Sveriges största och skarpaste podd om amerikansk politik. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Klas Wolf-Watz
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Join Emily Maitlis and Jon Sopel in a weekly podcast that unpicks everything you need to know about the world of US politics - all of it delivered with Emily and Jon’s astute analysis, world-class insight and wry sense of humour. Episodes are available every Tuesday/Wednesday. The News Agents USA is a Global Player Original podcast and production. For advertising opportunities on this podcast email:
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Dybdegående analyser af den amerikanske præsidentvalgkamp
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USA & Co är USApodden om amerikansk politik, kultur och aktuella händelser. Den leds av podcastern Taimaz Ghaffari och USA-forskaren Frida Stranne som varje vecka analyserar, diskuterar och förklarar nyheterna i flödet. Ibland med gäster. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Utenriksjournalist Kristoffer Rønneberg og kommentator Christina Pletten tar for seg de mest interessante politiske sakene fra USA. Med Aftenpostens USA-korrespondent Kjetil Hanssen og gjester. Send inn dine spørsmål til Kristoffer, Christina og Kjetil i Facebook-gruppen Aftenpodden USA.
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U.S. Arab Radio is a leading provider of news, information and entertainment across multiple media platforms, serving consumers and advertisers in strong local markets, primarily in the United States. The company’s operations will include television and newspapers.
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Your #1 place for fingerboarding news, reviews, product drops, interviews, and so much more!
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TV's Weekly Hour of LGBT & AIDS News
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World-leading research and innovation - right in the heart of Canada. The USask Signature Series explores the cutting-edge research taking place at the University of Saskatchewan across the university's Signature Areas of Research.
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Le podcast bière enregistré en Louisiane par deux français. A écouter sans modération! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Discover the People and Places that made America.
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Breaking News on Supplements & Nutrition - North America
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Breaking News on Food & Beverage Development - North America
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USA:s historia är fylld av fascinerande personer, dramatiska skeende och avgörande händelser som format landet. Vill man förstå USA idag så behöver man blicka tillbaka och söka svaren i det förgångna. Lyssna på Stjärnbaneret och häng med på en resa genom USA:s historia! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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The Best of Electronic Dance Music - EDM forever!
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Steaming Live Sunday’s from 1 pm -2 pm CST at
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Weekly Rock and Roll Music Program
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"Everyone all set? Cocked and locked? Here we go..." That is how Vincent starts every broadcast and the same energy is applied to the entire hour of his show.
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Dieser Podcast wird produziert von der German UPA. Sie ist die größte Vertretung für Fachkräfte aus dem Bereich User Experience (UX) und Usability im deutschsprachigen Raum.
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What's happening in bar comedy across the country with JerDog and Double T
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Un espacio en el cual, de forma semanal tratamos temas relacionados con la música en Español. Entrevistamos a grupos, solistas y productores; nos hablaran de sus trabajos musicales pero también de los temas que giran a su alrededor. Muchas gracias por su apoyo y las sugerencias siempre serán bienvenidas.
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For fans of soccer in the United States. We will cover the U.S. national teams, the players, the leagues, and everything that makes American soccer great, good, and in need of serious improvement. Follow all our links at!
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Latino USA offers insight into the lived experiences of Latino communities and is a window on the current and merging cultural, political and social ideas impacting Latinos and the nation.
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An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: YouTube: Voicemail: Buy us a coffee:
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Amerika hat gewählt, Donald Trump ist zum zweiten Mal US-Präsident. Es ist auch eine Entscheidung, die auf Europa und unser Leben in Deutschland konkrete Auswirkungen hat und haben wird. US-Korrespondentin Stefanie Bolzen ordnet jede Woche im Gespräch mit den WELT-Redakteuren Antonia Beckermann und Wim Orth die aktuellen Nachrichten aus den USA ein – mal aus Washington, mal aus Florida oder den Flyover-States. Und: Jede Woche sprechen wir außerdem mit Amerikanern darüber, wie sich ihr Leben ...
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USA-Hacks ist ein woechentliches Magazin ueber das Leben in den USA, ueber Gadgets, ueber Medien, ueber Wissenschaft und allerhand anderes spannendes Zeugs; alles aus der Sicht einer Schweizer Familie in USA.
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Christian Message published weekly
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Join Lucy Collins, Director of Web Usability, as we explore what it takes to make the web a more accessible and enjoyable place for everyone. Whether you're a website owner, developer, or just a curious mind, we're here to share insights, tips, and stories that can help you improve the user experience of your digital world. Web Usability is an established User Experience (UX) agency. We are UX specialists. We provide inclusive UX research and advice to optimise your digital services. If you ...
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Stand up comedian Ali Musa talks about whatever he feels like. What's more American than that? Ali Musa is Ali USA!
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Get happy today and explore politics from a unique and fun perspective. Lighten up, laugh, and above all: STRENGTHEN YOUR PATRIOTISM. Follow Lady Maga USA across social media by searching "Lady Maga USA"
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Ever find yourself caught in the whirlwind of equine reproduction, navigating the complexities of mare cycles and stallion fertility with equal parts fascination and frustration? From fine-tuning breeding techniques to staying ahead of the latest advancements in reproductive science, we're your go-to source for all things equine reproduction.
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Welcome to the Yaesu The Radio - Show Podcast channel where you can hear about all tings Yaesu. From news, information, education, interviews, and everything in between this is your source for Yaesu.
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Join our weekly podcast as we continue our commitment to bringing you the best in training information and technology. This is your chance to be in the know, hear from the industry's best and get valuable tips to help increase your business. Hosted by: Mike Weinstein - REALTOR®Todd C. Menard - Chief Operating OfficerNick Weitekamp - Executive Vice President
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Forensic Sisters - Forensischer Schwestern-Talk | True Crime USA und Deutschland | Wahre Verbrechen
Forensic Sisters Podcast
True Crime Podcast aus Florida und Bayern! Forensischer Schwestern-Talk mit den Schwestern Steffi und Katrin Koel. Eine Kriminologin und eine forensische Anthropologin erzählen euch, wie es wirklich ist, an forensischen Fällen zu arbeiten. Dieser Podcast behandelt wahre Kriminalfälle und enthält möglicherweise sensible Inhalte, die für einige Zuhörer verstörend sein könnten. Die dargestellten Ereignisse basieren auf persönlichen Erinnerungen und öffentlich zugänglichen Informationen. Namen u ...
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Renegades: Born in the USA is a series of conversations between President Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen about their lives, music, and enduring love of America—despite all its challenges. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Der Podcast für deinen Weg an ein US-College - inklusive Stipendium! Im Podcast lernst du, wie du ein Sportstipendium USA für dein Wunsch-College erhalten kannst, ohne dabei Tausende Euro für die Vermittlung ausgeben zu müssen. Wir bringen dir anhand unserer eigenen Erfahrungen die USA, das College und den Collegesport näher und geben dir eine genaue Anleitung, wie du vorgehen solltest, um ein USA Studium mit Stipendium zu erreichen.
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USAToday 1 cent in a dollar
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Talking about politics, thinking about the Left. Hosted by Jon Wiener, co-author of "Set the Night on Fire: L.A. in the Sixties," contributing editor at The Nation, and broadcast live at KPFK 90.7FM in LA Thursdays at 4.
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Welcome to Sunny Days in the USA! 高校、大学、院留学をアメリカで経験したホストのSunnyが、留学生活、国際結婚、出産・子育てなどなどリアルなアメリカ生活をシェアします。 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 About Sunny: ☀アメリカ高校・大学・大学院留学経験 ☀フルタイムワーキングママ(アメリカの会社でアメリカ人のクライアントさん相手に保険のブローカーしてます!) ☀メキシコ系アメリカ人の夫(アメリカ陸軍州兵所属) ☀2児のメキシコ・日系アメリカ人の育児奮闘中! 私の全てのSNSはここから: Email:
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The post Gay USA 3 26 2025 appeared first on GAY USA.저자 Ann Northrop, Andy Humm, Bill Bahlman
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Hello friends,Another fantastic interview, this time I spoke with @whitneytai She really is one of my favorite music discoveries, since I started doing interviews. Whitney is a wonderful singer/songwriter, based in LA. We had some technical difficulties; I apologize for the interview quality. Thanks so much to the amazing @whitneytai Links to Whitn…
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Geheimnisse im Gruppenchat – was für Folgen hat der Signal-Leak?
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23:31US-Politik 2025 Ein peinlicher Chat-Leak bringt das Weiße Haus in Erklärungsnot – und selbst US-Präsident Trump gerät ins Schlingern. Wie gefährlich war das Leck wirklich und welche Folgen hat dieser Vorfall für Amerikas Verbündete? Darum geht es in "This is America". Gleichzeitig stocken die Gespräche über eine Waffenruhe in der Ukraine, deutsche …
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Takket være et arbeidsuhell vet vi nå hvordan Trumps nærmeste og mektigste rådgivere snakker om både Europa og et bombetokt i Jemen. Hvem visste at nasjonal sikkerhetsrådgiver Mike Waltz var så glad i emojier? Gruppechatten har fått enorm oppmerksomhet de siste dagene. Men hvor hemmelig var egentlig innholdet? Og kommer sjefredaktør Jeffrey Goldber…
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Carosello Italiano with Joe Costa March 22, 2025
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2:47:43Carosello Italiano with Joe Costa March 22, 2025저자 rvitale10
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JD Vance has decided overnight to join his wife Usha on her trip to Greenland. No one knows who invited him. Or whether he was invited. Or if its a formal state visit. Or just a trip to the US airbase. But the Danish Prime minister has called the trip an unacceptable pressure. Vance insists it's about protecting Greenland's security. But it feels k…
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Donald Trumps kabinett läcker krigsplaner på ett sätt som saknar motstycke. Vi pratar om vad som har hänt när The Atlantics chefsredaktör Jeffrey Goldberg, av misstag, blev inbjuden till en känslig gruppchat på krypterade appen Signal. En gruppchat där Donald Trumps viktigaste ministrar och underrättelsedirektörer diskuterade en kommande attack i J…
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The Ali USA Podcast episode # 256. Recorded on March 25th, 2025.저자 Ali Musa
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Binouze USA fait partie du label Podcut. Retrouvez tous les podcasts du label sur Vous pouvez aussi aider le label en allant sur Générique: Big Patate par Ruff N Ready Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.…
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West USA Weekly Podcast | Ep. 90| Featuring Duane Fouts (3.17.25)
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1:05:38Ask and they will come! Join us this Monday at 9AM as West USA’s DB, Duane Fouts, stops by for Broker Talk. Also, Mike shares 3 Tips to Asking for Referrals & Todd shares the current market stats. Join our weekly podcast as we continue our commitment to bringing you the best in training, information, and technology. This is your chance to be in the…
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March 22, 2025 Hour 1, Part 1
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Enjoy these mainstage anthems @130 BPM! Contact: Download or stream for free via: YouTube (@AngelWingsDJ) Itunes Facebook TuneIn Podcast Addict TRACKLIST: 1. Renegade Master - Lucas & Steve // 2. Kill The Vibe - David Guetta, Prophecy, MORTEN // 3. So Hï - KREAM // 4. Blade - Neitan, DJ Kuba, Bounce Inc. // 5. Rock Da House…
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Before it was the classic dress we all know and many still love today, the little black dress was mostly worn by working-class shopgirls and domestics. Monica Morales-Garcia began to research the origins of the L.B.D. to answer: How had so much changed, yet so much had stayed the same? Listen as Monica walks us through the decline of an industry an…
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USA Prepares Monday May 13 2024 Hour 2 Hosted By Vincent Finelli저자 Genesis Communications Network, Inc.
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In episode 110 of "G'DAY FROM THE USA," host Lady Amanda and co-host Mumma Linda discuss the experiences of an Australian living and working in the USA. We chat about our day trip to Georgia, the delicious gluten free bakery down the road & visiting an Amish store! An Australian living life and working in the USA. Reach out to us on - Facebook: htt…
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Trump vs. the Universities: David Cole and David Myers; 'The Right to Sex": Katha Pollitt
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58:18A key source of opposition to authoritarian regimes in recent history has come from universities and colleges. Trump has been attacking the independence of American universities, demanding they submit to his requirements and using massive funding cuts as his weapon. David Cole, formerly National Legal Director of the ACLU, has our analysis. Also: M…
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In this episode of the Yaesu The Radio Show: PODCAST we discuss some common things people have issues with and some of things to correct them. We do not have a video episode of the show this week.저자 Yaesu USA
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Presidentporträtt av USA:s 3:a president Thomas Jefferson. Det kommer handla om uppväxt och utbildning, George Wythe, upplysningen, naturrätt, självständighetsförklaringen, George Mason, kampen för religionsfrihet, Virginias guvernör, att flytta och fly en huvudstad, Benedict Arnold, organiseringen av territorier, Notes on the state of Virginia och…
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NutraCast: Delivering on women’s health: How a meal service took the market by storm
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23:43Without any marketing, Chiyo became the top Google search result for postpartum nutrition, attracting thousands of pre-orders and recognition from The New York Times and Bon Appétit. The company has since expanded beyond postpartum care to address various women’s health concerns including fertility, PCOS and endometriosis.…
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In this engaging conversation, David Riddle shares his extensive experience in the horse breeding industry, emphasizing the importance of understanding both the art and business of breeding. He discusses the challenges breeders face, including lost revenue and the significance of community support. David highlights the value of his courses, which n…
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#152 - USL bets on promotion/relegation (ft Eboni Christmas of Walkin 90)
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49:46The USL is finally going to institute promotion-relegation. Eboni Christmas of Walkin 90 joins us to discuss the good and the bad on Episode 152. USL Division One is a new league that will debut in 2027-2028, but the United Soccer Leagues are going even further to try and create more interest in the league. Starting in 2028, they will implement pro…
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From metrics to market: Data strategies to succeed in retail
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23:25Spins and NielsenIQ representatives shared strategies for retail success, including boosting velocities, utilizing data efficiently and developing an omnichannel strategy that inserts a brand into a consumers' everyday life저자 William Reed Ltd
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In dieser Episode erfährst du was es mit dem Sagen Umwobenen Spring Break in den USA am College auf sich hat! ---------- Kostenlose Chanceneinschätzung: Erstelle dein Profil und erhalte ein Sportstipendium für die USA: ---------- Du träumst von einem Auslandsstudium in den USA, vom S…
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Here’s the thing: when people come to a comedy show, they’re there to laugh. When people go to a sports bar during March Madness, they’re there to yell at a screen and drown their sorrows in beer. Those are two very different moods.저자 Jeremy Danley
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True Crime Fälle: Der Fall Gene & Betsy Hackman | Real Cases USA | Wahre Fälle #17
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39:31Folge 17: In dieser Folge tauchen wir ein in eine tragische und zugleich rätselhafte Geschichte: Gene Hackman und seine Frau Betsy, ein scheinbar glückliches Paar, werden tot in ihrem gemeinsamen Zuhause aufgefunden. Was zunächst wie ein tragisches Ende aussieht, enthüllt bald schockierende Details – von einer seltenen Virusinfektion bis hin zum er…
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Introducing IMO with Michelle Obama and Craig Robinson
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54:29Introducing a new show hosted by Michelle Obama and her big brother, Craig Robinson. On IMO, they’ll bring their candid perspectives to the everyday questions shaping our lives, relationships and the world around us. Each week, they’re joined by a guest to tackle real questions from real folks just like you, offering practical advice, personal stor…
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20-Minute Guided Meditation for Sleep: Enchanted Forest
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20:02Fall asleep effortlessly with this guided meditation that will transport you into a beautiful forest. With numerous methods, my voice will guide you towards a deep, peaceful sleep.저자 Lady Maga USA
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Welcome to Sunny Days in the USA! 高校、大学、院留学をアメリカで経験したホストのSunnyが、留学生活、国際結婚、出産・子育てなどなどリアルなアメリカ生活をシェアします。 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 今回は私がハマっていたオーディション番組Timelesz Projectの話と夢を追いかけることについて話してみました!私の夢の可視化方法についても話してみたのでぜひ聴いてみてください😄 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 About Sunny: ☀アメリカ高校・大学・大学院留学経験 ☀フルタイムワーキングママ(アメリカの会社でアメリカ人のクライアントさん相手に保険のブローカーしてます!) ☀メキシコ系アメリカ人の夫(アメリカ陸軍州兵所属) ☀2児のメキシコ・…
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Grell, schrill und extrem, ein Thema der heutigen Sendung.저자 Marcel Neuhausler
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