Para aprender a mirar de otra forma, tu tienda de campaña que aísla las mañanas del fin de semana de la frenética actualidad diaria. Con Juan José Millás, Javier Sampedro, Pere Estupinyà o Ángela Quintas. En directo los sábados y domingos a las 08:00 y a cualquier hora si te suscribes.
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A weekly look at the health news that matters to you. Dr. Brian Goldman brings you the best science from top experts in plain language. He cuts through the BS and confusion to give you a dose of smart advice that you won’t find anywhere else. New episodes every Thursday.
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Os retratos das histórias dos Portugueses em todo o mundo, a análise política, económica e cultural da vida nas comunidades Portuguesas, com convidados diferentes todas as semanas. Um programa de Paula Machado.
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Dostcast is the only Indian podcast with the widest range of conversations and interviews. Politicians. P*rnstars. Performers. Philosophers. No topic is out of bounds. No guest is too taboo. No conversation is too unsafe for this show. Watch or listen to Dostcast every Tuesday and Friday at 8 PM Indian Standard Time. About the host: Vinamre Kasanaa is a writer and content creator. He studied advertising and religion at Boston University and returned home to setup the best conversation networ ...
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Doses of Dan is a podcast featuring bits, interviews and highlights from K105 radio personality Dan Austin.
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Get that extra boost of scripture power in your day with Come Follow Me- Daily Dose. In 10 minutes or less everyday I talk about a verse or 2 from this week's Come Follow Me block!
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Short, Powerful, Life-Changing Clips from your Favorite TorahAnytime Speakers
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Daily overview of the Rambam for self learners.
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Join former Casting Director & Pop Culture Obsessed Dana Bowling as she shares daily musings on celebrity news, pop culture, and reviewing really good/bad tv. She also talks about living in LA, starting a business from home, being a mom to two boys, married to a Reality TV director of photography, exercise and Sauvignon Blanc. Subscribe now to join the Daily Dose community and get your daily dose of entertainment with Dana!
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O momento dos nossos diferentes correspondentes e conselheiros das Comunidades Portuguesas. Todos os dias cada conselheiro partilha as últimas sobre a comunidade portuguesa onde se encontra e quais os mais recentes desafios ou histórias.
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A Therapeutic Dose - A prescription-strength Reality TV podcast that explores the intersection of TV and therapy, with hosts Ramona Ramirez and Margee Magee.
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O retrato do quotidiano das comunidades portuguesas no mundo: as suas vidas, os seus negócios, os seus projetos, a sua realidade. Com reportagens produzidas localmente, por parceiros da Rádio e Televisão de Portugal.
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Welcome to the Do The Brave Thing™ Online Business Podcast hosted by Kate Doster. Where every week you'll practical advice, motivation and big thinking energy to help you sell more, lead better and help a crap ton of people without letting those negative voices in your head getting in the way.
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W każdym odcinku otworzysz serce i umysł na Ajurwedę - piękną, starożytną wiedzę o życiu. Posłuchasz o niej w zrozumiały sposób, poznasz inspirujące kobiety, które przeszły swoją przemianę z Ajurwedą. W tym podcaście będę także dzielić się moimi odkryciami i obserwacjami. Dzięki temu poczujesz się wzmocniona i gotowa do wcielania w życie zmian, których pragnie Twoja dusza.
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No décimo aniversário do Observador, refletimos sobre o futuro. Ao longo de um ano (52 semanas) desafiamos 52 especialistas em várias áreas a partilhar a sua visão para Portugal na próxima década.
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First Podcast, Includes this day in dead history, studio albums, upcoming news, much more
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O podcast de quem inventa com o trabalho dos outros. Com Érico Assis, Carlos H. Rutz e Mario Luiz C. Barroso.
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Seja em um navio pirata ou em uma nuvem voadora , viaje com a gente no Mundo dos Animes!
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El podcast conservador de mente abierta.
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MS-DOS CLUB - Informática Clásica. El Club de los obsoletos pero orgullosos.
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Discussões sobre cultura e política por pessoas sem domínio sobre esses assuntos.
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The Daily Dose Plus is not just your regular podcast; it is a platform that delves into meaningful discussions on crucial aspects of our lives that are often overlooked in everyday conversations. From intimate ”bantaba chats” to high-powered conversations with experts, The Daily Dose Plus covers a diverse range of topics that resonate deeply with our audience.
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Las noticias que debes conocer hoy en dos minutos.
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A Nação dos Montes é um selo para a unificação da identidade das ações de todas as igrejas que compõem a Igreja de Florianópolis – IF. Hoje somos seis igrejas locais em diferentes cidades identificadas por este selo – Nação dos Montes.
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Espaço de opinião sobre a atualidade económica em África e Brasil, com análise a informações de carácter económico com implicações diretas no dia a dia do ouvinte. Distribuição: FM RDP áfrica e Podcast 2ª a 6ªfeira - 8.15
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Monthly DOS game online discussion and podcast
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Welcome to the Daily News Dose Podcast by Onmanorama. Tune in to get updated about the major news stories of the day.
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A equipe de motor dos Canais Globo analisa os principais destaques da Fórmula 1 e das demais categorias do automobilismo e da motovelocidade. Na Ponta dos Dedos é o ponto de encontro para quem quer saber tudo sobre o mundo da velocidade.
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The Perfect Dose with Dr. Kristen Herzog helps to inspire confidence by providing information, insight and protocols to help you enhance, not change your beautiful features.
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Each week the MPR team brings you the top stories from the world of medicine and pharma in a matter of minutes. With 35 years of publishing drug information behind us, you can rely on MPR to provide accurate and up-to-date news.
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Join the star of Bravo's Real Housewives Of Dallas, Stephanie Hollman, and her Fabulous G.B.F., Trey Stewart, to hear unique insight on all things Bravo, hot takes on celebrity news, and crazy stories from their personal lives! Every episode is guaranteed to deliver a Weekly Dose of BS to you!
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A podcast for life long learners.
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Pausa de los Dos Minutos ahora también en podcast, escucha nuestros programas
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Pharmacy to Dose: The Critical Care Podcast discusses critical care and its pharmacotherapy in a fun and entertaining manner. Each episode features a special guest, a subject matter expert, talking with host Nick Peters.
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Acompanhe nossos três programas: "Starting Up", com conteúdos para o nível iniciante, "Way Ahead", para quem já está mais avançado e preparado para acompanhar um conteúdo 100% em inglês, e "The Blah Blah Spot", programa em que os teachers Carina Fragozo e Fábio Emerim batem um papo sobre algum assunto relacionado à língua inglesa em português, em inglês, ou em uma mistura dos dois idiomas.
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We hope you find these short devotional messages encouraging.
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A podcast for type 1 diabetics. Science, stories, and practical tips to help you navigate type 1 diabetes like a boss. Hosted by Cait Macleod and Tracy Sanders Instagram: @type1tracy and @correctiondose Email:
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This is a teaching podcast that the Omnipleasant School of Biblical Studies produces. It focuses on spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ by every means possible and teaching as many people as are willing to learn - the Truth of God's word.
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Tune in to MemorialCare's Weekly Dose of Wellness!. Each 10-minute, weekly segment will offer listeners practical, useful advice for a lifetime of good health. From managing weight to keeping your heart beating strong, you'll find valuable health information on our station, presented by knowledgeable physicians and health experts.
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Uma família para o Pai Uma esposa para o Filho Uma morada para o Espírito
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Vonetta is your go to source for the tech, pop culture and meaningless financial news of the day. Whether it's a hot new viral video, life changing app, or a sweet startup you've never heard of, we've got it covered in your Daily Dose of awesome!
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There are a million and one science podcasts out there but none of them are quite like Dose of Pharma! Made for students, by students, we provide you with bite-sized doses of discussions on all sorts of science content, personal development, student life, and STEM careers. With a nugget of wisdom available for you to take away from each episode, you’ll be glad you decided to embrace your inner nerd and start listening to us!
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Reflexões da Bíblia, da vida e da arte.
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Now in its 7th season, just like its host, artistic intellectual, Amanda Seales, Small Doses podcast is known for its hilarious, honest, and philosophical take on all “Side Effects” of life it tackles. Each episode be edutained by high level topics grounded in down to earth conversations with icons, experts and sometimes, Ms. Seales flying solo. Small Doses podcast raises awareness, piques curiosity, and challenges toxic norms expanding minds with one of a kind convos one episode a time!
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Tupperware ist pleite. Aber wer hat die berühmte Plastikdose auf dem Gewissen? Friedrich Liechtenstein ermittelt in dieser True-Crime-Satire als Kommissar - und stößt dabei auf nordkoreanische Hacker, eine feministische Ikone und Hollywood.
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Na Ponta dos Dedos #238 – tudo sobre o GP da China e um papo com Matheus Comparatto
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1:07:27Na terceira edição da sétima temporada do podcast Na Ponta dos Dedos, Rafael Lopes e Luciano Burti comentam tudo sobre o GP da China de Fórmula 1, que teve vitória de Oscar Piastri, da McLaren. Além disso, um papo com Matheus Comparatto, atual campeão da Fórmula 4 Brasil e piloto da Porsche Cup Brasil em 2025…
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Um jornalista acedeu a um grupo de mensagens no telemóvel com informação sensível. Como aconteceu e que consequências terá? Uma conversa com Nuno Gouveia, especialista em política norte-americana. See for privacy information.저자 Observador
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Marco Teixeira teve o seu primeiro trabalho internacional na Guiné Bissau. Mas rapidamente optou por ir em busca de outro destino, num gabinete da ONU que controla as drogas e o crime na Índia. O escritório principal é em Nova Deli mas trabalha em seis países pelo que viaja constantemente.
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Todos os dias sentimos que o protecionismo avança, embora alguns países procurem manter a abertura econômica mundial.
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El resumen de las noticias de hoy, con Alejandro Becerra.
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Comentário sobre futebolA contrafação de oxicodona representa um grave risco para a saúdeRecomendação ao cidadão comum de kits de emergência para 72 horas
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"No tienen el dorado de los platos recién hechos, ni gozan de la plenitud de lo grande, acabado, redondo. Pero siempre terminan por reivindicarse, con un espíritu de justicia y utilidad que te evita que hoy tengas que cocinar"
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MDA #186 - WORLD TRIGGER: Absolute Cinema (Temporadas 2 e 3)
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1:20:16Prepare seu navio pirata ou sua nuvem voadora, pois desta vez no Mundo dos Animes, Bruno, Lucas e Vulpixs viajarão mais uma vez pelo mundo de World Trigger. SEJA NOSSO APOIADOR E AJUDE O PODCAST A CONTINUAR EXISTINDO: CatarseMande um e-mail para nossa Caixa Postal comentando sobre o epi…
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El Show de los Dolfans (19/mar/2025) Eichenberg | Mattison | Britt | Champ Kelly
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2:05:27Miami Dolphins 2025. Show 7. El programa semanal de análisis, comentarios y opinión sobre el mejor equipo de la NFL, Miami Dolphins FinsUp. Conducen: Gildardo Figueroa, Edgar Chávez y Miguel Muñoz..Los miércoles a las 9:30 pm EN VIVO …
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Neste domingo, recebemos Vanessa Belmonte, que nos trouxe uma reflexão sobre o tempo, uma realidade que vivemos, mas frequentemente esquecemos que não nos pertence e não podemos controlá-lo. O tempo é de Deus, e Eclesiastes nos ensina que Ele faz tudo acontecer no tempo apropriado.Diante disso, nosso papel é entender a vontade de Deus para o tempo …
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África do Sul: idosos, insegurança e movimento associativo
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37:39Comunidade portuguesa na África do Sul. Falamos com: Sec Estado José Cesário e com os dirigentes associativos Joaquim Melo, Cândida Silva, Roberto Silva e José Contente. Edição Paula Machado
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저자 tastylive
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SC blocks Allahabad HC order | Top News of March 26, 2025
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4:10Hello, this is your daily dose of news from Onmanorama. Tune in to get updated about the major news stories of the day. See for privacy information.저자 Onmanorama
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279. Apple & Google Updates You NEED to know about if you send emails
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6:05Apple and Google are Changing Email—Here’s What Email Marketers Need to Know If your email open rates have taken a weird dip lately, it might not be your subject lines—it could be Apple and Google. In this quick hit episode, Kate breaks down what’s changing and what you need to tweak to keep landing in inboxes. What you’ll learn in this episode: [0…
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저자 Pesach Zirkind
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How can you use your season of singleness to deepen your walk with God? Your availability to Him is a special gift. Video available at: Message by Caleb Daniel.저자 North Coast Church
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This week, Sara Elhassan educates us on the ongoing war and humanitarian crisis in Sudan, and the misperceptions of the country in both the West and the Arab world. Follow Sara @bsonblast For more content, subscribe to our Youtube and Patreon!저자 Amanda Seales
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What does the armor of God protect?
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Karen Read Trial, Gwyneth Paltrow's Intimacy Coordinator Comments & Garcelle Beauvais Exits RHOBH Plus, Did Disney Allow Bullying on Deadpool?
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1:25:25HAPPY TUESDAY!! I am joined by special guest Andy Signore from Popcorned Planet!! SPONSORED BY: Ollie: Take the online quiz and introduce Ollie to your pet. Visit today for 60% off your first box of meals! #ToKnowThemIsToLoveThem Alloy: Get your Alloy prescription today. Visit today for $20 …
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Hot in The City: Debunking Myths - Reacting to Viewer Comments on Contraceptives & Intimate Care
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1:28:10In this follow-up episode, we react to viewer comments from our previous discussion. Some responses revealed just how much misinformation exists about contraceptives and intimate care. We break down common misconceptions, provide factual insights, and address the concerns people raised. How can we make informed decisions when so many myths are bein…
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Daily Dose #2,306: Lasting Inspiration - R' Meir Simcha Sperling
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2:29Full TorahAnytime Lecture Video or Audio More classes from R' Meir Simcha Sperling ⭐ 2,306 👤 By R' Meir Simcha Sperling 💊 Daily Dose #2306 Want to sponsor a future Dose? Click Here Want to to Receive the Daily Dose Video via WhatsApp? Simply Click Here 💫 Thank You to the Sponsors of Today's Daily Dose: 🎯 Hatzlacha Success for Salha Shulamit bat Mal…
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Chiropractor FIXES My Imbalances and Pain LIVE | Dostcast w/ @chiragjoisher
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1:18:43Chirag Joisher is a chiropractor based in Mumbai, on a mission to make India pain-free. You can follow Chirag at: Call: 808-595-8095In this episode, Vinamre and Chirag talk about:- What chiropractic is, how spinal adjustments work, and why your spine holds the key to better health.- How to walk better,…
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Human remains found in Telangana tunnel collapse | Top News of March 25, 2025
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4:21Hello, this is your daily dose of news from Onmanorama. Tune in to get updated about the major news stories of the day. See for privacy information.저자 Onmanorama
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What does sacrificial love look like in your closest relationships? True commitment is rooted in selfless care. Pastor Chris Brown examines what loving like Christ really looks like in reality. Video available at:저자 North Coast Church
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저자 Pesach Zirkind
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The amour of God.
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Na Venezuela, as imensas carências socioeconómicas tornaram a solidariedade numa palavra chave. Perante a crise e o aumento de portugueses carenciados, muitos deles têm vergonha em admitir a sua situação de pobreza e carência.
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Como andam os negócios e avanços tecnológicos no mercado de carros elétricos?
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Un resumen de las noticias de hoy, con Joan Gimeno.
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Ryan Reynolds & Blake Lively's Parenting Choices Exposed, JFK Files, Karen Read & More w Molly Dare!
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1:12:34HAPPY MONDAY! I am joined by my bestie and favorite deep diver and host of POLARIZED, MOLLY DARE! Let's get into all of the hot topics of the week! 5:00 - Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds & Justin Baldoni 59:30 - Karen Read 49:00 - JFK Files 1:07:30 - Sherry Papini & More! #ryanreynolds #karenread #jfkjr S…
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Let's keep it real today - some people want you to think that anything is possible in aesthetics. While more and more is possible every year, we still have to face the truth about the treatments we do... Pill 1: The Lips Have Limits Pill 2: Bruising Happens Pill 3: Facial Asymmetry is Normal Pill 4: It's Normal For Lines to Come Back (Botox) Produc…
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Inglaterra entra a ganhar contra a Alemanha e antevisão do jogo frente à LetóniaSérgio Magalhães em direto de Londres
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Daily Dose #2,305: The Real Winner - R' Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro
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2:22Full TorahAnytime Lecture Video or Audio More classes from R' Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro ⭐ 2,305 👤 By R' Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro 💊 Daily Dose #2305 Want to sponsor a future Dose? Click Here Want to to Receive the Daily Dose Video via WhatsApp? Simply Click Here 💫 Thank You to the Sponsors of Today's Daily Dose: 🕯 Leilui Nishmat for Mary bat Aliza Ezra…
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Justice Varma stripped of court duties | Top News of March 24, 2025
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4:01Hello, this is your daily dose of news from Onmanorama. Tune in to get updated about the major news stories of the day. See for privacy information.저자 Onmanorama
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