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Podcast donde hablamos sobre las nuevas tendencias del marketing digital y redes sociales, ayudando a todos aquellos emprendedores, empresarios y marcas a posicionarse en el mundo digital. Hola soy Carlos Primera mejor conocido como @elcompaprimera soy Consultor y speaker especialista en Marketing digital Business.
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Business Odyssey

Parmonia Consultores and Culturelligence

Our hosts Laura O. and Lakshmi C. have been working with different organizations across the globe and have helped these organizations to improve in a very singular way. Both of them believe that work needs to be done collaboratively and through learning experiences. They bring in Senior Managers, CEO, Leaders, and Consultants to spread the learning. You will hear people's journeys and life experiences from the inside of different organizations, inspiring you to adapt, improve, and implement ...
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show series
¿Tu marca aún no tiene un sitio web? ¡Estás perdiendo oportunidades!En este episodio imperdible de PatuMarketing by @elcompaprimera, conversamos con Rosaura Escalona (@rosconsulting), COO de Corpoweb (@corpoweb.digitalmarketing), una experta en marketing y desarrollo web con años de experiencia.Junto a ella, descubriremos:Por qué es fundamental ten…
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In today's conversation, we have embarked on the journey of PeopleOps transformation. What is in for PeopleOps? What are the challenges? What are the learnings? What can be used and customised? Today's guest is Rohit Bagul, from India, who shares his experience in the IT and startup industry and the challenges that come with it. About Rohit: Rohit …
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¡Emprendedores, preparen sus motores!En este episodio explosivo de PatuMarketing by @elcompaprimera, desentrañamos el origen de Kapuce Agency, la agencia que está revolucionando el marketing digital.Acompáñanos en esta aventura junto a Noel Pérez, CEO de Kapuce Agency (@noelkapu), y descubre:Los secretos mejor guardados del nacimiento de Kapuce Age…
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Our curiosity led us to talk about a culture of trust and transparency, in particular, when involving global companies, startup companies ready to scale, and M&A, as well as a safe environment for the people together with trustworthy leadership. Our esteemed guest, Anastasija Arfanova, a PeopleOps leader, shares her insights and full experiences re…
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Our curiosity also leads us to talk about OKRs and their impact when performing a transformation. How do we connect to all levels of the organisation? How do we measure their impact? When is the best moment to implement them? and a lot of questions like this we discussed in our conversation with Polina. Let's get started! About Polina: Digital Doma…
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Let's talk about Self-Care, what it is, its benefits, and the relationship between both worlds, personal and professional. Our curiosity led us to Jeanette, to understand the power of asking powerful questions to care about and not for others, to include the we instead of me or you. She shares experiences, some powerful questions, and her framework…
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How do Design Thinking, Metaverse, and PeopleOps come together? Today our curiosity is leading to the metaverse and design thinking, and we ask how those worlds come together to apply the human-centric approach/customer-centricity to different types of companies. Our guest today is Caro Salazar. She speaks about learning, the success factors, the d…
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¡Hola comadritas y compadritos! ¿Cómo están? Les habla Carlos Primera, también conocido como @elcompaprimera. Hoy quiero hablarles sobre mi nuevo episodio de #PaTuMarketing, donde discuto por qué YouTube se despide de Stories. ¿Quieres saber más sobre esta noticia que ha sacudido el mundo del marketing digital? ¡Entonces tienes que escuchar mi podc…
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How do we connect Business Process Re-Engineering, People, and Organizational Excellence? In this opportunity, we spoke with Dr. Mohamed Rabie Elsheikh, who is an International Consultant and also the founder of HR Leaders Kuwait, about topics related to Organizational Excellence, Business Process Re-Engineering, and most important, People. How the…
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What do you think leadership is all about? What is the impact that leadership has on different people generations? What are the skills related to each one? How leadership behaves in the different workforce environments? These questions and more we discuss with Mark Doughty, a Senior Consultant/Interim with experience in Leadership, Talent, and Orga…
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In this case, we tore one of the co-hosts to one of our Guest speakers, and it has been an amazing experience! We talk with Lakshmi, one of our partners in the journey of building Communities of Practice, about how it is the experience of being congruence in saying, applying, and experiencing the human-centric approach, the lean-agile mindset, and …
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How does Culture connect with leadership, people, and teams? How do they work together to improve performance, commitment, and wellbeing? We talked with Zoe Poulton, PeopleOps Professional, about leadership and the key role that it plays when it comes to creating and maintaining high-performance teams, considering relevant training, context, coachi…
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What do we understand about flexible work? What do we know about the impact it has on people and companies? In this episode, we talked with Anna Meller, an HR professional with a focus on flexible work within the UK labor market, about what to do to improve people's lives, discovering and understanding what it is best to do for each company, for ea…
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We always talk about transformation, but Why do we do it? How do we do it? What is involved? IIf you know the north, understand the context outside-in, and take action based on all the available information, how will you carry out 2 process transformations at the same time? How do you remain focused on the human-centric approach? From the Marketing…
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What do you know about culture? What does culture mean to you? When being aware of what culture is and understanding the impact that has on the business, community, and people, is when you are starting to create value-added outcomes for everybody involved. You now know one of your greatest assets. Once you reach that level, you can start your trans…
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"I do my best to live by the why, the how and the what" - RS When you are doing what you want and enjoying it, do you think it is possible to convey that energy to every person that comes across? We talk to Robert Snoyer, Managing Partner at Copperstone Connect, a company specialized in the BI and Analytics sector. We talk about the recruitment ind…
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"Do we have a common understanding of what Organisational Agility is?" When we think we know something and then someone challenges us to re-think the way of thinking, doing and being, what should we do? We talk to Dijana Vetturelli, Founder & CEO at Disquorse. Dijana works challenging founders, CEOs and managers of different organisations to re-thi…
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What happens when you get deeply involved in a change process transformation? What is the definition of Change Process, Project Management and Program Management? and how do they connect? When do culture and people have a role to play in it? What are your key steps to bring in curiosity, actively listening, a common understanding of things and life…
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"If you want to get involved in this, you must do it fully, responsibly ... perceiving the world differently ... " A controversial issue in many societies for centuries and up today is talking about the LGBT+ community. When we talk about Diversity and Inclusion, what makes you think that the strategy and policy you are implementing is embedded in …
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These podcast series are for curious people who are in continuous learning and take advantage of that by empowering knowledge, experience, and relationships. Our hosts Laura O. and Lakshmi C. have been working with different organizations across the globe and have helped these organizations to improve in a very singular way. Both of them believe th…
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Le damos la bienvenida a una nueva temporada de mi podcast #patumarketing, hoy que celebramos el día internacional del Community Manager, que mejor manera de celebrarlos que dando 5 tips para ser un buen Community Manager. Noticias: Instagram lanza el nuevo "Panel para profesionales" ( ==👇👇📱MIS CANALES DIGITALES👇👇== 👤 Facebook http://…
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Hoy les tengo un tema muy interesante en tiempo de cuarentena, "Mamás emprendiendo en cuarentena sin enloquecer en el intento" como invitada especial Verónica Sifontes (@soyveronicasifontes), quien es abogada de profesión y enamorada del mundo del marketing digital. Episodio: 19 Invitado(a): Verónica Sifontes (@soyveronicasifontes) Tiempo: 00:21:21…
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En el podcast de hoy hablaremos sobre la importancia de adaptar nuestro negocio al mundo digital, como invitado especial cuento con mi amigo y colega Gabriel Lagarde (@gadaladu) el cual es 💡 #IDEATOR: Creador/Asesor de marcas y empresas. Episodio: 18 Invitado: Gabriel Lagarde (@gadaladu ) Tiempo: 25 min ==👇👇📱MIS CANALES DIGITALES👇👇== 👤 Facebook htt…
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En este episodio trataremos el cómo solucionar las crisis de reputación en las redes sociales de nuestra marca. ==👇👇📱MIS CANALES DIGITALES👇👇== 👤 Facebook 📺 IGTV 📺 Youtube 💬 Canal en Telegram 👥 Grupo en WhatsApp 👥 Grupo en Telegram http://bi…
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Hola comadritas y compadritos Quiero preguntarte ¿Eres administrador de un grupo de WhatsApp? ¿Tienes dueño de un grupo de WhatsApp? Si es así, entonces este #podcast es para ti. Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes unos tips para gestionar un grupo de WhatsApp. Podcast #PaTumarketing Episodio 16 #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #podcaster #podcasters --…
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En el episodio de hoy les hablare como debemos armar y tener un calendario editorial para redes sociales. Les comentaré que herramientas recomiendo para trabajar y tener un buen calendario editorial. 🔹 Mis canales sociales: 🔹 Sitio Web: 🔹 Calendario Editorial con Trello 👉 👈 --…
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En el episodio de hoy hablaremos de la nueva caída a nivel mundial de las plataformas WhatsApp, Instagram y Facebook. 📱MIS CANALES DIGITALES 💬 Canal en Telegram 👥 Grupo en WhatsApp 🌐 Página Web 📱 Mi WhatsApp 📱 Instagram 📱 Facebook http://bi…
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En este episodio te hablaré de cómo puedes organizar tu tiempo cuando trabajas como un Community Manager. 📱MIS CANALES DIGITALES 💬 Canal en Telegram 👥 Grupo en WhatsApp 🌐 Página Web 📱 Mi WhatsApp 📱 Instagram 📱 Facebook…
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En el episodio de hoy cuento como invitado especial a @yimmicastillo, donde conversamos de todo lo que debe saber una persona que desea comenzar como un Community Manager. 📱MIS CANALES DIGITALES 💬 Canal en Telegram 👥 Grupo en WhatsApp 🌐 Página Web 📱 Mi WhatsApp …
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En el episodio de hoy les hablaré sobre cómo sacarle provecho a IGTV, una excelente característica de la red social Instagram a la cual le podemos sacar mucho provecho. 📱MIS CANALES DIGITALES 💬 Canal en Telegram 👥 Grupo en WhatsApp 🌐 Página Web 📱 Mi WhatsApp 📱 I…
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En el episodio de hoy les hablaré sobre el porqué debemos usar telegram de forma personal y para nuestro negocio como canal de comunicación con nuestros clientes y potenciales clientes. Veremos las ventajas de esta poderosa herramienta. 📱MIS CANALES DIGITALES 💬 Canal en Telegram 👥 Grupo en WhatsApp 🌐 Pági…
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Hoy estaremos hablando sobre la importancia de los podcast para el 2019 y el ¿Por qué son la nueva tendencia? Para mayor información visita mi post ingresando al siguiente enlace: 📱MIS CANALES DIGITALES 💬 Canal en Telegram 👥 Grupo en WhatsApp http://b…
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Podcast #PaTuMarketing episodio 7, donde te doy algunos tips para usar WhatsApp como herramienta de Marketing Digital. *📱CANALES DE #PATUMARKETING* 💬 Canal en Telegram 👥 Grupo en WhatsApp 🌐 Página Web --- Send in a voice message:…
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Bienvenidos a una nueva edición de mi Podcast #PaTuMarketing, hoy tengo el gusto de contar como invitado a Oliver Ollarves (@oollarves), en esta oportunidad hablaremos sobre el posicionamiento de marca, no solo en buscadores, sino también en las redes sociales. Para saber más visita: 📱CANALES DE #PATUMARKETING 💬 Canal en Teleg…
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Hoy tengo como invitado a Carlos Calderón Bravo donde hablamos sobre "Todos somos influenciadores" ¿Qué opinas sobre el tema? ¡Comenta! 📱CANALES DE #PATUMARKETING 💬 Canal en Telegram 👥 Grupo en WhatsApp 🌐 Página Web --- Send in a voice message:…
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Bienvenidos a una nueva edición del PodCast #PaTuMarketing, hoy hablaremos sobre El contenido para las Redes Sociales donde tengo como invitado a mi amigo y colega Ing. Otto Navas, quien es director de Producciones NG C.A. En nuestra conversación telefónica abarcamos varios puntos, como la importancia del contenido en la estrategia de marketing dig…
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Instagram ha activado el servicio “Shopping” en varios países. La red social Instagram acaba de realizar un lanzamiento muy importante en España, Alemania, Australia, Brasil, Canadá, Francia, Italia y Reino Unido. Este nuevo servicio, que se conoce como “Instagram Shopping”, se estrenó en los estados unidos a finales del año pasado y hoy está dispo…
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¿Qué son los Buyers Persons? Los Buyers Persons son una representación semi-fictica de nuestros clientes regulares. El perfil de nuestros Buyers Persons representa a nuestro consumidor final o potencial. Para construir nuestros Buyers Persons debemos contar con varios datos importantes, como demográfica, comportamiento, necesidades y motivaciones. …
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Los jóvenes ya no están usando Facebook Mi primer Podcast hablaremos sobre el por qué lo jóvenes menores de 25 años ya no están usando Facebook. Un nuevo estudio realizado por la empresa de investigación eMarketer, investigo sobre la usabilidad de las diferentes redes sociales en lo que va de año (2018) en los Estados Unidos, donde arrojo unos resu…
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