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Full Comment


Full Comment is Canada’s podcast for compelling interviews, controversial opinions and fascinating discussions. Hosted by Brian Lilley. Published by Postmedia, new episodes are released each Monday.
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Commentary is America's premier monthly magazine of opinion: General, yet Jewish. Highly variegated, with a unifying perspective.Listen to The Commentary Magazine Podcast, along with more than 40 other original podcasts, at No paid subscription required.
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Radio Classique

Commentaire est une émission de débats d’actualité, animée par Jean-Marie Colombani et Jean-Claude Casanova, chaque samedi à 8h. Pour ne rater aucun épisode de Commentaire, n'hésitez pas à vous abonner. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Macrodosing is a twice weekly macrodose of knowledge on topics ranging anywhere from your favorite conspiracy theory to deep dives on historical events. With PFT Commenter and Arian Foster at the helm of their cast of characters, the only criteria for this podcast is that we tickle your brain. You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit
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Comment j'ai réussi ?

Radio classique

Les chefs d’entreprises reviennent sur leur parcours et racontent les coulisses de leurs plus grands succès. Pour ne rater aucun épisode de Comment j'ai réussi ?, n'hésitez pas à vous abonner. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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The Film Comment Podcast

Film Comment Magazine

Founded in 1962, Film Comment has been the home of independent film journalism for over 50 years, publishing in-depth interviews, critical analysis, and feature coverage of mainstream, art-house, and avant-garde filmmaking from around the world. The Film Comment Podcast, hosted by editors Devika Girish and Clinton Krute, is a weekly space for critical conversation about film, with a look at topical issues, new releases, and the big picture. Film Comment is a nonprofit publication that relies ...
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Analisi e commenti | RRL

Analisi e commenti sull'attualità religiosa, politica e culturale. Ascolta il podcast di a cura del prof. Roberto de Mattei. Ogni venerdì alle ore 17 una nuova puntata. VISITA IL SITO WEB DEL PROGETTO >
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Comment Lounge

Comment Lounge

Three photographer/videographers who spend their days shooting photos and videos while also debating all things art, photography, and cinema. We decided why not record our banter and bring everyone else into the conversation. We challenge each other on topics such as: what is art, what makes for a good cinematic film and experience, how to curate one's own work, what is quality, who inspires you, and so much more.
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Weekly Torah Commentaries

UMJC - Union Of Messianic Jewish Congregations

Reflections on the weekly Torah portions from a diverse group of Messianic Jewish rabbis, scholars, and lay people. Our contributors bring fresh insights to familiar texts, drawing connections to events across the whole of Scripture (including the Gospels and Epistles), and suggesting practical applications of these insights to our postmodern lives.
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Filmmaker Commentary

Filmmaker Commentary

Filmmaker Commentary is dedicated to showing you how to improve your film making process. We do this by reviewing the DVD and Blu-Ray commentaries and special features of working movie directors, producers, actors, and writers. Hosted by Filmmaker Reginald Titus Jr. Co-Hosted by Film Producer Casey G. Smith
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JTS's weekly commentary on parashat hashavua and the holidays, published for over 20 years, is enjoyed by thousands of readers every week. The commentary features select faculty, students, and staff from across JTS. We invite you to subscribe to this podcast and bring Torah from JTS wherever you go.
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Welcome to Commentary Club! Join Jim and Teresa as they talk over various movies and bits of cult TV. So take your seat, make yourself comfy as we do commentaries for all kinds of films, the classic, the cult and the crap!
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Interviews and conversations with horsemen and women are featured weekly. Harness racing in Australia and New Zealand is covered, and international guests are included. These interviews are generally conducted in the field, where anything can happen.
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Sunday Commentary

Mater Dei Radio

Kevin and Carla break down the liturgical scripture readings for Sunday so that you can be better prepared to enter into the beauty and mystery of Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It’s fun, fast and faith-filled! Produced at the studios of Mater Dei Radio.
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"Comment t'as fait ?" est le podcast dédié à ceux qui veulent comprendre comment concrètement les autres (entrepreneurs et dirigeants d'entreprise) ont fait. Entrepreneur et créateur dans l'âme, j'ai pu ces 10 dernières années découvrir des profils incroyables et inspirants aux parcours épatants, pas toujours dans la lumière et qui font pourtant rayonner leur entreprise et leurs collaborateurs. J'ai décidé de partager ces échanges avec vous chers auditeurs, que vous soyez entrepreneurs avert ...
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Further Comments

Damien Riehl & Horace Wu

Join legal technology experts Damien Riehl and Horace Wu as they explore the intersection of law and technology. In each episode, they discuss the latest trends, tools, and innovations shaping the future of legal practice, from litigation tech to transactional solutions.
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The Rest is Commentary is a podcast that explores connections through music, ancient wisdom, and conversations. Shep Rosenman is writing a song cycle inspired by the Psalms/Tehillim. In each episode, Shep offers one of his songs to a friend and they discuss whatever comes up, from the mundane to the sublime, the philosophical to the sophomoric, from dark and narrow places to wide open spaces of joy.
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durée : 00:04:03 - Le Pourquoi du comment : philo - par : Frédéric Worms - Comment la pensée nous aide-t-elle à nous orienter ? Peut-elle répondre à tous nos égarements ? Kant distingue l’orientation objective (boussole, étoiles) et subjective (capacité à distinguer droite et gauche). La raison est-elle notre seule boussole ? Suffit-elle à guider n…
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Une entreprise de meuble et décoration design Mention légales : Vos données de connexion, dont votre adresse IP, sont traités par Radio Classique, responsable de traitement, sur la base de son intérêt légitime, par l’intermédiaire de son sous-traitant Ausha, à des fins de réalisation de statistiques agréées et de lutte contre la fraude. Ces données…
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Journalists from around the state discuss the news of the week with host Bill Bryant, including reaction from Congressmen and state legislators to cuts in federal government agencies. Guests: Melissa Patrick, Kentucky Health News; Isaiah Kim-Martinez, WHAS11 in Louisville; and Alex Acquisto, Lexington Herald-Leader.…
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If you want a thriving fentanyl trade in your country, attracting heavily armed cartels, super labs, and a large and growing market of users subsidized by the government and unimpeded by law enforcement, just do everything Canada’s been doing. So says Marshall Smith, former chief of staff to the Alberta premier, a former addict, and a prominent dis…
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🎧 "Comment t'as fait ? Les rencontres d'entrepreneurs", le podcast de ceux qui veulent comprendre comment concrètement les autres ont fait. Par Julien Hatton. #entrepreneur #entrepreneurs #entrepreneuriat #business #croissance #startup #entreprise #entreprendre #conseils Un épisode sponsorisé par Plug&Start, l'événement pour tout entrepreneur qui v…
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Source Wicca Podcasts Radio - Wicca Podcasts Radio, le Média des Sorcières et de tous les Mystères ! Comment débuter dans la magie et la sorcellerie ? Bienvenue dans ce nouvel épisode dédié à celles et ceux qui ressentent l’appel de l’Invisible, qui veulent s’initier aux arts magiques ou qui s’interrogent sur la voie à suivre pour devenir sorcière …
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The Academy Awards take place on Sunday, March 2, bringing a strange and wonderful year in cinema—and an awards race filled with surprises and scandals—to an end. Will Emilia Perez win prizes despite the controversy surrounding its lead actress? Will Timothée Chalamet as Bob Dylan beat Adrien Brody as a brutalist architect in the Best Actor categor…
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Joshua and Andy discuss their favorite horror movies and criteria for what makes a good (and bad) horror flick. Movies: Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm St, Child's Play, Faces of Death, Blair Witch Project, Night of the Living Dead, Scream, Halloween, Exorcist, The VVitch, Autopsy of Jane Doe, Basket Case, Saw, Human Centipede (1&2), Kill Bill, H…
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In quel tempo, Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli:«State attenti a non praticare la vostra giustizia davanti agli uomini per essere ammirati da loro, altrimenti non c'è ricompensa per voi presso il Padre vostro che è nei cieli.Dunque, quando fai l'elemosina, non suonare la tromba davanti a te, come fanno gli ipòcriti nelle sinagoghe e nelle strade, per e…
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Con il monito del ritorno, dell'ascolto della Sua voce che segna l'inizio del periodo quaresimale, siamo avvertiti: la Quaresima è il momento privilegiato per lasciarci guidare dalla Parola di Dio, per vivere intensamente, a livello personale e comunitario, un cammino di rinnovamento spirituale e morale, un itinerario di fede e di prova, un ritorno…
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Big matches in the Serie A title race get their due and then we talk about the team with the best underlying numbers in the Premier League recently, which as you surely all know is Crystal Palace. Palace: Ovalle: Suppor…
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The tariffs now imposed on Mexico, Canada, and China threaten to hit Americans in the pocketbook, and given the results of the last election, we discuss why the president would be pursuing this policy when he should be doing what he can to lower prices. And where should "honor" enter into it when talking about American commitments and American alli…
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In this episode, Charlie Kirk and Senator Markwayne Mullin discuss Zelensky’s tense Oval Office meeting with Trump and JD Vance, highlighting the administration’s transparency and the escalating conflict. Kirk questions whether Zelensky truly sought a deal or if he was influenced by deep-state actors to undermine negotiations. Senator Markwayne Mul…
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Backstory to Revelation John has been exiled to the island of Patmos because of his ministry for Jesus for serving and preaching. He had been living in Ephesus and overseeing several of the churches of western Asia Minor. The Christians within these churches are struggling to be faithful to Jesus as suspicion and hostility towards them increases. W…
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The First Epistle of Paul to the Church at Corinth Part 20. 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 -- Connect with Us: Parable Ministries Instagram -- If you feel led to give to Parable Ministries, please visit: Donate Music created by Chad Hoffman Artwork created by Anthony Kuenzi저자 Parable Ministries
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In today's episode, PFT and Big T get into the return of Casey Anthony (on Tik Tok), the highlights and lowlights of the Oscars, college basketball, the secrets of the Epstein lists, and finally answer your voicemails. Enjoy! (00:01:53) Casey Anthony’s return (00:10:09) The Oscars (00:26:31) Teed off (00:30:51) College basketball(00:48:22) Epstein …
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Nel nostro Monastero celebriamo oggi la Festa del Santo Volto di Gesù, la messa e le letture sono proprie. Per comodità dei nostri lettori inseriamo il commento per le letture del giorno e non quelle della solennità del Santo volto.Lasciare tutto per seguire Cristo è virtù di pochi. È frutto di una iniziativa divina, di una chiamata speciale e di u…
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In quel tempo, Gesù prese con sé Pietro, Giovanni e Giacomo e salì sul monte a pregare.Mentre pregava, il suo volto cambiò d’aspetto e la sua veste divenne candida e sfolgorante. Ed ecco, due uomini conversavano con lui: erano Mosè ed Elìa, apparsi nella gloria, e parlavano del suo esodo, che stava per compiersi a Gerusalemme.Pietro e i suoi compag…
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What's with all the "sex worker" talk at the Oscars? Why couldn't Adrien Brody just condemn anti-Semitism in his acceptance speech for a role in which he plays a Holocaust survivor? Who was to blame for the fight in the Oval Office? And what is the "Witkoff framework"? Give a listen. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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In this episodie, Hugh Hewitt interviews Senator Ted Cruz on topics including Biden's failure to release Epstein files, sanctuary airports housing illegal immigrants, and Big Tech censorship. Cruz discusses his legislative priorities, including NIL reforms, reining in the administrative state, and protecting AM radio, while praising Trump's second-…
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durée : 00:03:52 - Le Pourquoi du comment : philo - par : Frédéric Worms - Comment l’expérience de la perte nous désoriente-t-elle ? Quels repères perdons-nous en perdant un objet, un être cher ? L’orientation est-elle d’abord relationnelle ? Que signifie être perdu ? Perdre quelqu’un, est-ce perdre son propre ancrage ? Comment se retrouver après s…
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Une carte bancaire pour les mineurs Mention légales : Vos données de connexion, dont votre adresse IP, sont traités par Radio Classique, responsable de traitement, sur la base de son intérêt légitime, par l’intermédiaire de son sous-traitant Ausha, à des fins de réalisation de statistiques agréées et de lutte contre la fraude. Ces données sont supp…
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In quel tempo, mentre Gesù andava per la strada, un tale gli corse incontro e, gettandosi in ginocchio davanti a lui, gli domandò: «Maestro buono, che cosa devo fare per avere in eredità la vita eterna?». Gesù gli disse: «Perché mi chiami buono? Nessuno è buono, se non Dio solo. Tu conosci i comandamenti: "Non uccidere, non commettere adulterio, no…
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Da quando abbiamo "addentato" temerariamente quella famosa mela, convinti di poter così saziare completamente le nostre brame e addirittura diventare come Dio, ci è rimasta dentro una fame e una sete insaziabili. Quell’innato anelito di bene, che Dio stesso aveva infuso nella nostra natura, facendoci somiglianti a lui, si è trasformato in ricerca s…
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La maggior parte delle persone ignora o ha dimenticato che cosa è la Quaresima. Eppure il Catechismo Maggiore di san Pio X era molto chiaro, definendola “ un tempo di digiuno e di penitenza istituito dalla Chiesa per tradizione apostolica”. Nel paragrafo successivo san Pio X ne spiegava le finalità: “Per farci conoscere l’obbligo che abbiamo di far…
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This week’s parasha is entitled T’rumah, which means “contribution.” from Exodus chapter 25:1 through 27:19. This Torah reading focuses on the materials needed for the building of the Tabernacle and its furnishings. The Lord said to Moses, “Tell the people of Israel to bring me their sacred offerings. Accept the contributions from all whose hearts …
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«Io sono la luce del mondo». È una delle affermazioni solenni di Gesù. La sua Luce è la divina sublime sapienza, è la Verità che fuga le tenebre e gli errori del nostri spirito. In questo contesto meditiamo il Vangelo di oggi: «Può forse un cieco guidare un altro cieco»? Proprio a favore di un cieco nato Gesù opera uno dei suoi più portentosi mirac…
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