Sara and Noah wake up in complete darkness, trapped miles below the Denver International Airport (DIA) with no hope for escape. Join their perilous journey as they struggle for freedom from a mind-bending labyrinth filled with unimaginable horrors. Their only hope could come from the complete stranger they can send voice messages to. Escaping Denver dives straight into the deep end of conspiracy theories surrounding the Denver International Airport.
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Die Nachrichten des Tages - von der Süddeutschen Zeitung als Podcast auf den Punkt gebracht. Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden mit aktuellen Meldungen, Interviews und Hintergrundberichten. Kostenlos und immer aktuell. Jeden Montag bis Freitag gegen 17 Uhr und am Samstag gegen 7 Uhr.
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To tydelige typer løser verdensproblemer over en lav sko, mens både høyre- og venstresida får gjennomgå. Anrettet på en seng av nagende tvil.
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Toda segunda-feira, Príncipe Vidane que recebe um convidado num passeio aleatório dentro da própria cabeça, pra debater um assunto que talvez nem devesse ser debatido. Por @principevidane. Sigam @cabecadovidane nas redes sociais!
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THE daily Denver Nuggets podcast, hosted by credentialed journalists, insiders and analysts. Adam Mares, Harrison Wind, Brendan Vogt, Eric Wedum, and Duvalier Johnson give you the inside scoop on Nikola Jokic, the Nuggets, and the NBA. DNVR Nuggets is the No. 1 Nuggets Live podcast in the world. Live daily from the DNVR Bar in downtown Denver.
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Aus den Archiven von RIAS, DLF und DS-Kultur werden Unterhaltungs- und unterhaltsam-informative Sendungen wiederholt.
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Denver Business Insights
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dental marketing ideas and strategies to attract quality patients to dentist.
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Blog, Books, Papers & Lectures
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The Forward Thinking Dental Podcast
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Deine eigene Persönlichkeit ist dein Alleinstellungsmerkmal, und wir tragen authentische Persönlichkeiten der Dentalwelt nach außen. In diesem Podcast lernst du interessante Persönlichkeiten aus der Dentalwelt kennen. Jeder erzählt seine eigene persönliche Geschichte in Kombination mit fundierter Fachkenntnis. Du möchtest mal im Dentalwelt Podcast zu Gast sein, um dich als Experte in der Dentalwelt vom Wettbewerb abzuheben? Dann suche dir hier ein 30 Min. Gespräch mit mir persönlich aus um d ...
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In this podcast, powered by eAssist Dental Solutions, Penny Reed interviews dental industry experts on various aspects of the business of dentistry. To learn more about eAssist Dental Solutions, visit
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From school dinners to sofa snacks – food has a huge part to play in shaping our story - and your favourite celebs have some delicious tales to tell. Join Grace Dent and celebrity guests as she throws the cupboard doors open and chats life through food. Expect to hear from guests (actors from TV, movie, theatre and film; sportspeople, comedians, chefs…) such as: Katie Price, Jamie Laing, Natalie Cassidy, Kathy Burke, Jon Ronson, Shirley Ballas, Nadiya Hussain, James Norton, Graham Norton, Ja ...
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We, at Pragathi Dental the Best Dental Clinic have well-trained dentists who have immense experience in managing a wide range of dental problems and also preventing them.
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A podcast about Denver Sports and DNVR. Whether it’s Broncos, Rockies, Nuggets, Avalanche, Buffs, Rams, or Rapids related or just a crazy debate around the DNVR office, there’s always something going on in Denver Sports. Harrison Wind goes live form inside the DNVR Bar to take you through this week’s biggest stories.
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Welcome to the LIFEGATE Church podcast! We are a church led by Nirup Alphonse. Based in Denver, Colorado, we as a church exist to see people made alive in Christ. For more information visit or download our LIFEGATE Denver app.
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In Studio Den Haag praten politiek verslaggevers Sophie van Leeuwen en Leendert Beekman elkaar bij over de achterkamertjes en wandelgangen van de Tweede Kamer. Je wekelijkse portie politieke therapie in de podcast, en de dagelijkse Haagse zaken vanuit onze BNR studio in Den Haag. Presentatie: Mark Beekhuis.
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unter den linden - montags 22:15 Uhr & dienstags 0:00 Uhr klassisch im TV sowie online als Demand-Stream und als Podcast zum Nachhören! „unter den linden“ ist das politische Streitgespräch bei phoenix. Im wöchentlichen Wechsel bringen Michaela Kolster und Thomas G. Becker zwei Protagonist:innen aus Bundes-, Europa- oder Landespolitik ins Gespräch und in den konstruktiven Meinungsstreit. Die Diskussionen sind kontrovers, aber immer sachlich und mit ausreichend Zeit für jedes Argument. Sie ver ...
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The home of FFSN's Denver Broncos podcast feed. A feed for the Broncos fan, by the Broncos fan.
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Bringing Together Local Businesses and Neighbors of West Denver, Applewood, Golden and Wheat Ridge.
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Shofu Dental India provides the best dental products and equipment, from adhesives to porcelain restoratives. Get in touch today!
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Från AI-revolution till kolonisering av rymden, och nya finansiella produkter, kapabla att sänka hela ekonomier – frågan är om vi någonsin har befunnit oss i en så föränderlig ekonomisk tid som just nu. Med berättelser från gränslandet mellan ekonomi, teknik och samhälle låter Gunnar Harrius näringslivet, forskare och Dagens industris bästa reportrar utforska vilka ekonomiska sanningar från förra millenniet vi tar med oss, och vilka gör vi oss av med. Vi kallar det den nya ekonomin. Ansvarig ...
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Through Engage360, Denver Seminary and our guests explore the redemptive power of the gospel and the life-changing truth of Scripture at work in our culture today. Together, we address the larger conversations taking place within the spheres of evangelicalism, theological education, and cultural engagement.
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Ein Podcast über die Freuden und Ärgernisse des Lebens!
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Jedes Wochenende trifft Barbara Schöneberger Prominente aus Musik, Fernsehen, Sport und Showbiz. Der Unterschied zu allen anderen Talkshows: Barbara Schöneberger hat Waffeln gebacken. Viele. Sehr viele. Und sie zögert nicht diese auch einzusetzen. Ganz nach dem Motto: „Wenn der Gesprächspartner leckere Waffeln isst, plaudert er oder sie auch das dunkelste Geheimnis aus“. Und das tun die Promis. Jeden Sonntag von 10.00 bis 12.00 Uhr gibt es das Resultat in hier bei ffn im Radio und anschließe ...
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THE daily Denver Broncos podcast, hosted by credentialed journalists, insiders and analysts. Super Bowl 50 Champion Todd Davis, Zac Stevens, Henry Chisholm, and Ryan Koenigsberg give you the inside scoop on Sean Payton, the Broncos, and the NFL. With regular appearances from James Palmer and Patrick Surtain II, DNVR Broncos is the No. 1 Broncos Live podcast in the world. Live daily from the DNVR Bar in downtown Denver.
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Giving Dentists the knowledge and advice they need to expand their dental practice’s potential.
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Podcast about Atlanta and national sports news.
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This show covers a range of topics related to dentistry with insights from industry professionals. Andrew and Matthew lead discussions on various aspects of dental practice. The podcast aims to provide valuable perspectives for navigating the ever-evolving landscape of dentistry. Here you will find unbiased information about the industry and tools to help in your dental practice.
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Denver Real Estate Investing Podcast
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Redemption Church Denver is located in the heart of Denver, CO. We look forward to the redemption of all creation through the Gospel empowered church. ||
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Designed & engineered specifically for Dental Practices. Adit is the only dental software that integrates Calls, Texts, Emails, Patient Forms, Online Scheduling, Analytics, Reviews, Payments and more, all in one place! These features are all manageable within Adit's centralized platform, along with detailed insights on all marketing campaigns – Google Ads, social media marketing, or even billboards and flyers.
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Kevin Henry is a champion for dental assistants and host of the Dental Assistant Nation podcast. He is also the editor in chief for Speaker, consultant and author focused on empowering, enlightening and educating dental assistants.
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Dent Time is about interesting topics about the paintless dent repair industry, including: news, talk, tools and training with Myke Toledo.
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Áudios de palestras e aulas de Ernani Fornari. Terapeuta e professor de Alinhamento Energético, Terapia da Respiração e Constelações Sistêmicas. Escritor, compositor e músico.
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Dental All-Stars - Dentistry Business Podcast is for dentists looking to improve their profitability and mindset. Topics include management, leadership, marketing, scheduling, phone skills, hiring & hr, to name just a few. Enjoy easy-to-digest, high-quality audio interviews with Dentistry's Top Experts, including Larry Guzzardo, Eric Vickery, Robyn Reis, Alex & Heather Nottingham, and more! Access free videos and business training guides at
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Northeast Delta Dental is committed to communicating about the importance of good oral health to our customers and the communities we serve. Welcome to Northeast Delta Dental Radio.
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This podcast is dedicated to helping dentist navigate through the challenges of dental insurance.
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Impact Student Ministries is bringing discipleship to you. Join us as we discuss questions, go over important topics in the Bible, and find what it means to be a christian as a student, or an athlete, or with your friends and family, or wherever you are at in your life
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A weekly podcast of the messages from New Denver Church.
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The Very Dental Podcast network brings you entertaining and relevant conversations with visionaries, clinicians and your friends in the dental space.
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Buzz is a Digital Marketing Show powered by Dentainment! This web-based show will cover a range of topics, strategies and initiatives to help take your Dental Practice to an entirely new level of success.
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Dental Sound Bites is an ADA podcast created for dentists, by dentists. Join our hosts, representing different paths in their careers, for real talk on dentistry’s daily wins and sticky situations. Tune in to benefit from the wisdom of your peers and share some laughs along the way. Come for the camaraderie, stay for insightful discussions with leading experts from our industry and beyond.
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"Palast des Terrors": Einblicke in Assads Folter-Keller
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Nach dem Sturz des Diktators Assad versucht die islamistische HTS versucht in Syrien so etwas wie Ordnung zu schaffen. Doch viele Syrerinnen und Syrer müssen erstmal, die Gewalt und den Terrorverdauen, die in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten geherrscht haben. Wie tief diese Wunde ist, wird besonders an den nun leer stehenden Foltergefängnissen deutlich,…
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Från att ha varit det enda som räknades, blev "vinst" plötsligt sekundärt. Från stålverk till Nasdaq och ljudbokstjänster – vad var det som gjorde att vi slutade titta på det som tidigare var det absolut viktigaste: den sista raden?
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Folge 56: Eure Pappenheimer blamieren sich in dieser Folge, weil sie eigentlich über ihre Finanzen und Geldanlagen sprechen wollten – am Ende wird jedoch nur ausgerechnet, wie viele Kamele man wert ist.
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Kanzler Olaf Scholz hat bekommen was er wollte: Neuwahlen am 23. Februar. Die heutige heftige Debatte gab schon mal einen Vorgeschmack darauf, was uns in einem kurzen und intensiven Winterwahlkampf bevorsteht. Michaela Kolster diskutiert mit Thorsten Frei (CDU) und Andreas Audretsch (Grüne) über den beginnenden Wahlkampf und was das Land bewegt.…
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Texas incentivizes Bible lessons in public school, Scamming Scammers (Fake Elon Musk), Tenn year old goes for a walk and Mom gets arrested, Savage Medicine저자 Davin Rosenblatt
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Michelle Hunziker im Podcast bei Barbara SchönebergerNackte Ski-Lehrer, Paparazzi und Selbstzweifel - darum geht's in dieser Folge mit Michelle Hunziker. Gemeinsam mit Barbara Schöneberger wird nicht nur über das typische italienische Weihnachtsfest gesprochen, sondern auch über den Besuch im Kreißsaal bei der Tochter. Was Michelle Hunziker für ein…
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Bei der Kellen, Ralf, Aus den Archiven저자 Bei der Kellen, Ralf
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Fleur Agema is niet blij. De problemen met de begroting voor het ministerie van Onderwijs komen voor een groot deel voor rekening van haar ministerie. Eppo Bruins is niet blij. Hij moet alsnog een groot deel van de bezuinigingen op zijn ministerie uitvoeren. Daarbij kwam deze week een akkoord met de oppositie over de onderwijsbegroting waarvan hij …
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Skyldes Jonas Gahr Støres havari politisk overslag til venstre, eller til høyre? Er Ap-politikerne for flinke, eller er de for dumme? Alle hypoteser skal opp på bordet, når tre fryktløse etterforskere gyver løs. Manifest Media er folkefinansiert og avhengig av din støtte: Gå til for å bli med i vår supporterklubb. MÍMIR&M…
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Hawks Winning Falcons Losing Featuring Vince Howard
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Tune in as we talk to Thank me Later Bartender/Chef Vince Howard on how he became a top bartender in ATL and having his very own signature drink on bar Red Pepper menu. We also talk Falcons losing another game on now their losing streak is now 4 games (6-7). Also Hawks won 6 straight games before losing to Denver on Sunday. Hawks play the Knicks in…
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In this episode, Matt Brown and Dr. Andrew Vallo talk about Dr. Vallo’s shift from clinical dentistry to being a full-time CEO. They dive into the challenges of leadership, balancing personal health, and the importance of good communication with both the team and patients. Dr. Vallo shares his vision for the future of his practice, how mastermind g…
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Broncos España: BE4X18 Victoria gracias a los errores de los Colts
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Victoria gracias a los errores de los Colts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit저자 FFSN
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In this podcast, Denver discusses the corruption of church and state, how it happens, why it happens, and what we can do to avoid it and counteract it. There are a lot of prophecies that are requiring fulfillment right now that must precede the return of the Lord in His glory. In addition to everything … Continue reading Corruption → The post Corru…
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Robyn Reis, Director of All-Star’s Hiring Service, discusses how to make hiring successful: define clear expectations, avoid hasty decisions, prioritize preparation, and turn setbacks into opportunities for growth and improvement. Resources: All-Star’s Hiring Service Dental Practice Growth Webinar저자 All-Star Dental Academy
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Is Russell Westbrook part of the Nuggets’ best lineup? | DNVR Nuggets Podcast
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The Denver Nuggets won a thrilling game over the Kings on Monday thanks to a new-look starting lineup that hit the ground running. Russell Westbrook has chemistry with Nikola Jokic that has been fun to watch but last night, we also saw some chemistry with Jamal Murray. Could he be part of the team’s best lineup? And could he start closing more game…
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This episode features ISM Middle School's Wednesday night message from December 4. Maddie takes us through Mark 4:1-20 and the parable of the sower. tune in to hear the importance of having an open mind and heart when learning about and following Jesus. Thank you so much for listening, if you have any questions get in contact with us! Instagram: ht…
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This episode features ISM Middle School's Wednesday night message from December 4. Lindsay takes us through Mark 4:1-20 and the parable of the sower. tune in to hear the importance of having an open mind and heart when learning about and following Jesus. Thank you so much for listening, if you have any questions get in contact with us! Instagram: h…
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Something Something Broncos: No time to digest the victory over the Colts! Chargers are next on Thursday night!
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Mike and Jess celebrate the win over Indy and look forward to the Chargers on Thursday night... and the rest of the season. All this and more PLUS holiday mayhem in this week's Something Something Broncos. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit저자 FFSN
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Brian Baldinger explains if Bo Nix is the key to fixing the Denver Broncos' run game vs the Chargers
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Where does the Denver Broncos' win against the Indianapolis Colts on Sunday put Sean Payton and the team? The DNVR Broncos Podcast takes a look around the NFL & the AFC West to break down where the Denver Broncos stand and how it impacts them moving forward. Plus, what is the key for the Denver Broncos to get their run game going? Does this fall ma…
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Unions-Wahlprogramm: Vor allem Markus Söder kann zufrieden sein
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Friedrich Merz und Markus Söder präsentieren in Berlin das Wahlprogramm der Union für die Bundestagswahl. Sie fordern darin eine Wende in der Migrationspolitik, wollen Steuern senken und die Wirtschaft ankurbeln. Die Pläne sind teuer, etwa 100 Milliarden Euro dürften sie kosten. Die Frage, wie das finanziert werden soll, ist aber noch ungeklärt. De…
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Want to know why Denver’s housing market just saw its biggest monthly drop in new listings this year? November brought a shocking 41% plunge in Denver’s housing inventory, while Colorado Springs wasn’t far behind with a 36% decrease. But the real story isn’t just about vanishing listings. Denver Real Estate Investing Podcast Host Chris Lopez sat do…
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Greatest era in Denver sports history? | The Denver Sports Podcast
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Join the DNVR Diehards for just $4 a month! For the first time in Colorado sports history, the most valuable player trophy for the NHL, NBA, and college football all reside in Colorado. Is this the greatest era in Colorado sports? Christian Saez and Greg Perez discuss live from the Breck Brew Farmhouse on …
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Quick Hits: Colts Game Recap, Injury Report, and Early Lines
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Join Jonathan Rice (@PhilPhan99) for the latest episode of Quick Hits on the Mile High Broncos Podcasts (@MHBroncosPods) via Fans First Sports Network (@FansFirstSN). In this episode, Jonathan thanks Jonathan Taylor for helping the Broncos survive Bo's weakest performance in weeks (and discusses Bo's outing too). After that, you'll get a look at th…
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Very Clinical: Dr. Nate Lawson is a Fan of Onlays (and Partial Coverage)
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Today's throwback episode features Dr. Nate Lawson as he returns to the Very Clinical Podcast to discuss partial coverage restorations with Kevin and Zach. They debate the merits of onlays versus crowns, discuss different preparation designs and temporization techniques, and explore the use of new materials like Emax and zirconia. Tune in to learn …
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Jamal Murray & Nikola Jokic save the day | DNVR Nuggets Postgame Show
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Join the DNVR Diehards for just $4 a month! Jamal Murray and Nikola Jokic had a throwback two-man game 4th quarter to save the day and bring the Nuggets a win over the Sacramento Kings. The Nuggets came out hot early, but after a disastrous 2nd and 3rd quarter needed heroics from their two stars to get the…
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Join Grace for a twinkly helping of festive Comfort Eating, where she is joined by Matt Goss, one third of Bros. One of the biggest boy bands of the 20th century, it was a tabloid sensation when the band split. Since then, Matt has broken the US and holds the record as the longest-running British resident artist in Las Vegas. Grace and Matt discuss…
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Injury update on Pat Surtain II, are Bo Nix's INTs concerning & just how good is Denver Broncos' D
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The Denver Broncos beat the Indianapolis Colts on Sunday under Sean Payton’s watch. The DNVR Broncos Podcast was at the game and breaks down everything you need to know. After watching the film, how did Bo Nix look? Were his three interceptions all on him or was there blame to go around? Are his interceptions concerning moving forward? What did Sea…
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What is the most overlooked opportunity in dentistry? Steven J. Anderson is considered to be dentistry’s “yes” man! He has worked with dental professionals around the world to transform their practices, into “Top 10% Performance” status with innovative patient service systems that make it easier for patients to say “yes” to treatment. He has worked…
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Dublin to Denver: Broncos secure critical win over the Colts
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Another week, another crazy Broncos victory! Colum and Stewart look back on a critical victory for Denver over the Colts, which featured yet another stellar performance from the Defense. They look forward to a Thursday Night game against old rivals the Chargers which presents a huge opportunity to leapfrog them in the playoff seedlings. They also d…
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Olaf Scholz hat im Bundestag die Vertrauensfrage gestellt – und sie wie geplant verloren. Jetzt kann der Bundestag aufgelöst und Neuwahlen angesetzt werden, sehr wahrscheinlich werden sie für den 23. Februar terminiert. Daniel Brössler hat Olaf Scholz für die SZ in den vergangenen Ampel-Jahren eng begleitet. Er zieht in dieser Podcastfolge Bilanz –…
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Episódio 51 - Príncipes sonham com jacarés alegres? (part. Rafa Castro)
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Pesadelos assustadores, a ciência do sono, a páscoa com Edmundo e a compreensão dos sonhos. Tudo isso hoje está dentro da minha cabeça, com participação de Rafa Castro. Sigam nossas redes sociais: @principevidane - Instagram / Twitter / - Bluesky @cabecadovidane - Instagram / Twitter / - Bluesky @a…
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Would you like to discover how to overcome creative inertia and tedious tasks with the help of technology? Al explores how he's using Artificial Intelligence and how it can be used to enhance creativity and productivity for dentists and other professionals. He shares his personal experiences using AI for podcast editing, email composition, student …
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Lyn Dalsfoist, All-Star Hygiene Mastery Coach, and Eric Vickery discuss how to achieve a hygiene driven practice and the KPI’s and retention qualities that provide growth. Resources: All-Star Live Dental Training Events Dental Coaching Dental Practice Growth Webinar저자 All-Star Dental Academy
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Deep into their mission to defeat The Collective and their goals, Noah and Sara are forced to improvise, yielding deadly results. With the sudden and impossible return of Milaky, the crow, the Narrator begins to question everything he knows. CAST Narrator – Mike Howorun Noah– Brady Roberts Sara– Greta Carew-Johns The Captain – Sachin Sahel The Woma…
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Sean Payton has the Denver Broncos poised to make the NFL playoffs for the first time since SB50
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The Denver Broncos are on the precipice of making the NFL playoffs for the first time since they won Super Bowl 50. The Broncos have two legitimate Defensive Player of the Year candidates following another Patrick Surtain II interception, and another MASSIVE Nik Bonitto game including a defensive touchdown. Todd Davis, Jurrell Casey, and Knowshon M…
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POSTGAME SSB: Broncos survive and dominate the Colts at the same time
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After a slow first half, the Broncos come alive to destroy the Colts playoff chances. While they haven't clinched yet, the table is set for them to do so. Mike, Jess, Laurie, Tim, and Chris break down all the action. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit저자 FFSN
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December 16, 2024 | Dr. Don Payne Dr. Don Payne reflects on the profound significance of the Incarnation, highlighting how it reveals...저자 Denver Seminary
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How can you transform problem-solving into an art in your practice? In this Monday Morning Episode, we welcome Dr. Pauline Le, who provides a fresh perspective on common dental practice challenges. Dr. Le reveals how universal these challenges are and how essential it is for businesses to identify and candidly discuss them. With a focus on collab…
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Episode 362: Midmark’s Sterilizer: A Game Changer for Dental Teams
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Are you curious about how dental practices are evolving to meet modern challenges? In this video, we explore a game-changing innovation in dental instrument processing that’s designed to save time, improve compliance, and support overworked dental assistants and hygienists.Join us as we take a closer look at the latest Midmark steam sterilizer. Lea…
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Advent is a good time for reflection. This year, we’re reflecting on key themes of Advent through the creativity of poetry.저자 New Denver Church
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Episode 275: The Third Sunday in Advent, December 15, 2024
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The Rev. Joseph Wolyniak
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Was du in dieser Episode hörst. 1. Danksagungen an Kooperationspartner, an dich, an Sponsoren, Unterstützer, Freunde und Familie. 2. Meine größten Fehler dieses Jahr 3. Die Erfolgreichste Episode dieses Jahr. 4. Ausblick auf das nächste Jahr, ins Besondere auf die IDS 5. Meine persönlichen Highlights dieses Jahr ____________________________________…
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Jesus came as a shepherd by caring for the lost, guiding and teaching his followers, protecting, and defending them, sacrificing himself for their sake, and ultimately rising from the dead to secure eternal life for all who believe in him. He embodies the qualities of the Good Shepherd who loves, leads, and lays down his life for his sheep. This wa…
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Diese Folge von "Auf den Punkt: Die US-Wahl" wurde am vergangenen Freitag bereits im gleichnamigen Kanal veröffentlicht. Wenn Sie die nächsten Episoden also immer möglichst aktuell hören wollen, abonnieren Sie gerne auch diesen Kanal. Ansonsten erscheint jede Folge aber auch weiterhin sonntags hier im regulären Kanal von "Auf den Punkt". Eine Reise…
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