S2EP15. 你被「取消」了!這是什麼意思?|You're "cancelled"! What Does It Mean?
Manage episode 280761893 series 2762156
Have you ever heard a sentence that goes along the lines like, "That person is canceled."? Why does it really mean to "cancel" someone?
In this episode, we're gonna talk about the original meaning of "canceling someone," the consequences of cancel culture, and whether it does more harm than good.
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【Podcast 關鍵字】
cancel culture (n.) 取消文化
term (n.) 詞
concept (n.) 概念
definition (n.) 定義
celebrity (n.) 名人
well-known (adj.) 有名的
figure (n.) 人物
form (n.) 形式
group shaming (n.) 集體羞辱
ambiguous (adj.) 含糊的
jokingly (adv.) 開玩笑地
consequence (n.) 後果
phenomenon (n.) 現象
boycott (v.) 杯葛;抵制
ultimate (adj.) 最終的
diminish (v.) 減少;削弱
social movement (n.) 社會運動
sexual abuse (n.) 性侵害
harassment (n.) 騷擾
commit (v.) 犯下
prominent (adj.) 著名的
call out (phr.) 戳破;挑戰
abuse (v.) 濫用
take advantage of (phr.) 利用
director (n.) 導演
cut ties with someone (phr.) 斷絕關係
controversial (adj.) 有爭議的
standup comedian (n.) 單口喜劇演員
drop out (phr.) 退出
homophobic (adj.) 恐同的
backlash (v.) 強烈反對
severe (adj.) 嚴重的
condemn (v.) 譴責
insincere (adj.) 虛偽的
criticize (v.) 批評
spotlight (n.) 聚光燈
hold someone accountable (phr.) 追究某人的責任
get away with (phr.) 未被懲罰的
equivalent (adj.)相等的
fate (n.) 命運
lead to (phr.) 導致
reputation (n.) 名聲
income (n.) 收入
recover (v.) 恢復
silence (v.) 不進行交流或討論
racial justice (n.) 種族公正
LGBTQ 女同性戀、男同性戀、雙性戀、跨性別等性少數者
justification (n.) 理由
bring up (phr.) 提出
improve (v.) 改進
oftentimes (adv.) 經常
hate train (n.) 集體仇恨
trend (n.) 趨勢;流行
maintain (v.) 維持
acknowledge (v.) 認知
shut someone down (v.) 禁止某人說話
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