Sermons from Veritas Community Church in Columbus. Messages are from various preachers at all congregations: Short North, Tri-City, and West.
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Lo sguardo de La Verità sulla stampa quotidiana. Tutti i giorni, dal lunedì al venerdì, con Carlo Cambi e Flaminia Camilletti.
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Celebrate • Connect • Contribute
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Weekly sermons from Veritas Church and episodes of the Round Table with Mark Arant and Jeff Dodge.
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At the Veritas Forum, we believe we were made to seek truth and be changed by it. We are a community of students, faculty, campus ministers, and more, who are pursuing a vision of the university that seeks and stewards truth and invites people of all backgrounds to explore the ideas that shape our lives. Since 1992, we’ve shared lectures and conversations with a firm belief that generous dialogue is essential for universities and the Christian faith alike. In this podcast, we're pulling from ...
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Tangents show us how close things really are. Join Fr. Sam Kachuba, Matt Sperrazza, and their guests as they connect Catholicism to sports, art, music (and everything else)!
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Podcast d’opinió, humor (roín) i "lo que surja". Conversem de temes d’actualitat (o no), d’interès (per a nosaltres) i improvisem. O desbarrem directament. No li digues "problemes de so", si no "gran oportunitat per a gaudir del silenci"
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Secure, Contain, Protect. A creative horror fiction podcast inspired by the SCP Foundation. Scott Anderson is a Class C ethics officer in the recently constructed Site 2024. His job is to record and digitize Incident Reports involving deadly anomalies from across the world in order to assist in improving and updating containment procedures. Although his cushy office job is fairly benign and keeps him far safer than the d-class personnel he typically reads about... there’s only so long you ca ...
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Welcome to the club di ‘In Lamentela Veritas’, il podcast per tutti coloro che sono stanchi della vita e di Mercurio retrogrado e vogliono lamentarsi in compagnia. Anna e Vladi sono pronti ad accogliere tutti e parlare del più e del meno unicamente per il fatto che a non fare un podcast erano rimasti solo loro, tanto vale estendere l’invito a tutti. Se siete alla ricerca di qualcuno che vi dica le cose come stanno sulle dinamiche che vi accadono nel quotidiano, questo è il posto giusto, ma c ...
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Daily Gospel reflections that are under 3 minutes long so you get your daily dose of the Catholic Faith quickly! Fr. Sam reflects on the Catholic Mass readings from the day (Old Testament, New Testament, or Gospel) as well as the Saint of the day for his daily reflections. For more of Fr. Sam, check out ”the Tangent on Veritas Catholic Network” and ”Roar like the Lamb”.
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Un format innovativo che indaga i temi dell'amore, dell'affettività e della sessualità delle persone diversamente abili. Una conversazione a tutto campo con un ospite che si mette a nudo mostrando bellezza e oblio, forza e paura, splendore e tristezze della propria vita, conducendo l'ascoltatore nei meandri di un territorio inesplorato.
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Everyone can live, be and do better IF they know better. Our mission is to effect positive change in society with the whole truth.
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Do you have a curious mind? Do you sometimes daydream about having a PhD in literature, science, or history? Go inside the minds of PhDs at Harvard University with the Veritalk podcast. Veritalk is produced at Harvard’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. In each three-episode miniseries of Veritalk, you’ll hear how PhD students from different fields are trying to answer really big questions about the world.
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Listen friends, we're just a couple of guys from Tennessee, searching for the truth and the meaning of life in a world full of bad science, propaganda, and just outright lies. There are no questions that're off the table, no ideas too absurd, as we head down The Veritas Road. Let us know if you like what you hear. And if you want to hear from us more often, check out our crowdfunding pages listed below. Thanks for listening! Patreon - SubscribeStar - https ...
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Podcast by Audio
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🎙️ Legalis Veritas, o seu podcast jurídico interestadual e internacional. Nosso programa conta com episódios de notícias, debates e entrevistas com profissionais de referência no mercado, contando com participação ilustre dos maiores advogados do Distrito Federal e do Brasil, políticos, professores e muito mais. Website: Instagram: Legalis Veritas (@legalis.veritas) LinkedIn: Legalis Veritas
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Els millors moments del programa, deconstruts i manipulats pel Ricard Garcia i l'Albert Jdar. Sembla mentida el que arribem a sentir a "El suplement"..."
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This podcast will take a papal writing, usually an encyclical, and present a discussion and study of it.
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The Pursuing Veritas Podcast reflects on theological, historical, and cultural topics from the perspective of a follower of Jesus Christ.
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Quando una bugia è preferibile ad una verità scomoda? Probabilmente a quelli che se ne stanno seduti comodi non importano le risposte. A noi si. Anche se in realtà contano più le domande. Però scialli eh.
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Egensinniga , djupdykande humanister som nyfiket vill lära och leva. Ta en kopp förfriskning och följ med i våra samtal om allt mellan himmel och jord.
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Welcome to The Voices of Veritas Podcast! Veritas Christian Academy is an independent, non-denominational, PreK - 12, college preparatory school with an educational culture built on the classical Trivium and historic Biblical Christianity. VCA is located in Fletcher, NC.
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A weekly proclamation of the Sunday Gospel followed by my homily. Traditional interpretation of the Biblical narratives applied to our lives.
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Bible teachings from Veritas, a church meeting in Magnolia, TX. Veritas' mission is to make disciples for generations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the glory of God and the good of our city. Visit us at for more info regarding our service times and community life.
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Un podcast personal sobre actualidad y humanidades.
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Four curious Canadians venture into the darkest, most misunderstood, or contentious areas of our reality. Real life lore from the mouths of Ood, Sage, Leon, and Richard. Pack a bowl, join the cult, put us in your ears!
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Founded by James O’Keefe, the mission of Project Veritas is to: Investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society.
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Herzlich willkommen! Wir präsentieren euch zweimal im Monat immer im Wechsel die Podcasts 'In Vino Veritas - Der Aufmachenpodcast' und die Audioteek. In Vino Veritas Das Prinzip ist einfach erklärt: Zwei Leute, eine Flasche Wein und Gesprächsstoff bis die Flasche leer ist. Folgt uns auf der Wahrheitssuche am Flaschenboden und werdet teil von In Vino veritas - ab sofort immer einmal pro Monat. Audioteek Unser formatiger Podcast im Style einer Radiosendung. Zugeschnitten auf die Generation Gol ...
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Un viaggio in cui ce n'è per tutti: verità su imprenditori, vizi di gestione, errori grossolani, superficialità da titolare siculo. Un viaggio intorno alla mia Sicilia per riflettere sul mondo dell'impresa e su come migliorarlo. Con Rosario Salanitri. Produzione audio: Francesco Maugeri.
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Have you ever wondered about the millions of deaths you haven't heard of caused by organisations you don't usually notice? Or those hundreds of revolutions that go on unreported under your nose? Probably not, because you hadn't heard, seen or even felt them. That changes now. Veritas Populi, hosted by yours truly, Aryan Dixit, aims to enlighten you about those glazed-over parts of the world, those tales left underreported. Veritas Populi takes you to the remotest regions of Sub-Saharan Afric ...
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Does Harvard discriminate against Asian Americans? Should universities consider race in the admissions process? And what is the Asian American community doing about it all? Join us, a research team from Amherst College, in exploring the SFFA v. Harvard case and the truth behind Asian Americans and affirmative action. Episodes will cover topics such as the history of affirmative action, the underlying philosophies behind each side's legal arguments, specific stakeholders in this case, the rol ...
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500 Jahre ist die Reformation alt: wird sie fortgeführt oder begraben? Wie verhalten sich Luthers Erben und was wird aus seinen (Wieder)entdeckungen? All das sind wichtige Fragen. Doch beantworten kann sie nur, wer das Reformationsgeschehen selbst gründlich kennt. „Sola Veritas – Die wahre Chronik der Reformation“ bietet weitaus mehr als die üblichen bekannten Zusammenfassungen und Anekdoten. Ausgehend vom Jahre 1482 wird alles chronologisch erzählt, was weltgeschichlich und biographisch (so ...
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This Podcast explores growing up in a northern working town, where the expectations of what local people would achieve in life was based on local industry and business. Geoff stories provides the insight in starting life in local industry moving onto civil engineering, even light house painting!! Then Geoff became aware of performing arts. After which Geoff decided to follow the opportunities that came his way from the arts world 'always willing to have a go', this has led him into a wonderf ...
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Harvard professors are known for their cutting-edge research—and also for their effervescent and eccentric personalities. The Veritas Lab, hosted by Katelyn X. Li and Sanjana L. Narayanan, will give you a glimpse of both. Through lively conversations with professors across Harvard, we’ll get at the truth behind the most exciting issues in modern research. Presented by The Harvard Crimson, published on alternating Wednesdays. Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
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Nous lisons tous des histoires, regardons des films, des séries, jouons à des jeux qui nous emmènent ailleurs, dans d'autres mondes qui souvent n'existent pas. Nous savons pourtant qu'il ne s'agit pas simplement d'une distraction, une activité qui nous éloignerait de notre vie, de ce qui nous est cher. Au contraire. Une fois le livre fermé, le jeu terminé, les mondes continuent à vivre, les personnages sont encore là, qui nous accompagnent, nous inspirent, habitent nos conversations ou nos r ...
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What were the surprises you as a family member encountered preparing to enter long-term care? What needed to be done? What went right? What didn't? Hear about the transition for both a mother and daughter who have recently gone through the experience. If you experience difficulty listening to this podcast, please try another platform.
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1 | “Fakes news y Post Verità/ El triunfo del probado” Conferencia dictada por Nathalie Jaudel en Palermo es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.
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The world's first completely interactive, unsolved case, true-crime podcast that lets you see and review all of the available evidence. That includes police reports, crime scene photos, autopsy reports, autopsy photographs (when available), direct remarks from investigators and investigating agencies, and, in some cases, even allows you to directly question lawyers, law enforcement, and psychological experts who appear on the show! But that's not all - at the end, our expert cast of 7 host/j ...
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Most people only think of two sides of the coin, heads or tails, right or wrong, black-and-white, truth or lies. This however is a misnomer. There is always a third side of the coin. Just like heads or tails and one side of the story or the other there’s always more to the story. If you take out a coin and you see the head with the president and you see the other side the tail with the eagle you often forget about that middle when you turn it and look directly down this narrow edge that shar ...
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PERSONAL VERITAS: Harvard alumni reflect on life's twists and turns and the impact they hope to have on the world
Harvard Radcliffe Class of 1997
Twenty-five years after graduating from Harvard College, members of the Class of 1997 come together in this series of conversations to reconnect, share stories, and reflect on lessons learned outside of the classroom. Hear from this cohort of diverse classmates about how their lives have unfolded and where they find themselves now. What was it like arriving at Harvard all those years ago? How does the privilege of a Harvard education and degree impact opportunities and decisions after gradua ...
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Ecco #EdicolaVerità, la rassegna stampa podcast del 28 marzo con Flaminia Camilletti저자 La Verità
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La nuda verità - Punto di Vista con Massimo Barra. Comunità terapeutiche e procure. Attitudine nonviolenta e terapeutica delle forze dell'ordine - Puntata del 27/03/2025
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5:13Sul tema dell'assistenza e della cura delle dipendenze patologiche c'è un lavoro di collaborazione stretta sul territorio tra comunità terapeutiche e procure della Repubblica, in particolare sulle attività di contrasto al traffico di sostanze stupefacenti. Collaborazione che dovrebbe sempre porre al centro la persona tossicodipendente con le forze …
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PRIMISSIMA PUNTATA: Tutta la verità in un NUOVO podcast
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29:09Rise and Shine a tutte e tutti, abbiamo deciso di parlare anche noi per un tot di tempo raggiungendo conclusioni che potrebbero (dovrebbero) aiutarvi (e soprattutto aiutarci) a sopravvivere. Guardatelo mentre mangiate la carbonara fatta dal malessere, mentre fate le pulizie per casa, se avete litigato con la “bestie” due minuti fa ma soprattutto se…
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If You Understand This You Are Not Far From the Kingdom of God
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2:00Today's Gospel reading is Mark 12:28-34저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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Today's Gospel reading is Luke 11:14-23저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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Ecco #EdicolaVerità, la rassegna stampa podcast del 27 marzo con Flaminia Camilletti저자 La Verità
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The Fulfillment of the Law is Christ's Love Poured Out on the Cross
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2:00Today's Gospel reading is Matthew 5:17-19저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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Scott reviews a lighthearted report on SCP 3709 to gently ease back into the normal everyday routine of the Foundation. Comments? Join our discord at Email us at Or check out our BlueSky!저자 Vault Veritas
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Ecco #EdicolaVerità, la rassegna stampa podcast del 26 marzo con Flaminia Camilletti저자 La Verità
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Today's Gospel reading is Luke 1:26-38저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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Ecco #EdicolaVerità, la rassegna stampa podcast del 25 marzo con Flaminia Camilletti저자 La Verità
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True Masculinity, JPII, & Overcoming P*rn with Nick Clune
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1:12:36Nick Clune of @heybrotherpodcast joins Fr. Sam and Matt to discuss Nick and Fr. Sam's respective experiences with the Catholic Psych Model of Applied Personalism program, the importance of relationships in healing, and the impact of John Paul II's personalism on counseling. They explore the challenges men face, particularly regarding addiction to p…
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Today's Gospel reading is Luke 4:24-30 - A Prophet is Never Accepted in His Hometown저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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Ecco #EdicolaVerità, la rassegna stampa podcast del 24 marzo con Flaminia Camilletti저자 La Verità
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La nuda verità - "Nel paese dove i maiali volano, i lupi galleggiano" (Mondatori Electa) conversazione con Tommy e Gianluca Nicoletti - Puntata del 23/03/2025
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31:22Dal 18 marzo in libreria "Nel paese dove i maiali volano, i lupi galleggiano" edito da Mondatori Electa. E' il primo illustrato per bambini di Tommaso Nicoletti detto Tommy, i testi sono del papà, il giornalista Gianluca Nicoletti che ha scritto le storie che erano nascoste tra i disegni. Tommy, è un ragazzo autistico di 28 anni, parla poco, disegn…
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March 23, 2025 . Mark Arant
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Today's Gospel reflection is Luke 13:1-9저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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A sermon by Phil Shimer based on John 15:1-17 preached on March 23rd for the West congregation of Veritas Community Church as part of our sermon series called "John: That You May Believe."저자 Phil Shimer
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A sermon by PJ Wenzel based on John 15:1-17 preached on March 23rd for the Tri-City congregation of Veritas Community Church as part of our sermon series called "John: That You May Believe."저자 PJ Wenzel
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A sermon by Joe Byler based on John 15:1-17 preached on March 23rd for the Short North congregation of Veritas Community Church as part of our sermon series called "John: That You May Believe."저자 Joe Byler
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Today's Gospel reading is Luke 15:1-3, 11-32저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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Today's Gospel reading is Matthew 21:33-46저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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Ecco #EdicolaVerità, la rassegna stampa podcast del 21 marzo con Carlo Cambi저자 La Verità
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Today's Gospel reading is Luke 16:19-31저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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La nuda verità - Punto di vista con Massimo Barra. Commission on Narcotic Drugs dell'ONU. Numeri da capogiro e riduzione del danno - Puntata del 20/03/2025
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7:28Si è conclusa il 14 marzo a Vienna la 68/a sessione della Commissione Droga delle Nazioni Unite. Diversi incontri bilaterali con altrettanti Paesi che hanno visto al centro dei confronti la riduzione del danno e il no al carcere per chi ha problemi di dipendenza. Quali numeri del consumo di droghe sono stati dichiarati e in quali Paesi c'è il risch…
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Beethoven, Faith, & Suffering: A Musical Journey | Mia Chung-Yee
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49:12In today’s episode, a concert pianist and Beethoven scholar takes us on a musical journey through the life of one of history’s greatest composers. You’ll hear from Mia Chung-Yee, an accomplished musician and faculty member at the Curtis Institute of Music. In this lecture and performance, she tells the story of Beethoven’s struggle with deafness an…
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Ecco #EdicolaVerità, la rassegna stampa podcast del 20 marzo con Carlo Cambi저자 La Verità
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Today's Gospel readings are Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24a OR Luke 2:41-51a저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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Things have calmed down... for now. But how long will that calm hold? Vault Veritas Season 2 begins March 26th 2025.저자 Vault Veritas
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Ecco #EdicolaVerità, la rassegna stampa podcast del 19 marzo con Carlo Cambi저자 La Verità
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Today's Gospel reading is Matthew 23:1-12저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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Edicola Verità - la rassegna stampa del 18 marzo con Carlo Cambi저자 La Verità
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Faith, Redemptive Suffering, and Miraculous Healing in Catholicism: the Anointing of the Sick
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1:20:03In this conversation, Fr. Sam and Matt explore the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, discussing its significance and historical development. They delve into the evolution of sacramental practices, the importance of faith in healing, and the relationship between spiritual care and medical science. Matt and Fr. Sam also explore the connection betwe…
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Happy Saint Patrick's day! Today's Gospel reading is Luke 6:36-38저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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Ecco #EdicolaVerità, la rassegna stampa del 17 marzo con Carlo Cambi저자 La Verità
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La nuda verità - RSA. I rischi di un conflitto generazionale per il pagamento delle quote sociali a carico delle famiglie degli anziani più gravi - Puntata del 16/03/2025
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25:09Radio Radicale. 16/03/2025 19:07:40
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March 16th, 2025 . Drake Epkes
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Today's Gospel reading is Luke 9:28-36저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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A sermon by Ryan Coholich based on John 14:15-31 preached on March 16th for the Tri-City congregation of Veritas Community Church as part of our sermon series called "John: That You May Believe."저자 Ryan Coholich
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A sermon by Joe Byler based on John 14:15-31 preached on March 16th for the Short North congregation of Veritas Community Church as part of our sermon series called "John: That You May Believe."저자 Joe Byler
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Today's Gospel reading is Matthew 5:43-48저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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Today's Gospel reading is Matthew 5:20-26저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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Ecco #EdicolaVerità, la rassegna stampa podcast del 14 marzo con Flaminia Camilletti저자 La Verità
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Today's Gospel reading is Matthew 7:7-12저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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Ecco #EdicolaVerità, la rassegna stampa podcast del 13 marzo con Flaminia Camilletti저자 La Verità
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March 11, 2025 . Rebekah Johnson
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March 4, 2025 . Rebekah Johnson
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Today's Gospel reading is Luke 11:29-32저자 Veritas Catholic Network
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