Great short Bonus Show for all our loyal podcast fans. This week a tremendous comedy team shares comedy and's "Mack & Jamie" , stars of TV's "Comedy Break"; sharing loads of musical humor. Enjoy!
Wisen Up Podcast supports your career move to Canada by providing all the information you need through Content, Consultation and Community.Our content covers stories and interviews of those who have relocated to Canada and established themselves in various careers in Canada, like IT, HR, Consulting, Pharma, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Banker, and also as students.Our consultations help those trying to decide whether or not to make a move to Canada and what sector to focus on. We provide hands-on the pulse information, data from vetted sources combined with our collective 25 years of experience to help you make the right choices at the right time.We cover topics ranging from your career, courses, certifications, to business, startups, real estate, banking and investment management.Our community of consultants and experts have decades of experience working in Canada across multiple domains and specializations. The aim of the community is to build and support our members at each stage of our lives, to feel at home and to celebrate life's milestones together by uplifting one another.
Wisen Up Podcast supports your career move to Canada by providing all the information you need through Content, Consultation and Community.Our content covers stories and interviews of those who have relocated to Canada and established themselves in various careers in Canada, like IT, HR, Consulting, Pharma, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Banker, and also as students.Our consultations help those trying to decide whether or not to make a move to Canada and what sector to focus on. We provide hands-on the pulse information, data from vetted sources combined with our collective 25 years of experience to help you make the right choices at the right time.We cover topics ranging from your career, courses, certifications, to business, startups, real estate, banking and investment management.Our community of consultants and experts have decades of experience working in Canada across multiple domains and specializations. The aim of the community is to build and support our members at each stage of our lives, to feel at home and to celebrate life's milestones together by uplifting one another.
Entrepreneur, Sales Leader & Coach with experience building high-capacity teams and profitable online businesses. CEO & Co-Founder The3Skills Ottawa, Canada Area Our mission is to create the world's most employable candidates by teaching people how to communicate their value. Results: $150k in revenue, 220+ jobs landed by our students adding over $7.3 Million to Canadian Economy (Total Student Income). Highlights: - Earned 11 million organic views on personal LinkedIn content and leveraged LinkedIn & TikTok to organically grow community to 23,000+ people - Collaborated with marketing team on SEO, brand strategy and product development - Responsible for several other responsibilities including sales, partnerships, coaching and content development For more info on Wisenup Canada you can reach Ron at: For customized consultation based on your Linkedin profile, you can book a 60 minute - Canada Career Consultation Session ( CCC™) or join WisenUp Elite Membership™…
Innovative and performance-driven entrepreneur with a deep passion for web 3 technology, business and food. Certified NFT Expert & Project management professional with experience in managing all aspects of the business development. Poses the ability to work and remain calm under pressure, excellent leaderships skills and great time management skills. I am also an active mentor, advisor & public speaker for Startup’s and Non-Profit Organizations. With love for food, we are building an online marketplace for home cooked food to bring authentic traditional food from home cooks. We know the cravings of many people who are living far way from their family and we are on a mission to bring you that mother's taste where ever you are on this earth. We are first in Canada to bring this idea to live to disrupt the traditional & conventional way and tap the huge market. We recently graduated from Founder Institute Western Canada and currently building our platform. Founder & CEO Home Kuisines · Permanent Full-time Startup Mentor Founder Institute Western Canada Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Co-Founder & Board Member Aadhion Digital Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Senior Technical Advisor Sixforces Inc. You can contact Naresh at For customized consultation based on your Linkedin profile, you can book a 60 minute - Canada Career Consultation Session ( CCC™) or join WisenUp Elite Membership™…
My name is Maria, and as an Industrial Engineer, Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP®), and Data Science Fellow I take advantage of my analytical and people skills to help organizations make process and data-driven decisions. In addition to my corporate job, I volunteer at IIBA Hamilton, AI for Good, and Neutrify, fulfilling my passion for making a positive impact in the community. In my free time, I love to go for a walk, study, travel, and bake desserts. If you want to learn more about my journey, send me a message. I would be happy to share my experience with you! For more info on Wisenup Canada you can reach Ron at: For customized consultation based on your Linkedin profile, you can book a 60 minute - Canada Career Consultation Session ( CCC™) or join WisenUp Elite Membership™…
This podcast is ranked globally in the Top 10% Hello! I’d like to invite you to our community, WisenUp! Canada. It takes less than a minute to join and together we’re sharing our stories, experiences, and ideas. You will find all the information you need to be successful in Canada and most importantly build your Canadian network. I know you’ll love it. See you here! Ron Johnson Welcome to Season 2, Episode 3 with Prince John Prince is a banking professional who lived in Chennai before moving to Windsor, Canada. He is quite comfortable putting together million dollar deals and he brought that skill with him as a Commercial Account Manager with a Top 5 Canadian bank. 4:00 How did you over come obstacles in your journey? 6:08 Why Canada instead of Australia or the US? 7:31 You have a full time job and your wife owns 2 companies and you have 2 kids, do you have more than 24 hours in a day? :) 9:33 Do we need domain expertise to be successful in business?? 11:50 How is the job search different in Canada? 12:45 Canada is a country of Specialists? What skill sets are you specialized in? 13:35 "Respecting Culture is very Important" 13:35 "When I quoted my wide experience, I was not well received" When I focussed on my 10 years of managing business clients,I received a better response 14:35 Respecting and Integrating with Canadian Culture is very important to be successful 15:59 Talking to People in the Bus is a Game Changer 16:55 Why is Windsor better than Toronto? :)…
This podcast is ranked globally in the Top 10% Hello! I’d like to invite you to our community, WisenUp! Canada. It takes less than a minute to join and together we’re sharing our stories, experiences, and ideas. You will find all the information you need to be successful in Canada. I know you’ll love it. See you here! Ron Johnson Login using your Linkedin: Welcome to Season 2, Episode 2 with Pat Chaisang Pat landed in Vancouver from Thailand straight out of high school and English wasn't her first language. She was shy and not confident to speak to people because she was worried if she would make mistakes. Growing up in Asia, she was taught not to challenge authority. She was told not to ask too many questions, not to be too direct with people. Such an upbringing made her shy to ask for what she wanted in her job search! She teaches you how to ask professionals/hiring managers working in the industry for coffee chats which exponentially increases your chances of landing your dream job! "CEO's tend to make time to talk to students and inspire the next generation. " says Pat so use the opportunity before you graduate :) KEY TOPICS: 4:30 : What did you do when things didn't go according to plan in Canada? 5:30 : Why become an entrepreneur in Canada? 9:40 : How does an international student become an entrepreneur in Canada? 14:40 : How is the Job Search different in Canada? 16:05 : Why is asking people for coffee chats in Canada one of the most powerful networking tools for international students?? 17:20 : What all services does Empower provide for International Students in Canada? 21:15 : Why did you chose the college and program you enrolled in? 22:15 : How did you find your first part time job while in university? 25:10 : How did you enroll for the exchange program in Sweden from Canada? 27:00 : How did you stand out in the recruitment process when you are competing with 100s of applicants? 31:20 : "You can't train people to be hungry?!" 34:50 : "Hard work pays off, you get as much out of it as much as you put into it!" Resources to help your Canadian Move: Best resources for International Students : Shareable links of the WisenUp! podcast: SPOTIFY: APPLE:…
This podcast is ranked globally in the Top 10% Hello! I’d like to invite you to our community, WisenUp! Canada. It takes less than a minute to join and together we’re sharing our stories, experiences, and ideas. You will find all the information you need to be successful in Canada. I know you’ll love it. See you here! Ron Johnson Login using your Linkedin: Welcome to Season 2, Episode 1 with Simran Kaur Simran is an IT professional who lived in Hong Kong before moving from India to Canada. How are they managing to hold down full-time jobs and yet find time to create Youtube Videos, launch and manage their app, products and services in less than 14 months? Simran and her husband launched a startup while they were in Hong Kong and they sold that company before moving to Canada. They have launched their second venture in Canada and have one of the most successful Canadian Newcomer Youtube channels. How did Simran accomplish all that and also switch jobs/homes/location during the pandemic? Simran manages the IT development while her husband takes care of the marketing. Together they are the proud owners of the YouTube Channel - Potato Talkies How did they achieve 150k subscribers on their channel in ~14 months? All this and more is covered in this podcast interview. KEY TOPICS: 10:45 : When does Canada feel like home? 11:39 : What is potato talkies all about? 18:29 : How to generate additional income/create a side hustle in 14 months? 35:20 : My 3 Lessons for Canadian New Immigrants about the Canadian Work culture Resources to help your Canadian Move: Best Youtube channel on Canada: Shareable link of the WisenUp! podcast: SPOTIFY: APPLE:…
This podcast is ranked globally in the Top 10% Hello! I’d like to invite you to our community, WisenUp! Canada. It takes less than a minute to join and together we’re sharing our stories, experiences, and ideas. You will find all the information you need to be successful in Canada. I know you’ll love it. See you here! Ron Johnson Login using your Linkedin: Our next guest has travelled the globe and visited over 30 countries before he chose Canada as his home. He has his PMP certification, had a stint at London School of Economics while completing his MBA in Barcelona, published articles, papers and was also invited to be part of TV show panel in Canada back in 2011. He worked on large projects both for the US and Indian government managing multiple complex stakeholder relationships. How did he manage to secure a job in Canada landing 1 month before the global lockdown? Awards & Achievements : • Selected as “Young Global Fellow” by University of Waterloo • Selected as "Young Pacific Leader” by United Nations • Awarded as "East Asia Future Leader" by Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs • Selected as "Global Social Fellow" by National Taiwan University • Awarded Middle East Leadership award by EADA Business School Publications: •Equinox blueprint: a techno- policy document on innovation and ideas •Article published by Energetica on Durban discussion •Book published on sustainable water management and healthcare •Part of the TV show panel hosted by TVO Canada in the year 2011…
This podcast is ranked globally in the Top 10% Hello! I’d like to invite you to our community, WisenUp! Canada. It takes less than a minute to join and together we’re sharing our stories, experiences, and ideas. You will find all the information you need to be successful in Canada. I know you’ll love it. See you here! Ron Johnson Login using your Linkedin: Nav and his wife landed in Canada right before the pandemic. They built their own company while in Hong Kong and in spite of many challenges sold it before moving to Canada They landed in Canada and lost all their employment opportunities thanks to COVID. In spite of all that, they have built a Youtube channel with over 140k subscribers and have launched their own Job Accelerator program to help Canadian Newcomers find their first job faster and easier. I love their passion, spirit and energy with which they breeze through life. Both of them invest 40 hours of work into their day job and 20 hours of work into their Youtube channel and coaching program. We have huge respect for their focus and creativity in solving the pain points of Canadian Newcomers and especially Nav's ability to wake up at 4 am everyday to work on his passion. Nav is working at Walmart in Marketing and we want to congratulate him for his recent promotion. Nav's better half works in software and app development. You can find them here on their Youtube channel…
This podcast is ranked globally in the Top 10% Hello! I’d like to invite you to our community, WisenUp! Canada. It takes less than a minute to join and together we’re sharing our stories, experiences, and ideas. You will find all the information you need to be successful in Canada. I know you’ll love it. See you here! Ron Johnson Login using your Linkedin: #Takeaways from this episode: Business Owners: How did Nick move from running the largest call centre and ad agency in Dubai to starting multiple businesses in Canada? What was his first Canadian business and how did he sell it to the Toronto Star newspaper? When is the right time for immigrants to open up their own business? What has Nick created for the newcomers who lost their job in the 2020 pandemic?(Links below) Why did Nick launch the RBC Top 25 Canadian Immigrant award? Employees: Why is getting your first job a smart move? Why is a mentor important for one's growth? Why is the cover letter your biggest tool to create an impression and how much time should you take to create one for a job? #3 success secrets to your first job: Volunteering, Mentorship, Networking International Students: Should international students move to Canada at any cost? What should international students look out for before selecting a program? Favourite Themes/ Quotes: "What do newcomers have in common with a sponge?" "Immigrants don't need to change, we just learn to adapt like we change our clothes in response to the season." "We don't know what we don't know" Resources: Do you want to improve your network? Do you want to improve your interviewing skills? From the Author You could actually call Canada Countdown a prequel to Arrival Survival Canada , which is now in its third edition published by Oxford University Press and is a Canadian best-seller. While that book goes into everything you need to know in your first year after coming to Canada, this book concentrates on how to get here, and some of the initial steps you need to take before and after you land. Skilled workers want to migrate to Canada but have to pay consultants' exorbitant fees. The horror stories of some of these consultants are legendary with some victims paying huge fees and never ever getting to see their dream home! I wanted to create a level-playing field for prospective immigrants. I wanted to write a book that would be a quick and simple read for immigrants who could use the information to apply to Canada themselves.…
This podcast is ranked globally in the Top 10% Hello! I’d like to invite you to our community, WisenUp! Canada. It takes less than a minute to join and together we’re sharing our stories, experiences, and ideas. You will find all the information you need to be successful in Canada. I know you’ll love it. See you here! Ron Johnson Login using your Linkedin: How many of us watched the #Netflix Special or remember the game where this great man played with high fever and led the team to a playoff win by making the game-winning shot? #michaeljordan is the greatest player of all time for a reason. Well Kobe and LeBron grew up wanting to be like Michael and so did I 🙂 How does anyone become great at a game? It takes Practice and Getting the right #training , #coaching , #mentorship at the right time, learning from the best in the game and a.. Winning #mindset It is the same with any new game. Nishant Kalia, RPR is a recruiter and started his YouTube channel in September. He has helped 100s of newcomers along the way and some of his videos crossed 150k views. He is now working on launching a full-fledged coaching program to help newcomers with the winning mindset you need to be successful in Canada. To grow a Youtube channel to over 20k subscribers is no easy task, our next guest started in September 2020 and his videos have over 150k views. 🙂What! You don't believe me! Check out his channel-🙂 In spite of losing his job during the lockdown, he did not lose hope but kept himself busy with certifications and creating an online web persona. What did I learn from this podcast? Why people still choose Canada? What courses to pick if I am planning to study in Canada? How do we use LinkedIn to make our profile stand out and get more responses ? How to become a recruiter in Canada, what certifications should we focus on? Why do newcomers struggle with making meaningful connections on LinkedIn and find a job? Tune in to the episode if you want to receive a special coaching offer from a Canadian recruiter - Nishant Dependable Kalia…
Are you a Business analyst trying to break into the Canadian Market? Would you like to pivot into being a product owner/product manager? What strategies/tools should you employ to set yourself apart from the competition? ♟Immigrant life is like a game of chess♟.🕹🎮 You have moves to find a house, moves to find a job, moves to feed and clothe your family, moves to deal with winter.♠️♥️♦️♣️ 🔶️🔻Our next podcast guest Moumita Biswas shares her insights on how a simple evaluation of #linkedintips helped her understand how to customize her profile by amplifying the outcomes of her previous roles. This strategic move improved the quality of the jobs she was being shortlisted for and she ended up getting her dream role. Tune in to listen to Moumita's experience of moving to a new country and establishing her career amidst the global lockdown.…
How many of you would like to study in Canada? What websites do you use to find out about the best college courses applicable to you? What courses are in demand in Canada? What sectors are hiring in Canada? Our next Podcast Guest goes behind the scenes and reveals the life of an International Recruitment Manager with over 10 years of experience placing students in Colleges and Universities across the globe. He also shares how he earned US and Australian degrees at 30 percent of the cost and why he loves Canada so much? Merwyn Paul moved to Canada from Dubai with his wife and now both work for ApplyBoard, Canada's fastest-growing company valued at over 1 billion dollars and is one of the biggest Unicorns from Canada. If you would like to join ApplyBoard, tune into this podcast. If you have any questions about Canada please email them to or you can submit them here…
This podcast is ranked globally in the Top 10% Hello! I’d like to invite you to our community, WisenUp! Canada. It takes less than a minute to join and together we’re sharing our stories, experiences, and ideas. You will find all the information you need to be successful in Canada. I know you’ll love it. See you here! Ron Johnson Login using your Linkedin: 👨💻👩💻For all those who are going through a tough time finding a job because of the pandemic, listen to this podcast to be inspired to push through and to stay optimistic. What I got from talking to Nikhil Pal Singh PMP® CSM® CSSGB ? 💥 Don't give in to the doubters. 💥Find the right information, 💥Keep moving forward and 💥never, ever give up. 🙂 What will you do if you relocated to a new country and the world was shut down? How will you network and find jobs if you are not allowed to leave your house? How do you prepare for a project manager role In Canada even before you land? Nikhil completed his PMP, Scrum and 6 sigma certification all in a matter of 6 months! Who in the world does that? Well he did and Canada Post came calling him even while he was in his home country. Find out how he managed to stay afloat even after all the job offers dried up because of the lockdown. How did he work his way up through retail and how his boss at the store helped him gain valuable experience? In the end, it all worked out and despite the pandemic, he is back with a bang as a project manager in a record 6 months' time! If you have any questions about Canada please message me on the WisenUp Platform. Lots of features and benefits are available including support services at every stage of your journey.…
🧗♀️For those of you who are going through a tough time and felt like giving up, this is an inspiring podcast. Things I learned from this conversation are:👨💻 💥How an HR manager can land a role without Canadian education or certification during the pandemic in 2020? 💥Why even working at Dollarama can be a great networking opportunity? 💥How living downtown is expensive? and 💥 Just because you have an IT background doesn't mean you can easily find a job Register at to enjoy all the other fun episodes, free Ebooks, Live Q&A and 30 minute consultations. What would you do if you landed right before the #lockdown in March 2020? Relocating to a new country and establishing your career is challenging as it is but 2020 spiced up the difficulty a little bit, don't you think? 👨💻Would you be ok with working at a retail store like Dollarama until the opportunity showed up? A lot of new immigrants are told not to!👩💻 Are you willing to take the retail plunge? 💰In this episode, Soumya confesses that he almost went bankrupt, decided to leave Canada and how COVID was a blessing in disguise! Tuned in to find out how he turned it around.💥 Thank you Soumya Sharma for inspiring all of us by sharing the ups and downs of your Canada journey. It was a fun conversation where we shared a few funny moments of our collective experience and we admired his courage and ability to look back and smile at how far he has come. Here is to many more wonderful years 🥂 If you have any questions about Canada please email them to or you can submit them here…
Key Takeaways: Common financial mistakes Canadian Newcomers Make How quickly can you improve and boost your Credit Score? How many credit cards and credit accounts should you have? What are the common mistakes # international students make with their credit? Difference between Line of credit, Loans, Credit cards and RRSPs Today's guest is our very own #WisenUp co-host Ron Johnson, who has a wealth of personal and professional experience to share about living, working and thriving in Canada. Ron is an ex-banker who started his career with Morgan Stanley and moved to Canada working at corporates such as American Express, CIBC and BMO. He has helped thousands of Canadians manage their personal and business accounts, investments and mortgages. Ron understands the specific and unique financial challenges that many students and new immigrants face in Canada, and has spent hundreds of hours educating such groups on efficient strategies to improve their creditworthiness and obtain superior financing opportunities. He coaches newcomers on "How to be a Top 10% income earner in Canada?" If you have any questions about Canada please email them to: Register at to enjoy all the other fun episodes, free Ebooks, Live Q&A and 30 minute consultations.…
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