Welcome to the NEW HOME of Mea Culpa – the ONLY place to find new episodes of Michael Cohen’s hit podcast. Cohen, the former attorney and personal “fixer” for Donald J. Trump, once vowed to take a bullet for the President. But that was before the country was brought to its knees by Trump’s lies and personal madness. While Cohen was imprisoned in his own home, with his life, reputation, and livelihood destroyed, he went on a mission to right the wrongs he perpetuated on behalf of his former b ...
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Explore unsettled true crime cases where culpability has yet to be established. Host Dennis Cooper covers new cases in Culpable: Case Review. In season one, Dennis explored the case of Christian Andreacchio, whose death in 2014 was ruled a suicide after a 45-minute investigation, despite substantial evidence that points to murder. Season two explored the 2013 death of a young mother, Brittany Stykes, who was shot and killed while driving on an Ohio Highway with her 1-year-old daughter seated ...
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Três portistas. Três bloggers. Um microfone reles. A loucura.
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So lustig und unangemessen ehrlich, dass es manchmal wehtut. Die beiden BFFs Lilli Hollunder und Chris Gebert zeigen sich wie sie sind. Lilli, ein kleiner Eppendorfer Snob, und Chris fällt es oft schwer sein Schandmaul zu halten. Doch eins verbindet die beiden Schauspieler, die Dinge und sich selbst nicht zu ernst zu nehmen. Ob Trash oder Politik, Gossip, Sex oder Kultur, die Themen sind so vielfältig wie das Leben selbst. „Es ist als würden meine Freunde neben mir sitzen, man möchte am lieb ...
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Mediante la crítica y el debate, el staff de rocktambulos.com analiza los acontecimientos y problemáticas más relevantes del mundo del rock.
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A podcast where we sit and discuss topics surrounding the Christian's walk.
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O “Culpa do Cérebro” é o podcast que discute neurociência de forma simples e fácil. Ele é apresentado pelo professor doutor Andrei Mayer e no seu novo formato tem como objetivo trazer convidados da área acadêmica para que você consiga aplicar todo o conhecimento adquirido no seu dia a dia.
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Programa donde hablamos de lo último que hemos visto, leído o jugado de forma breve y, esperamos, amena. Cine de genero, series de televisión, libros, cómics, juegos de mesa y de PC...de todo, un poco.
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Welcome to the official home of the Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen Archive. Over 400 episodes containing interviews with the most important people in news, politics and entertainment.
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Alô, alô, você sabe quem sou eu? O melhor podcast finalmente vai ao ar. Dois perdidos, sem qualquer futuro na vida tentando fazer o seu dia melhor, e de bônus fazer algo produtivo com nosso tempo. Meu amor agora não tem pra ninguém!!
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No podcast “A culpa é do Enem”, iremos debater, de forma descontraída e simples, truques e métodos para você alcançar o sonho da faculdade pública. Vamos contar como chegamos até onde chegamos, responder suas perguntas e te ensinar tudo o que sabemos! Seja muitíssimo bem-vindex ao podcast de redação mais descontraído das galáxias!
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Columna de Salvador García en el programa Colectivos que se emite los miércoles de 18:00 a 20:00 por Radio Pedal (radiopedal.uy). La música como excusa para hablar de otras cosas.
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Duarte Gomes põe os pontos nos is em relação aos lances maiores da jornada. À conversa com os jornalistas da Tribuna, o ex-árbitro internacional e comentador da SIC Notícias aborda a atualidade desportiva, com o pragmatismo de sempre. Todas as 3.ªˢ feiras.
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rinque com ele! Brinque com coisas simples. Jogue bola. Divirta-se com tudo o que for de mais simples. Pois para ele pouco importa se você está jogando o vídeo-game mais caro do mundo ou se você está jogando bola com uma bola que já tem 20 anos e foi sua quando jovem, o importante é estar com ele!
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Al escuchar este podcast podrás entender la diferencia entre el remordimiento y sentimiento de culpa una emoción que aniquila la autoestima de una persona
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PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN DE ESTE TEMA www.marcelarubioblazquez.org
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Sentas-te num café, enquanto sopras a bica que já te queimou a boca na primeira tentativa começas a ouvir a conversa da mesa do lado. Enquanto ouves os dois amigos percebes duas coisas: estão a falar de igualdade de género e embora se digam ambos feministas não estão em tudo de acordo. O que fazes? Continuas a ouvir.O A Culpa é Delas não é um podcast sobre feminismo. O A Culpa é Delas é o Feminismo. A visão plural. Saindo do bicho papão e das piras de soutiens para explorar de forma incauta ...
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My Knee Won’t Bend + A Conversation With Jim Acosta
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1:19:39Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Jim Acosta, former CNN anchor and chief White House correspondent, who made headlines for his heated clashes with Donald Trump during press briefings. After recently departing CNN following a proposed shift change, Jim left with a powerful message: "It is never a good time to bow down to a tyrant. Don’t give in to …
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Hier geht's weiter zu Teil 2: Lilli: https://www.instagram.com/lilli Chris: https://www.instagram.com/chrizz_chrozz
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Relato da epopeia dos nossos meninos, do Porto a Bilbau, em 17 perigosas etapas, por mar, ar, rodovia e piso sintético. Particularmente no que diz respeito ao emperranço da construção de jogo, o empancanço do meio-campo e o incapacitanço da malta da frente. Querem ver que vamos fazer uma à Fernando Santos, de empate em empate até à vitória final? A…
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Exodus, la novela: sale Zetro, entra Dukes...¡otra vez!
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53:29La legendaria banda de Thrash Metal recientemente sufrió inesperados cambios en su formación, con Steve 'Zetro' Souza dejando su puesto de vocalista por 2da vez en la historia del grupo, con nada más ni nada menos que Rob Dukes tomando la posta, de nuevo. Deja Vú, ¿no? jeje. Roger Provan, Manuel Herrera e Ignacio Sterapolis se juntaron a analizar e…
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A Smorgasbord of Stupidity + A Conversation With Leigh McGowan
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1:21:51Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Leigh McGowan, also known as PoliticsGirl. Leigh launched her platform to make politics accessible and inspire civic engagement. She gained popularity with her no-nonsense, kitchen-table rants, breaking down complex political issues in a digestible way. Now, she is a widely recognized political commentator, activis…
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For over 20 years, Ken Tekiela was a celebrated firefighter, husband, and father of two —but he led a secret, double life as a hitman for the Chicago mob. When the truth came out, it destroyed his family. Now, his son Kyle, host of Crook County, is left to pick up the pieces. Crook County is the shocking true crime podcast about Kenny “The Kid” Tek…
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Chegam por vezes aquelas alturas na vida de um indivíduo em que depois de uma série de tropeços e quasi-quedas, o alcatrão se aproxima cada vez mais dos olhos e a dúvida que se nos assola os ossos é: “vou ficar de pé?”. Pois a nossa malta lá vai cambaleando como o Silva de regresso de um dos noventa e sete carnavais que festeja anualmente, e mantém…
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Trump Team Guts Government + A Conversation With Joe Trippi
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1:19:17Today on Mea Culpa, I welcome back Joe Trippi, veteran Democratic strategist, senior advisor at The Lincoln Project, host of That Trippi Show podcast, and founder of Sez, a pro-democracy social network. We break down Trump’s chaotic first weeks back in office, including his bizarre claim that the U.S. should 'own' Gaza, his mass federal employee bu…
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Lilli:https://www.instagram.com/lilli Chris:https://www.instagram.com/chrizz_chrozz
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More Dangerous Than Nixon + A Conversation With Jill Wine-Banks
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1:20:22Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Jill Wine-Banks, former Watergate prosecutor, legal analyst, author of The Watergate Girl, former U.S. General Counsel of the Army, and host of multiple podcasts. With her deep expertise in law and presidential power, we break down Trump’s alarming early actions in his new term. Following this week’s news of Trump …
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Aqui há muitos anos, alguns de nós tínhamos jogos semanais com a malta, onde se praticava futebol de excelência e mesmo nas piores condições havia entretenimento e boa diversão. E claro está, havia uma tradição de jogar mesmo em fim-de-semana da Queima das Fitas, onde alguns incautos tinham os níveis de atenção um bocadinho mais em baixo, com ocasi…
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Take This Pardon and Shove It! + A Conversation With Pamela Hemphill
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1:14:26Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Pamela Hemphill, known as “MAGA Granny,” who attended the January 6th riot, served 60 days in prison, and is now finishing probation. Despite Trump’s mass pardons for Jan 6 rioters, Pam has been outspoken in rejecting his clemency, arguing it dishonors the Capitol Police and undermines accountability. We discuss th…
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Hier geht's weiter zu Teil 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/238-politiken-2-121291591?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Lilli:https://www.instagram.com/lilli Chris:https://www.instagram.com/chrizz_chrozz
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Relato da epopeia dos nossos meninos, do Porto a Bilbau, em 17 perigosas etapas, por mar, ar, rodovia e piso sintético. Particularmente no que diz respeito ao novo líbero canadiano, os novos interiores com morfologia de defesa central e uma sensação de “quem é este holandês com nome para mandar piadas” que já tínhamos vivido aqui há quase bintanos.…
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Prosecuted or Persecuted + A Conversation With Rick Wilson
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1:09:26Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Rick Wilson, political strategist, co-founder of The Lincoln Project, and outspoken critic of Donald Trump. 12 days after Trump took power, Rick and I break down his latest authoritarian moves, including the purge of DOJ prosecutors investigating him and the Senate’s confirmation hearings of his unqualified cabinet…
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Quem é Martin Anselmo? O que já fez? Porquê? De que cor são os seus truces da sorte? Acumula cotão no umbigo? Todas as respostas por quem conhece e segue o rapaz desde que introduziu alimentos sólidos. Uma estreia no Cavani de um muy nobre crente de outras religiões, com parafilias galore e uma visão autêntica dos talentos para portero do Paulinho …
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University of Utah student Lauren McCluskey reported harassment from her ex—but her pleas for help were ignored, leading to tragic consequences. From Tenderfoot TV, Truer Crime investigates the deadly cost of inaction. New episodes every Monday here—don’t miss it! To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacy…
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Connection Through Redemption + A Conversation With Jesse Jackson Jr.
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1:24:21On this episode of Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Jesse Jackson Jr., former Congressman, son of civil rights leader Reverend Jesse Jackson, and author of “A More Perfect Union: Advancing New American Rights” and “The Finger of God.” In 2013, Jesse was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison for violating campaign finance laws, and like me, he hoped for …
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Lilli: https://www.instagram.com/lilli Chris: https://www.instagram.com/chrizz_chrozz
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Relato da epopeia dos nossos meninos, do Porto a Bilbau, em 15 (ou 17) perigosas etapas, por mar, ar, rodovia e piso sintético. Particularmente quando o Carmo finalmente tem um bom jogo e não está do nosso lado. Deve estar em Narnia. E o presidente está no Porto ou em Narnia? E os directores desportivos, estão no Porto ou em Narnia? E os jogadores …
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Biden’s Pardons Are Worthless + A Conversation With Harry Litman
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1:24:51Today on Mea Culpa, I welcomed back Harry Litman, former U.S. Attorney, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, law professor, and host of Talking Feds, to discuss Trump’s first week in office. We critique Trump’s authoritarian agenda, including mass deportation plans, the creation of controversial new departments, and executive orders that undermine de…
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Toda uma cadeia de falhanços anunciava o desfecho inevitável. Mas porque foi protelado? Fé? Plano? Toda uma cadeia de falhanços B anunciava o desfecho inevitável B. Mas porque é protelado B? Enfim, vocês perceberam…저자 Os Cavanis
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Welcome to the Sh*tshow + A Conversation With Malcolm Nance
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1:29:51Today on Mea Culpa, I welcome back Malcolm Nance, retired U.S. Navy Senior Chief, New York Times bestselling author, and leading expert on terrorism, extremism, and insurgency. With Donald Trump’s inauguration taking place today, Malcolm and I delve into what lies ahead for our nation. Drawing from his extensive experience in the Middle East, Malco…
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Hier geht's weiter zu Teil 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/236-just-slut-of-120334225?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Lilli: https://www.instagram.com/lilli Chris: https://www.instagram.com/chrizz_chrozz
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Confirmation Chaos + A Conversation With Brian Karem
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1:22:46On this episode of Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Brian Karem, journalist, political commentator, White House correspondent, and host of the Just Ask The Question podcast. After a whirlwind week in politics, there’s no shortage of critical topics to tackle. With Trump’s controversial cabinet picks beginning their confirmation hearings, Brian and I delve …
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De inconsistência e irregularidade ninguém nos pode acusar. Consistentemente maus e regularmente ainda piores do que isso, lá se foi a taça da carica, a possibilidade de ser líderes e mais um belo naco da paciência dos adeptos. Mas nada temam, está a chegar o extremo salvador, logo a seguir à descida do presi ao balneário. Ufa, afinal está tudo bem…
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Do the Guilty Go Free? + A Conversation With Karen Friedman Agnifilo
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56:12In this episode of Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Karen Friedman Agnifilo, co-host of LegalAF and MissTrial, lawyer for Luigi Mangione, and former Chief Assistant District Attorney at the Manhattan DA’s office. KFA shares her legal insights on Judge Merchan’s decision in the Manhattan DA hush-money case, unpacking its impact on Trump’s narrative and his …
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An Anniversary Not Worth Celebrating + A Conversation With Harry Dunn
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1:20:05Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Harry Dunn, former Capitol Police officer who bravely defended the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, and later testified before Congress alongside his colleagues. Harry is also the author of a powerful book and a recipient of the Presidential Citizens Medal from President Joe Biden. Together, we reflect on the four-yea…
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Em primeiro lugar…seremos nós depois de ganharmos em Alcácer-Quib…na Madeira! Até lá, demos uma volta desde a Rotunda até Leiria, com uma muy breve passagem pelo Seixal em que quase não se parou porque há valores mais altos que se alevantam! E adivinhem lá o que é que o Jorge Vassalo acha da Taça da Carica? Um balde de branco casca-de-ovo para quem…
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Can’t We Just All Get Along? + A Conversation With Michael Smerconish
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1:25:32On this episode of Mea Culpa, Michael is joined by Michael Smerconish, the host of a daily radio program heard nationwide on SiriusXM’s POTUS channel. Michael is also the host of CNN’s “Smerconish”, which airs Saturdays, and the author of seven books including his latest book titled: Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right: American Life in C…
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Lilli: https://www.instagram.com/lilli Chris: https://www.instagram.com/chrizz_chrozz
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Pardon Moi? + A Conversation With Glenn Kirschner
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1:22:36On this episode of Mea Culpa, I welcome back Glenn Kirschner, former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, NBC and MSNBC legal analyst, and host of the podcast Justice Matters. We reflect on the humanitarian legacy of Jimmy Carter, contrasting it with Trump’s authoritarian agenda. Glenn and I discuss the ethical decisions President …
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Hier geht's weiter zu Teil 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/233-dick-every-2-119142838?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Lilli: https://www.instagram.com/lilli Chris: https://www.instagram.com/chrizz_chrozz
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As we approach the new year, I want to replay a Best of Mea Culpa episode. On January 7th, 2021—the day after the insurrection—I sat down with the incredible actor Ben Stiller. At the time, Biden was about to take office, but with a new Trump term on the horizon, many of the topics we discussed remain strikingly relevant. We delved into conspiracy …
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All The Chaos Flows From HIM + A Conversation With George Conway
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1:17:35Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by my friend George Conway, a lawyer, activist, founding member of the Lincoln Project, and one of Donald Trump’s most outspoken critics. Drawing on our deep insights into Trump’s behavior, we analyze his narcissistic and impulsive tactics that continue to shape his political strategy. With less than a month until Tru…
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Há Natal para todos os gostos. Temos aquela malta do bacalhau de posta grossa e molho fervido, há o povo do polvo e a gente do perú. E nas sobremesas então nem se fala, que uma filhó em condições dá para calar o tio facho que se senta a reclamar com a ciganada. Já nós aqui na consoada Cavânica não estamos por menos: comemos à fartazana em Moreira, …
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The American Sheep Epidemic: Fact or Fiction? + A Conversation With Anand Giridharadas
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1:19:02Anand Giridharadas joins me today on Mea Culpa to discuss the threats to democracy posed by Trump’s authoritarian agenda and the influence of billionaires like Elon Musk. Anand, a bestselling author of Winners Take All and The Persuaders, is also an MSNBC analyst and a former foreign correspondent and columnist for The New York Times. Following las…
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Billionaire Bullsh*t + A Conversation With Nick Akerman
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1:20:20On this episode of Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Nick Akerman, former federal prosecutor and Assistant United States Attorney in the SDNY, where he specialized in white-collar crime. Akerman, also renowned for his role as Assistant Special Watergate Prosecutor, shares his expertise as we discuss Judge Merchan’s decision to deny Trump’s motion to dismiss…
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Depois de os miúdos da B parecerem começar a caminhar pra machos latinos, eis que a A avia a malta da Amadora com uma autêntica surra de…pau mole. Quês e porquês de (mais) uma noite flácida que deixa a nossa moça a pensar seriamente em marcar aulas com aquele PT lá do ginásio…저자 Os Cavanis
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Let the Legal Gamesmanship Begin + A Conversation With Michael Popok
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1:23:05Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Michael Popok, host of MeidasTouch’s Legal AF, and the Executive Managing Partner of the New York City office of Zumpano Patricios & Popok. Utilizing Popok’s expertise in the intersection of law and politics, we explore how the legal system can act as a safeguard against the incoming presidency of Donald Trump. We …
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Hier geht's weiter zu Teil 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/232-di-di-diva-2-117955458?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Lilli: https://www.instagram.com/lilli Chris: https://www.instagram.com/chrizz_chrozz
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Relato da epopeia dos nossos meninos, do Porto a Bilbau, em 15 (ou 17) perigosas etapas, por mar, ar, rodovia e piso sintético. Particularmente quando o tédio se apodera de um gajo na bancada ao ponto de ficar largas dezenas de minutos de pasmaceira a olhar para a relva a pensar se tinha crescido e acima de tudo porque é que aquele pedaço ali perto…
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Republican Win Or Democratic Failure? + A Conversation With David Pepper
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1:26:36Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by David Pepper, political strategist, former Chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party, and author of several books on preserving democracy in America. David provides insights into the Democratic Party’s shortcomings that contributed to Trump’s victory, including ineffective messaging and the failure to hold him accounta…
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Mais uma semana com eventos de epicidade variável: as moças que habituadas a brincar no recreio com a miudagem do primeiro ciclo e apanharam umas grandulas do nono ano que lhes roubaram o dinheiro do almoço mas sem lhes fazerem muito mal, os imberbes que foram a terras flavienses brincar às defesas e acabaram também com o guito palmado, e os granda…
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We Are In Deep Sh*t + A Conversation With David Corn
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1:25:57On this episode of Mea Culpa, I’m joined by my friend David Corn, Washington, DC bureau chief of Mother Jones and New York Times bestselling author of “American Psychosis: A Historical Investigation of How the Republican Party Went Crazy.” David shares his perspective on what Trump’s win means for our country, particularly its impact on democracy a…
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The Troubled Transition Team + A Conversation With BrooklynDad_Defiant
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1:27:12Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by Brooklyn Dad Defiant, a left-wing political commentator with over 1 million Twitter followers, known for his outspoken defiance and humorous take on today’s political climate. Author of The Bigliest Loser, BDD and I dive into Trump’s controversial cabinet picks, including figures like Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk,…
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É vitórias em cima de vitórias. A B, a A e as meninas também de certeza que ganharam. Até a dormir a gente limpa isto! O pior é que na horizontal começam os pesadelos e tudo parece o Moreirense. Ou a primeira parte contra o Casa Pia, ou, ou, ou…저자 Os Cavanis
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Why Is Gen Z Pissed? + A Conversation With Harry Sisson
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1:21:51Today on Mea Culpa, I’m joined by 21-year-old Gen Z political influencer Harry Sisson, known for his over one million TikTok followers and interviews with figures like President Biden. While we discuss topics I’ve explored with other guests like Trump’s controversial cabinet picks, mass deportation plans, and how misinformation played a significant…
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Hier geht's weiter zu Teil 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/231-sunset-blvd-117033654?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Lilli: https://www.instagram.com/lilli Chris: https://www.instagram.com/chrizz_chrozz
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