How to choose the perfect place to train P 2
Manage episode 400113338 series 3528534
If we search the web we found tons of suggestion about how to find the perfect discipline for us. Yet, you will find almost nothing if you seek advice on choosing the perfect place to practice it. This is because the guiding factors in our choice are often logistical, and we fail to see their real meanign. Instead, the choice of where to train holds decisive value in our satisfaction with the practice, and the aspects to consider are numerous and often not intuitive.
Last week, I guided you through the maze of considerations before choosing the perfect place to train, starting with the example of choosing an Aikido dojo.
I will shared my story – how I chose my practice location.
Today, we will recap together, starting from my experience, all the little tips to keep in mind to avoid making this crucial choice wrong!
Comment on the episode post on Instagram to share your story: Did you applied those suggestions? Do you have your own ones to share? And send me a DM to suggest content for upcoming episodes and help grow this community
And if you are in Rome, we look forward to training with you in the dojo! All the info here:
For further information:
DOJO: 道場, a Japanese term indicating the place where martial arts practice takes place, originally inherited from Chinese Buddhist tradition. It originally referred to the place where Buddha attained enlightenment and, by extension, places designated for religious practice in Buddhist temples. The term was later adopted in the military and bujutsu practice, influenced by Zen tradition during the Edo period, and is still widespread in the martial arts community. NOGAKU: 能楽 is one of the traditional styles of Japanese theater, composed of the Noh lyrical drama and the comedic kyogen. Traditionally, both types of theater are performed together, with kyogen interspersed between various Noh performances during the day.
FUJIMOTO YOJI: Fujimoto Yoji Sensei, 8th dan, Deputy Educational Director of Aikikai in Italy.
HAKAMA: 袴 It is a traditional Japanese garment that resembles a wide-legged pant-skirt or a pleated skirt. It is tied at the waist and is approximately ankle-length. Nowadays, the hakama is used for tradition in some martial arts descended from Bujutsu (a collection of ancient Samurai practices) such as Iaido, Kenjutsu, Kendo, Kyudo, Daito-ryu, and Aikido. Hakama used in martial arts are made of cotton, silk, polyester, or a blend of these three fibers. The hakama is also a ceremonial dress, and in this case, it is made of silk. In the case of Shinto ceremonies (the Japanese polytheistic and animistic religion), the priest wears a white hakama, male assistants wear light green hakama, and female assistants wear red-orange hakama. The folds of the hakama symbolize the virtues of Budo (the Japanese martial way).
#MartialArtsDiscipline #TrainingLocation #PerfectPractice #LogisticalFactors #ChooseWisely#SatisfactionInPractice #IntuitiveChoices #AikidoDojo #MartialArtsJourney #LocationImportance#InspiringStories #CrucialChoice #OptimalEnvironment #KeyFactors #TrainingPlaceSelection#AikidoExample #StrategicTraining #DecisionMaking #AvoidMistakes#MartialArtsInspiration #TrainingTips #MartialArtsPodcast #ChooseRight#MazeOfConsiderations #PodcastEpisode #PerfectTrainingPlace #PodcastListeners #AikidoStories#PracticeLocation #AvoidingMistakes #SatisfactionTips #TrainingSuccess #PodcastTopics#MartialArtsChoices #IntuitionInPractice #DojoSelection #Storytelling #PodcastContent#AikidoJourney #LocationTips #TrainingSuccess #PodcastIdeas #ChooseSmart#InspirationInMartialArts #PodcastDiscovery #TrainingInsights #MartialArtsCommunity #DecisionTips
1. Intro (00:00:00)
2. Start with why: the reasons behind our willing to train (00:01:12)
3. Logistic (00:04:23)
4. Biorhythm (00:04:47)
5. The teacher (00:06:36)
6. A dojo that teaches few rules (00:07:28)
7. A dojo with clear rules (00:07:34)
8. A dojo well done, not well filled (00:08:05)
9. A serious dojo, but not too serious (00:08:33)
10. A dojo with different paths (00:08:43)
11. A dojo where you practice a lot and speak little (00:08:48)
12. A dojo with no competition (00:08:56)
13. A dojo that doesn’t please everyone (00:09:02)
14. Outro (00:09:07)
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