Ronnie & Brett talk about the importance of Trust when selling your home. Many home buyers are very transactional, and only look at sellers as a number, not as a person. Many times home buyers will tell home sellers the process will be quick and easy, but then they'll keep prolonging the process. They'll send multiple inspectors or contractors out. They might try to renegotiate on the agreed upon price. They can cause a lot more headaches than they're worth. That's why Simple Quarters understands the importance of being relational vs transactional when dealing with home sellers. Even if you don't sell to us, please make sure to go with a home buyer you know you can trust. Trust is important in every relationship, and you definitely need to trust who you're selling your home to. Just know with Simple Quarters, we keep our word. When we give you a price, we won't change it later. When we say we just need one visit to your home, we mean it. You can trust us to keep our word. You can trust us to care about you and your situation. We want to develop an actual relationship with you to help put your mind at ease, and to help the process go much more smoothly for everyone. When people can treat people like people, with respect, everything works much better. If you run into a problem with moving, or needing more time, or whatever the case may be, you can trust us to try to be flexible and work with you the best we can. We'll be honest and straightforward with you. We hope you enjoy the stories we share in this episode of some of the home sellers who have had issues with other companies, but who have had great experiences with us in their hardships. We love to help every home seller we encounter. If you need a helpful home buyer, please give us a call. We would love to give you a free cash offer. Call Simple Quarters at 317-900-HOME.…