I Love Me The Podcast is an invitation to learn how to love yourself, and then deepen that love for yourself a little more each day. In each episode Tamra Mercieca will offer you practical, down-to-earth ideas, and easy real-life ways of helping you cultivate a healthy, loving relationship with you. You’ll learn how to expand your acceptance and respect for yourself - through short, simple lessons, teachings and practices - so this love can blossom into all corners of your gorgeous life. As ...
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If there’s one thing that gets in the way of people actively engaging in self-love, it’s time. Or a lack there of. It’s very common for people to use ‘not having enough time’ as a reason to NOT do the things they want or need, to live happy and fulfilling lives. We get so caught up in the hustle and bustle, essentially mimicking a hamster on a neve…
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Imagine your mind, for a moment, as a busy street… with thoughts zooming by like cars on a 6-lane highway. Some cars drive past multiple times a day, maybe even multiple times per minute… while others run into us at full speed, knocking us into a state of emotional turmoil, reactivity and anxiety. These cars represent our thoughts, emotions and pro…
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40 The physiology of fear: How our body responds to stress and fear.
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We all feel fear. It’s a primal emotion, that’s deeply ingrained in human evolution, essential for our survival in the face of danger. But what happens when we experience prolonged states of fear? When we let fear invade our lives multiple times per day? Today on I Love Me The Podcast, we learn how to love away our fear, so it doesn’t cripple our i…
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Fear has this remarkable ability to immobilise us. To make us second-guess our decisions, our actions… And keep us rooted in the familiar. But what if we could have a different relationship with fear? What if, instead of seeing fear as scary - a reason to run away and hide - we saw fear as a guiding force, nudging us towards our fullest potential? …
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I love this quote from the Dalai Lama: ‘Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible’. Always possible, but not always practiced. Hence why I invite you to consider for a moment… - Are you being kind? - Kind to yourself? - Kind to the people around you? - Do you move through your day with the intention of being kind? Kindness is a necessary pat…
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What if every bite you took was an act of self-love? Well… it can be, when we bring awareness to what we put in our body and consciously choose the foods that will nourish, not only our body, but our mind. Today on I Love Me the Podcast, we’ll explore the best foods for long-term mental and physical health, and reveal the top three food villains, y…
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36 What’s your bounce back time? How to re-centre after your Ego takes you out.
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There is no such thing as a grey sky. The sky is always blue. Sometimes, however, grey clouds come and cover the blue sky. And this can make us ‘think’ the sky is grey. Well, it’s the same with our minds. The blue sky can be likened to our True Self; the part of us that is free from the conditioning of our mind. The part of us that sees our brillia…
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If you’ve been on this journey with me for a while now, you’ll know we all have a True Self; a guiding light within us - a place of inner wisdom - that’s free from the negative chatter of the mind. Well, we also have what Sigmund Freud coined back in the 19th century, as an ‘Ego’. Ahhh, the Ego… Our misunderstood travelling companion, often blamed …
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Ok, let’s be honest…There are a LOT of coffee lovers out there. You may be one of them. I was one of them, for almost 20 years. But then 10 years ago, something changed for me… And I gave up coffee… for good! In this week’s episode on I Love Me The Podcast, I share: How coffee makes depression and anxiety worse How coffee puts the body into a low-l…
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When was the last time you had a really good belly laugh? Where you couldn’t stop yourself laughing? Where you laughed so hard that your belly actually started to hurt? Do you remember such a time? In today’s fast-paced, pressure-filled world it’s way too easy to get bogged down in the serious aspects of daily living… So much so, that we practicall…
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Depression is no walk in the park. I’ve been there, done that. And decided it wasn’t for me! Yes, in my 20s I was experiencing severe clinical depression, and was on the verge of being put in a mental home, after continual attempts to take my own life. What changed? I changed. I decided to start loving myself, instead of hating myself. And over the…
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If you experience anxiety, I feel you. In my 20s I had my fair share of anxiety attacks. It was awful. And really impacted my life and my relationships in quite devastating ways. That was before I learnt what I’m about to share with you in today’s episode on I Love Me The Podcast. Yes today, I’ll teach to a tool that gets rid of anxiety in 2-minute…
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30 Give yourself a big internal hug by keeping a Love Journal.
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We are always in conversation with ourselves. Telling ourselves things about ourself and the world around us. Yet, for most people, this inner dialogue is of a somewhat negative nature. Our inner critic sure does like to make us feel bad about ourself, if we let it… In today’s episode of I Love Me The Podcast I’ll share a beautiful bedtime practice…
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29 Could practising gratitude make you a happier person?
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I invite you to contemplate this question for a moment: What is the biggest cause of unhappiness? Maybe you say a lack of money, a lack of a loving partner, a lack of a body you can feel proud of when you look in the mirror, a lack of some other thing you so desperately want… In my experience, the biggest cause of unhappiness is a lack of gratitude…
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Contentment can feel like a warm, juicy hug on a chilly winter’s day. Wrapped up in a hug of contentment is a feeling of safety, ease, a calm sense of happiness, and a deep inner knowing that all is as it should be. All, is well. Unfortunately, in our fast-paced, goal-driven world, this feeling of ‘contentment’ often gets bypassed. Which is no surp…
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27 Is my pelvic floor weak or strong? How to tell the difference.
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Ever wondered what makes a pelvic floor weak or strong? If so… you’re not alone. As you learnt last week our pelvic floor is essential for everyday living - it’s what keeps us balanced and aligned both physically and emotionally. It allows us to pee and poop and enjoy deeper pleasure in the bedroom… That is… if it’s in a healthy, supple state. And …
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26 Three truths women MUST know about their pelvic floor.
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If there’s one area of the body that’s cloaked in mystery, it’s the pelvic floor. Well, we all have one. And thank goodness for that, because it’s responsible for everything from bladder control to sexual pleasure… Yes, the pelvic floor is a necessary web of muscles responsible for a whole pelvis full of functions that affect every day life… From w…
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Self-love isn’t just a new fad or some trendy catchphrase. When we dive under the surface of self-love, we discover that self-love is in fact the foundation of a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. So if you’ve been thinking there’s not much substance to self-love, and that perhaps it’s not relevant to you… OR you simply want to understand more abo…
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24 Heartfelt wisdom: Tapping into the power of your heart brain.
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We’ve all heard the expression ‘Follow Your Heart’, but what does that really mean? How do we tell the difference between what our heart is guiding us to do and what our brain thinks we should do? Our heart speaks to us every moment of every day, but most of us have stopped listening to its signal; it’s like we’ve turned off that part of us that in…
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23 Stop measuring your worth, and love yourself instead.
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How often to you find yourself caught in the trap of measuring your worth, based on some external standard? Maybe it’s through social media likes, a job title, your looks or material possessions… Whatever it is, there’s a tendency for us human beings to seek validation from the world around us. But what if I told you that your worth isn’t tied to a…
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Manifesting isn’t just some woo woo concept conjured up by a group of sky-clad women dancing round a cauldron, ok? Manifesting, in my opinion, is a way of life. For we are all manifesting, all the time. We may not always like what we’re inviting into our life… But that’s ok. Because all we need to do to change the results and outcomes we’re manifes…
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How full is your self-love tank? Is it running on empty, where you feel like you’re constantly on the verge of breaking down? Or do you know how to say Yes to yourself - how to make yourself a priority? When we’re willing to give to ourself first, our love tank overflows, and only then can we truely give to those around us. In today’s episode on I …
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Journaling is a beautiful, and ridiculously cheap way of processing challenges and traumas, and simply making sense of life. I consider journaling like emptying out the mind-trash that drains our energy, keeps us in an anxious state and stops us from being able to sleep at night. Because that’s essentially what it is. You get a pen and blank journa…
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At some point in life, there comes a time when we feel the need to discover our purpose. And at this time, we may start to ask ourselves deep questions like: What am I here for? What is the meaning of life? How do I be true to who I am? And in these questions lies the answer… I am here to be me. I am here to get to know myself, and express myself, …
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What if you knew you couldn’t fail? How would that change the way you behave, the decisions you make, the way of you treat people, and how you show up in life? Today on I Love Me The Podcast, we learn how failing is a myth, and how our so-called ‘mistakes’ are actually learning experiences in disguise. Take a peek at the full episode show notes (an…
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We all like to feel comfy, right? It can give us a sense of safety and predictability. But what happens if the place we feel comfy, isn’t serving us? What if that comfortable feeling we get from doing the same things we’ve always done, is actually holding us back? Getting in the way of our dreams. Halting our growth. And in doing so, minimising our…
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Did you know that prior to menopause a woman’s womb cleanses itself once a month? You may know this as a woman’s ‘period’. Problem is, most of us ladies have learnt to adopt habits and behaviours that get in the way of this all-important ‘womb cleanse’. And when a womb doesn’t get the chance to cleanse itself regularly, we create a breeding ground …
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15 Vulnerability; the cornerstone of self-love and deeper relationships.
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Being vulnerable, for most of us, is scary. It can quite literally petrify the knickers off us, for fear of being attacked or ridiculed. But the truth is, without being vulnerable, we limit the depth of our relationships. Our relationship with others, as well as our relationship with ourself. Being willing to sit with ourself and love ourself in ou…
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In order to heal ourself, we need to feel ourself. And when I say feel ourself, I mean actually be with ourself long enough to feel our feelings and emotions. Because we all have them. Feelings and emotions are part of the human experience. And when we make friends with how we truely feel, when we let ourself feel our emotions… only then we can rel…
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You know those pesky thoughts that play on repeat making you feel bad about yourself… The ones that bring down your self-love, self-worth and self-respect… Well… you don’t have to have those thoughts playing on repeat anymore. In fact, you can become a self-talk editor, and choose the thoughts the have. Yes, you can edit out your negative self-talk…
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OK, so I have a confession to make: I am a total romantic. I am in love with love stories. Real life love stories. So it’ll come as no surprise that in my 20s, one of the big things on my mind, was meeting my Prince, and living happily ever after. But let’s just say by the time I hit 30, I wasn’t having much luck with men. In fact, after dating non…
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You know what it’s like to be in a relationship where the other person is hot one minute, cold the next. It doesn’t feel that warm or fuzzy, does it? Well, this is often how people are with themselves. They have this on-again off-again relationship. One minute they’re supporting themselves full out - doing all their self-care practises and speaking…
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If you’ve ever tried to create change in your life, even just a small change such as learning something new… then chances are you’ve probably experienced at least a little self-sabotage. Self-sabotage is where we either consciously or more commonly, unconsciously, act and behave in a way that prevents us from reaching our goals or achieving the res…
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Nagging never works. In fact, if you do it enough, you’ll simply be met with a fire-works display of disdain and negativity or maybe a cold shoulder. So how do you get people to pick up their game? How do you lovingly encourage them to actually do what you’re asking of them? To take your advice on board? You offer them a Love Sandwich. In today’s e…
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Relationships can be tricky at times, especially when the other person isn’t treating us the way we wish to be treated. When they act and behave in ways that make us feel ‘less than’ or undervalued - when people bully us - this feels just plain awful. But what if you could teach the people around you how to treat you? In today's episode on I Love M…
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For a long time relationships confused and baffled me, upset and hurt me, left me and abandoned me… and then one day… I learnt what I’m going to share with you today. The following teaching is what completely transformed my experience with relationships; my relationship as a wife, as a mother, as a daughter, as a friend and as a colleague. I now li…
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The emotion of anger often receives a bad rap, especially when it’s expressed outwardly in a very fiery, and often explosive kinda way. But what if we could use anger to support our growth? What if anger had a very clear purpose, and when understood, could be expressed in a really ‘healthy’ way? A way that helps us deepen our love for ourself? In t…
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We all have mixed relationships and feelings about surfing the crimson wave. But what if we treated menstruation as a time where we got to retreat from the world, so we can rest, restore and replenish? What if having our period became a time we looked forward to; a mini-monthly vacation to drop the load and relax into our own feminine essence? Ahea…
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Today I’d like to introduce you to the most inspiring person in the world. I actually entered into a conscious relationship with this person 15 years ago. This person has completely transformed my life. And I know this person will do the same for you. Who is this mysterious person I speak of, on today’s episode of I Love Me The Podcast? Our True Se…
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3 Fill yourself up with love. Your go-to self-love tool.
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If you had a tool that could help you rise above anxiety, fear, and all sorts of negative emotions. If you had a tool that created an inner state of calm… If you had a tool that could help you listen more easily to that inner voice of love… Would you use it? If all it took was 5 minutes or less? Today on I Love Me The Podcast, I share with you my n…
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Ever wondered why some people find life easy, and others struggle? Or why some people just exude confidence? While others, well… they’d rather hide behind a great big elephant than walk into a room of strangers How a person acts and feels about themselves doesn’t happen by accident. As a child we are quite literally programmed for a certain experie…
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Self-Love is the act of making friends with oneself. Showing oneself kindness and compassion, listening to that inner voice of wisdom over the loud noise of the mind. It’s a minute-by-minute, day-by-day practice of accepting ourself - showing ourself unconditional love - regardless of our actions or behaviours or current life circumstances. On toda…
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Welcome to I Love Me the Podcast with Tamra Mercieca. In each episode I’ll offer you practical, down-to-earth ideas, and easy real-life ways of helping you cultivate a healthy, loving relationship with you. You’ll learn how to expand your acceptance and respect for yourself - through short, simple lessons, teachings and practices - so this love can…
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