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Bestselling authors and historians Mike Duncan and Alexis Coe are far-flung buddies who slice through centuries with the sharpness of a guillotine. In this wide-ranging series, Duncan, best-known for The History of Rome and Revolutions, and Coe, a presidential historian and senior fellow leave no stone unturned, no sacred cow un-tipped.
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Gom Jabbar: A Dune Podcast

Lore Party Media

Gom Jabbar is the ultimate guide to the Dune universe for both longtime fans and newcomers. Join hosts Abu and Leo as they dive deep into every aspect of Dune lore, from Frank Herbert's original novels to HBO's television show and Denis Villeneuve's blockbuster films. New episodes every other Friday.
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Radio One 91FM Dunedin, student alternative radio in Dunedin, New Zealand on the Otago University campus with the freshest music from across the genres, info on local music, events, and gigs, plus podcasts of interviews, regular segments, and more. Listen to Radio One 91FM Dunedin broadcasting live online at http://www.r1.co.nz
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Creativos, osados, innovadores, diferentes y visionarios. Grandes empresarios como Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Ma, Henry Ford, Estee Lauder, Michael Bloomberg, entre otros, han sido fuente de inspiración para muchas generaciones identificando oportunidades, tomando riesgos y aportando a la sociedad.
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Licht ins Dunkel

Mike Mathis & die Podcastfabrik

In der Cold Case True Crime-Serie „Licht ins Dunkel – Cold Cases und ungeklärte Vermisstenfälle" erzählt Autor Mike Mathis die Geschichte von Verbrechen, die nicht aufgeklärt werden können. Cold Cases und ungeklärte Vermisstenfälle. Er spricht mit den Ermittlerinnen und Ermittlern über Mordfälle, die teilweise seit Jahrzehnten ungeklärt sind. Begleitet wird dieser Podcast von Expertinnen und Experten aus der Tatortarbeit, Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten von BKA, LKA und Polizei aus Aktenfüh ...
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D’un sentier à l’autre

Francis Létourneau

D’un sentier à l’autre, la vie trouve toujours son chemin. Un mercredi sur deux, je partage un moment privilégié avec des invités inspirants aux parcours fascinants. Ensemble, nous explorons des sujets qui élèvent ma conscience tout en te proposant des perspectives pour enrichir la tienne. Ton bonheur t’appartient, il ne tient qu’à toi de choisir quel sentier tu emprunteras.
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The Elle Duncan Show

ESPN, Elle Duncan

Elle Duncan and Gary Striewski dig through all things interesting and weird in the world of sports every Monday and Thursday, reacting to the biggest storylines and dissecting viral content around the biggest teams and players.
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The Dunk City Podcast


USCBasketball.com's Chris Huston and Mark Backstrom co-host the Dunk City Podcast, the only podcast that's devoted solely to USC basketball. Weekly during the season, intermittent during the offseason, the DCP is the "podcast of record" for Trojan hoops, featuring inside information, special guests and expert analysis.
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Sharing his views and values on the state of America today. Join us for the Macil Duncan Radio show, streaming live from Chattanooga, Tennessee weekdays, 3-6pm eastern. Hear archives of the show on this podcast channel.
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Dans la Tête d'un Coureur

Sunday Night Productions

Le 1er podcast francophone dédié à la course à pied et à la préparation mentale by Sunday Night Productions Des conseils avisés, des interviews d'athlètes inspirants et du lifestyle Running ! Retrouvez-nous également sur Instagram, Facebook et sur http://www.danslateteduncoureur.fr Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez audiomeans.fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Dunakavicsok turisztikai podcast

Kovács Balázs, Nagy-Szász István

Podcastunk a jövő turizmusával, az újturizmus világával foglalkozik. Főleg Ausztria és Magyarország, valamint a Duna-régió turizmusával kapcsolatos aktuális témákról beszélgetünk egymással, illetve vendégeinkkel. Célunk, olyan együttműködési lehetőségek feltárása, amelyek fenntartható módon ösztönzik a turizmushoz kötődő gazdasági és kulturális kooperációk előmozdítását a régióban. Ehhez keresünk szövetségeseket. Dobjunk egy-két gondolatébresztő, hullámokat keltő kavicsot a Dunába! A mikrofo ...
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Your portal into cinematic pocket universes, fostering community far from the digital chaos. Join co-hosts Haitch and Jason as we welcome special guests and talk about their favorite movies. We love the genre films that inspired the creation of this show, but we talk about all kinds of movies. Just look at our episodes, choose your favorite movie, and dive right in!
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Dunk Dynasty Podcast

Panashe Nyashanu, Ethan Macdonald, Trey Mitchell, Jed Mitchell

Slam dunk into the world of NBA basketball with the Dunk Dynasty Podcast, as we break down the latest NBA news, and player performances, and dive into the hottest topics shaking up the basketball world. From buzzer-beaters to blockbuster trades, we've got you covered! Whether you're a die-hard fan or just getting into the NBA, join us every week for a fast-paced, fun-filled journey through the world of NBA basketball where every episode is a slam dunk!
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Dunce Cap

Richard Johnson

Welcome to Dunce Cap. A business podcast with business people about not business things. Richard is a douche and asks guests hard-hitting questions, like "Why do you wake up moist?" and "Ms. Frizzle: Smash or pass?" It’s Between Two Ferns meets Sesame Street meets business meets your mom. It's not really a show; it's more of an experiment in watching successful people lose their dignity, one ridiculous question at a time. Tune in to see awesome guests get humanized, humbled, and maybe even a ...
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Afrique, mémoires d'un continent explore l’histoire à travers les siècles et jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Autour d’Elgas, historiens, universitaires et spécialistes expliquent et racontent, sans tabous et à rebours des clichés, comment le passé éclaire le présent. Journaliste et coordinatrice : Delphine Michaud. Réalisation : Taguy M’Fah Traoré. *** Diffusions vers toutes cibles les dimanches à 08h10 TU et 22h10 TU (Heure de Paris = TU + 1) depuis le 27/10/2024.
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O DunaCast é o podcast oficial do fandom de Duna no Brasil. Em cada episódio, discutimos sobre os personagens, as suas origens, as inspirações do autor Frank Herbert e as teorias e filosofias da saga. Pascoal Naib e convidados especiais analisam detalhadamente cada capítulo dos livros da saga Duna sem spoilers dos capítulos posteriores.
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Le temps d’un jujube

Djcrowd & Jay seven

À chaque épisode Dj Crowd et Jay Seven reçoivent des invités pour le temps d’un jujube! Suivez les émissions pour les conversations les plus comiques, informatives et absurdes du Québec! Salutations aux commanditaires:Les Frères de Feu, Sauza Gold, Quick Starter et MagikWoodz.Infographie par : Dj Crowd pour Muliani GfxMusique par : @BeatsbyGallo pour MajorWaySuivez-nous sur les médias sociauxDj Crowd :https://www.instagram.com/djcrowd/https://www.facebook.com/worldfamousd...Tiktok, Snapchat, ...
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NBA analytics pioneer and front office insider John Hollinger joins Dunc'd On podcast host Nate Duncan to bring you the smartest weekly NBA podcast available. The Hollinger & Duncan NBA Show brings fans next-level analysis of the league, its teams, and its players. John and Nate take you behind the curtain for an unmatched insider look at every aspect of the NBA. From scouting reports to game breakdowns to salary cap analysis, there’s no better way for true basketball fans to follow the NBA.
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One of the only pro fast food fitness podcasts in the biz continues to deliver a show balanced between losing weight and losing your mind. What began as Podcast Fatboy for the first 75 episodes is now reborn as Come Lose It with Matt Duncan. From fitness updates and health news to all that other s**t, nothing is off the table. Lose some weight, your mind, your keys? I don’t know. Let’s lose it together.
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Dunkin Dynasty

Garrett Bugay

Dunkin Dynasty is a podcast focused on the National Basketball Association. Garrett Bugay and Corban Ford talk with various guests about the present state of the league as well as its past.
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Jacques Pessis reçoit chaque jour une personnalité pour évoquer les quatre dates qui ont marqué sa vie. Artistes, auteurs et figures emblématiques partagent leurs moments clés dans des échanges riches et intimes. À retrouver du lundi au vendredi de 21h à 22h.
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There’s no handbook to owning a home. That’s why Jessica Duncan with Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate Main Street Properties goes beyond the transaction to share tips to improve the homeowner experience. Each week, the seasoned Gulf Coast realtor shares sound advice for smarter decisions in the areas of home maintenance, avoiding scams, refinancing, buying, selling, investing, increase your home value, downsizing, estate planning, Florida insurance, money saving hacks & building wealth. He ...
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show series
On la présente souvent comme un super-aliment miracle, capable d’améliorer l’endurance, d’accélérer la récupération et de booster la santé des coureurs… Mais la spiruline est-elle vraiment aussi efficace qu’on le dit ? Et surtout, a-t-elle des dangers qu’il faut connaître avant de l’intégrer à son alimentation ? Dans cet épisode, on décrypte tout !…
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Dans cet épisode de D'un sentier à l'autre, Francis reçoit Vanessa Drolet, une passionnée de méditation et de respiration dont la mission est d’aider les gens à mieux gérer et prévenir leur stress. Avec plus de 12 ans d’expérience dans le monde corporatif, elle comprend les défis du stress quotidien et propose une approche moderne, accessible et ad…
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L’un est né à Mpili, sur les terres océaniques de Pointe Noire, l’autre a observé le monde depuis sa fenêtre de Makelekele à Brazzaville. Ils sont tous les deux poètes, dramaturges et romanciers. Rebelles et indomptables, Tchicaya U Tam’si et Sony Labou Tansi se sont d’abord aimés comme un père et son fils spirituel. Mais la gloire fulgurante du ca…
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Cette Semaine LTDJ reçoit David Campana & Big Nomad avec Majosty (The Turn Up Is Real) À chaque épisode Dj Crowd et Jay Seven reçoivent des invités pour le temps d’un jujube! Suivez les émissions pour les conversations les plus comiques, informatives et absurdes du Québec! Salutations aux commanditaires: Le Green Room, Le Kampus, Cbet Infographie p…
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Dunc & Mo continue with their Metallica Series. This time round, they they review the Album Load.... It really is an album that divides many fans, how will the lads feel about this one? What was thought to be a dreaded chat turned out to be a fun one with plenty of laughter along the way with some fun facts thrown in for good measure.... Was Load a…
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Isabel Aninat y Arturo Fontaine hablaron con el abogado penalista , Javier Wilenmann, sobre la justicia chilena y el acceso y la difusión de información obtenida de WhatsApp en procesos judiciales.
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En Panoramas, Paula Frederick, habló con Elodie Fulton, directora ejecutiva de Ch.ACO, sobre la inauguración de la decimoquinta edición de la feria de Arte Contemporáneo más relevante del país. Además, en Abordo, Polo Ramírez conversó sobre los cinco años desde el inicio de la pandemia con María Jesús Hald, epidemióloga y académica UNAB y Jaime Sap…
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Jerry Engelmann used to work for the Mavs and the Suns, and now writes for former ESPN editor Royce Webb’s substack where he has been one of the most interesting writers of late with his controversial but data-driven opinions. You can subscribe at roycewebb.com/naterate and get a special deal for Dunc’d On listeners. We get into a ton of interestin…
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Dr. Bruce Damer, a genius and contemporary of Terence McKenna, joins the DTFH! You can learn more about Bruce's work with the Center for MINDS at their website, CenterForMINDS.org. Dr. Damer also maintains a Substack! You can follow his writing at DrBruceDamer.Substack.com. This episode is brought to you by: Go to Lucy.co/FAMILYHOUR and use promo c…
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El 27 de enero de 1941 elige el hotel crillón como punto estratégico, pide que le suban una copa a su habitación. Desde la ventana vigila hasta que ve aparecer a Sánchez. En un momento la autora de La Amortajada está detrás del hombre que le sorbió el seso con una pistola en la mano. Lo llama, apunta y le dispara. Quería matar su mala suerte matánd…
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When was the last time you dusted your walls? Or adjusted your sprinkler heads? Today, Jessica shares her essential spring cleaning tips, focusing on often-overlooked tasks that ensure a thorough home refresh. She provides practical advice on cleaning appliances, dusting neglected areas, and organizing storage spaces. From decluttering closets and …
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Rodrigo Álvarez conversó con presidente de la comisión de seguridad de Senado, Iván Flores, quien se refirió al debate en torno a la delincuencia en el mundo rural, la seguridad municipal y a los dichos del ministro de agricultura, Esteban Valenzuela sobre el reclamo desde la ruralidad sobre la inseguridad. Además, junto a Consuelo Saavedra, y los …
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Slam Dunc from S4 Episode 35: Is NZ’s Climate Policy Economic Suicide? Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/XBjjPp8DVC8 PLUS… New episodes 7pm weekdays! Website: https://www.rova.nz/home/podcasts/duncan-garner---editor-in-chief.html Instagram: @DuncanGarnerpodcast TikTok: @DuncanGarnerpodcast…
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Today on the show... The world is walking away from the Paris Climate Agreement - should we? With just 15 out of 194 nations meeting their emissions deadlines, is this deal dead in the water? Shane Jones and others think it’s time to rethink our commitment. Are we saving the planet, or just writing blank checks to the Congo? Let’s break it down. Sh…
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In this episode of the Dunk Dynasty Podcast, we discuss which team faces the most pressure to perform this postseason. With potential roster shakeups on the line, we give our thoughts on the teams with the most to lose if things don't go well. We also discuss the race for the second seed in the Western Conference heating up. Who needs it the most, …
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Nekias Duncan and Steve Jones Jr. bounce around the NBA with observations and catch up on the latest news. Then, the guys put a bow on the inaugural season of Unrivaled before answering questions from the Dunker Spot mailbag. If you ever have NBA or WNBA questions, email us at dunkerspot@yahoo.com. If you’d like to join our Dunker Spot Playoff watc…
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En la edición AM, hablamos, en Economía Digital, con Matías Valenzuela, Abogado-Socio de Finmark. También, con Matías Acevedo, economista, académico de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de los Andes, y ex Director de Presupuestos. Además, con Cristóbal Martínez, estratega senior de inversión y derivados de Bci Cor…
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Nicolás Vergara, Consuelo Saavedra y Matías del Río conversaron con el exministro de Educación, Gerardo Varela, quien se refirió a la disputa en la derecha de cara a las próximas elecciones presidenciales y la negativa de José Antonio Kast y Johannes Kasier de participar en una primaria amplia en la oposición.…
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Rodrigo Álvarez conversó con el senador Manuel José Ossandon (RN), quien se refirió a la discusión por la ley de seguridad municipal y las posibles atribuciones que podrían tener los guardias municipales, además de la opción de llegar a la presidencia del Senado. Además, junto a Nicolás Vergara y los Infiltrados, Leslie Ayala y Mariana Marusic, com…
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Slam Dunc from S4 Episode 34: Who’s Really Paying For Free Lunches? Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/g5CfQdx9Ips PLUS… New episodes 7pm weekdays! Website: https://www.rova.nz/home/podcasts/duncan-garner---editor-in-chief.html Instagram: @DuncanGarnerpodcast TikTok: @DuncanGarnerpodcast저자 rova
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