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Cuestionando los dogmas sobre Salud y Fitness para mejorar de verdad tu cuerpo. Hablamos de Dietas, de Ayuno Intermitente, de Entrenamientos Funcionales, de Psicología y en definitiva de Salud Global… con detalle y con verdaderos expertos
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Das Fitnessmagazin

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Zu müde, um ins Fitness-Training zu gehen? Keine Lust auf Radfahren oder Joggen? Zu wenig Kraft in den Armen oder Beinen oder ein paar Gramm zu viel auf der Waage? Alles kein Problem, denn es gibt ja "Das Fitnessmagazin". Wenn Sie wissen wollen, wie, wann, wo und womit man sich am besten fit hält - dann hören Sie rein in "Das Fitnessmagazin".
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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer, Justin Andrews, Doug Egge

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitne ...
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Get bigger, stronger and smarter with FitnessFAQs. Your host Daniel Vadnal is a Physiotherapist from Australia with more than 15 years of calisthenics experience. Guests include experts Dr Mike Israetel, Ben Patrick, Jeremy Ethier, Kinobody, The Bioneer, Alpha Destiny, Strength Side, Bill Maeda, Marcus Filly, Calisthenic Movement and more. Exercise can be complicated. This podcast will help.
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Being over 40 can make getting healthy and fit much harder. The 40+ Fitness Podcast is designed to address various health, fitness, and nutrition topics with you in mind. Your hosts, Allan Misner & Rachel Everett want to encourage, educate and entertain you as you travel on your health and fitness journey. Lose weight over 40. Get fit over 40.
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Dies ist kein Bodybuilding-Podcast. Es geht um eine athletische, gesunde Figur fürs Leben – ohne Druck und Drill, sondern mit einem guten Gefühl. Dich erwarten Tipps und Experteninterviews über Mentaltraining, ausgewogene Ernährung, richtiges Kraft- und Kardiotraining, die Dir helfen, gesund und fit zu leben und nackt gut auszusehen. Bock auf maximale Fitness mit minimalem Stressfaktor? Schon über 30.000 Menschen erhalten Marks Dranbleiber-Newsletter. Hol auch Du Dir auf entspannte Weise meh ...
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forever young - Ernährung, Bewegung, Denken, Gesundheit und Fitness

Dr. Ulrich Strunz, Ulrich G. Strunz, Sprecher: Ralf Bohlmann

Dr. med. Ulrich Strunz ist praktizierender Internist, Molekularmediziner und Gastroenterologe. Mit über 50 veröffentlichten Buchtiteln ist er Deutschlands meistgelesener Arzt und mit seinen News auf erreicht er täglich tausende von Menschen. Ausgewählte News gibt es hier im Podcast nun auch zum Hören. Sprecher ist der Podcaster Ralf Bohlmann.
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Fitness and weight loss expert Vinnie Tortorich, the author of the best-selling book "Fitness Confidential", dispels the widespread mistaken beliefs regarding weight loss and exercise and teaches us how to lose weight, get fit and reclaim our lives. Using his 35 years of experience in the fitness and weight loss industry in Hollywood combined with an absolute commitment to good health, Vinnie has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world lose hundreds of thousands of unhealthy ...
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Join author, fitness professional, and healthy living blogger, Gina Harney, as she shares expert interviews and tips that you can implement right now. This podcast is health, fitness, nutrition, beauty, and lifestyle advice, delivered by your internet BFF. If you're looking to create your healthiest, happiest life, this is the podcast for you. INSTAGRAM: @fitnessista Shownotes:
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En el podcast semanal de Fitness en la Nube podrás escuchar todos los consejos y todas las estrategias para que consigas tus objetivos en el gimnasio. No dejes de entrenar y no dejes de mejorar! Si quieres que resuelva tus dudas, puedes contactar conmigo y las responderé en el siguiente programa. Puedes preguntar todo lo que se te ocurra, dudas con los ejercicios, la alimentación… Te ayudaré y te daré mi opinión sincera para que consigas todos tus objetivos. Únete a las ondas de Fitness en l ...
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Fitness M/K

Anders Nedergaard, Podads

Fitness M/K er Danmarks første og største podcast om sports, fitness og træning. Den startede som podcast hos det nu hedengangne Radio24syv, men Fitness M/K lever videre som uafhængig podcast. Følg med PhD Anders Nedergaard aka Dr. Muskel ind i træningens verden, hvor vi snakker sportsvidenskab, bodybuilding, fitness, ernæring, sportsernæring og underlige sportsgrene. Kroppen og alle de ting vi gør ved den for at gøre den større, mindre, hurtigere, vildere farligere har altid fascineret menn ...
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Smart Fitness and Food Radio | Ernährung, Training, Lebensmittel, Abnehmen, Muskelaufbau, Gesundheit

Marc Drossel - Wöchentliche Episoden mit dem gesunden Wissen! Inspiriert d

Smart Fitness and Food Radio ist DER Podcast für jeden der endlich in Form kommen, gesünder leben, oder einfach seinen Horizont erweitern möchte! Egal ob Mann, Frau, groß, klein, dick, dünn, jung, alt, aktiv, oder träge. Du suchst nach dem leicht anwendbarem Wissen gepaart mit der extra Portion Motivation für eine bessere Gesundheit und einer besseren Figur, z.B. auf dem Weg zur Arbeit, beim Sport oder beim Kochen? Dann ist Smart Fitness and Food Radio der richtige Podcast für dich! In unter ...
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Evidensbaseret information om kost, træning og alt derimellem, formidlet på en letforståelig måde, hvor alle kan være med. Videnskab og forskning omsat til konkrete råd og anbefalinger, som du kan bruge med det samme.
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Smartare Fitness Podden

Presenteras av Certan

Är du trött på allt fitness-skitsnack? Du ska äta såhär och träna sådär. Du matas av information om den senaste dieten eller mirakelmetoden från alla håll? I den här podden kommer vi utan filter hjälpa dig att se igenom bullshiten och navigera dig i fitnessdjungeln. Enjoy!
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Talking Elite Fitness

Tommy Marquez & Sean Woodland

CrossFit Games Analysts Sean Woodland and Tommy Marquez and Lauren Kalil, bring you all the latest information, updates, and analysis on the sport of fitness, and the CrossFit community.
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Top tips & practical steps for diet, fitness, organization, self improvement & more. Get healthy, balance your life, and improve relationships and productivity with New York Times Best Selling Author, Celebrity Fitness Trainer & Diet Debunker Chalene Johnson and guests. No BS. Chalene delivers straight talk and simple strategies (with a side of humor) so that every show delivers a return on your investment of time. The Chalene Show is life coaching, personal development, nutrition, exercise, ...
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Fitness in Philosophy

James Fitzgerald and Robby Gustin

The Fitness in Philosophy podcast is dedicated to discussing the intersection between concepts in philosophy and their connection with fitness. Each episode we talk about a particular philosophical concept like autonomy, knowledge, virtue, or truth and discuss how that idea connects with coaching fitness, participating in fitness as an individual, and fitness culture at large. It's hosted by OPEX Fitness Founder James Fitzgerald and Philosophy PhD/(soon to be) OPEX CCP Coach Robby Gustin.
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Karel Mencl a Karel Ticháček, dva hlasy, které již čtvrtým rokem tvoří podcast Za Hranicí Fitness. Každý druhý týden přinášíme našim posluchačům nové epizody, ve kterých se zaměřujeme na širokou škálu témat. Ať už je to zdraví, cvičení, strava, suplementace, psychika nebo biohacking, vždy se snažíme přinést nejen naše osobní zkušenosti, ale také nejnovější vědecké poznatky.
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That Fitness Couple

Mike & Corrie-Beth Lipowski

"Resistance training, meat-eating, and God-fearing” fitness duo Mike & Corrie-Beth Lipowski break down the science of exercise and a (mostly) carnivore diet, among other fitness and health-related topics. With a conversational tone and a healthy dose of humor, they provide listeners with insights and solutions to complex fitness topics in a simple, clever, and always entertaining way. A PURE PHYSIQUE PODCAST
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GRAVITAS I Mehr als Fitness

Manuel Guarrera | gravitycoach®

Willkommen beim Gravitas Podcast! Hier sprechen ich und meine Gäste darüber, dass wahre Fitness die Fähigkeit zur Veränderung ist - sei es in Bezug auf Lebens- oder Umweltbedingungen. Uns ist wichtig zu betonen, dass es hierbei um mehr als nur Fitness geht. Unser Ziel ist es, nicht nur den Körper, sondern auch den Geist in Bewegung zu bringen und dadurch Veränderungen im Leben zu ermöglichen. Begleite uns auf dieser spannenden Reise, um die wahre Gravitas des Lebens zu entdecken und in Beweg ...
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Fitness industry is full of incorrect, even harmful information. I am NO BS Fitness and Weight Loss Coach and my goal is to give you science based information, told in a simple way. I love to share real people stories and interviews with fellow coaches or professionals. Follow me in IG @personaltrainer_turo
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Fitness Anarchy

The Fitness Witch

What happens when you combine Exercise with Neuroplasticity, Nutrition and Law of Attraction ... you become Super Natural! Candid discussions about what fitness really is and how we can intuitively create our OWN path. The Fitness Witch is a certified PILATES mat instructor, CrossFit L1, Law of Attraction & Manifestation coach as well as a Reiki healer.
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The Lens On Fitness podcast is a fitness podcast with a difference. Designed to help you overcome some of the physical and mental challenges that may crop up. Especially as you try to navigate your way through your fitness journey and work towards becoming a better version of you. Intro music credits - Artist - Lakey Inspired Track - Chill Day
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Top Fitness Strategies Presents

Andrew Poletto: Health and Fitness Trainer, Youtuber, Podcaster

Top Fitness Strategies Presents is a show all about Health and Fitness focused on the "Fitness Over 50" crowd. We understand that everyone is different and anyone looks at health and fitness differently. That's why Top Fitness Strategies Presents has guests and interviews with health and fitness professionals from around the globe. We just don't focus on one aspect of your health or your fitness. We have tips and techniques and great information for just about anyone! Look around, see all th ...
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El Arte y Ciencia Del Fitness

Mike García: Fitness Nerd

El podcast de, donde el arte y la ciencia del fitness se unen para darte la mejor información sobre cómo esculpir tu cuerpo de la manera más flexible y eficiente posible. Seas hombre o mujer, en este podcast encontrarás la información más acertada para mejorar tu salud y verte increíble.
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How to: Fitness

Michael Ulloa and Kate Lyman

What's the history behind MLMs? How is technology changing our fitness? How have beauty standards evolved over the past few decades? Veterans of the fitness industry, Michael Ulloa and Kate Lyman, bring you a brand new podcast that's all about about busting common fitness and nutrition myths, helping you separate fact from fiction, and providing you with practical, evidence-based information in a wellness space overrun with misinformation.
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This podcast tackles all aspects of fitness with the clear objective of trying to explain them in the most simplistic way possible. I am a very strong believer that all aspects of fitness are extremely over complicated so hopefully these episodes will help you see how easy it really is.
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show series
Episode#298-Taped October 9, 2024 We talk about strength training in women over 40. Research has shown that women typically start to lose muscle mass and strength at a rate about 3-8% per decade after age 30. Strength training has been shown to increase muscle mass, boost metabolism, combat osteoporosis and improve overall health and well-being. Jo…
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The Games are heading to New York. Albany is the official home of the 2025 CrossFit Games. Lauren gives us a local's view of the capital of the Empire State. We have an updated rulebook for this year's season. Sean, Tommy and Lauren take a look at how Open registration affects prize money and how much each stage could pay with an assist from our fr…
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This episode is brought to you by Jeannie Kulwin Coaching! Listen to Jeannie’s healing journey here: Learn more about her 1:1 coaching program here Follow Jeannie Kulwin on Instagram-…
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Are you doing any of these common walking mistakes? During today's ten-minute walk, Dave wraps up this list of ten. Check out Walking is Fitness on YouTube Support the podcast with a virtual coffee through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Days To A Walking Habit That Lasts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Send us a text Alright, listen up. If you're sick of the constant fitness fads and social media noise, this one's for you. As a no-nonsense fitness coach, I'm here to cut through the crap and give you the real deal on sustainable fat loss. No gimmicks, no BS - just practical, proven strategies that'll have you shedding pounds without wanting to thr…
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Bodybuilding er for fitness, hvad styrtløb er for hyggeskiferier i østrig eller hvad monster trucks er for motor sport. I mange menneskers bevidsthed er det “bare” kæmpestore olieindsmurte mennesker, hvor man kan se alt. I dag har vi den internationalt højst placerede bodybuilder nogensinde, Helle Trevino (tidigere Nielsen) i studiet til en sludder…
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Du kanske hatar att träna, du kanske har väldigt lite tid att träna på men vill ändå få maximala resultat. Såhär gör du! Köp våra produkter på ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Skriv upp dig på ⁠⁠VIP-listan - Nyhetsbrev⁠⁠ Följ oss på ⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠, ⁠⁠Youtube⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠TikTok⁠⁠
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2025 gibt unser Initiator Andreas das Podcast-Mikro einmal pro Monat aus der Hand und lässt einen Gast-Host seine eigene Idee verwirklichen. Den Anfang macht Patrick Soxhlet von Urban Sports Club, der die aktuellen Wellbeing-Trends 2025 mitgebracht hat. Damit Du aber auch etwas für Dein Business dabei mitnehmen kannst, hat er sich gleich zwei Gäste…
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How to Raise Healthy & Resilient Children with Erica Komisar What inspired her to write her book ‘Being There: Why Prioritizing Motherhood in the First Three Years Matters’. (1:54) The first 3 years are the first CRITICAL period of brain development. (4:52) Various attachment disorders. (10:33) Defining ‘learned helplessness’. (13:35) The myths tha…
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The title basically sums it up, this podcast is your complete guide to all things nutrition for weight loss, health and life in general. I'm joined by Glean head coaches Evan & Saoirse for this episode so you'll get a bit of an insight into the craic we have on the calls on a weekly basis. Glean goes live again 3rd Feb at 10am Irish time, I'll have…
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Episode 2593—On today's show, Vinnie Tortorich and Chris Schaffer discuss the nutritional value of eggs, their historical perception, and the debunking of claims linking them to health issues. They continue on with the power of eggs emphasizing that eggs contain essential amino acids and nutrients, and address misconceptions about their relationshi…
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Los Angeles, California is making headlines worldwide as wildfires devastate communities from the Palisades to Altadena. Social media is buzzing with celebrity losses, conspiracy theories, and debates over leadership failures, while news stations struggle to keep up with the scale of destruction. Thousands of homes have been lost, families are disp…
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If ever there was a time to hit the reset button on your fitness or recommit to making major changes, now is the time. Here are 5 ways to make this year your fittest ever. 🔍 Discover Your Fitness Personality Type. Take the Quiz Connect with ‘THAT FITNESS COUPLE’ 📱 IG:@thatfitnesscouplepodcast 📽️ YouTube: That Fitness Couple 🌐 Website: https://purep…
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More of the common mistakes we can make while walking. During today's ten-minute walk, Dave rolls through this list from WebMD. Check out Walking is Fitness on YouTube Support the podcast with a virtual coffee through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Days To A Walking Habit That Lasts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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This week on the show we are joined by Rowalong’s John Steventon and one of Scotland’s most decorated Masters Rowers, Kelly Limond. They are here to provide their tips on how to make the Row Erg part of your overall strategy for HYROX. We cover off how to improve your technique, what damper setting you should use and much more. Follow our guests on…
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In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: How do you know you are doing fitness the right way? You can tell by the fruits it produces. (2:03) This is a reminder of how terribly abused caffeine is in modern society. (19:01) When the joke goes too far. (22:54) A HUGE milestone for Mind Pump…
  continue reading I'm sure this video will be a bit controversial, but that's part of the learning process. Listen to what I have to say and let me know if you agree with it with a comment. ***FREE STUFF*** Fitness eBook: ***LINKS*** Home ---- 102 Health & Fitness…
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Episode 324 of the Football Fitness Federation podcast is with Formula One Performance coach (to Pierre Gasly) Ben Thorne⁣⁣We discussed:⁣▫️what Football can learn from F1⁣▫️his transition from Football to F1⁣▫️working with a individual athlete⁣▫️travel demands in F1⁣& much more!⁣⁣You can follow Ben on Instagram @ben_thorne⁣⁣Keep up to date with the…
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Hoy hablo con Javier Ruiz, de Horos Asset Management, sobre la psicología y la filosofía de la inversión:- ¿Por qué invertir en acciones?- Acciones individuales vs. Fondos de inversión.- Inversión activa vs. Inversión pasiva.- Inversión en valor.- Impacto de los sesgos en la inversión: aversión a la pérdida, superioridad ilusoria, anclaje, efecto r…
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During today's ten-minute walk, Dave reviews a WebMD article that lists some of the common mistakes people make while walking. Check out Walking is Fitness on YouTube Support the podcast with a virtual coffee through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Days To A Walking Habit That Lasts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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In this episode of The Lens on Fitness Podcast, I discuss the process of how your body adapts to training and the time it takes to see real results. I share insights on the different stages of adaptation and why progress isn’t always linear. If you’ve been feeling like your efforts aren’t paying off as quickly as you’d like, this episode offers a r…
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Okklusionstræning er navnet for en særlig træningsform, hvor man med elastiske stropper eller opppustelige blodtryksmanchetter bremser blodgennemstrømningen i armene eller benene, mens man træner. Man har fundet ud af at denne træningsform snyder musklerne til at tro at de er mere udmattede end de i virkeligheden er og det resulterer i forholdsvis …
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Nsima Inyang is a Pro Natural Bodybuilder, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt World Champion and co-host of the power project. Today you will learn about functional training, building complete strength, mobility and athleticism. We explore unconventional ways of exercising that will make you well rounded. . (0:11) - Why Bodybuilding Training Falls Shor…
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Mein neues Buch: Dranbleiben! bekommst Du ab sofort im gut sortierten Buchhandel, online bei Amazon, Orell Füssli, Apple Book Store, Bü, Thalia und beim lokalen Buchshop Deines Vertrauens. Was, wenn ich mit 99% Genauigkeit vorhersagen könnte, welche Ergebnisse Du hinsichtlich Deiner Fitness in 12 Monaten von heute erzielt haben wirst? Nun, i…
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In this episode James and Robby discuss the connection between equality and fitness. They discuss issues and questions like the following: -Biology is inherently unfair and unequal. For example: · A biological man could have a child at age 60 or 70 (not ideal but possible) should he choose where the that is not a possibility for biological women · …
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Five things you'll learn in this episode: How tracking every minute of work can transform your time management and life quality. The importance of balancing billable and non-billable hours for business and personal success. How to optimise your work schedule for deep, meaningful productivity. Strategies to increase your hourly rate while reducing o…
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In der heutigen Podcast-Folge spreche ich mit Sarah Hahn, einer Sportwissenschaftlerin, Physiotherapeutin und studierten Biomechanikerin, die Bewegung aus verschiedenen Perspektiven betrachtet. Sarah erklärt, warum die biomechanische Betrachtungsweise so wichtig ist, um den Körper besser zu verstehen – aber auch, warum sie nicht die einzige Perspek…
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Send us a text Unlock 30 days of exclusive, actionable fitness tips to get you moving toward your goals faster – free of charge: In need of more guidance and support? Join the Athlete Program: Elevate your fitness journey with the Athlete subscription! Get a perfectly phase…
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Are you tired of detox fads that promise the world but deliver disappointment? In this episode 41 " The Detox Myth: Exploring the truth behind toxins and wellness trends " of the How to Fitness Podcast, we dive deep into the murky waters of detox diets, cleanses, and the buzzwords that often mislead us. Tune in to learn how to spot misinformation a…
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Episode 2592 - On today's show, Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino talk about addiction, meditation, and muscle. They analyze The Guess Who's song 'No Sugar Tonight' and its parallels to sugar addiction, discuss meditation practices, and talk with Anna's husband, Loren focusing on push-up challenges and building muscle. ‎ PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS …
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This week's Addicted to Fitness examines research that links alcohol consumption to cancer risk. Nick and Shannon discuss the findings of a recent study that suggest that consuming 2 or less alcoholic drinks per day can still significantly increase your risk of developing 7 specific types of cancer. Shannon also provides a detailed explaination of …
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In this episode of The Fitness Beginner Podcast, we have the privilege of interviewing Dr. George Burroughs on the topic of Sunlight and how important it is for everyday health. Dr. Burroughs is the owner of Atlas Chiropractic in Saraland, AL, and the host of the Get Healthy Alabama Podcast.
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Motivation to walk can be fickle. During today's ten-minute walk, Dave talks about how the day of the week might be impacting your motivation. Check out Walking is Fitness on YouTube Support the podcast with a donation through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Days To A Fitness Habit That Lasts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.…
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¿Cómo se supone que vas a ponerte en forma este año teniendo un trabajo a tiempo completo, con los niños correteando por el salón, comiendo los domingos en casa de la suegra y con la mitad de la oficina trayendo pasteles cada día por sus cumpleaños? Pues a lo largo de este tiempo que llevo ayudando a personas a mejorar su forma física y su estilo d…
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