Įdomiausių, populiariausių romanų fragmentai, novelės ar esė kas vakarą 21.00 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ. Red. Vida Morkevičienė.
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Owning a small business can be one of the most rewarding and challenging things a person does. Amid an uncertain economy and ever-evolving consumer trends, there is a lot to figure out and navigate to ensure your business thrives. Join hosts Jannese Torres (Yo Quiero Dinero) and Austin Hankwitz (Rate of Return) as they connect with small business owners and hear their stories about managing the ups and downs of starting and growing a small business. Listen to "Mind the Business: Small Busine ...
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Every week, Maria and Rory get together to discuss the latest IELTS Speaking topics, providing model answers and vocabulary to help you improve your general spoken English and achieve a higher band in your IELTS exam. Our website: https://successwithielts.com Transcripts: https://successwithielts.com/podcast#transcripts Premium episodes: https://linktr.ee/sfspremium
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Podcasts del programa Versió RAC1 - Successos amb Toni Muñoz
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Spiritual successor is a comedy, video game design podcast inspired by Polygon's CoolGames Inc. Spiritual Successor is hosted by Blake Raya and AJ Hart Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Time Management / Productivity From Daily Steps Toward Success: Motivation / Success / Inspiration
Kayla Celeste
Are you ready to create more commitment? In this podcast, I'm sharing with you tips to take action toward your goals. Join the waitlist for my course How To Create Commitment : www.createcommitment.com
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Podcast by Su Presencia Radio
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Your favorite CS personalities answer your hardest CS questions.
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Ivy Slater interviews gutsy business women as they share their success journey.
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- Entretenimiento a nivel mundial 🌎 - Desde México 🇲🇽 - Invitados Especiales 🤩 - Spotify - Apple Podcast - Google Podcast 🎙
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I'll help you create a Business and Life you're in love with.
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Il podcast di Coach Max De Vergori, creatore di Modelli di Successo e della Mindset School. Qui scoprirai come allenare il tuo mindset attraverso i modelli comportamentali e le strategie delle persone che raggiungono grandi obiettivi. I progetti di Coach Max sono guidati da un unico scopo: diffondere una cultura del Coaching e del Mentoring seria, etica e orientata al successo.
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Discovering the Secrets of Hyper Successful People… Episodes on YouTube, Spotify and more! Editor - Omar Lotfy - oalotfy@gmail.com
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Join Karen Briscoe, Author of Real Estate Success in 5 Minutes a Day and Top Producing Agent twice each week! Tune in for insightful conversations with Top Successpreneurs and Business-minds on how they grow their business and achieve a higher level of success in life. Key topics include Commit to Get Leads, Consult to Sell, Connect to Build and Grow, and Success Thinking, Activities and Vision. Listen in for tips from leaders in a variety of industries and disciplines that will inspire and ...
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Welcome my fellow leaders and listeners. This is Succession, a podcast about the pursuit of success, the art of leadership transitions, and the legacies that shape our future. I'm Kori Grillo, and in each episode, we explore what it means to lead with impact, adapt through change, and create a lasting mark on the world of business. Whether you're navigating a career shift or planning your next big move, you're in the right place.
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Successfully Chaotic Podcast is hosted by Maria Daniels, an expert on out-of-the-box marketing, advocate for wellness and natural foods, and speaker on finding success in the chaos of life.
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Welcome to the Success Story Podcast, hosted by entrepreneur, business executive, author, educator & speaker, Scott D. Clary (@scottdclary). On this podcast, you'll find interviews, Q&A, keynote presentations & conversations on sales, marketing, business, startups and entrepreneurship. Scott will discuss some of the lessons he's learned over his own career, as well as have candid interviews with execs, celebrities, notable figures and politicians. All who have achieved success through both w ...
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Supercharge your journey to success in the home services industry with insights and actionable content that will transform your business.
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You've had bariatric surgery but let's not stop there. Your success depends on the right nutrition as part of your journey and transformation. You can conquer weight regain, cravings and emotional eating and learn to deal with all the other issues that come up. Here's how. Join me and listen to the Bariatric Surgery Success podcast. I'm bariatric dietitian Dr. Susan Mitchell and I'll share the nutrition information you need now for your successful transformation.
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We're shining a light on education success stories and talking about current trends and topics of importance to the education community. Join us in conversation!
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Candid conversations with entrepreneurs and thought leaders in the staffing and recruiting industry. Brought to you by Haley Marketing
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A show dedicated to doing the deeper work on your keto journey, to discover the keys to your keto success.
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Varinia Bernau (Ressortleiterin Management & Karriere) und Konrad Fischer (Ressortleiter Unternehmen & Technologie) diskutieren im Wechsel mit den wichtigsten Familienunternehmern, Top-Managerinnen und CEOs Deutschlands, wie es in der aktuellen Situation gelingt, erfolgreich ein Unternehmen zu führen – und wie sie selbst erfolgreich wurden. Dabei geben die Gäste faszinierende und unterhaltsame Einblicke in ihr Leben – als Inspiration für Ihren Karriereweg. Logodesign: Patrick Zeh
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Tutti i culti andati in onda su Radio Beckwith a cura delle comunità del primo e del secondo distretto.
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I'm speaking to those highly successful people in our community, asking them about their career, successes and failures and how music has affected their lives
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Empowering you with the tools to take action on your goals and dreams in life. Listen for strategies to help you live life to your full potential.
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Podcast by Life Success & Legacy
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Host Bill Horan helps listeners uncover hidden talents to maximize individual success.
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Get the news, weather, and commodity markets information that farmers and ranchers need to start the day.
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By showcasing the journeys and strategies of accomplished professionals, we aim to foster learning, motivation, and empowerment.
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Hear the success stories from ICD participants around the country and how they have used the program to benefit their life.
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Talking with the people who own the largest and most complex CRM systems, with a strong focus on Salesforce. https://www.crmsuccess.show/ Your Host on LinkedIn: Maz: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidmasri/ Khero: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kherothetxrecruiter/
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Health and Wellness, Accountability tips, strategies to help empower women over 40 to thrive by serving themselves like they serve others. It's all about living a productive and meaningful life.
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Welcome to Big Blend Radio’s ”Success Express” Channel featuring podcasts and interviews covering Business & Career, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Law & HR, Education, Personal and Professional Development.
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Sharp Strategies Sweet Success is a podcast hosted by Sharp Cookie and Tifiny Swedensky. On the podcast, Tifiny and guest stars discuss all things marketing, intakes, and sales.
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Learn to start and grow a successful lawn care business.
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Come si fa a diventare imprenditori di successo? Francesco e Paolo condividono le esperienze che nascono non solo dalla loro attività diretta, ma anche dai progetti sviluppati insieme a tanti altri imprenditori. Con metodo e rigore, portando molti esempi e tanta concretezza, Francesco e Paolo propongono un’analisi accurata delle tecniche, degli strumenti e delle strategie da cui l’imprenditore può prendere spunto per migliorare sostanzialmente i propri profitti.
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Get daily inspiration,motivation,and tips for Entrepreneurs, business, marketing, and content!
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Aspiring to succeed in finance? Danny Camm spent 6 years working in finance and now operates as a specialist finance recruiter in London. Each week, Danny will speak to guests ranging from middle management up to the C-suite to establish what it takes to achieve success in finance. www.successinfinance.co.uk
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Ką veikiate šiokiadienio vakarais? Gal ruošiatės į koncertą ar spektaklį? Gal susitiksite su bičiuliais? O gal ramiai vakarosite namie? Kur bebūtumėte ir kur bekeliautumėte, pavakare jums – „Pakeliui su klasika“! Miela, laiko išbandymus įveikusi klasika, naujausi įrašai ir sentimentaliai traškantys vinilai, muzikos pasaulio naujienos, susitikimai su melomanais ir muzikos profesionalais. Visa tai – jūsų ausims, jei jums „Pakeliui su klasika“! Kiekvieną darbo dieną 16:05 – per LRT KLASIKĄ.
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This podcast is like an energy shot without all of the side effects. Our focus is helping you define what real success looks like for you both personally and professionally and bringing your experience, advice and real-life stories from some amazing people on their approach to achieving real success. We want to help you harness your natural superpowers for great success!
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A podcast dedicated to showcasing successful Iranians around the world. We highlight the good and the great of the Iranian community. Interviews, life stories, career journeys, and what made them successful.
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A podcast about the founders, the innovators, and the remarkable people in the cycling industry and the stories about the icons they've created. Escape Collective is entirely member-funded. If you like this podcast please consider supporting us by becoming a member: https://escapecollective.com/member/
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Şaka Yapıyorsun!? gerçek suç hikayelerini komiklikle buluştuğu podcasttir. Sunucularımız, Sedef ve Tolga Turhan, sizi tuhaf vakaların bir yolculuğuna çıkarırken, karanlık ve gizemli suç dünyasına farklı bir bakış sunar. Bu eşsiz ve eğlenceli gerçek suç podcast'inde suç dünyasının karmaşası içinde gülmek için her Salı bize katılın. ⚠️UYARI: Ciddiyet arayanlara değil, cesur kalplere hitap ediyoruz💀😈 Bu podcast, hassas konular, argo konusmalar ve şakalaşma içerebilir. Bazı dinleyiciler için rah ...
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Formula 1 royalty David Coulthard and Eddie Jordan share their forthright opinions on life inside and outside the paddock. Join every week for a unique take on sport, business, media and motor sport with DC and EJ shooting straight from the hip. Full of insight, analysis and life lessons with two of sport’s great storytellers, and plenty of special guests along the way. Produced by Whisper Executive Production by Whisper & New Strange Recorded & Edited by New Strange Hosted on Acast. See aca ...
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Insured Success provides cutting-edge commentary on a range of insurance coverage issues affecting commercial policyholders. Reed Smith insurance recovery lawyers and guest speakers from around the world discuss emerging trends, legal developments and insurance best practices and provide timely insights to assist your organization.
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Speciali tiesioginė transliacija. Ką mums reiškia ši Kovo 11-oji?
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1:54:55Speciali tiesioginė Kovo 11-osios transliacija. 35-eri Lietuvos laisvės metai. Pokalbis su Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės Akto signatarais Laima Andrikiene ir Algirdu Kumža. Ką nuveikėme per 35 laisvės metus? Kokie nauji iššūkiai laukia? Pokalbis su istoriku Mariumi Ėmužiu ir politologe Dovile Jakniūnaite. Kaip užaugo Lietuvos mokslas? Pokalbis su moksl…
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Episodio 64 | ¿Es difícil emprender? feat Carlos Segovia
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59:33¿Cuales son los riesgos de emprender? ¿Consejos para emprender? ¿Que negocio me conviene? y otras dudas más en este episodio con Carlos Segovia.
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Vincas Kudirka. „Viršininkai“. Savo Satyromis Kudirka siekė praktinių tikslų: paskatinti ir padrąsinti lietuvius kovai su rusintojais ir Lietuvos skriaudėjais. Kudirkos aštri plunksna nukreipta prieš visus, kurie Lietuvą ūkiškai ir kultūriškai žlugdė. „Viršininkai“ – ilgiausia Kudirkos satyra. Daugiausia vietos čia skiriama carizmo biurokratijai. R…
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¿Cómo afrontas la soledad? Acompáñanos en este episodio en el que nos tomamos un café con Andrés Corson, fundador y pastor principal de la iglesia El Lugar de Su Presencia, para hablar sobre su libro más reciente "No estoy solo".🔴 Señal en vivo en: www.supresenciaradio.com🔴 Síguenos Instagram: bit.ly/47ioRWX…
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Vincas Kudirka. „Viršininkai“. Savo Satyromis Kudirka siekė praktinių tikslų: paskatinti ir padrąsinti lietuvius kovai su rusintojais ir Lietuvos skriaudėjais. Kudirkos aštri plunksna nukreipta prieš visus, kurie Lietuvą ūkiškai ir kultūriškai žlugdė. „Viršininkai“ – ilgiausia Kudirkos satyra. Daugiausia vietos čia skiriama carizmo biurokratijai. R…
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Culto Evangelico Valdese a cura di Kassim Conteh su Luca 13 (9 marzo 2025)
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22:32Culto evangelico valdese a cura di Kassim Conteh su Luca 13, andato in onda domenica 9 marzo 2025.저자 RBE - Radio & Tv
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Listen to the SF Daily podcast for today, March 11, 2025, with host Lorrie Boyer. These quick and informative episodes cover the commodity markets, weather, and the big things happening in agriculture each morning. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices저자 Successful Farming
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Get instant access to the Why You Aren’t Taking Action Video : successbykayla.com
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#13 Nilam Patel & Andy Vays : Rent.com - Service Cloud and Case Management
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1:02:54Featured - Nilam Patel & Andy Vays Nilam Patel For the past 12 years, Nilam has been fully immersed in the Salesforce ecosystem, embracing its capabilities to drive transformation and innovation. As Sr. Manager, Engineering and tech enthusiast, she specializes in turning complex challenges into streamlined, process-driven solutions. With a proven t…
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In this episode I share my thoughts on the current tariff wars, and the effect they may have on equipment prices in the green industry. I also share some tips or things to think about when planning equipment purchases for this season amidst the chaos. lawncarebusinesssuccess.com Want to send me a question, comment or feedback? Leave me a voicemail …
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Over the weekend The Service Course announced its closure. This is a re-play of the episode we previously did that talks about its origin story. We will aim to do a follow-up when the time is right. --- If you follow professional cycling and are attracted to specialty coffee, beautiful custom bikes, and boutique travel, then you’ve surely come acro…
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Have you ever put everyone else’s needs ahead of your own—only to realize you’re running on empty? Dr. Martine Canal knows that feeling all too well. As a nurse, mother, and high-achieving woman, she spent years pushing through exhaustion until a health scare forced her to rethink everything. In this powerful episode, Dr. Canal shares her personal …
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Bill Horan talks with Manny Skevofilax, author of ULTIMATE PROFIT MANAGEMENT. Manny will discuss how to fund a new business, how to find investors, what type of return do investors expect and what type of goals should be set.저자 90.3 WHPC
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Tiroteigs i baralles. El balanç de successos del cap de setmana a Catalunya
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21:51Tiroteigs i baralles. El balanç de successos del cap de setmana a Catalunya
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Get access to our episode archive: https://www.patreon.com/ieltssfs Do you have any hobbies? Did you have any hobbies when you were a child? Do you have a hobby that you've had since childhood? Do you have the same hobbies as your family members? Tune in and have a great day! - Book a class with Rory here: https://successwithielts.com/rory Our cour…
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Mantas Tamošaitis po paskelbtų MRF finansavimo rezultatų: mus ištiko šokas
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1:52:32Naujosios lietuviškos dramaturgijos konkurse „Dramos teritorija“ pagrindinį prizą laimėjo Goda Simonaitytė su pjese „Šūdmala“. Medijų rėmimo fondas paskelbė kultūros žiniasklaidos ir jos projektų finansavimo rezultatus. Prie nefinansuojamų projektų vėl atsidūrė anglakalbė žiniasklaida, kultūros periodiniams leidiniams ženkliai sumažėjęs finansavima…
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Listen to the SF Daily podcast for today, March 10, 2025, with host Lorrie Boyer. These quick and informative episodes cover the commodity markets, weather, and the big things happening in agriculture each morning. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices저자 Successful Farming
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In this episode of Harmonies of Success, I sit down with the one and only Mike Michalowicz—the entrepreneur, author, and business strategist behind Profit First, Clockwork, The Pumpkin Plan, and more. We talk about his personal journey, the mindset shifts that transformed his career, and the biggest mistakes business owners keep making. Mike shares…
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Building Financial Confidence: Sherry Finkel Murphy's Journey
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27:40This week Ivy Slater, host of Her Success Story, chats with her guest, Sherry Finkel Murphy. The two talk about the innovative subscription model at Madrina Molly, the essentials of financial planning, and the practice of radical flexibility in balancing personal and professional life. In this episode, we discuss: How Sherry Finkel Murphy transitio…
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#663 How To Create A System : Time Management / Productivity
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4:12Get instant access to the Why You Aren’t Taking Action Video : successbykayla.com
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L’ultima volta (come cambiare il paradigma del tempo per vivere pienamente)
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30:31Oggi affronteremo un tema fondamentale: il tempo. Spesso ci illudiamo di avere tutto il tempo del mondo, ma la realtà è ben diversa. In questo episodio, scoprirai come cambiare il paradigma del tempo, vivere consapevolmente ogni attimo, e trasformare il tuo rapporto con la risorsa più preziosa che hai. __________ 🎯 Scopri il mio Mindset Coaching Pr…
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Hoy hablamos del porque estar sedentario, sin hacer ejercicio o de huevon puede matarte.
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¿Que no tengo habilidades sociales...? - The Unbroken Project
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52:02¿Te cuesta conectar con otros o sentirte seguro en situaciones sociales? En este episodio, con la psicóloga Natalia Puga (@tupsicologa.cristiana), exploramos por qué a la Gen Z le cuesta más desarrollar habilidades sociales y cómo la tecnología y los cambios culturales han transformado la forma en que nos relacionamos. Además, te damos tips práctic…
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Sorpresa: Novak Djokovic queda eliminado de la competencia
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46:37¡QUE RUEDE LA PELOTA!⚽ Millonarios sigue de capa caída, perdió ante el Junior🎾 Sorpresa en Indian Wells por eliminación de Novak Djokovic🇨🇴 Semana para conocer convocados de Lorenzo para las eliminatorias🔥 Todo esto y mucho más... ¡Hoy en Que Ruede la Pelota!저자 Su Presencia Radio
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Get instant access to the Why You Aren’t Taking Action Video : successbykayla.com
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In this episode, Chris sits down with the incredible Alejandra Perez, a longtime client with an inspiring story you won’t want to miss. Tune in and prepare to be just as impressed as we are!
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Vincas Kudirka. „Viršininkai“. Savo Satyromis Kudirka siekė praktinių tikslų: paskatinti ir padrąsinti lietuvius kovai su rusintojais ir Lietuvos skriaudėjais. Kudirkos aštri plunksna nukreipta prieš visus, kurie Lietuvą ūkiškai ir kultūriškai žlugdė. „Viršininkai“ – ilgiausia Kudirkos satyra. Daugiausia vietos čia skiriama carizmo biurokratijai. R…
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#661 How To Get More Done In Less Time : Mindset / Self Development
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3:26Get instant access to the Why You Aren’t Taking Action Video : successbykayla.com
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Vincas Kudirka. „Viršininkai“. Savo Satyromis Kudirka siekė praktinių tikslų: paskatinti ir padrąsinti lietuvius kovai su rusintojais ir Lietuvos skriaudėjais. Kudirkos aštri plunksna nukreipta prieš visus, kurie Lietuvą ūkiškai ir kultūriškai žlugdė. „Viršininkai“ – ilgiausia Kudirkos satyra. Daugiausia vietos čia skiriama carizmo biurokratijai. R…
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Listen to the SF Daily podcast for today, March 7, 2025, with host Lorrie Boyer. These quick and informative episodes cover the commodity markets, weather, and the big things happening in agriculture each morning. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices저자 Successful Farming
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“Tenemos que hablar”, esa frase suele traer una sensación de preocupación y de miedo cuando alguien nos la dice, en especial a nosotros los hombres, nuestra tendencia es no comunicarnos, preferimos mantenernos callados"🔴 Señal en vivo: supresenciaradio.com🔴 Síguenos Instagram: www.instagram.com/supresenciaradio…
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Lietuvos nacionaliniame operos ir baleto teatre premjera – opera „Don Žuanas“
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1:53:56Lietuvos nacionaliniame operos ir baleto teatre šį vakarą publikai pristatoma nauja W. A. Mozarto operos „Don Žuanas“ versija. Kaip šiandien įprasminama suvedžiotojo istorija, kurią į muziką sudėjo Vienos klasikas? Apie tai pasakoja Don Žuano vaidmenį kuriantis baritonas Modestas Sedlevičius ir pastatymo kūrėjai. Anykščių menų inkubatoriuje vis daž…
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#660 What Are You Avoiding? : Productivity / Getting Things Done
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3:18Get instant access to the Why You Aren’t Taking Action Video : successbykayla.com
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Our episode archive: https://patreon.com/ieltssfs Do most people prefer to prepare and organize an activity or just take part in an activity? How do people feel when they are not well-prepared for something? Do people need others’ help when organizing things? Does everything need to be well prepared? Tune in and have a great day! - Book a class wit…
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Paul Rice - Fairtrade Pioneer & Social Entrepreneur | How One Idea Transformed Global Trade & Ended Poverty Cycles
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1:27:55➡️ Join 321,000 people who read my free weekly newsletter: https://newsletter.scottdclary.com ➡️ Like The Podcast? Leave A Rating: https://ratethispodcast.com/successstory Paul Rice is a social entrepreneur and the founder of Fair Trade USA, a nonprofit organization dedicated to certifying fair trade products and promoting ethical sourcing. Under h…
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In this episode of Successfully Chaotic, host Maria Daniels explores the essential role of storytelling in business and human interaction. She emphasizes that storytelling is a timeless practice that should be authentically tailored to connect with audiences across various platforms, whether it’s through Instagram, TikTok, or podcasts. Maria highli…
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Q.Ant-Chef Förtsch: „Ich hatte eine Phase, wo ich dachte, der Computer kann mir nichts mehr beibringen“
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48:06Podcast Chefgespräch Bei künstlicher Intelligenz und der damit verbundenen Chipherstellung ist es inzwischen ähnlich wie beim Fußball: Fast jeder im Land glaubt, mitreden zu können.Michael Förtsch kann das wirklich. Er ist Gründer und Chef von Q.Ant, einem deutschen Hersteller von Computerchips und Tochter des Laserkonzerns Trumpf. Welche Mythen üb…
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En este episodio, reflexionamos sobre las áreas de nuestras vidas en las que buscamos respuestas y a quién estamos escuchando para resolverlas. Hacerse preguntas es fundamental para el crecimiento, pero aprender a filtrar nuestras creencias a la luz de lo que Dios dice en su Palabra es esencial.🔴 Señal en vivo en: www.supresenciaradio.com…
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De la Remontada a la Desilusión: Junior vs. América de Cali en un Final de Infarto
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57:08¡QUE RUEDE LA PELOTA! 🏆 America vencio a Junior en penaltis y sigue en la Sudamericana 🎾 Nuevas medidas de la WTA que ayudara a las madres deportistas 🏀 Serena Williams nueva dueña de un equipo de Basquetball 🔥 Todo esto y mucho más... ¡Hoy en Que Ruede la Pelota!🔴 Señal en vivo en: www.supresenciaradio.com🔴 Síguenos Instagram: bit.ly/47io…
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➡️ Start Here: https://newsletter.scottdclary.com ➡️ Like The Podcast? Subscribe Here: https://youtube.com/c/scottdclary In this "Lessons" episode, we explore why selective attention might be your greatest untapped resource. Through stories of high performers from Steve Jobs to everyday entrepreneurs, we'll see how the most effective people aren't …
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Vibe with what you heard today? Join my free newsletter House of Healing! Do you have any questions or want clarity around what you heard today? Or maybe you just want to share what came up for you from this episode? Click here to CONNECT WITH STEPHANIE. I personally read & respond to every single message to help move you forward! You can also: Gra…
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Francoise Sagan. „Sveikas, liūdesy“. Vertė Laima Rapšytė, išleido leidykla „baltos lankos“. Septyniolikmetė Sesilė su tėčiu ir jo meiluže Elze nerūpestingai leidžia vasaros atostogas prie Viduržemio jūros. Saulė, jūra, smėlis ir naujoji meilė Sirilis – tokia merginos kasdienybė. Staiga kadai kviesta į vilą atvyksta Ana, sena Sesilės velionės motino…
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Celebrate World Conservation Strategy Day with this special episode of Big Blend Radio focusing on Sustainable Travel and Tourism. Hear what destinations are doing around the world to promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices to safeguard the planet for their local community and future generations, and the ways travelers can be part of sustain…
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Listen to the SF Daily podcast for today, March 6, 2025, with host Lorrie Boyer. These quick and informative episodes cover the commodity markets, weather, and the big things happening in agriculture each morning. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices저자 Successful Farming
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