Exploring the extraordinary and astonishing social, political and cultural life of the Weimar Republic. Produced by Bremner Fletcher, singer, actor and kabarett artist and obsessive lover of Weimar culture and history: http://www.bremnersings.com
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Atleta de ciclismo, corrida, canoagem e escalada, Weimar Pettengill conversa sobre os desafios das principais provas do esporte de aventura no país e convida os ouvintes a curtirem as belezas no entorno do Distrito Federal por meio da prática do esporte.
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Weimar ist nicht nur Schiller, Goethe und Bauhaus. Weimar ist auch nationalsozialistische Musterstadt. Wie kaum anderswo, sind hier die radikalen Umbaufantasien der Nazis verwirklicht worden. Bis heute prägen sie das Stadtbild und zeigen ein Weimar, in dem eine rassistische Ideologie den Alltag der Menschen bestimmte. Der Podcast fragt danach, wie die kleine Residenzstadt in Mittelthüringen von einem machthungrigen Gauleiter in ein NS-Machtzentrum verwandelt werden konnte. Er trifft Menschen ...
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George Grosz and John Heartfield: radical talent and artistic revolutions
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36:04Questions? Suggestions? Send a text. Today we’re going to look at two innovative, influential and politically engaged visual artists from the Weimar period: George Grosz and John Heartfield. I think it’s fair to say that their work was formed by the influence of all the white-hot, stressful events that made the Weimar Republic such a forge for new …
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Will the real Sally Bowles please stand up? Brian Fairbanks uncovers the extraordinary lives that inspired the musical Cabaret
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1:08:15Questions? Suggestions? Send a text. “Berlin was in a state of civil war. Hate exploded suddenly, without warning, out of nowhere; at street corners, in restaurants, cinemas, dance halls, swimming-baths; at midnight, after breakfast, in the middle of the afternoon ... From 1929 to 1933, I lived almost continuously in Berlin, with only occasional vi…
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The Incredible Drama of Weimar Hyperinflation: the economic crisis that changed the world
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1:10:25Questions? Suggestions? Send a text. On Oct 15th, 1923, Berlin resident Betty Scholem wrote to her son: “Conditions have taken a catastrophic turn here. This letter cost 15 million marks to send...and it will be 30 million beginning the day after tomorrow.” She estimated household expenses in the billions as the monthly rate of inflation approached…
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Building the Dream, The Utopian Realism of Weimar Architecture
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34:52Questions? Suggestions? Send a text. “Let us consciously be ‘imaginary architects’! We believe that only a total revolution can guide us in our task. Our fellow citizens, even our colleagues quite rightly suspect in us the forces of revolution. Break up and undermine all former principles. Horse Shit! And we the bud in fresh dung.” So, said Weimar …
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Folge 4: Über die Spurensuche in der Musterstadt — Die Diskussion zum Podcast
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59:30Am 16. Mai fand das offizielle Release des Podcast in den Räumen des Museum Zwangsarbeit statt. Den Rahmen bildete die Veranstaltungsreihe „In Gesellschaft.“, die bereits seit 2021 die Entstehung des Museums begleitet.https://www.museum-zwangsarbeit.de/museum/mediathek/in-gesellschaft Auf der Bühne gaben Macher:innen und Protagonist:innen des Podca…
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Brecht Banter: a whiskey-fueled, kitchen-table conversation on Brecht, Weimar and New Orleans
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1:12:00Questions? Suggestions? Send a text. What do you get when you mix a bottle of Laphroaig Whiskey with three charming Weimar raconteurs? A freewheeling conversation that touches on the disturbing, occasionally hopeful, similarities of the Weimar period with our own days, the enduring importance and power of the poetry and plays of Bertolt Brecht, why…
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Der Belgier Luc van Cantfort war auf der Suche nach den Spuren seines Vaters schon unzählige Male in Weimar. Nach und nach hat er das rekonstruiert, worüber sein Vater nie sprechen konnte: seine Verschleppung und seinen Einsatz als Zwangsarbeiter im Weimarer Fritz-Sauckel-Werk. Chef-Organisator der Zwangsarbeit war der Thüringer Gauleiter Fritz Sau…
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Gemeinsam mit ihrem Lebensgefährten Jens Nielsen erforscht Kirsten Freienstein die Vergangenheit ihres Großvaters, der während des Nationalsozialismus das Gesundheitsamt in Weimar leitete. Kann es sein, dass er einfach nur ein guter Arzt war, wie in der Familie immer wieder behauptet wird? Die Akten im Thüringer Hauptstaatsarchiv erzählen eine ande…
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Im Schatten einer alten Windmühle, hoch über Weimar, befindet sich eine auffällige, palastartige Villa. Hier residierte während des sogenannten Dritten Reichs Fritz Sauckel, eine Schlüsselfigur des NS-Staates. Der glühende Nationalsozialist und Hitler-Verehrer baute in den 20er Jahren die NSDAP in Thüringen auf. Als Gauleiter ließ er später Weimar …
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Questions? Suggestions? Send a text. Many years ago, I started my musical career singing, or maybe I should say screaming, with a Punk band, then eventually, through some very complicated in-between steps, I ended singing Opera, then on to musical theatre, then swinging it with jazz groups, and nowadays, mostly, I’m singing my own original songs. H…
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All Change Is Revolutionary: the Radical Roots of the Weimar Republic
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23:23Questions? Suggestions? Send a text. On October 29th, 1918, only a few days before the official end of WW1, in Kiel, a naval port on Germany’s northern coast, sailors in the German Imperial Navy staged a mutiny that would spark revolutions across Germany, would lead to the formation of a new state with a constitution recognizing radical new human r…
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Questions? Suggestions? Send a text. We’re going to leap into some of the fun, crazy and sometimes completely mad of the Weimar days, i.e. the wild sexual revolution that appeared in in Berlin and to a lesser degree across Germany. My big idea for this episode is that in Post-WW1 Germany, people had seen so much death, they searched for life throug…
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Questions? Suggestions? Send a text. In this first episode we'll take a quick overview of birth, brief life and death of the Weimar Republic and ask the big, big question: 'Why care about a failed European state that only lasted 14 years and was a hot mess from the start'.저자 Bremner Fletcher Duthie
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O colunista, Weimar Pettengill, se despede da coluna na CBN, mas nunca do esporte. Ele continuará tocando projetos pessoais no Canadá.
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Atletas goianos e brasilienses enfrentam uma trilha de 150km entre Goiânia e Pirenópolis.
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Esporte e Aventura preparando-se para a nova temporada no hemisfério norte
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5:29É hora de guardar o snowboard e tirar as motos das garagens.
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Antes de planilhas de treinos para ampliar o volume de corrida, é importante perguntar se você realmente deseja fazer percursos maiores.
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Desde os anos 90 ele sobe a montanha ao menos cinco vezes por semana, e boa parte de suas idas é com enxada na mão, para fazer a manutenção das trilhas mais populares da América do Norte, em North Shore Vancouver, BC.
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Petrópolis, Pirenópolis e Brasília representam o Brasil no pódio da maior prova de Mountain Bike do mundo
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4:28Henrique Avancini termina a competição de 8 dias em terceiro lugar na Elite, Raíza Goulão é Top 5 do mundo depois de pedalar 650km e Abraão Azevedo fecha em segundo lugar na Master, depois de 15.000m de ascensão acumulada.
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Abraao Azevedo e Raíza Goulão representarão o Brasil no maior evento mundial do Mountain Bike
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4:31Começa no domingo a Stage Race a mais badalada e disputada do mundo e os atletas do Centro-Oeste têm reais chances de pódio.
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Depois de 5 anos no hospital Sara Kubitscheck em Brasília, após 7 cirurgias, a vontade de viver bem falou mais alto: analista de sistemas, casado, pai, e, agora, ciclista.
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Considere as novas Gravel Bikes, as bicicletas híbridas que voam no asfalto e te permitem aproveitar estradas de cascalho e trilhas planas.
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Um plano, desenvolvido em conjunto, poderia ter feito toda a diferença: enquanto se adapta a cidade para bicicletas, se estimula a utilização do meio de transporte.
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Enquanto Luís Felipe Mota e Lucelila Perez vencem a clássica prova de Brasília, no Alasca, o Brasileiro Joilson Ferreira, enfrentando temperatura de até -40°C e arrastando um trenó de 43kg, corre 320km vence a Ultra do Alasca.
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O sonho de poder pedalar pela cidade e a megalomania dos políticos, investindo dinheiro público em obras desconectadas.
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Mariana Balga e Luiz Eduardo Persechini encontraram nos altos e baixos das trilhas a simbologia que comungam para a caminhada da vida. No terceiro ano juntos, o destino foi o segundo maior monólito de granito do mundo, o Stawamus Chief, com 702m.
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Depois de pedalar 1700 km, de Brasília à Paraty, deficiente visual resolve dar o troco em nosso colunista de aventura e o leva para correr 120km em 23h, pelo Pantanal do Mato Grosso do Sul. Adauto Belli ensina: "está tudo na mente. Se for fraca, desiste antes do corpo".
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Uma cabana de montanha que sintetiza o pensamento "viver em comunidade"
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Bloquinho de carnaval da turma do Nada, Pedala & Corre promete suor para atletas de Brasília durante o carnaval.
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A base para manter o corpo em condições de aproveitar o Esporte & Aventura.
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Crianças e o futuro do esporte: conectando os hemisférios
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4:47Ao Norte, uma escola de Mountain Bike para crianças de 2 anos de idade. No cerrado, o Minas Brasília Tênis Clube convida crianças de 6 a 11 anos para formar um time de base de Pólo Aquático.
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Ciclista brasiliense, Campeão Mundial de Mountain Bike, monta campanha de crowdfunding
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3:53Abraão Azevedo tenta viabilizar sua participação no Cape Epic, a ultramaratona mais importante e disputada do mundo.
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Já construiu um abrigo de neve para dormir com 20 graus negativos?
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3:00Esta é a missão do Esporte & Aventura para este final de semana, explorar os três mananciais do Joffre Lake’s. E o convite para rememorar os 7 anos do Projeto Paralelo 15, com detalhes de uma incrível viagem de moto, em solitário, pela América do Sul.
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Discutindo a renovação do esporte em Brasília e correndo na neve no Canadá
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7:58Precisamos de uma nova geração de esporte e aventura na cidade.
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Atleta brasiliense campeão mundial de Mountain Bike e de XTERRA sofre acidente enquanto treinava no Parque da Cidade
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4:33Marconi Ribeiro sofreu ferimentos no rosto. O atleta passa bem e já descartou lesões na cervical.
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As trilhas de Mountain Bike mais utilizadas do Canadá, construídas pelo voluntariado.
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O paraíso do Mountain Bike em Vancouver.
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O colunista Weimar Petengil vai contar suas aventuras por seis meses direto de Vancouver.
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Weimar sentiu na pele como é enfrentar o problema.
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Escalada, canoagem, ciclismo e muito mais na região de Barreiras na Bahia.
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Weimar Pettengill foi até Bahia e conheceu lindas histórias no esporte. O resultado da viagem é sensacional.
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Atletas da cidade mostram que o esporte brasileiro vai além do futebol.
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