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A sztorijai szerzőinkkel – ismerd meg a történések hátterét első kézből! Időről időre elmeséljük, mit láttak, hallottak és tapasztaltak cikkeink szerzői. A teljes adásokat a 24 Extra Csúcs csomagjának előfizetői érhetik el.
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Daily quick (less than 10 minute) chats on mental health with Anxiety and Performance coach Kieran Hedley. Kieran has his own history battling with anxiety, depression and panic attacks. Through mindfulness, years of researching and mentorship, and studying medical neuroscience, Kieran has come out the other side. Kieran shares times of vulnerability, relatable stories, breakthrough moments, powerful tools and practical tips to help you on your healing journey.
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show series
Mit takar egy újságíró és egy közéleti, gazdasági szereplő között zajló háttérbeszélgetés? Hogyan tudjuk ellenőrizni, hogy az ilyenkor megosztott történetek valóban a valósághoz visznek minket közelebb? Első kézből podcast szerzőnkkel és főszerkesztőnkkel.저자 pál zsombor, pető péter, nagy gergely miklós
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In this episode, I’m diving into how fear, shame, and mindset can hold you back from making progress with your health. While strategic actions like nutrition and lab data are important, the psychology of change is often the biggest hurdle to overcome. I’m sharing two powerful stories. Claire and Paula who both faced their own fears and resistance. …
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After birthing twins, navigating complex PTSD, and balancing motherhood, business, and life’s challenges, in this episode I’m sharing the seven tools and strategies that have made the biggest impact on my healing journey over the last four years. If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure of how to move forward in your own health or mental wel…
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Magyar Péter és az országgyűlési képviselő mellett csupa helyi erős asszony szerepel a niklai óvodáról szóló történetünkben, ahol a rendőrség azt döntheti el, bűncselekmény-e sarokba állítani egy kisgyereket, a hallgatók meg azt, miről is szól valójában az óvoda és dajkái körül kavargó történet. Első kézből podcast szerzőnkkel – a teljes változat a…
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Are you spending hours researching your symptoms, only to feel more overwhelmed, confused, and stuck? You’re not alone. In this episode, we’re breaking down why excessive research could actually be making your health worse and what you should be doing instead. Many women turn to Google, PubMed, or even ChatGPT for answers about their gut health, ho…
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In this episode, I’m unpacking a critical but often overlooked topic; how the unseen mental load is impacting your health. From managing household tasks to balancing caregiving responsibilities, women often carry an invisible burden that can directly contribute to hormonal imbalances, chronic stress, and illness. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by …
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In this episode, we’re diving into morning routines for real women. No BS, no 4:30 AM alarms, and no unrealistic expectations. If you’re juggling work, kids, and life but still want to start your day with energy and intention, this episode is for you! What You’ll Learn in This Episode: Why morning routines are essential for your hormones, brain, gu…
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Have you ever tried to eat healthier only to end up feeling worse? Maybe adding more fiber, beans, or vegetables to your diet leaves you bloated, gassy, or uncomfortable. In this episode, we dive into why this happens and what it reveals about your gut health. What You’ll Learn in This Episode: Why eating healthier foods can sometimes lead to bloat…
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In this special episode, you get a behind-the-scenes look at what it is like to work with me as I sit down with one of my current clients, Candy. We dive into her health journey, the symptoms she has been experiencing, and the holistic approach we are using to help her heal. What You’ll Learn in This Episode: What a holistic approach to health look…
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In this episode, we explore the stories of well women from 2024 and uncover what their transformations can teach us about hope, healing, and the power of targeted action. These stories highlight how understanding your unique root causes and taking consistent steps can unlock incredible health outcomes, from overcoming chronic pain and mental health…
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Did you know that we are in the midst of a massive medical paradigm shift? Things are changing rapidly, and this shift has profound implications for your health and how you approach it. In this episode, we dive deep into understanding what this paradigm shift means for you. We'll explore: Why it’s essential to look beyond symptoms and consider the …
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In this episode, I reflect on 2024 by looking at what went well, what was challenging, and what I am most proud of. I also share my goals for 2025 along with a simple process to help you set yourself up for success this year. If you enjoy a detailed year in review or want practical ways to create meaningful goals for your health, mental well-being,…
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In this episode, we’re exploring how to make healthy habits easier, more attainable, and genuinely transformative in 2025 (or any time of year!). How can you experience pain-free periods, overcome IBS, balance your hormones, stabilise your mental health, lose weight, and feel more energised and radiant than ever? We’ll break it down into two practi…
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In this episode of The Gut Goddess Show, we dive into how to cultivate a healthier, more intuitive relationship with food. Whether you're looking to stop binge eating, eat mindfully, or find joy in your meals again, this episode is packed with insights and actionable steps to help you feel empowered and free. Resources Book your free call with me h…
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As we head into the festive season and prepare for the new year, it’s the perfect time to pause, reflect, and reconnect with your body. In this episode, I’m sharing a powerful reminder: Remember your body. Your body has carried you through so much, and it’s time to listen, care, and honor it with the compassion it truly deserves. We’re diving deep …
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Today we're talking about mental health and complex PTSD and PTSD. How do you thrive if you're living with mental health issues? What do you do if you live with complex PTSD? How can we really support and nourish our brain even though we're living with certain mental health issues, or have had a big mental health breakdown? I've been wanting to rec…
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Today, we’re uncovering five hidden things that silently drain your energy—those sneaky energy killers—and exploring some simple ways to tackle them. Over the past nine or ten years of working one-on-one with clients as a health student and nutritionist, I’ve noticed recurring patterns. Many women are unknowingly falling victim to these energy thie…
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Are you constipated by fear? Is this the reason that you're feeling stuck and hopeless and might think things aren’t working for you? In this bonus episode, we delve into the concept of being "constipated by fear," exploring how fear can hold us back from taking the necessary steps toward healing our bodies and transforming our lives. Resources Boo…
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In this episode, I’m diving into the topic of energy—because let’s face it, when you have energy, life just feels easier and better all around. I’ll be sharing some holistic ways to help you restore energy if you’re dealing with chronic fatigue, Long COVID, fibromyalgia, or other draining conditions. I’ve worked with a lot of clients facing these c…
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A két ismert munkatársa – főszerkesztőnk és megbízott kulturális rovatvezetőnk – is Kijevbe látogatott az elmúlt hetekben. Külön utakon jártak, másokkal találkoztak, mégis részben hasonló gondolatok ébredtek bennük. Ezeket bontják ki a megújult podcastban, amelynek teljes változatát a 24 Extra Csúcs csomagjának előfizetői érik el.…
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Is it perimenopause? Or is it actually something else that's going on? That's what I'm sharing today in this mini episode. This episode aims to get you thinking, questioning, and being honest and also to provide you with a new idea. We are seeing so much more chat about menopause and perimenopause, which is brilliant. I am here for so much more edu…
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In this episode, we're talking about endometriosis, adenomyosis, and fibroids, as well as what an integrative healing approach is. My job here as a nutritionist and coach (and here on the podcast) is to help you feel better. I want you to feel better. I don't mind how you get there as long as you get there but I've found through my experience and t…
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Did you know you can actually prepare for a better, easier menopause? That there are (at least) 5 things you can start doing right now to set you up for success? With all of the increased awareness and education that is going on around menopause, (which I love!), there's also something missing in that conversation. I am not at the point of menopaus…
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In this bonus episode, I’m talking all about calories and if we should pay any attention to calories at all. We see calories noted on everything so should we just ignore it completely and think calories are complete BS or are they actually something we want to pay attention to? Should we track them and create a calorie deficit to reduce body fat? A…
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In this episode, I’m giving you the ultimate guide to weight loss and breaking down the 5 key areas you need to focus on to make fat loss inevitable. With so much conflicting information out there, I’ve created this episode to bring together all my thoughts and strategies in one place. Whether you're just starting your journey or have tried everyth…
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In this episode, I'm sharing with you the five reasons that I have lost body fat and gained muscle whilst eating more pizza and cake and drinking Prosecco and just generally having a more relaxed approach around food. This is for you if you're ready to create a better belly and gut health, balance your hormones, and create a more peaceful, happier …
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Hogyan kereshetett ilyen jól Schadl György a börtönben, és számít-e, kitől kért segítséget Simonka György, aki a vád szerint EU-s pénzek százmillióit csatornázta át? A két ügyet követő újságírónk, Horváth Csaba a podcastban.저자 horváth csaba, pál zsombor
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How do you become your most radiant energised self this summer? Where do you get that summer glow from? And I can tell you it's not from a five-day juice cleanse. In this podcast episode, I'm going to share with you some of the summer glow basics. This time of year can feel really hectic. Summer is often filled with a lot of busyness like weddings …
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In this episode, I am going to be giving you a really big dose of clarity, a gentle kick up the butt now that we are halfway through the year. I love reflecting on the six months that have gone past and the six months ahead, so I want to encourage you to take some time to think about what you want for the next six months as we dive into this episod…
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In this episode, we're diving into gut health and looking kind of at a couple of basics - Probiotics, prebiotics, postbiotics and synbiotics which is something that you might have seen on the internet. I want to demystify this for you so that you know what that is, if it can help, and what is actually going to help your gut health because gut healt…
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Welcome to episode 300! Thank you so much for being here, whether you're new to the podcast or been listening for years, I appreciate you being here. I’m sending you so much love. We're creating our own movement in this corner of the internet where we are becoming well women, where we are learning how to heal, thrive, energized, so that we can be r…
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In this episode, we are looking at beliefs because as a Nutritionist and Coach, I've worked with loads of people over the years and I spend the majority of my time with clients looking at what actions they can take, what tweaks can we make, what habits can we shift, what foods can we add in, etc. - We create a personalised plan of action. But takin…
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Let's talk about what could be going on in your body. I'm a big fan of understanding your root cause. That's why I do what I do as a Holistic Nutritionist and Coach. The reason that I talk about figuring out your root cause and asking why is because I know in my own health journey (and in the countless women that I've helped) one of the biggest obs…
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What are the secrets to stopping bad eating habits once and for all? That's what we're looking at in this episode. I don't want you to have this ‘food drama’ going on where it's good food, bad food, on a wagon, off a wagon, where you are spiraling into a pit and you're feeling really guilty about what you eat. This kind of food obsession/focus is v…
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We are talking about feeling old before your time feeling stuck in a rut and fed up and what the root cause is? What is really going on to need all those really important and valid feelings? What are some of your root causes? In this episode, I'm going to give you some clarity so that you can feel really empowered to know what is really going on an…
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Legálisnak gondolt kannabiszszármazékokat árultak egy kérészéletű budapesti kávézóban, de a számos termék egyikére lecsapott a rendőrség. Ugyanazt az árut Ausztriában automata adja ki, és nem is betépésre való. De vajon törvényes-e itthon?저자 nagy gergely miklós, pál zsombor
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Why do slimming clubs and diets work and why do people keep going back to them? We're going to be looking at what essential needs these slimming clubs, diets and programs are meeting so that you can kind of take some of the good out of what is essentially a deeply flawed, oppressive system and apply them so that you can create success in your healt…
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In this episode, I'm talking about my current glow-up plan and why I know it will work. I'm going to be sharing some of the things I'm working on and the shifts that I'm trying to create. Specifically, I'm looking to shift some of my own body composition and increase my muscle, decrease a little bit of fat and also some other areas of my current gl…
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A haldokló alkotmányjogász számára az eutanázia lehetőségéért vívott küzdelme feladatot adott, nyilvánossá tett történetének pedig így vagy úgy, de befejezést ad majd. Vele találkozó szerzőinkkel beszélgettünk.저자 benke ágnes, cseri péter, pál zsombor
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Today we are talking about the new era for women's hormones - for periods and for hormonal health because we are in a new era and enough is enough with all the shame with all the hiding. No more ‘let's not talk about the periods’ or ‘Oh my gosh, she dropped a tampon on the floor’ and ‘we're not talking about menopause’ We're not talking about any o…
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Maybe you don't need more therapy. Maybe you need to support your brain. This might be a slightly provocative title, but I have some thoughts on this as someone who has done a fair amount of therapy and values it deeply. I am not anti-therapy, I just wonder how often we are missing the practical nourishment of our brains? We usually always jump to …
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Minisztériumi tisztviselők, ellenőrök, pályázatírók és pályázók 25 milliárd forintnyi EU-s forrást térítettek el az ügyészségi vádirat szerint 2015 és 2022 között. Elmeséljük, amit tudni lehet róla, és megmutatjuk, mit reagált erre csütörtökön Varga Mihály, akinek a minisztériumához legszorosabban kötődik az ügy.…
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The pressure to be thin, this is finding a healthy body size for you - That's what we're looking at in this episode. We need to do a lot of untangling around this. For most of you listening to this, you'll have grown up heavily brainwashed by dieting culture, and the idea that thin is best, most beautiful, most worthy, it's the goal. But this is ac…
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