Frequentsee is led by Katia and Julian Adams. We teach Kingdom tools to help release people to change the world, no matter their sphere of influence.
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In this teaching, hear Julian Adams share his "Seven Myths about the Prophetic".
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Revival has always been God's plan. In this teaching, Julian revisits the topic of "revival", and gives us clues as to how God might be moving on the earth for today.
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This week we hear a guest sermon from Jeshua Glanzmann. This is a featured teaching from The Table Boston church.
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Jesus, the Ultimate Rebuilder - Nehemiah Pt. 2 // Katia Adams
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39:24This is a featured teaching from The Table Boston. Listen to Katia Adams share on Nehemiah, and Jesus, the Ultimate Rebuilder.
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Jesus, the Ultimate Rebuilder - Nehemiah Pt. 1 // Katia Adams
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46:41This is a featured teaching from The Table Boston. Listen to Katia Adams share on Nehemiah, and Jesus, the Ultimate Rebuilder
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What you see and how you see it is critical to how you live and how you behave. In this teaching, Katia Adams calls us to adjust our vision. She reminds us that in order to see the world rightly, we need to see ourselves and God through a correct lens first.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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In every moment, in every setting, God is setting you up for the impossible. He's setting you up in the ordinary moments and in the hopeless moments. Why? Because He is an over-the-top God, who desires to adventure with you throughout life. In this teaching, Katia ventures through the Gospels, and points out moments where Jesus reveals this over-th…
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In today's culture, many Christians find their meaning in their social media influence and platforms. But what is Christian influence truly supposed to look like? According to Jesus, The power of the Christian life is not simply found in the Gifts of the Spirit, or healing signs and wonders. No... it’s found in a life laid down in love.…
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No matter your circumstance, God is setting you up for something good. In this teaching, Katia shares stories of when the disciples were "set up" by Jesus, and how he used those moments to display His goodness. God is setting you up in your hopeless moments. He's setting you up in your day-to-day moments. And He's setting you up in moments of impos…
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Lockdown is An Opportunity for Transformation // Julian Adams
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23:56In this teaching, Julian speaks out of Luke Chapter 9, and the story of the transfiguration of Jesus. He invites us to change the way we think even as we are in the midst of lockdown. He shares about the transformative power of Jesus, and how he wants to transform our minds.Listen to Frequentsee Conversations:…
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In the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 6, Jesus tells the disciples to “come away to a desolate place to rest. This was a build-up for the Kingdom to take place. Many times we curse what seems like desolate places in our life when really it’s just an opportunity for us to step into destiny. Don’t run from your desolate seasons or spots in life.…
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저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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God is bringing the Church into a new understanding of what it means to be the people of God on the earth. For the sake of the world, He is beginning to shift how we sound, to bring hope to those around us. In this session from Renaissance Conference 2019, Julian Adams shares out of Luke chapter 9, and gives us keys that will help us grasp the worl…
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We can learn a lot from the story of Jacob in Genesis. The journey that he goes on with God is a powerful lesson, as God addresses his negative mindsets and fills him with the truth that will lead him into destiny. In this teaching, Katia points out four critical moments in the lifecycle of a faith journey and how to walk them out.Listen to our NEW…
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Jesus confronted religion wherever he went. The story of the healing in the pool (John 5) reveals to us the offensive nature of Jesus' ministry. In this teaching, Julian challenges us to become an empowering Christian community, who do are not "of" this world, but are "for" this world.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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5 Ways to Walk Out Your Faith in Today’s Culture // Katia Adams
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53:32Living by faith is more about walking than it is about talking. In today's culture, we can learn a few lessons from Paul, in Ephesians 5, about how to walk out faith practically. In this teaching, Katia walks us through the 5 keys to walking out faith: 1. Walk in LOVE 2. Walk in Light3. Walk in Wisdom4. Walk in Preferring 5. Walk in Union…
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There was never meant to be a separation between what is "sacred" and what is "secular". It's this very thinking that has led many of us to miss the everyday moments when the Holy Spirit is speaking. In this teaching, Julian invites the Church to stop waiting for a "visitation" from God, when He really wants to "move in". This teaching was original…
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The Father is the ultimate party-thrower. The story of the Prodigal Son is meant to give us a window into God's heart for us. In this teaching, Katia invites us to "come, and enter the Master's joy".This teaching was originally recorded at Garden Church, in Long Beach.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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What To Do While You're Waiting on God // Julian Adams
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47:48God created you with a specific purpose in mind, but He's far more interested in your journey than He is in your destination. In this teaching, Julian helps us understand God’s desire for relationship, and what to do when we feel stuck in a space of "limbo".저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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Being a leader in the Kingdom of God requires a lifestyle of risk. But how can we cultivate this? In this teaching, Katia Adams takes us through the life of David to discover keys to tenacious leadership.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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The book of Acts introduces us to the fire of the Holy Spirit. This fire is unlike any other type of fire; it's not a new-age fire, and it's not a fire of judgement. In this teaching, Katia brings new understanding about what this fire really is about.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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What the Old Testament reveals about God is an incomplete picture of His nature. Without the revelation of Jesus Christ we only see a shadow of who God is. In this teaching, Julian helps us understand why we can't know God unless we know Jesus.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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In the New Covenant, everything is yours and mine. But if we live with the attitude "I'm not worthy to receive", we will never take hold of that inheritance. In this teaching, Richard Olivier helps us understand what God has given us access to, and how to access it.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? // Julian Adams
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37:23The baptism of the Holy Spirit was never meant to be a one-time event. As Christians, we are invited to be continually filled, and filled again with the power of His Spirit. In this teaching, Julian addresses Acts chapter two, as a part of a Harvest Church teaching series, "Acts: the Unstoppable Church".…
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Our lives are not supposed to make sense. Too often we've made Christianity about going to church and getting goosebumps, and then going home to our lives that look no different from those of our unbelieving neighbours. But to live in the Kingdom is to be about transformation that goes beyond the four walls of a church building. In this teaching, K…
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What do you do when fear and doubt take a seat at your table? In this powerful teaching, our friend Richard Olivier gives us tools which will help us face enemies the way Jesus does.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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What makes Jesus unique to any other King is that He came to serve. But He didn't obey the Father out of fear of punishment, instead He was obedient because it allowed Him to enjoy God's Goodness. As followers of Jesus, servanthood is not an optional "extra" in our life, it's actually a part of our spiritual DNA.…
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God's desire is to release destiny over His sons and daughters. In this teaching, Julian helps us unlock the prophetic in our lives, in order to fulfill the dreams our Father has put on our hearts.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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God's Kingdom didn't come to set rules and regulations, His Kingdom came to set you free. But how do we live in that reality today? In this teaching, Julian reminds us what it looks like to live out this Kindom life freely, even when it may look upside-down to the world.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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Everyday we have the opportunity to love the people we come in contact with. In this teaching, Jeshua reads the Parable of the Good Samaritan, in Luke, and encourages us to be marked by compassion, love and justice.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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Dylan Long's desire is for people to not just believe in Jesus, but to live like Jesus. In this guest teaching, be inspired by the woman at the well, who took the Gospel to her town after experiencing an authentic encounter with Jesus. As believers, we're not called to "stay at the well", but to take God's love to our streets, cities and nations.…
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The story of Abraham reveals the heart of a God who provides the very sacrifice he requires. Listen as Julian takes you on a journey to discover how to walk through seasons of testing in order to step into a greater revelation of God's goodness.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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In this teaching, Julian teaches through the Lord's Prayer in Matthew chapter 6, and invites us into a joy-filled prayer life.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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In this four-part teaching series, Katia explains the context of 1 Timothy 2.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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In this four-part teaching series, Katia explains the context of 1 Timothy 2.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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In this four-part teaching series, Katia explains the context of 1 Timothy 2.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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In this four-part teaching series, Katia explains the context of 1 Timothy 2.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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What will it look like for God's Kingdom authority to reign on Earth? Most of us understand authority through the lens of power. We want to know who has power over who. But Jesus' understanding of power was not about his position. For Jesus, the ultimate demonstration of power was in a demonstration of love by laying down his life. This talk is fro…
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God's voice is always an invitation into greater things. In this talk, Jeshua shares how the inviting voice of God changed his life forever.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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Let Love be Your Experience // Katia Adams & Kelly Notcutt
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26:58Ephesians 3 invites us to let love be our foundation, our comprehension and our experience. In this talk, Katia Adams and Kelly Notcutt share how they have experienced the love of God in their day-to-day lives, and encourage us to press into that very same love.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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How to Walk In the Fulfilment Of Your Prophetic Words // Julian Adams
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42:38Prophecy requires partnership with Heaven. In this teaching, Julian gives transformative tools to help you see God's words over your life fulfilled.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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David lived a challenging life, but his moments of breakthrough were marked by his faith. Listen as Katia gives us keys to conquering fear and stepping into our own breakthrough. This teaching was originally recorded at Harvest Church in Durban, South Africa.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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After the resurrection, Jesus chooses to reveal himself to Mary as a gardener. This is because he wants us to understand that we are now entering into the same ministry he has, which is bringing resurrection life to the world. This message is from Easter Sunday 2018, at Harvest Church, Durban South Africa.…
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There is a shift coming to the body of Christ. In this talk, Julian shares a prophetic word for the Church, we are entering a "tipping point season".저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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Throughout his life Jesus displayed the extravagant love of God through signs and wonders. In this teaching, Julian reminds us how to keep God's love as our focus while pursuing revival.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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Everywhere Jesus went he was asked this one question, "Who are you?". In this teaching, Katia Adams helps us understand how to live like Jesus by leaning on Him in every moment. You were made to play in the impossible, and the impossible only happens when you lean on Him.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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What strongholds are holding you back from your God-given call to lead? In this teaching Katia teaches us how liberating it can be to break those strongholds, because Kingdom breakthrough exists only in the realm of grace.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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What kind of King do we follow? One who laid down his life for his people. In this teaching, Julian helps us understand how to reflect the Kingdom by serving those around us.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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Jesus had a habit of creating leaders out of unlikely people, from unlikely places. Are there areas of destiny you haven’t seen fulfilled because you don’t feel qualified? In this sermon, Katia invites us to step into all that God has called us to with confidence.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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Understanding who we are in Christ is vital to walking in authority and power. At the centre of our identity should be the Love of God. In this teaching, learn how to let God’s love shape your identity. This is a guest teaching from George Gourlay of Harvest church.저자 Julian & Katia Adams
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