OVERVIEW: In this episode, I am joined by Peter Merholz, Design Executive and Organisational Consultant, Author and Founder of Adaptive Path. His book, co-authored with Kristin Skinner, Organisational Design for Design Orgs is a go-to book for so many Designers, Design and non-design Leaders. In our conversation, we cover specifically the difference between Tech-First and Legacy Organisations in how they see Design within their organisational structure, what difference this makes to the way they invest in and support Design, what this means for newly minted design executives. We touch on themes that I covered with both Jose Dos Santos and Clive Grinyer in earlier episodes about the blockers that Design-Leaders face on the way to the c-suite. This is a conversation about the mindset, skills, attention and orientation of executive leadership and what Design needs to ‘get over’ (sometimes itself and sometimes others) in order to achieve that. SHOW LINKS & RESOURCES: I referenced an article that Peter published recently on the focus and role of a Design Executive which is really useful to remind Senior Design Executives what is expected of the executive role. Other ways to connect and follow Peter's thinking: Peter Merholz on LinkedIn Peters Personal Website contains his writing and musings on humanising Design Org Design for Design Orgs the website contains updated reflections on the topic of Design Orgs and Design Leadership and is worth following Peter has his own podcast - co-hosted with Jesse James Garrett - call Finding Our Way that is absolutely worth adding to your regular downloads - I'm a subscriber and find it invaluable. subscribe to the Business x Design Newsletter here and connect with your show host Martin Dowson on LinkedIn - we really welcome feedback from our listeners so do get in touch!…