show episodes
Naples Community Church weekly podcast of our weekly sermon by Pastor Kirt Anderson. We are 'A loving people striving to live God's love in Christ'. Give us a listen, or worship with us in Naples each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. or visit us at for more information.
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Dive into an empowering new podcast series hosted by Youth Empowerment through Songwriting coach, singer-songwriter, and TEDx speaker: Emma G. “Reconnect with your Teenager” is an invigorating podcast hosted by the world-traveling creative from New Zealand now living in DC. Get inspired and gain valuable insight into navigating modern parenting in the post COVID world. If you’re like most parents, you want to do everything in your power to help them thrive. But it’s not always easy - especia ...
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show series
October 20, 2024Preparation for WorshipTime for GatheringOpening Hymn “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say”I heard the voice of Jesus sayCome unto Me and restLay down O weary oneLay down your head upon My breastI came to Jesus as I wasWeary and worn and sadI found in Him a resting placeAnd He has made me gladI heard the voice of Jesus sayBehold I freely…
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October 13, 2024Preparation for WorshipTime for GatheringOpening Hymn “Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult”Jesus calls us o'er the tumultOf our life's wild restless seaDay by day His sweet voice soundethSaying Christian follow meJesus calls us from the worshipOf the vain world's golden storeFrom each idol that would keep usSaying Christian love me moreI…
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October 6, 2024Preparation for WorshipTime for GatheringOpening Hymn “For All the Saints”For all the saints who from their labours restWho Thee by faith before the world confessedThy name O Jesus be forever blest Alleluia AlleluiaThou wast their Rock their Fortress and their MightThou Lord their Captain in the well fought fightThou in the darkness …
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September 29, 2024Preparation for WorshipTime for GatheringOpening Hymn “O God Our Help in Ages Past”O God our help in ages past our hope for years to comeOur shelter from the stormy blastAnd our eternal homeUnder the shadow of Thy throne Thy saints have dwelt secureSufficient is Thine arm aloneAnd our defense is sureBefore the hills in order stood…
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September 22, 2024Preparation for WorshipTime for GatheringOpening Hymn “For Those Tears I Died”You said You'd come and share all my sorrowsYou said You'd be there for all my tomorrowsI came so close to sending You awayBut just like You promised You came here to stayI just had to prayChorusAnd Jesus said come to the water stand by My sideI know you…
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September 15, 2024Preparation for WorshipTime for GatheringOpening Hymn “And Can It Be”And can it be that I should gain an interest in the Savior's bloodDied He for me who caused His pain for me who Him to death pursuedAmazing love how can it be that Thou my God shouldst die for meAmazing love how can it be that Thou my God shouldst die for meHe le…
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September 8, 2024Preparation for WorshipTime for GatheringOpening Hymn “Come Thou Fount of Evr’y Blessing”Come Thou fount of ev'ry blessing tune my heart to sing Thy graceStreams of mercy never ceasing call for songs of loudest praiseTeach me some melodious sonnet sung by flaming tongues abovePraise the mount I'm fixed upon it mount of Thy redeemin…
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September 1, 2024Preparation for WorshipTime for GatheringOpening Hymn “Shout to the Lord”My Jesus my SaviorLord there is none like YouAll of my days I want to praiseThe wonders of Your mighty loveMy comfort my shelterTower of refuge and strengthLet every breath all that I amNever cease to worship YouShout to the Lord all the earth let us singPower…
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August 25, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah” Guide me O Thou great Jehovah pilgrim through this barren land I am weak but Thou art mighty hold me with Thy pow'rful hand Bread of heaven Bread of heaven Feed me now and ever more feed me now and ever more Open now the crystal fountain whence t…
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August 18, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” A mighty fortress is our God a bulwark never failing Our helper He amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe His craft and pow'r are great and armed with cruel hate On earth is not his equal Did we…
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August 11, 2024Preparation for WorshipTime for GatheringOpening Hymn “O Worship the King”O worship the King all glorious aboveAnd gratefully sing His power and His loveOur Shield and Defender the Ancient of DaysPavilioned in splendor and girded with praiseO tell of His might O sing of His graceWhose robe is the light whose canopy spaceHis chariots …
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August 4, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Rejoice the Lord is King” Rejoice the Lord is King your Lord and King adore Rejoice give thanks and sing and triumph evermore Lift up your heart lift up your voice rejoice again I say rejoice Our Savior Jesus reigns the God of truth and love When He had purged our stains He too…
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July 28, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Be Thou My Vision” Be Thou my vision O Lord of my heart Naught be all else to me save that Thou art Thou my best thought by day or by night Waking or sleeping Thy presence my light Be Thou my wisdom and Thou my true Word I ever with Thee and Thou with me Lord Thou my great Fathe…
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July 21, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun” Jesus shall reign where e'er the sun The sun doth its successive journeys run His kingdom stretch from shore to shore Till moons shall wax and wane no more To Him shall endless prayer be made And praises throng to crown His head His name like …
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July 14, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Crown Him With Many Crowns” Crown Him with many crowns the Lamb upon His throne Hark how the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own Awake my soul and sing of Him who died for thee And hail Him as thy matchless King through all eternity Crown Him the Lord of life Who triump…
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July 7, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “America the Beautiful” O beautiful for spacious skies for amber waves of grain For purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain America America God shed His grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea O beautiful for pilgrim feet whose stern imp…
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June 30, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness” Great is Thy faithfulness O God my Father There is no shadow of turning with Thee Thou changest not Thy compassions they fail not As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be Chorus Great is Thy faithfulness great is Thy faithfulness Morning by morning new m…
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June 23, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “All Things Bright and Beautiful” All things bright and beautiful all creatures great and small All things wise and wonderful the Lord God made them all Each little flower that opens each little bird that sings He made their glowing colours He made their tiny wings All things bri…
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June 16, 2024 HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Faith of Our Fathers” Faith of our fathers living still in spite of dungeon fire and sword O how our hearts beat high with joy whene'er we hear that glorious word Faith of our fathers holy faith We will be true to thee till death Faith of our fathers God's gr…
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June 9, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Revive Us Again” We praise Thee O God for the Son of Thy love For Jesus who died and is now gone above Hallelujah Thine the glory Hallelujah amen Hallelujah Thine the glory revive us again We praise Thee O God for Thy Spirit of light Who has shown us our Savior and scattered our …
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June 2, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Praise to the Lord the Almighty” Praise to the Lord the Almighty the King of creation O my soul praise Him for He is thy health and salvation All ye who hear now to His temple draw near Praise Him in glad adoration Praise to the Lord Who over all things so wondrously reigneth She…
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May 26, 2024 MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Eternal Father Strong to Save” Eternal Father strong to save whose arm does bind the restless wave Who bids the mighty ocean deep its own appointed limits keep O hear us when we cry to Thee for those in peril on the sea O Savior whose almighty Word the winds …
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May 19, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Breathe On Me Breath Of God” Breathe on me breath of God fill me with life anew That I may love what Thou dost love and do what Thou wouldst do Breathe on me breath of God until my heart is pure Until with Thee I will one will to do and to endure Breathe on me breath of God till …
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May 12, 2024 HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Now Thank We All Our God” Now thank we all our God with hearts and hands and voices Who wondrous things hath done in whom His world rejoices Who from our mother's arms hath blessed us on our way With countless gifts of love and still is ours today O may this bo…
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May 5, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “God Is Here” God is here as we His people meet to offer praise and prayer May we find in fuller measure what it is in Christ we share Here as in the world around us all our varied skills and arts Wait the coming of His Spirit into open minds and hearts Here are symbols to remind u…
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April 28, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “There is a Fountain” There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel’s veins And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains Lose all their guilty stains lose all their guilty stains And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stai…
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April 21, 2024Preparation for WorshipTime for GatheringOpening Hymn “Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult”Jesus calls us o'er the tumult of our life's wild restless seaDay by day His sweet voice soundeth saying Christian follow meJesus calls us from the worship of the vain world's golden storeFrom each idol that would keep us saying Christian love me mor…
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April 14, 2024Preparation for WorshipTime for GatheringOpening Hymn “Holy Holy Holy”Holy holy holy Lord God AlmightyEarly in the morning our song shall rise to TheeHoly holy holy merciful and mightyGod in three persons blessed TrinityHoly holy holy all the saints adore TheeCasting down their golden crowns around the glassy seaCherubim and seraphim …
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April 7, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Lead on O King Eternal” Lead on O King Eternal the day of march has come Henceforth in fields of conquest Thy tents shall be our home Thro' days of preparation Thy grace has made us strong And now O King eternal we lift our battle song Lead on O King Eternal till sin's fierce wa…
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March 31, 2024 EASTER SUNDAY Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” Christ the Lord is risen today alleluia sons of men and angels say alleluia Raise your joys and triumphs high alleluia sing ye heavens and earth reply alleluia Lives again our glorious King alleluia where O death is now thy sting al…
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March 24, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Hosanna Loud Hosanna” Hosanna loud hosanna the little children sang Through pillared court and temple the joyful anthem rang To Jesus who had blessed them close folded to his breast The children sang their praises the simplest and the best From Olivet they followed 'mid an exul…
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Kirt's books are used by Neiman Marcus, BancorpSouth, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Ron Jon Surf Shop, and many others. These books and online course are crash courses - concise, quick, and easy to read to help you generate immediate results. Kirt's books have won 11 awards, including the coveted Teachers' Choice Awards, a…
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March 17, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Fairest Lord Jesus” Fairest Lord Jesus ruler of all nature O Thou of God and man the Son Thee will I cherish Thee will I honor Thou my soul's glory joy and crown Fair are the meadows fairer still the woodlands Robed in the blooming garb of spring Jesus is fairer Jesus is purer …
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March 10, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “The Church’s One Foundation” The Church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord She is His new creation by water and the Word From heav'n He came and sought her to be His holy bride With His own blood He bought her and for her life He died Elect from every nation yet one o'er…
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Who is Steve Anderson? He helps men be the best dads they can be in the moment by helping them create their own vision of the father they want to be and making sure they have the skills and strategies to make that vision a reality. Facebook: thebestdadproject LinkedIn: steveandersononline What is YES Youth Coaching? Yes…
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March 3, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Break Thou the Bread of Life” Break Thou the bread of life dear Lord to me As Thou didst break the loaves beside the sea Beyond the sacred page I seek Thee Lord My spirit pants for Thee O living Word Bless Thou the truth dear Lord to me to me As Thou didst bless the bread by Gal…
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Founder of She's My Daughter Daryl Dudley the CEO and founder of She's My Daughter - a non profit organization that seeks to end violence towards women, specifically through trafficking, domestic violence, sexual assault and rape. What is YES Youth Coaching? Yes Youth Coaching is a unique approach to youth empowerment work. Emma G's all-new method …
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Dr Duffy helps women between the ages of 40 and 60 who are sick and tired of being sick and tired, transform into girls that wanna have fun! With wellness programs that incorporate hormone replacement, weight loss, nutrition, detoxification, fitness, mindset, and stress management, her practice helps patients succeed and find health in all areas of…
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February 18, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “He Has Made Me Glad” I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart I will enter His courts with praise I will say this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice for He has made me glad He has made me glad O He has made me glad I will rejoice for He has made me …
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Melanie is an energy alchemist - with a big heart, and a mouth to match - who helps you accept what is, including embracing your spiritual gifts, in order to fulfill your purpose and authentically shine your light into the world. To learn more please visit Meet your host: Emma G Author, two-time TEDx Speaker, Singer/…
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February 11, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “God Moves in a Mysterious Way” God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform He plants His footsteps in the sea and rides upon the storm Deep in unfathomable mines of never-failing skill He treasures up His bright designs and works His sovereign will Chorus God of mer…
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Andrea Mason is an Author of Victim to Victorious available at Certified Global Motivational Speaker Alumna of Dr. Les Brown, CEO and A Personal Accountability Coach of Press PLAY Plan Life According to You LLC Meet your host: Emma G Author, two-time TEDx Speaker, Singer/songwriter, and …
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February 4, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “God of Grace and God of Glory” God of grace and God of glory on Thy people pour Thy power Crown Thine ancient church's story bring her bud to glorious flower Grant us wisdom grant us courage For the facing of this hour for the facing of this hour Lo the hosts of evil 'round u…
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If you are struggling to find a new direction in your life after facing tragedy, or are wondering how you can reinvent yourself and pursue your dreams despite the challenges that life has thrown your way: you’re not alone. Many of us face difficult situations that force us to reassess our goals and aspirations. In his #1 bestselling book, Answer Th…
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January 28, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Come Thou Fount” Come Thou fount of ev'ry blessing tune my heart to sing Thy grace Streams of mercy never ceasing call for songs of loudest praise Teach me some melodious sonnet sung by flaming tongues above Praise the mount I'm fixed upon it mount of Thy redeeming love Here …
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Karma Reese aka Ms Karmplexity of Ms Karmplexity LLC serves youth grades 5 through college, men and women who are wishing to heal from toxic traumatic karmic relationship situations. She is a certified teacher who doesn't sugarcoat, and meets people where they are. or @mskarmplexityllc on Instagram Meet your host: Emma G A…
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January 21, 2024 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Sing Praise to God” Sing praise to God who reigns above The God of all creation The God of power the God of love The God of our salvation With healing balm my soul He fills And every faithless murmur stills To God all praise and glory The Lord is never far away But through al…
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S.2 Ep.3 Reconnect with your Teenager W/ Dr. Katie Williams. Dr Williams is different from most mental health professionals in that she does not invest in discussing the problems in people's lives. We (as humans) get what we focus on and she believes that being positively solution-focused with emphasis in spiritual alignment with one's higher self …
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