show episodes
Unfolding Words is a weekly Bible Study-focused podcast. You will hear biblical truth taught in context and with the text's background in mind to gain a fuller understanding--all in 30 minutes or less. This unfolding helps you to see just how beautiful the Bible is. The result: light for your Christian walk and life for your soul. The podcast name is based on Psalm 119:130: "The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple." | New episodes every Monday.
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Real Life Real Faith

Real Life Real Faith

We all have inner work to do. Real Life Real Faith is an opportunity to connect with Cheryl and her guests as they take you on a journey to help you become your authentic self.Whether you need help goal setting, developing coping skills, or connecting with a power greater than yourself Cheryl is here to walk with you on your path to personal transformation. Get inspired with her weekly show that let's you become an active participant or just sit back and glean from the messages delivered.
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show series
God has already promised He would dwell among His people. His presence is the best promise and it reassures us. If we grieve the Holy Spirit and shut the door on the promise of His presence, then we miss out on His presence and the blessing He brings. How often we seek God’s hand for blessing instead of for God’s face in order to see God Himself? G…
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There are so many voices telling us how to live. What’s right. What’s wrong. And much of it opposed what the Bible mandates as right or wrong. They are trying to take gender off of birth certificates. Isaiah 5:20-21 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet f…
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John opens his book proclaiming and persuading people about the truth of who Jesus is. The opening verses clearly state that Jesus is God and highlight his unique relationship with God the Father. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on http://www…
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God has built rest into our biological makeup. We have to sleep. We have to stop and rest our bodies and minds. God modeled rest for us during creation. God rested after He created the world implying that His creative work is complete and He now rules over it. He didn’t design us to strive all the time. Rest is a divine gift from God. Reach Out and…
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On the first day of the job, newly-installed priest Nadab and Abihu, sons of Aaron, failed to obey the proper practice God had commanded. What they did is referred to as “strange fire” on the altar. What does this mean for us today? Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords…
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Many times when people reference Jesus cleansing the temple in John 2, they reference Jesus’ anger. But there is so much more going on—mainly the reason behind Jesus’ anger. And the story is not just a historical account, but a call for you to want everyone to have access to Jesus. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chattin…
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It's so easy to read the story of the golden calf in the Old Testament and think the Israelites were so ridiculous for worshipping a statue. Given the culture of that time, it made perfect sense to them. Looking at the story in context and in the culture of the Ancient Near East, you'll see how easy it is to erect idols--and how ridiculous your own…
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There's a dangerous theology creeping up in Christianity where people proclaim that they love Jesus without the church. You can’t love Jesus and hate the church. According to Scripture, the church is the bride of Christ . When we talk down about the church, we are referring to Jesus’s bride. We cannot think for one moment that Jesus is okay with Ch…
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It can be easy to think that your walk with God is personal. But as a Christian every thing we do affects other people. In this episode, I share five commands related to the phrase "one another" and how we can incorporate this important topic into our lives as Christian. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the…
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Living water in jars of clay—that’s essentially what wells are when mentioned in the Bible. Jesus is the living water that flows out of believers who are walking wells in this earth. The stone that Jacob rolled off of the mouth of the well foreshadows the rolling away of the great stone from Jesus’ tomb. But this stone will never have to be put bac…
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God promised the children of Israel a land flowing with milk and honey as they wandered in the wilderness for decades. And just as they were on the cusp of crossing over into it, a group rose up and asked to stay in nearby cities east of the Jordan because the land was beneficial for their flocks. Instead of moving into their Promised Land, they op…
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Most of us are waiting for something from God. And most of us think waiting sucks. But it’s in the wait that we learn from God and about God. This microwave society makes waiting seem unnecessary . But waiting provides lessons that we can’t get any other way, strengthens us, makes us realize God makes things happen—not us. Reach Out and Chat Join t…
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As the people of Jericho were shut in, it describes not only a physical defense, but it also represents a resistance to the plans of God. Comfort can create a place that you don’t want to leave. A place that closes you off to the new that God wants to do. In America we live in a land of plenty, a land of comfort. If our comfortable circumstances ch…
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The word "unity" conjures up images of a utopian world. In a perfect world, unity would reign among nations, people groups, marriages, and in relationships. Sadly, the world we live in is a broken world full of broken relationships. Since the fall, every human has lived in broken relationships with others and God. But God’s aim for us has always be…
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What an exciting moment in Israel's history the return to Jerusalem after exile must have been. The Israelite nation endured seventy long years in captivity, and then in the blink of an eye, God turned things around. They could hardly believe it. It was too good to be true—except it was. God is in the restoration business and we need to believe thi…
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As servants of Jesus, we are all on a pilgrimage. The idea of pilgrimage paints the picture of traveling upon a path that is marked out and set before us to make an upward journey. This is not about blazing our own trails to God, but about walking in the well-worn path of faith of Jesus Christ and the saints before us. Reach Out and Chat Join the c…
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We must learn to open God’s book—the Bible. God has spoken so our aim is to try to understand what God has said. The more we study the Word, the more freely the light comes. “The unfolding of your words gives light” means that God’s Word gives light, but also that this light grows increasingly with our understanding of the Word. As you allow God’s …
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God uses humble and simple saints for the purpose of advancing His kingdom through His appointed plans. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on or email Sign up for the e-new…
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God didn't just save you from sin. He saved you for Himself. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment on or email Sign up for the e-newsletter and receive a free Bible study prin…
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The book of Judges tells us everyone did what was right in his own eyes. Right is the same word for judge—to make straight. Every single person determined what “right” was. This led to anarchy. This is a dangerous, lawless time marked by moral in decline. At the beginning of the period there is no clear leader to follow Joshua, and by the end there…
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Ahmaud Arbery was murdered by two men who followed him in a pick-up truck. They were not arrested for two months. The first thing we do when witness a gross injustice like this is look to God and ask: why aren’t you doing anything God? A lot of these times God gets the blame for what humans do apart from Him. God can intervene, but we are promised …
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Freedom in Christ can be a tricky thing if looked at a through the wrong lens. Jesus Christ died to offer us freedom from sin. But how much freedom do we have? Are there boundaries to our liberty? Or can we just do whatever makes us happy? Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldi…
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Notice that deception is always used against a person who is acting as an enemy of God—seemingly getting in the way of God’s plan. Most of the women who used deception in the Bible either worked to protect the lineage of God’s chosen people—specifically the coming Messiah or they were part of Jesus’ lineage. The enemy who deceived Eve—who was to ca…
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The times we are living in now with COVID-19, being quarantined and so many deaths and unknowns, fear is a constant. It’s similar to what the disciples faced after Jesus' death. With Jesus gone, they faced unknowns and fear—locked behind doors. But Jesus came to them with a promise of peace. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media …
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The Day of Atonement was the only time during the year when the high priest would enter the Holy of Holies in the innermost chamber of the Temple (or Tabernacle) to make atonement for the sins of all Israel. On this day, the high priest would remove his official priestly garments, which were very ornate in exchange for a linen garment. Jesus brings…
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Our identity in Jesus is no longer tied to genealogy records that can be tampered with or lost. We have our names in the Lamb's book of life—our identity is firm. And our identity is tied to our purpose—knowing why God made us and then walking that out. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the has…
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Pharaoh ordered two midwives to kill Israelite baby boys. But they defied government order. What these women did was unseen and unknown at the time. But God blessed them beyond measure and used them in a big way. Many times we think it’s the spotlight, the stage, the well-known name that has the biggest impact. Yet it’s often the woman who is quiet…
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God used a pagan king's heart to do the work of rallying the people to rebuild God's temple. Maybe you’ve been praying for God to stir up change through someone who YOU think can make change. Perhaps God has someone altogether different in mind. Whether it’s your baby daddy, your hard to deal with boss, co-worker, or a difficult neighbor, God can s…
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God used His creative power to make something in His image and it was good. In chapter 11 with the Tower of Babel, man uses his creative power to make something to promote his image. Their aim was to build for themselves a city and tower with its top in the heavens and to make a name for themselves. A main part of their goal was to stop themselves …
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The Table of Nations is Noah's descendants through Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The list is probably not complete, but we are given a good picture of the division of our race into three branches. Reach Out and Chat Join the conversation on social media by chatting about the show with the hashtag: #unfoldingwords Also, leave a comment or ask a question o…
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In this re-creation of the world, Noah is a new Adam (see Genesis 9:2-4). And we see again that it doesn’t take long for sin to rear its ugly head. The re-creation (replenishment) of the earth continues with God commanding Noah like he did with Adam, to be fruitful and multiply and a reaffirmation of man’s dominion over animals but not the earth. T…
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Interesting how chapter 8 is the chapter of new beginnings and the number 8 symbolizes new beginnings. Noah has been in the ark for months and perhaps felt forgotten because he didn't know how long he’d be in the ark. The Hebrew text uses the word zakar, which means "to remember." In English to "remember" means to mentally recall an event or action…
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Genesis 7:1 "Then the Lord said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and all your household, for I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation." With this command God extends an invitation, offers perfect provision and provides protection in the midst of sin and judgment. There is no in-between. You either accept the invitation or you d…
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By saying Noah found God’s grace, it does not mean that he was searching for it and then stumbled upon it. He found God’s grace because God’s eyes were fixated upon him. Noah was not an apostate or one who turned away from God. Instead, it was by the grace of God that he was chosen for the special task of boat building. We are all like Noah: saved …
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Instead of skipping over the genealogy lists, take the time and carefully take in the names and glean details that will aid in better understanding of the book of Genesis overall. This week, we will uncover some gems in the genealogy list. The narratives and the genealogical lists, which are sandwiched between the narratives, vary in length. It’s e…
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Sin always crouches down seeming smaller than it really is. But when that thang (yes, thang!) raises up, it’s way bigger and harder to tame than you first imagined. Don’t be deceived. Sin is a killer. We all have a choice today. Between good and bad. Between living as a thorn bush or a tree of righteousness planted by the rivers. The choice is dete…
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Most know Genesis 3 because it chronicles the fall of man. But it also contains some other very important truths. Namely that God desired to clothe Adam and Eve in robes of kingly authority. Adam and Eve needed the knowledge of good and evil to rule. But they decided on their own, instead of God providing it when they needed it. This is reminder to…
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God made this world for man to live and flourish. Everything had a divine purpose, which made God declaration it “very good.” The Garden was a place where Adam could walk in purpose and commune with his Creator. But the icing on the cake was another gift—the Sabbath. Sabbath is a gift from God. It shows His generosity towards us. God created a need…
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God’s love is evident in His careful and deliberate act of creation. He took seven days to establish a pattern for us and show His carefulness and attention to detail in creation. His Spirit hovering over creation is a picture of a bird over the nest keeping an eye on the new creation that's about to burst forth. We see gentleness, provision, great…
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"But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. And you shall tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day when I act, says the Lord of hosts." Malachi 4:2-3 (ESV) We can leap because of what the Lord has done…
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God does keep His promises, even when we fail to recognize it. He said, “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel. For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Pe…
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Consider the fact that Noah preached for more than 100 years while building the ark, but no one besides his family was converted. What does this say about what we often view as successful ministry versus faithfulness to God? So Noah built this ark and looks like his act of faith didn’t draw crowds. But we can’t determine Noah’s success based on our…
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Have you ever faced a predicament and wondered how God was going to resolve it? Or even if He was going to resolve it? It can be so easy to want to know what God is up to when we can’t trace His hand. In 2 Kings 6:24–7:20, the city of Samaria, Israel’s political capital, is under siege, and food supplies have run so short that things that are unthi…
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Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we commanded you, so that you will behave properly toward outsiders and not be in any need. (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12) In our social media driven world, it’s hard to imagine how this verse fits into our culture today…and why anyone would even…
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What is written in the Scriptures? How do you understand them?" Luke 10:26 It’s the same question Jesus is asking you today. How are you to interpret the Bible, and to do so correctly? It isn't as complex as some think. In fact, much of it boils down to common sense and a basic understanding that the Bible is a written document whose forms of expre…
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And he said to them, “Do you not yet understand?” Jesus likely asked this question in Mark 8:17 out of frustration. In verse 12, the Pharisees argued with him asking for a sign. They were arguing WITH the sign. And He sighed deeply in His spirit. This is a glimpse into Jesus' heart. He came for them to understand. But they didn't. Instead, they see…
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In Matthew 8:26, Jesus asked His followers why they were so afraid their boat would overturn on account of some wind and waves, especially since He was right there in the boat with them. Certainly, if the Son of God was in their midst, they would safely get to the other side of the lake. If they had really understood who He was, they would have und…
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Do you want to be healed? The verse in John highlights your need to know yourself. When it comes to your illnesses (sickness, mental, spiritual, relational), do you honestly want to be healed? Or have you become so comfortable in what affliction you are facing that it’s become tied to your identity. This is prime time for you to believe God can do …
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I'm starting a series on the questions of Jesus. The first one we will be looking at is from Matthew 9:28: "When he entered the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.” Jesus was asking more than whether they believed in the power He had just shown in other …
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Although our worship of God is no longer limited to the Temple Mount, we still can fall prey to the temptation to climb the high places—to follow the true God by climbing the wrong hill. There are “high places” in our personal lives that must come down if we are to please God. We must continually be transforming ungodly beliefs and behaviors that c…
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