds of things they day dreamt about to have them only become a nightm…
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🎖️Accede a la Escuela de Consciencia, un espacio gratuito donde te comparto mis hábitos, mentalidad y disciplina: 🔗El link lo tienes en mi perfil. Que recibirás en la EC? Comparto a través de mis experiencias: Hábitos, Mentalidad y Disciplina… y otros conceptos relacionados con la espiritualidad, el ego, la sanación de conflictos emocionales, presi…
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Oggi voglio parlarti di quello che ho imparato in 49 anni di vita. Non ti aspettare un discorso patetico o zuccheroso, perché la vita non è mai stata tenera con me, e io non sono qui per fare sconti. Sono qui per raccontarti la verità, quella dura, che spesso nessuno vuole sentire. Quindi, preparati, perché ti parlo da donna a donna. E so che tu, c…
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1093: Cómo callar los demonios de tu mente | Mi rutina diaria
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🎖️Accede a la Escuela de Consciencia, un espacio gratuito donde te comparto mis hábitos, mentalidad y disciplina: 🔗El link lo tienes en mi perfil. Que recibirás en la EC? Comparto a través de mis experiencias: Hábitos, Mentalidad y Disciplina… y otros conceptos relacionados con la espiritualidad, el ego, la sanación de conflictos emocionales, presi…
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1092: Las 3 palabras que debes decirte cada día para prosperar
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🎖️Accede a la Escuela de Consciencia, un espacio gratuito donde te comparto mis hábitos, mentalidad y disciplina: 🔗El link lo tienes en mi perfil. Que recibirás en la EC? Comparto a través de mis experiencias: Hábitos, Mentalidad y Disciplina… y otros conceptos relacionados con la espiritualidad, el ego, la sanación de conflictos emocionales, presi…
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: It's the ultimate showdown you have all been waiting for... The boys go head to head with Jill's husband Jeff to see who really knows her the best... Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: https://www.iheart.com/live/1043-myfm-173/ Website: 1043myfm.com/valentine Instagram: @ValentineInTheMorning Facebook:…
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Gene was Right Again! Looking back at an interview Gene did on October 23. After Trump's former Chief of Staff, John Kelly, expressed disdain for Trump's management style from 4 years ago, it was clear the "11th-hour Democrats" are rolling out everything they can find to attack trump. IT'S NOT WORKING. Other national figures; Elon Musk now on board…
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: We reach out to our listeners who are in defense of dating at work and who have had great success with it. Later we hear your stories on when you snapped and did something out of character because you were so angry. Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: https://www.iheart.com/live/1043-myfm-173/ Website: …
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De oorlog in Gaza heeft deze week een afdeling geopend in Amsterdam. Hooligans van de Israëlische voetbalclub Maccabi Haifa trokken door de stad waarna er op verschillende social media werd opgeroepen tot een Jodenjacht. De polarisatie slaat weer door en de Tweede Kamer moet weer belangrijk doen en er dagen over debatteren. Word bazige baas 🔥 Steun…
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Government Gloat! Massive Accumulation of Debt Crashes the Nation, Or Not?
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With Harvard holding $50-billion in their endowments and hedge funds, and with Harvard silencing free speech, we see a reckless indoctrination from education steering the development of our children. Harvard is not alone. We see that all of this started in 1913. The federal reserve system is outdated. Trust in the core principles of 'value exchange…
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: The crew wants to know what records you think they could break that would get them recorded into the Guiness World Records. And we hear some wild stories from parents who have partied with their kids on their college campus. Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: https://www.iheart.com/live/1043-myfm-173/ …
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In this episode, I reflects on my 17 years spent in Hawaii, sharing insights and lessons learned from my experiences. I go into the origin story behind my decision to move to Hawaii, the cherished memories created I created there, and the unique aspects of life on the islands that I intend to carry with me. The are 6 elements I love about life in H…
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Singing Names And Bathroom Drama in Comouche's Court
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: There are some folks out there that have a name that others can't help but associate with a certain song. And a couple brings their troubles from the bathroom into a new session of Comouche's Court. Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: https://www.iheart.com/live/1043-myfm-173/ Website: 1043myfm.com/vale…
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The Best Age To Start Dating And Suddenly Becoming A Stalker
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: We ask our parental listeners what age they think is best for their children to start dating. And it seems inevitable, that once you share your life closely with others, an inherent sence of surveilance seems absolutely necessary. So we ask the tough question, have we become stalkers of our loved ones? Listen live…
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Rispondo alle tue domande - amore finito e cambio lavoro
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Come faccio a capire se sono ancora innamorata del mio compagno o se l’amore è sfiorito? Ho 50 anni: come trovo la forza e il coraggio di iniziare un progetto lavorativo a lunga scadenza? Non riesco a capire se ho paura oppure non voglio cambiare. Come faccio chiarezza? Torna il format più amato di Happy Daily Podcast, quello in cui rispondo alle v…
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Bianca De La Garza's Book "INCOMING" Addresses The Corrupt Legacy Media
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10-time Emmy-nominee and lead NEWSMAX anchor, Bianca de la Garza, describes the infection and rot in 'legacy media' which hates Donald Trump with such a passion. Today's media KNOWS that the claims against Donald Trump were lies. They now see how bad their initial decisions were. The 'bad actors' are not only within the media but within government …
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Knott's Holiday Party Announcement And The Moment He Knew
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: We're finally getting ready to throw the best holiday party in all of Southern California at Knott's Merry Farm! Be sure to listen to MYfm for your chance to join the fun! Also, we flip things up from yesterday's show by asking our male listeners the moment they knew they wanted to make their partners their spouse…
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: There is a surprising amount of those who sleepwalk, and for those that do we wanted to hear about some of their more interesting happenings while going for a stroll in dreamland. Later on we ask a few married women about when they were dating their husbands, what was the exact moment they thought "I'm going to ma…
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Het is een feit: Donald Trump wordt overtuigend de 47ste president van Amerika. Op verkiezingsdag versloeg Trump Harris in de belangrijkste battlegrounds (misschien ook niet zo moeilijk met 20 miljoen "verdwenen" stemmers). De nieuwe regering Trump krijgt bekende namen als Elon Musk, Robert F. Kennedy Junior en zelf Ron Paul. De wraak op de neocons…
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Mandy's Book "Y'all Fired" Describes Needed Reforms to Quash Deep State
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Mandy was EPA Chief of Staff, working in both the Senate and related international environmental work. She became the architect and point person on the Paris Accord withdrawal that President Trump announced in the summer of 2017. She reflects upon the "Obama Climate Cabal", which is when Obama sold out America, the U.S. economy and workers, giving …
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: We're getting the scoop on the controversies revolving the latest craze of "Instagram Parties". And we get the juice on beefs you may have had with a friend in the past. Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: https://www.iheart.com/live/1043-myfm-173/ Website: 1043myfm.com/valentine Instagram: @ValentineIn…
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Pelvic Health Essentials 2.0- Check it out today!! @iamhilaryvalentine and on Telegram In this 20th episode, I interview Martina Harms, a functional medicine health consultant. She shares her journey into functional medicine, the common energy zappers for moms, the role of caffeine, practical tips for sustaining energy, and a deeper exploration of …
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Barista Confessions And Comouche's Court In Session
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: Baristas from your favorite coffee spots break down their pet peeves with certain customer behaviors. And we have a heavy case yet again in Comouche's Court. Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: https://www.iheart.com/live/1043-myfm-173/ Website: 1043myfm.com/valentine Instagram: @ValentineInTheMorning F…
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: We always want to be helpful and lend out things to our friends, family and neighbors, but chances are you're never going to get those things back. What things did you lend out and have yet to return? Also we want to know if you've ever been asked out on a date in an elaborate or unique way. Listen live every week…
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Cosa significa davvero perdonare? E perché, nonostante la difficoltà, alla fine ti conviene? Immagino che ciascuna di noi abbia, in un momento della sua vita, dovuto affrontare il perdono: perdonare un’amica, un partner, un familiare, ma a volte anche noi stesse. Oggi voglio condividere una storia personale su come ho scoperto cosa significhi veram…
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: The entire city of Los Angeles is sharing in Happy News as we welcome back our Dodgers for the World Series Parade! Let's Go Dodgers! Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: https://www.iheart.com/live/1043-myfm-173/ Website: 1043myfm.com/valentine Instagram: @ValentineInTheMorning Facebook: https://www.fac…
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Exposing the Deep State's Futile Attempt to Prop-Up Kamala
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Join the analysis of the Trump / Harris campaigns. Former National Press Secretary of the Trump Campaign and Deputy National Press Secretary of the Trump White House, and Gene Valentino, review Trump's Atlanta campaign rally. Good signs pending on the Trump Campaign, with turnout being key to the Trump's surge and level of success in Georgia. Expos…
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Terwijl Robert zijn beste standaard Youtube bek op zet, trekt een groot deel van de Amerikanen wit weg bij het idee van een volgende termijn met Trump als president. Hitler was niks vergeleken met de nieuwe en verbeterde Mega Hitler 3000!!!, a.k.a. Donald Trump. De campagne van Harris/de Amerikaanse Deep State lijkt voor te sorteren op een coup als…
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Happy Halloween and Congratulations To Our Dodgers!
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: Happy Halloween from everyone at Valentine In The Morning! We celebrate with helping our younger listeners practice their "Trick Or Treat" game. We also celebrate the Los Angeles Dodgers winning the 2024 World Series! Let's Go Dodgers! Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: https://www.iheart.com/live/1043…
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So Simple Yet So Hard And Move-In Advice For Jon
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: What's something that should be so simple but just proves to be too difficult for you to accomplish? Also our listeners chime in with some handy advice for Jon as his girlfriend, Olivia, prepares to finally move in with him. Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: https://www.iheart.com/live/1043-myfm-173/ …
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Pelvic Health 2.0 is HERE and it's FREE (for a limited time)! Jump into the Telegram Group HERE and follow @iamhilaryvalentine for all the details! This week we are going spooky scary in honor of Halloween with my top 5 pelvic floor concerns that is see in my pelvic floor therapy practice. Within this episode I share the scary and give you quick ti…
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Rudy Exposes Biden Crime Family ~ The Persecution of Many ~ America's Threat From Within!
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Rudy Giuliani's book, "The Biden Crime Family," outlines potential prosecution strategies for the Biden family, focusing on alleged corruption, racketeering, bribery, tax evasion, and money laundering. Giuliani, known for using the RICO statute against political corruption, emphasizes Joe Biden's role in Ukraine during the Obama administration and …
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Locking Eyes With Rock Stars And A Superstitious Case In Court
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Today on Valentine in the Morning: We all want that special moment when we go see our favorite artists in concert, where you lock eyes with them on stage while they perform their classics. We open the phone lines to hear about your experiences of exactly that. And baseball season superstitions have got a couple in some hot water for another edition…
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Scary Good Dancers In NOLA and Spooky Ghost Stories
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Good morning! On today's show, Val and the gang talk about Jill's trip to New Orleans for Taylor Swift's Eras Tour where she met some unexpected fellow passengers. Val share about big lessons learned from his parents and listeners share their scary ghost stories! YIKES! Tune in now and catch up with Valentine in the Morning. Listen live every weekd…
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Oggi ci addentriamo in un tema delicato e profondo: come perdonare chi ci ha ferito. Perdonare è una parola che spesso ci provoca un senso di pesantezza, di dolore. È facile dire "perdona", ma la realtà è che quando siamo state ferite, il perdono sembra un’impresa impossibile. Perché dovremmo perdonare chi ci ha fatto del male? E soprattutto, come …
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Newsmax's Bianca De La Garza questions polls with Gene Valentino & Graziella Pastor
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Walz is 'booed' at a Michigan game. Trump is applauded at an Alabama game. Why are the polls such horse races? I'm concerned about the data and who the pollsters are polling. The public sees that the Trump 'win' is not as close as the polls suggest. We'll see! A "Tsunami' of support seems to be flowing Trump's way, while "Dark State" money flows 10…
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Deze aflevering duiken we dieper in de linkse elitaire bubbel die met veel minachting neerkijkt op alles wat zich niet conformeert aan de woke linkse nonsens van deze tijd. Van Eva Jinek en Sander Schimmelpennick tot de mevrouwen Sacha Schneiders-Spoor van de wereld. Alles is dom rechts, ondernemers zijn vies en de rest is wereldvreemd. De schatten…
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Tom Homan "Biden & Harris Are Intentionally Violating the Law"
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Kamala Harris calls Donald Trump "unstable and unhinged". In fact it is Kamala Harris and the Biden Administration that has proven to be unstable and unhinged. Tom Homan, Former Acting Director of ICE lays out the priorities of a response the very day Donald Trump returns to office. Homan speaks to a strategy that is in place to seal the border (ag…
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