Microsoft Teams discussions with industry experts sharing their thoughts and insights with Tom Arbuthnot of Empowering.Cloud. Podcast not affiliated, associated with, or endorsed by Microsoft.
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In each bite-sized episode, we solve common business challenges using Microsoft Teams. Tune in for quick, actionable solutions—usually about six minutes per episode! If you’re short on time (like most business owners and managers are), feel free to jump directly to episodes that promise solutions to problems you’re having this very moment. Microsoft Teams is more than a chat and meeting platform. It is a problem-solving beast!
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News and Insights for Today, and Tomorrow UC Today reports on the latest Microsoft Teams news and marketplace trends. Every day our tech journalists uncover the hottest topics and vendor innovations shaping the future of work.Our coverage is fully digital offering our audience authentic news and insights on the channel of their choice. We offer daily news, weekly features, video conversations and authority content aligned to the needs of business leaders in today's world.For industry profess ...
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In diesem Podcast bekommst du einfach und vor allem direkt umsetzbare Tipps für dein Unternehmen und dein Team, wenn du mit Microsoft 365 in der Cloud produktiv sein willst. Es geht aber nicht nur darum, wie du die Tipps aus der Praxis selber umsetzt, sondern auch darum, wie du den Wechsel zur Arbeit in der Cloud effizient angehen kannst. Das Ganze in kleinen und schmackhaften Happen. Quasi: Wissen on the go!
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Microsoft Teams Queues App with Scott Plette, Partner Group Product Manager - Calling and Premium
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24:10Scott Plette, Partner Group Program Manager for Teams Calling and Premium shares his insights into how the Queues app is offering new capabilities and value to customers. How Queues App is enhancing team collaboration, managing customer calls, and providing reporting and insights Upcoming features include shared call history, integration with Micro…
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Going all in on Teams is like acting on a hot stock tip that actually pans out. Most businesses - especially smaller businesses - do not know about the transformative powers of Microsoft Teams. They may use Teams for video meetings and a little bit of chat, but they don't strategically leverage it to transform their businesses. This is the first of…
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In dieser Episode tauchen wir wieder in die neuesten Entwicklungen und Updates von Microsoft ein. Egal, ob es um spannende neue Features, wichtige Updates oder hilfreiche Tipps und Tricks geht – wir haben alles für euch vorbereitet. Bleibt dran, um zu erfahren, wie ihr das Beste aus euren Microsoft-Produkten herausholen könnt und immer auf dem neue…
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Watch on YouTube. Welcome to UC Today’s Microsoft Teams Monthly Update with David Dungay and Tom Arbuthnot! This month’s episode is packed with game-changing updates, and we’ve got an expert panel to dissect every major development. Joining David are: Tom Arbuthnot – Microsoft Teams & UC expert Josh Blalock – Industry thought leader Satish Upadhyay…
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Microsoft Teams Update - Enterprise Connect Special - March 2025
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15:14Microsoft Teams Monthly Update - Enterprise Connect Special - March 2025 10 Teams Client Updates Live Web Chat Interpreter Agent Demo 8 Meetings and Events Updates Facilitator Agent on MTR 9 Teams Rooms and Places Updates Teams Phone Extensibility Explained 9 Teams Phone Updates Events Thanks to Pure IP, this month's benefactor, for your support of…
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The Path from PBX to Microsoft Teams Phone with Tom Garland, Global Service Delivery Manager
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21:42Tom Garland, Global Service Delivery Manager at Willis Towers Watson shares an insight to the journey from traditional PBX systems to Skype for Business, and then to Microsoft Teams. Key considerations and challenges in implementing such large-scale telephony changes across a diverse global workforce The importance of aligning projects with busines…
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How many times have you scrambled to give someone access to a shared workgroup file? How many times has someone accidentally been given access to a sensitive file? How often have you resented trying to figure out how to set permissions? Or are you just sick of the mental clutter of having to keep so many shared files straight in your head? In this …
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Nach Skype/Skype for business haben wir noch ein Relikt in der Microsoft Welt entdeckt und beschäftigen uns heute damit, was mit Microsoft Sway eigentlich passiert ist. Kennst du das noch? Verwendest du es weiterhin und was ist der Unterschied zu Microsoft PowerPoint? Shownotes Sway - nuboRadio by nuboworkersMicrosoft Sway – Meine SwaysErstellen in…
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Mastering Microsoft 365 Change with Ally Ward, M365 Global Service Owner
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32:46Ally Ward, M365 Global Service Owner at a major legal firm, unravels the complexities of managing Microsoft 365 change, sharing effective strategies for handling frequent updates and ensuring seamless IT operations. Ally's role in managing Microsoft 365 changes, focusing on assessing the impact of updates and determining necessary actions for adopt…
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Are you an early adopter, or perhaps just someone who sees the great value of Teams to a workgroup but feel you don't have the authority to do anything about it? Well fear not. In all likelihood, you can do something about it! This week, Annie tells you how to improve your workgroup's effectiveness with Teams, even if you are a lower-level manager …
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In der heutigen digitalen Ära wächst das Informationsvolumen in Unternehmen ständig. Ohne effektive Richtlinien und Prinzipien zur Verwaltung dieser Informationen können Benutzer schnell überfordert sein und Schwierigkeiten haben, ihre Inhalte effizient zu verwalten. Hier kommt die Informationsarchitektur (IA) ins Spiel. Diese Folge nuboRadio führt…
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Copilot Practical Applications and Success Stories with Sarah Miller
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25:23Sarah Miller, Senior Product Marketing Manager - Microsoft 365 Copilot at Microsoft, dives into practical applications of Microsoft Copilot Agents The concept of Copilots and the journey organisations take to adopt and integrate this AI technology effectively Real-world use cases, including how Pets at Home are using AI agents to improve operations…
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In today's Part Two of helping you master solving the problem of multiple topics running together in a chat thread. While it is very handy for all conversations with a person (or people) to be contained in a single container - the chat thread - finding old messages seems to be too much trouble. Today, hostess Annie tells you how to very quickly fin…
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Gedächtnis schulen, statt immer neue Tools ausprobieren?
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26:27Interview mit Torben Blankertz Ein Tool allein kann keine Wunder bewirken, wenn die grundlegenden Fähigkeiten und Disziplinen fehlen. Während digitale Tools wie Microsoft Project oder Planner viele Vorteile bieten, sind sie nur so effektiv wie die Gewohnheiten und Methoden, die man anwendet. Deshalb geht es heute mal um unser Gedächtnis und die Met…
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Microsoft Teams Phone and Rooms at Kingfisher, Revolutionising Retail Communications
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35:12Matt Sheldrick, M365 Product Designer at Kingfisher, a multi-national retail group with renowned brands including B&Q and Screwfix, shares how the organisation has embraced Microsoft Teams to revolutionise collaboration. How Kingfisher deployed video capabilities in all meeting rooms and even stores The importance of quick, efficient and robust roo…
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Today, on our 50th episode, hostess Annie tells you not only how to solve your issue of topics getting jumbled into a long Teams group chat, but also how to build an incredible knowledge base for your staff or workforce. Whether you manage thousands, hundreds, dozens, or just two employees, this episode will help you improve the knowledge level of …
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Letzte Woche hatten wir im Interview Adrian Bombelka, der über die neue KI-Verordnung gesprochen hat und die Schulung der Mitarbeitenden, um mit KI den richtigen Umgang zu finden. Heute knüpfen wir an dieses Thema an und befassen uns mit den Möglichkeiten der Automatisierung bestimmter Prozesse durch die KI. Shownotes…
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Understanding Microsoft Teams Premium: Features and Use Cases
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24:22Mansoor Malik, Principal Group Product Manager - Microsoft Teams at Microsoft, explores the world of Microsoft Teams Premium, a significant focus for Microsoft in 2025. Teams Premium enables organisations to better manage communications and advanced workloads efficiently in a hybrid workplace. Headline features include Intelligent Recap, Queues app…
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Watch on YouTube. In this packed episode of UC Today, David Dungay is joined by a powerhouse panel of Microsoft Teams experts: Tom Arbuthnot Amanda Sterner Satish Upadhyaya Kevin Keeler Ryan Herbst Josh Blaylock Fresh from ISE 2024, the team dives into the latest Microsoft Teams innovations, including new hardware, Express Install setups, MultiCam …
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A simple, but effective goal for any business is to elevate all knowledge workers, or computing employees, to the proficiency level of your best computing employee. Additionally, there are unknown workgroup improvement opportunities lurking in the daily computing habits of individual employees. In today's episode - which is the second installment i…
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Interview mit Adrian Bombelka Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu unserer heutigen Podcastfolge! Heute tauchen wir in ein brandaktuelles Thema ein: die neue EU-Verordnung über künstliche Intelligenz (KI-VO), die Anfang August 2024 in Kraft getreten ist. Diese Verordnung bringt bedeutende Änderungen für Unternehmen mit sich, insbesondere in Bezug auf d…
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Microsoft Teams Monthly Update - February 2025 Microsoft Teams Rooms Express Install ISE News and New Devices MDEP – New OEMs and ODMs MTRoW Boards + Edge WebApps MTRoW Multiple Camera View Microsoft Teams Super Resolution New Teams Phone Mobile Provider Roadmap Events Thanks to Ribbon, this month's benefactor, for your support of Empowering.Cloud …
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UC Status Podcast Crossover- Thoughts on 2025 from a combined 40+ years in UC
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49:47In a podcast crossover, Tom Arbuthnot joins friends Randy Chapman, Mark Vale, and Shawn Harry in episode 65 of the UC Status Podcast, where they discuss all things Microsoft Teams, AI, and future innovations. What were the big Microsoft Teams features of 2024, and a look at the Roadmap for 2025 The impact of Teams Premium on user experiences and ho…
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On today's episode, Annie reveals how any business can improve efficiency and individual employee effectiveness by conducting Work Habit Audits. If you're a business owner or manager who knows intuitively that your employees are not as good on their computers and working seamlessly together as they should be, this is the episode for you. Work habit…
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Chandra Chivukula, Vice President, Engineering Microsoft Teams
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27:43Chandra Chivukula, Vice President of Engineering for Microsoft Teams, talks to Tom about the engineering strategies behind Microsoft Teams and how moving all users to the new client in 2024 has enabled more efficient and agile collaboration and a foundation for future innovation. Evolution of Microsoft Teams and Architecture How Microsoft successfu…
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Welche Neuerungen gibt es diesen Monat in den Microsoft Evergreen Updates? Wie immer mit dabei ist Microsoft Teams, außerdem SharePoint und Outlook. Shwonotes Whats new in Microsoft 365 | December UpdatesPosten | LinkedIn저자 nuboworkers
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Video Rooms in 2025 with Olly Henderson, Head of Video Product Jabra
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30:49Olly Henderson, Head of Video Product Management and Portfolio at Jabra, discusses the evolution of meeting room technology and how Jabra is redefining enterprise audio and video conferencing solutions. Launch of Panacast 40 VBS - a new Android bar designed for small huddle rooms The Role of Edge AI in Jabra's video solutions for optimal performanc…
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Who should own Teams in your organization? Answering this question correctly is the first step in improving your business with Teams. Whether you own your own business or manage a single department in a large organization, it is vital that someone actively own and improve Teams. Here's a spoiler. It's not the IT department!…
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Chatbots überall oder wie bei Microsoft genannt, die Agents. Sie beantworten Fragen, geben Unterstützung und sollen den Arbeitsaufwand bei bestimmten Tätigkeiten minimieren. Heute schauen wir uns die Microsoft 365 Agents mal an, geben dir einen Überblick darüber, was das genau ist, welchen Unterschied es zum Copilot Studio gibt und was diese denn g…
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Should you use chat or channel posts? What's the difference? Doesn't it just confuse things to have two different ways to communicate in Teams? Well, the answer is a resounding no! As a business owner or leader, channel posts will become one of your favorite means of improving your organization. This episode is a must-listen if you're not currently…
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City of Independence, from Analog Phones to Microsoft Teams and Five9 over 20 locations
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17:04Chris A. Johnson, Municipal Cyber Center Manager at the City of Independence, Missouri, shares their journey from an old analog phone system to a modern cloud-based communication infrastructure using Microsoft Teams and Five9 with the help of AVI-SPL. The transition from an outdated Avaya phone system to modern cloud platforms Collaborating with AV…
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Wo sind all die Skype-Nutzer, die die Welt der Internet-Kommunikation vor zwei Jahrzehnten entdecken und kennenlernen durften? Jep, heute wird es etwas nostalgisch, denn es geht um Skype/Skype for Business. Wie war das nochmal am Anfang und was ist aus Skype geworden? Hat Microsoft Teams Skype komplett abgelöst oder läuft es im Schatten dessen weit…
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Kathie Anderson, IT Change Manager at Derby City Council, shares the experience of transitioning to Microsoft Teams and meeting the unique challenges faced by local authorities. How Derby City Council transitioned from PBX to Skype for Business and then to Microsoft Teams during the pandemic, condensing the six-month rollout into just six weeks to …
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Die Ignite 2024 war im vergangenen November wieder am Start und es gab viele, neue Ankündigungen innerhalb der Microsoft Welt. Wir haben ein paar für euch herausgefiltert und sind schon sehr gespannt darauf, ob und wie diese ganzen Neuerungen nach dem Rollout dann auch einsetzbar sind. Shownotes What’s New in Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Ignite 2024…
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So many organizations are not impressed with Teams chat and that's unfortunate. At the same time they claim to be overwhelmed by their email burden, they can't see the forest for the trees when trying to make the switch to Teams chat. When a workgroup effectively transitions fully to Teams chat and channel posts, nobody ever wants to return to the …
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Customer Stories and Enhancing Meetings with AI, Brad Hintze, Crestron
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23:14Brad Hintze, EVP Global Marketing at Crestron, shares customer stories about how Crestron enhances customer meeting room experiences. Examples from Puma, Fortuna Entertainment Group and Blue Water Financial Services Crestron's wide array of solutions cater to diverse meeting room setups from small huddle rooms to large boardrooms The growing signif…
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Finding repetitive work and automating it is perhaps the simplest way to explain low-hanging fruit. In this episode, Annie tells you one of the easiest things to improve and automate - meeting preparation. This is a short episode that is sure to be useful to nearly all organizations!저자 Arnie Howes
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Tim Albright, President of AVNation Media, shares his insights into the convergence of AV and IT and the evolving landscape of meetings and video conferencing. Origins of AVNation, an online media platform dedicated to the audio-visual sector The critical role of video conferencing in today's hybrid work models and the importance of standardized so…
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10 Mythen über KI, Digitalisierung und Cloudworking Part 2
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15:17Schon letzte Woche hat Markus mit fünf von 10 Mythen zum Thema KI, Digitalisierung und Cloudworking aufgeräumt. Heute geht es in die zweite Runde und es erwarten dich weiter Mythen, die du bestimmt schon ein oder zweimal irgendwo aufgeschnappt hast. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören. Shownotes Warum Passwortmanager sinnvoll sind - nuboRadio125 Clouds - Keep t…
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Microsoft Teams Monthly Update - January 2025 SMS in Teams Teams Web chat widget Transcripts on by default Meeting Recap share link Mandatory Android Updates and AOSP MTR Captions additional languages MTR Windows 10 EOL Queues App Roadmap Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat Events Thanks to Logitech, this month's benefactor, for your support of Empowering.C…
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To kick off the year, David Dungay was joined by Tom Arbuthnot of Empowering.Cloud, and Graham Walsh from Neat to explore the latest news from the Teams ecosystem. This discussion sheds light on the latest updates that enhanced Microsoft Teams' functionality, customer engagement tools, and AI-driven capabilities. Here's what you'll discover: Copilo…
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Bring Your Own Device Microsoft Teams Meetings with Eshan Mathur, Senior Product Manager
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38:41Eshan Mathur, Senior Product Manager at Microsoft, helps us understand the evolving Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) landscape within Microsoft Teams, focusing on Microsoft's aim to provide seamless user experiences and enhanced manageability for IT admins for BYOD. Eshan's unique career journey from game development, including 'Where's my water', to e…
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Today's low-hanging fruit episode is all about managing workgroup tasks. If you feel as though your workgroups don't have enough accountability for completing tasks, or if you don't think your workgroups' tasks are accessible enough (buried in separate files) this one is for you.저자 Arnie Howes
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Microsoft Teams and Teams Phone in 2025 with Metrigy's Irwin Lazar
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27:34Irwin Lazar, President and Principal Analyst at Metrigy discusses key trends and insights in the unified communications and collaboration space and shares thoughts for 2025 How companies are navigating the complexities of hybrid work Moving beyond the hype of AI to practical deployments and adoption Microsoft Teams' increasing presence in meetings,…
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10 Mythen über KI, Digitalisierung und Cloudworking Part 1
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17:44Was fällt dir ein, wenn du über die Themen künstliche Intelligenz, Digitalisierung und Cloudworking nachdenkst? Kann es sein, dass dir auf Anhieb "negative" Dinge dazu in den Sinn kommen? Wir möchten heute und kommende Woche mal 10 Mythen aufräumen, die es hierzu gibt und sind schon gespannt, ob du alle kennst. Shownotes Warum Passwortmanager sinnv…
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The new year brings a Teams success revelation because of a LinkedIn comment made by everyone's favorite business consultant, Alan Weiss. This comment was so eureka (is eureka an adjective?) that we've even added a new fourth step to our long-standing Teams success formula. What is that revelation? It's simple, you can do it with little added perso…
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Teams Phone Product Management - Balancing Innovation and Fundamentals
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22:10Emily Kirby George, Microsoft Teams Product Manager at Microsoft, shares her unique perspective on product management in the world of Microsoft Teams Phone, sharing challenges of balancing innovation with fundamental reliability. Emily's path from support Skype for Business to a Senior Product Manager on the Microsoft Teams Calling team How Microso…
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In Part 4 of the Low-Hanging Fruit series, Annie tells you about one of our favorite low-hanging fruits - tracking spreadsheets. If you're like most businesses, you have many tracking spreadsheets, several of which suffer from clunkiness and errors caused by multiple employees using them. Tune in to this episode to learn how to bring those 1900s-er…
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One of the first things you should look for when seeking low-hanging fruit in your business is third party apps. Many businesses are paying for duplicate technology. In other words, they're paying for third party apps such as Zoom or Calendly when they're already paying for Microsoft 365, which has the same functionality. In today's bonus episode, …
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In this second installment of the Low Hanging Fruit series, hostess Annie tells you one of the best places to look for opportunities in your business. There are huge low hanging fruits in every email inbox in your company. Streamlining these emails will save your company hours upon hours during the year. Don't miss this one!…
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