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show episodes
Walking Dharma focuses on helping you live your best life. This podcast dives into a wide variety of yogic and tantric texts with a non-dogmatic, courageous attitude. We candidly break down the central concepts within them to make them as digestible and delicious as possible in application to modern day living. Topics covered range from activating intention and the power of manifestation, awakening inner strength, emotional freedom, and spiritual awakening through the power of being here now ...
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show series
Speaking our truth is integral in healing ancestral trauma and allows us to cultivate the ability to express what we feel within our hearts and intuion. This episode explores how to effectively use your voice through the lense of yogic philosophy. We explore how to balance ahimsa, non-violence, and satya, truthfulness so we may speak our truth in a…
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This week's podcast is called,"Do It Anyway: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome." Imposter syndrome comes from trying to mold yourself after someone else's vision, ideals, standards and definitions of what you should do, act like, look like, express and create. It often arises when we put ourselves out there with our work, our creative energy and our sel…
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This week's podcast is called,"Transmuting Anger into Insight." We dive into anger and how it manifests, how to work with it, how to clear it and how to use it as fuel for motivation. Several Buddhist mind training slogans are explored in relationship with how to utilize anger as a catalyst for change. "Whatever arises unexpectedly, join with medit…
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This week's episode is called "How to (Actually) Surrender." We dive into the yogic principle of Isvara Pranidhana (surrender to God) through the lense of seeing God in all of life. Yoga Sutra 2:45 says,"By total surrender to God samahdi is attained." Surrender is often seen as resignation or giving up, but the truth is to surrender means to embrac…
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This week's episode is called,"Face Yourself," and it dives deep into the yogic philosophy of svadhyaya, self study. "By study of spiritual books comes communion with one's chosen deity." - Yoga Sutras 2:44 Translated literally, svadhyaya means spiritual study as well as self study. At first glance, spiritual study and self study may seem like two …
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This week's podcast is called,'You Deserve to Take Up Space.' It dives into what it really takes to be out in the world living our truth, pursuing our dreams and thinking big in a way that is alignment with our highest truths and authentic self. This episode is guided by several entries in the Bhagavad Gita including sloka 2:52 which states,'When y…
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Accepting Pain as Help for Purification. This podcast episode dives into the yogic niyama (ethical observance) of tapas. 'Tapas' translates as 'to burn,' or 'to heat,' and it is the concept of accepting pain/discomfort as help for purification. Yoga Sutra 2:43 says, "By austerity (tapas), impurities of body and senses are destroyed and occult power…
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You are Stronger Than You Think... This week's episode dives into the 'Five Strengths' as highlighted by Pema Chodron in her book The Places that Scare You. The Five Strengths are rooted in Buddhist philosophy and are powerful life changing concepts when we allow them to help guide our day to day lives. The five strengths are essentially heart inst…
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Happiness is a Big Cosmic Joke (Contentment is where it's at). "By contentment Supreme joy is gained." - Yoga Sutra 2:42 Happiness is fleeting and can easily be 'taken away' by a small shift in our external circumstances. Contentment is based on a soul level understanding that there is beauty in every single moment we are alive and allows us to acc…
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The Art of Purfication. This week's episode explores the concept of saucha (cleanliness; purification). Saucha is the first niyama (ethical observance) as highlighted by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. Purification and cleanliness are an essential component in day to day life. At face value, cleanliness is obvious- bathe regularily, keep your house c…
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What is Intuition and What is Fear? This week's podcast examines two central concepts: how to differentiate between fear based thinking and intuitive guidance and the concept of pratipaksha bhavanam (do the opposite of the initial thought) as a means to help overcome fear based patterning that hinders our ability to move forward and trust life (and…
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This week's podcast joins us on the road driving West to Los Angeles. It is raw and real and dives into the idea that we must rebel against the ready-made societal recipes for life and take a look at our deepest longings with an open mind and heart. From our heart prompts, we then create our own recipe for happiness and fulfillment. To do this we o…
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This week's podcast focuses on embracing the unknown by becoming deeply present with simply being as we are in every moment. "Sweet hearted one, meditate on knowing and not knowing, existing and not existing. Then leave both aside that you may be." - Vigyan Bhairav Tantra via The Book of Secrets by OSHO When we let go of control and surrender to no…
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This week's podcast explores what it takes to move from a reactive state to a response-able state of being. When we are reactive we are triggered and allow strong emotions to overtake our awareness. When strong emotions such as anger, guilt, sadness, or fear arise we are thrown off center and act from a place of past conditioning (we re-en-act a be…
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This week's podcast explores what it takes to cultivate authentic self confidence. Authentic self confidence is something that arises when we learn to fully trust ourselves, our abilities, and our ability to learn and grow accordingly. When we live life from an ego-based construct, we will always be hyper-critical of ourselves. For when we function…
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This week's podcast dives into the concept of unattachment. "Attachment is that which follows identification with pleasurable experiences." -Yoga Sutras "Aversion is that which follows identification with painful experiences." - Yoga Sutras Attachment and aversion are both rooted in fear of pain and a longing for pleasurable/pleasant experiences. W…
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This week's podcast dives into the concept of how to truly love everyone, even those we don't see eye to eye with. "He who sees the Supreme Lord abiding alike in all beings, and not perishing when they perish- verily he alone sees." Bhagavad Gita 13:27 When we realize that the same Divine essence is contained within every living being's heart of he…
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This week's podcast dives into the yama (abstinence) of aparigraha (non-greed; non-covetousness). "When non-greed is confirmed, a thorough illumination of the how and why of one's birth comes."- Yoga Sutras 2:39 When we stop striving to achieve certain experiences, states of being, or material items, we become established in non-greed. Non-greed is…
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This week's podcast dives into the yama (abstinence) of brahmacharya (continence). "To one established in brahmacharya, vigor is gained." Yoga Sutras 2:38 Brahma: Creation; God. Charya: To follow. Brahmacharya: To follow Creation; continence. Brahmacharya (continence) is the ability to remain moderate and balanced in all areas of our life. Traditio…
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This week's podcast dives into the yama (abstinence) of asteya (non-stealing). "To one established in non-stealing, all wealth comes." Yoga Sutras 2:37 Non-stealing is the art of cultivating a gracious, generous, abundance-based attitude towards life and others. The opposite of stealing/taking is receiving/giving. Rather than stealing and taking wi…
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This week's podcast dives into the yama (abstinence) of satya (truthfulness). "To one established in truthfulness, actions and their results become subservient." Yoga Sutras 2:36 Whatever lense of awareness we put on determines what we receive from the world. Instead of trying to find your truth and intentionally 'create' your life, trust that the …
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This week's podcast dives into the yama (abstinence) of ahimsa (non-violence). "In the presence of one firmly established in non-violence, all hostilities cease." Yoga Sutras 2:35 When we open our hearts and live from a place of loving kindness and reverence for all of life, non-violence is a natural outcome. The more we harness the power of compas…
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This week's podcast addresses the modern psychological phenomenon of lack of self worth. We dive into some of the root causes of lack of self worth and examine simple mindfulness-based solutions to help listeners discover a heightened sense of emotional well-being through self acceptance, present moment awareness to identify and clear old stories a…
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How to (truly) give thanks? True gratitude arises from within and is not based on any external circumstances. It requires the abilty to become fully present, cultivate acceptance for what is (and isn't), let go when necessary and allow life to flow through you without confinement. Gratitude that arises from inside and blossoms outwardly is like an …
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This week's podcast explores the idea of how to 'keep going' and continue to walk our spiritual path no matter what. Determination to keep going no matter the external circumstances requires even-mindedness, action in conjunction with surrender, deep trust in our own abilities, and the ability to let go of attachment to the fruits of our actions. T…
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This week's podcast explores the idea of being consistently inconsistent. Anytime we assume that people or things should be a certain way we are living based on what we have experienced in the past. If we are only seeing life from how things 'always are,' we are unavailable to embrace the present moment and the way things are right now. To be consi…
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This week's podcast explores the idea of embracing the shadow. The shadow is the 'darkside' of both our emotional realm and the darker aspects of the outer physical realm. It is the aspects of ourselves that we would rather not show the world. Journeying into the shadow realm takes courage and equanimity to be able to face what is lurking in the fa…
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This week's podcast dives into the idea of "I am not the doer." The Bhagavad Gita says,"I do nothing at all," thinks the Yogi, the knower of Truth; for in seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and in tasting; in walking, breathing, and sleeping; In speaking, emitting, and seizing; in opening and closing the eyes, he is assured that it is only the se…
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This week's podcast dives into the Yoga Sutras and the five 'kleshas' (obstacles) that hinder us from Self realization. The five kleshas are: ignorance, egoism, attachment, aversion and clinging to life. By understanding the kleshas and the ways they manifest in our day to day life we become more capable of overcoming them and recognizing our own t…
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This week's podcast dives into the yogic concept of 'dharma.' Dharma translates literally as: 'That which holds together.' A broader definition of dharma is 'spiritual path.' Dharma is our highest, deepest truth and once realized, acts as an internal compass guiding us in all aspects of life. We dive into excerpts from the Bhagavad Gita to fully un…
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This week's podcast dives into the Four Limitless Qualities of being as taught by Pema Chodron in 'The Places that Scare You.' The four limitless qualities are: loving kindness, compassion, joyfulness and equanimity. We explore how to fully step into emobodying these virtues using real life examples and stories from the 'field.' The near and far op…
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This week's podcast breaks down the five different states of awareness one is capable of experiencing at any given moment. The five states of awareness are: Restlessness, Delusional, Distracted, One-Pointed and Restricted. Qualities of the different states of awareness are broken down and expounded upon in detail using real life examples. Understan…
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This week's podcast is focused on Yoga Sutra II:33, "When disturbed by negative thoughts, opposite (positive) ones should be thought of. This is pratipaksha bhavana." Pratipaksha bhavana translates as: 'opposite thoughts should be thought of.' It is the art of identifying where we are blocking our own highest potential with negative thoughts and ac…
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This week's podcast is focused on The Book of Secrets by OSHO. The Book of Secrets is OSHO's translation of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra. The Vigyan Bhairav Tantra is a text from the Tantra Yoga tradition that consists of 112 meditation techniques all aimed at the ultimate goal-self realization. Join us as we delve into meditation #78: "Wherever your …
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This week's podcast is focused on applying sutra 1:33 from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras to our day to day actions and thought patterns. The sutra states, "By cultivating attitudes of friendliness towards the happy, compassion towards the unhappy, delight in the virtuous and disregard (equanimity) towards the wicked, the mind-stuff retains it's undisturb…
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