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"When someone does you a big favor, don't pay it back. Pay it forward" | Trevor McKinney. What if we could change the world, by paying forward our unique wisdom to our fellow INFJs? 1/ We are the KINTSUGI warriors of our time 2/ A nice piece of REFRAMING catered to INFJs 3/ How do we mend ourselves and move on? 4/ The one Halloween night... 5/ If y…
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"Emotional addiction is the biggest cause of affliction" | Garima Goel What kind of addict are you? Or perhaps, you're the one someone is addicted to? Either way, INFJs are prone to addictions. But what kind of addictions are we talking about, exactly? 1/ INFJ... I want what you have access to! 2/ I'm not just the GATEKEEPER of the universe 3/ One …
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"I don't have a Bucket List, but my Fucket List is a mile long" | Anonymous Everybody seems to have a Bucket List these days! Do we also have one as INFJs? But more to the point, should we? 1/ What kind of INFJ are you: a Bucket List or a Fucket List kind of guy? 2/ Do we really know what we want (or need) as INFJs? 3/ Expect nothing from the world…
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"If you want to find your purpose in life, find your wound" | Rick Warren What can be more elusive and mysterious than the INFJ purpose? And more absurd than to try to find it, as if it was lost to start with? That's why I thought it was about time I devoted a special INFJ Journey podcast episode to this essential topic for INFJs. At the end of thi…
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"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are" | Carl Jung 1/ Do we challenge what we keep hearing on the Internet? 2/ How do we grow from half-baked truths? 3/ Be aware of the Instagram CURSE! 4/ The slow rise of AUTHENTICITY on the Internet 5/ The best kind of ENERGY 6/ Leave your INFJ COMFORT ZONE for good 7/ Nobody cares about you…
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"Let your weird light shine bright so the other weirdos know where to find you | Anonymous 1/ The comforting TALE of positivity 2/ The trial of the mind and spirit 3/ How do we spot our fellow INFJs? 4/ When was the last time you reached out for INFINITY? 5/ Don't wait for a MIRACLE. Be one! 6/ The amazing ENERGY of books 7/ The day we finally get …
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"Life does not proceed by the association and addition of elements, but by dissociation and division" | Henri Bergson 1/INFJ DISSOCIATION is not a medical condition! 2/ The days I went back to 13th Century HANGZHOU in China 3/ Beyond just a COPING MECHANISM 4/ The mysterious breach into REALITY WEFT 5/ Nuggets of EMOTIONAL KNOWLEDGE 6/ The HALLWAY …
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"Forever is composed of nows" | Emily Dickinson 1/ Living is a risky business, but what about CARPE DIEM? 2/ SEIZING the EBB and FLOW, or at least trying 3/ Is NOW enough? 4/ Who loves CROSSROAD MOMENTS? 5/ A pep talk for the privileged 6/ The world doesn't need my SEIZING it 7/ INFJs are not GO GETTERS 8/ Inside the UNFOLDING INFJ mind... 9/ Do yo…
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"Only the broken know what it's like to live inside of their imagination. Creating worlds to dream in. We are artists of the mind. Our true gift is survival" | Christy Ann Martine 1/ What did you pack in your INFJ SURVIVAL KIT? 2/ Survive now, cry later... 3/ Whatever you do, don't forget HUMOR and DETACHMENT! 4/ The things that will challenge us m…
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"The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going" | Ralph Waldo Emerson 1/ To serve with honor, the Japanese Bushido 2/ Nobody fancies the battle of average! 3/ Thriving on the EDGES of society 4/ INFJs: The FIGHTING ODD BALLS of the modern age 5/ Beware of your DARK SIDE, blazing and stone cold! 6/ The HIGH FLYERS of the impossible 7/ …
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" We all have two lives. The true, the one we dreamed of in childhood and go on dreaming of as adults, in a substratum of mist. The false, the one we love when we live with others. The practical, the useful, the one we end up being put in a coffin" | Fernando Pessoa 1/ Intuition, the real INFJ COMPASS 2/ Modicum of knowledge, wisdom, and visionary …
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“Only I can judge myself. I know my past. I know the reason for my options. I know what I have inside. I know how much I've suffered. I know what it's like to be strong and fragile, me and no one else.” | Oscar Wilde 1/ The demanding FATE will always be misunderstood 2/ Rating and validating our INFJ-ness on social media 3/ Are you going to alter y…
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"I am a voice in the dark. I carry illuminative power. Darkness flew at the sound of my voice" | Jake Alpha Toluwani 1/ 911, what is the nature of your emergency? 2/ "The Guilty" (2021): a masterpiece of AUDIO STORYTELLING 3/ An EPIPHANY weighing like a truck! 4/ We are an online community of weird and elusive MAVERICKS 5/ Making a difference in so…
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"When we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work and when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey" | Wendell Berry 1/ Why does it take you so long to achieve anything, dear INFJ? 2/ What's inside an INFJ MIND, actually? 3/ Are INFJs more about POTENTIAL than actual REALIZATION? 4/ Everything is here, but w…
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"Never trust your fears, they don't know your strength" | Athena Singh 1/ When the river reaches the ocean 2/ Where are your fears on your INFJ map? 3/ Don't be ashamed of your fears 4/ Never talk about money in France! 5/ You are so much more than all your fears 6/ From insanity to abandonment... 7/ Don't touch our beautiful INFJ chaos! 8/ What I …
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"Every book has a soul. The soul of the person who wrote it and the soul of the person who read it and dreams about it" | Carlos Rui Zafon 1/ How long are you going to carry your book in your SOUL? 2/ Mind the GATE to your writing! 3/ INFJs are not DRAMA QUEENS, but they know a bit about the SOUL 4/ How well do you handle your INVISIBLE DATA? 5/ Ou…
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"Don't bend. Don't water it down. Don't try to make it logical. Don't edit your soul according to fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly." | Franz Kafka 1/ Obsessions are like the Matryoshka dolls 2/ INFJs are high-strung people, not OCD! 3/ Not all obsessions are made equal 4/ Can you imagine a happy and fulfilled Ernest …
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"To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest" | Pema Chödrön 1/ PARADISE LOST or just life slamming its doors on us? 2/ Do you have a HOME or a HOUSE? 3/ I'm a PURPOSE, you are a PURPOSE, trapped in one STORY 4/ Hindered and imaginative, that's us, folks! 5/ The "Life That Was Never Lived" is our…
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"Future Artificial Intelligence (AI) is more about human emotions, compassion, values, and elimination of human sufferings" | Amit Ray 1/ The METAVERSE: a new kind of "buzz" for a new kind of universe 2/ The 3 KEY ASPECTS of the METAVERSE 3/ The METAVERSE in a nutshell 4/ Storytelling is dead! Say hello to STORYLIVING! 5/ There's no such thing as a…
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"Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall" | Ray Bradbury What if Icarus hadn't flown too close to the sun? What happens to our souls when we are falling? 1/ INFJs, you are the "Tale Beneath The Canopy" 2/ Our solitude is the GEM underneath the rock 3/ The LINING of our SOULS makes us fly and fall altogether 4/ Are you ALL-I…
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"In a world full of audiovisual marvels, may words matter to you and be full of magic" | Peter Godfrey-Smith 1/ The AUDIO WORLD is coming at full throttle, are you ready for this? 2/ Gary Vee, a real gem in an explosive package 3/ Pat Flynn: "Be Yourself - Serve Others - Filipino Style"! 4/ Krystal Proffitt: A loving Texan podcasting voice 5/ Cliff…
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"Think about the eye of the hurricane. No matter how intense the storm or what's swept up in its gale-force winds, that calm, blue center is always there. We all have this quiet center within us" | George Mumford 1/ What we are all about 2/ Have you ever been in the "HURRICANE'S EYE"? 3/ What happened to Clarice Starling? 4/ Wonders to be brought t…
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"The world sees you for what you are, but the universe sees you for what you can be. " | Matshona Dhliwayo How many among us, INFJs of the world, have ever considered greatness could also apply to us? 1/ GREATNESS, the most private club, ever! 2/ What we are is the only leverage we have 3/ Prepare to be both the SEEDS and the GARDENER 4/ The dream …
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"Primum Non-Nocere". First, do no harm! This is the motto by which M.D.s and M.E.s go by their entire life. A principle by which INFJs pretty much live their lives too. But what about the rest of the world? 1/ Whatever you do, do not do that to us 2/ INFJs grow in the dark and alone 3/ The BOUNDARIES question is still on 4/ We're becoming a TRIBE, …
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We are the unique ones: "One of God's prototypes, some kind of high-powered mutant, never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die" | Raoul Duke So many people saying so many things about us! Don't you think it's about time, INFJs speak with their own voices, telling the world who they are and what they want? 1/ B…
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"It would be too easy to say that I feel invisible. Instead, I feel painfully visible, and entirely ignored" | David Levithan What could be more frustrating and saddening than the feeling of being INVISIBLE to other people? 1/ Do I have to wear a CHAMELEON CLOAK? 2/ The comfort of our head 3/ Which are you? The UNSEEN or the INVISIBLE? 4/ How many …
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"Your mind is your puzzle and your feelings are your riddle. Crack them one by one and you will find the happiness" | Pranay RL How many among us, INFJs, have ever wondered what we are supposed to do with our jigsaw puzzle minds? Would they ever make sense to us? 1/ Björk's advice "Find the right film or the right book, and it will understand you" …
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"God gave you a fingerprint that no one else has, so you can leave an imprint no one else can" | Anonymous Who wants to make their mark on this world? Not us said the INFJs, we don't have what it takes! Really? Let's see what it takes, then... 1/ Do you have the "right" kind of ambition? 2/ What do they have, I don't? 3/ The one word that changes e…
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" Before coffee, I hate everybody. After coffee, I feel good about hating everybody" | Anonymous We all know what we don't love. But what about the things we do love, as INFJs? In this podcast episode, I share with you the things I love, why, and how. So, buckle up my fellow INFJs! 1/ From coffee drinker to coffee trigger 2/ The rain, the hoody, an…
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"Come to the edge, he said. They said: we are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. They came. He pushed them and they flew." | Guillaume Appolinaire Scarcity is the BIG THING on the Internet. A lucrative business for people who need help with this or that. Or, not?! It can be so addictive to believe that each problem has its solution if you pay the p…
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"You don't become what you want. You become what you believe." | Oprah Winfrey If only I knew half of what I know now, as an INFJ! If I could go back to the past and give my younger INFJ self a worthy piece of advice, what would that be? 1/ There is no truth, just experiences! 2/ Vulnerability is the name of our game 3/ The INFJ's "Little Corner of…
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"The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves" | Jane Goodall Are you an animal whisperer? Or an animal communicator, perhaps? There's a difference, sure! But what makes a difference for animals? That's what we're going to explore in this podcast episode. 1/ Emotions or knowledge and the animals in between! 2/ Animals l…
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"Night is a world lit by itself" | Antonio Porchada Are you an early-riser or a night owl? A go-getter or a lesser achiever? As an INFJ and a night owl as well, am I supposed to fight both my personality type and my DNA? Really? Let's find out... 1/ The orange light at the end of the cigarette 2/ Welcome to the HACKER HOUR 3/ A new breed is rising …
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"To be interesting, be interested" | Dale Carnegie Don't we all love to be inspired? To be empowered by someone else's energy, action, vision, and words! 1/ Inspiration: a gift from the gods or just an intricate process to master? 2/ Inspiration or influence: how to tell the difference? 3/ Can INFJs become inspiring content creators too? 4/ Questio…
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"Someone once asked me: why do you always insist on taking the hard road? I replied: why do you assume I see two roads?" | Anonymous I'm back folks! After a long leave of absence due to a personal catastrophe. So, this special podcast episode will serve two purposes: to tell you why I was away and to share with you things you don't know about me, y…
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"Say no to everything, so you can say yes to the ONE thing" | Richie Norton When was the last time you said a hearty "YES" to something or to someone? Can you remember it? 1/ How do we say "YES" to something/someone, without saying "NO" to ourselves? 2/ INFJs are CONTROL FREAKS by nature! 3/ Just a few steps away from the REVELATION of your life PU…
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"Clarity in life is a byproduct of passion, confusion, and action" | Mridul Babbar 1/ Always keep your CONFUSION at bay 2/ INFJs, we are WARRIORS of the MIND! 4/ The INFJ Combo: PERFECTIONISM, IDEALISM, and AUTHENTICITY 5/ What was Tintin seeking in the Himalayas? 6/ "AD AUGUSTA PER ANGUSTA": the INFJ's fate in a nutshell 8/ Getting rid of the "MON…
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"Her voice left a flavor of honey and gunpowder on the air" | Peter S. Beagle Strange to think of the power of our voice, don't you think my fellow INFJs? That's because it's still unchartered territory and a viable business model too! 1/ Do you still use your voice as a WHISPER? 2/ From tool to ASSET, our many INFJ voices 3/ Your voice SMELLS so g…
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"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see" | Henry David Thoreau Does this sound familiar to you INFJs? That's because LOOKING is the BIG thing in our life! 1/ A peep into a VISIONARY mind, among many others 2/ The PHOENIX always arises anew 3/ EMOTIONAL SPONGES do not dwell into the past 4/ Visionary Leadership and INFJs, not an O…
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What would it take to join our SOUL TRIBE? 1/ Not Belonging Is a Sign of Greater Things to Come 2/ The INFJ's soul: between INADEQUACY and GENIUS 3/ Are INFJs gifted and crazy enough to "save" the world? 4/ The Impossible Tribe of Empaths, Psychics, and Visionaries 5/ The unsuspected power of "ECHOING" 6/ 10 Signs That Determine You Have Met Your S…
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Here's my way of celebrating the RAREST ONES of all, eyes wide open and no BS involved! Because we deserve it, but more to it because INFJs have a lot to offer to the world. So, let's see what, how, and why we have reasons to be proud of what we are... 1/ "The flood is the news, but Noah is the story" | Julie Hamp 2/ You are UNIQUE. Everything abou…
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Is there a weirder and more connected to the UNSEEN people than the INFJs? 1/ "A country that is located near the sea cannot be a small country" 2/ From Charentes to Cebu City, with some beautiful encounters in Estonia and Northern Sweden 3/ The quality of GREEN LIGHT is also a sign of its own 4/ Do you have a SOUL PLACE? Mine is called ITAKANA 5/ …
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We need to know, the INFJ Door Slam is a double-edged weapon! 1/ The door is now shut 2/ Your SURVIVAL button is now ON. What do you do next? 3/ There's more to it than a bruised ego 4/ Do you know your LIFE PURPOSE? 5/ Ghosting or door slamming? 6/ Beware of the SEEDS OF SUFFERING! 7/ Stuck in the INFJ LOOP 8/ The INFJ "CLEAN SLATE" syndrome! 9/ "…
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There is a natural bridge between knighthood and INFJhood, although a tough one to cross. So, what does it take to be able to do just that and claim our INFJ Knighthood? 1/ "What we do in life echoes in eternity" | Maximus Decimus Meridius 2/ The knights of Old and the INFJs of Now 3/ Our deeply ingrained need for a PURPOSE 4/ Our "All or Nothing" …
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We all have heard about the Impostor Syndrome, right? In this podcast episode, we're going to debunk this harmful myth and see how we can use it to our INFJ advantage! 1/ The problem with the Impostor Syndrome 2/ "Show me the MONEY"! 3/ The IMPOSTOR SYNDROME: the many facets of the same problem 4/ Levelling up with the RIGHT TOOLS 5/ EXPERTS as the…
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"Books Don't Change People. Paragraphs Do, Sometimes Even Sentences" | John Piper We've all have heard this quote, but do we truly understand what it means? INFJs are drawn to words and to sorrows. So much so that INFJs could use both to create the never-ending "Dictionary of INFJs' Beautiful Sorrows"! 1/ What is the main VALUE of a book? 2/ How do…
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The INFJ's way of perceiving time can be rather tricky, even for INFJs! How can we make the best of it without neglecting our most precious values and abilities? 1/ The INFJs' way of perceiving TIME 2/ INFJs are connected to EMOTIONS, IDEAS, FEELINGS, and STORIES 3/ The CONNECTION between INFJ's mind and INFJ's body 4/ CHRONOLOGICAL TIME, such a no…
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Don't we all wish we had a special magic wand made just for us to grant us the things we want most in our life? 1/ INFJs are definitely UNIQUE, yet they also share some COMMON life experiences (challenges, strengths, weaknesses, epiphanies...) 2/ My natural WORLD is made of IMAGES (Vermeer "The Lace Maker", 1670) more than people 3/ My first encoun…
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1/ Charisma is the fragrance of the soul... 2/ Debunking the Charisma Myth 3/ The three basics elements of charisma: Presence, Warmth, and Power 4/ LEADERSHIP or INFLUENCE? 5/ Charisma and STORYTELLING 6/ VISIONARY CHARISMA: The secret is in the "DOTS" 7/ My name is Bond, James Bond! 8/ INFJ's Charisma: Low Key, Subtle, People-oriented, Storytellin…
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1/ Is there such a thing as an INFJ Writer? 5/ Understanding how INFJ Writers work their MAGIC 6/ What's an EKPRASIS? 7/ Why INFJ Writers are naturally good at it? 10/ Is it still "writing" or rather VISUALIZING? 11/ INFJs are gifted with words, but not only words 15/ Lauren Sapala recommends the MOSAIC METHOD 19/ Getting rid of the usual INFJ writ…
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