EO: 144 Breastfeeding Highlights with Dr. Julie Ware
Manage episode 432014189 series 2805762
First Droplets https://firstdroplets.com/
Implicit Bias test: Race IAT (harvard.edu)
Evidence-Based Updates on the First Week of Exclusive
Breastfeeding Among Infants ≥35 Weeks | Pediatrics | American Academy of
ABM Clinical Protocol #3: Supplementary Feedings in
the Healthy Term Breastfed Neonate, Revised 2017 (memberclicks.net)
Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed®) - NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)
The Breastfeeding-Friendly Pediatric Office Practice |
Breastfeeding Handbook for Physicians | AAP Books | American Academy of Pediatrics
Posters | WIC Breastfeeding Support (usda.gov)
policy statement Breastfeeding
and the Use of Human Milk
· AAP breastfeeding residency curriculum
· U.S. Breastfeeding Committee
· First Droplets, a resource to
help prepare families who desire to breastfeed
No content or comments made in any TIPQC Healthy Mom Healthy Baby Podcast is intended to be comprehensive or medical advice. Neither healthcare providers nor patients should rely on TIPQC’s Podcasts in determining the best practices for any particular patient. Additionally, standards and practices in medicine change as new information and data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources in making clinical decisions for individual patients. TIPQC undertakes no duty to update or revise any particular Podcast. It is the responsibility of the treating physician or health care professional, relying on independent experience and knowledge of the patient, to determine appropriate treatment.
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