When a young Eva Kollisch arrives as a refugee in New York in 1940, she finds a community among socialists who share her values and idealism. She soon discovers ‘the cause’ isn’t as idyllic as it seems. Little does she know this is the beginning of a lifelong commitment to activism and her determination to create radical change in ways that include belonging, love and one's full self. In addition to Eva Kollisch’s memoirs Girl in Movement (2000) and The Ground Under My Feet (2014), LBI’s collections include an oral history interview with Eva conducted in 2014 and the papers of Eva’s mother, poet Margarete Kolllisch, which document Eva’s childhood experience on the Kindertransport. Learn more at www.lbi.org/kollisch . Exile is a production of the Leo Baeck Institute , New York | Berlin and Antica Productions . It’s narrated by Mandy Patinkin. Executive Producers include Katrina Onstad, Stuart Coxe, and Bernie Blum. Senior Producer is Debbie Pacheco. Associate Producers are Hailey Choi and Emily Morantz. Research and translation by Isabella Kempf. Sound design and audio mix by Philip Wilson, with help from Cameron McIver. Theme music by Oliver Wickham. Voice acting by Natalia Bushnik. Special thanks to the Kollisch family for the use of Eva’s two memoirs, “Girl in Movement” and “The Ground Under My Feet”, the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College and their “Voices of Feminism Oral History Project”, and Soundtrack New York.…
現代沈重的生活中,不曉得自己需要的是「參雜愛情的麵包」還是「夾雜麵包的愛情」?看似複雜的問題其實比你簡單的人生還要更複雜。你選擇當一個『義憤填膺的小孩』還是寧願做一位『童心未泯的大人』? 【 instagram 】@mentalkingshit 【 YouTube 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 【 Facebook 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Trash 🎧 KKBOX 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Spotify🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Apple Podcast 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 💌 email us: mentalkingshit@gmail.com 💸 小額贊助我們:https://pay.firstory.me/user/mentalkingshit Powered by Firstory Hosting
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孤囝 koo-kiánn 獨子。 唯一的兒子。 對!!!就是正在聆聽的你們,究竟是「孤囝」的受益人、混蛋(?)還是在這些人淫威下可憐的受害人呢? 浴火重生後的Vic,首次改變主持風格,變得更加大膽、更加口無遮攔,到底會跟Alien插出什麼火花呢!? 【 instagram 】@mentalkingshit 【 YouTube 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 【 Facebook 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Trash 🎧 KKBOX 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Spotify🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Apple Podcast 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 💌 email us: mental…
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🔥YoYoYo welcome to Mentalkingshit🔥!!!記得這個開場嗎各位? 在大家半夜睡不著覺的時候,準備把心情哼成歌時,是否會想起兩個白爛的聲音,在耳邊出現講一些沒有人生意義的話,聽完後思考一下對人生好像也沒什麼幫助。 🔥沒錯我們強勢回歸🔥,希望這個新的開始,也可以讓大家回憶起,跟我們之間的點點滴滴,不論是在健身房深蹲時聽或是在車上跟女友吵架時聽,按下你的播放鍵讓我們一起回到那個時候。 過了這麼久的時間,經歷了被兵變及社會的摧殘,Alien和VIC 我們都變成了better man了,是不是讓各位更期待這一季會有什麼火花呢!!!!!🤔🤔🤔 總之我們回來了,也在這裡說聲謝謝,在這段時間偶爾會收到私訊,還是有人會期待我們趕快更新,這次我們一起走下去吧!!!💪🏻 💪🏼 💪🏽 …
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S2_Ep 1. 男人幫 vs 傳播妹?? Bad Firend or Good Homies??
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나중에 재생
1:05:31很久沒有更新了,最近因為疫情的關係打亂了很多的節奏,希望天佑台灣大家一起努力. 也是因為這樣我們的頻道準備進入第二季了各位,這一季開始會聽到很多朋友們分享自己的工作或更幹的想法,應該也知道我們的調調會有什麼樣的朋友吧哈哈哈哈哈。總之趕快進來聽看看新的我們..... // 第二季 Ep.1// 「男人幫 vs 傳播妹?? Bad Firend or Good Homies?? 」 第二季的第一集 一定是重磅出擊邀請國外的homies『孜孜』,她同時具備youtuber和podcastor的身份,重點是他看過我們男人幫幫忙的所有好笑好玩的事情,多荒唐都看過哈哈哈. 這一集就讓嗆辣傳播妹孜孜跟我們男人幫幫忙來打架吧. 【 instagram 】嗆辣傳播妹 @Spicy_broadcaster 【 …
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Alien是第一次從地獄中出來,所以今天聊的話題是所有男生共同的回憶__當兵,有沒有那種你這輩子都不會忘記的軍中幹事,如果有的話聽聽看有沒有比我們男人幫幫忙的更幹更靠背.......... Powered by Firstory Hosting
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不知道大家有沒有覺得有時候有一種浪漫的愛就是浪費時間,而當兵就是一個最浪漫的時候,今天就來聽聽看當兵第一個禮拜Alien的感覺...... Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Alien 要去償還欠國家的債了,即將進去四個月,但請大家別擔心!Vic & Alien 還是會持續更新節目的,不會讓大家失望!節目只會越來越幹,持續週更,但畢竟『男人的嘴騙人的鬼』⋯ 所以就再看看囉? 【 instagram 】@mentalkingshit 【 YouTube 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 【 Facebook 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Trash 🎧 KKBOX 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Spotify🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Apple Podcast 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 💌 email us: mentalkingshit@gmail.com 💸 小額…
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Alien & Vic 我們兩個都是老屁孩,但在你聽完這集之後,就會知道誰才是真的壞孩子了⋯⋯ 【 instagram 】@mentalkingshit 【 YouTube 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 【 Facebook 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Trash 🎧 KKBOX 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Spotify🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Apple Podcast 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 💌 email us: mentalkingshit@gmail.com 💸 小額贊助我們:https://pay.firstory.me/user/mentalkingshit Power…
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最近遇到了人生中的重要大事,卻在與身邊友人聊天過程當中聽到了一些不舒服的言論。雖然知道那些全都是關心,但有些話其實可以換句話說的⋯⋯ 【 instagram 】@mentalkingshit 【 YouTube 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 【 Facebook 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Trash 🎧 KKBOX 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Spotify🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Apple Podcast 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 💌 email us: mentalkingshit@gmail.com 💸 小額贊助我們:https://pay.firstory.me/user/m…
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煩人的聖誕節又即將來臨,對於要把「禮物」送好實在是一門學問呀!😖 好難~~ 該怎麼辦咧? 【 instagram 】@mentalkingshit 【 YouTube 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 【 Facebook 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Trash 🎧 KKBOX 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Spotify🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Apple Podcast 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 💌 email us: mentalkingshit@gmail.com 💸 小額贊助我們:https://pay.firstory.me/user/mentalkingshit Powered …
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這一次,毅然決然! 決定要好好來做一個大波的了👊🏻 對 沒錯! 是大波😚 跟我們一起「抖起來」吧 ~ 【 instagram 】@mentalkingshit 【 YouTube 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 【 Facebook 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Trash 🎧 KKBOX 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Spotify🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Apple Podcast 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 💌 email us: mentalkingshit@gmail.com 💸 小額贊助我們:https://pay.firstory.me/user/mentalkingshit Po…
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離開時的結束 vs 嶄新後的開始,這兩件事是毫無關聯的?還是密不可分? 【 instagram 】@mentalkingshit 【 YouTube 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 【 Facebook 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Trash 🎧 KKBOX 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Spotify🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Apple Podcast 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 💌 email us: mentalkingshit@gmail.com 💸 小額贊助我們:https://pay.firstory.me/user/mentalkingshit Powered by Firsto…
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因為一部最近很紅的電影,金馬入圍大片《孤味》,讓我們幾個年輕人有機會和 Alien 的姑姑一同到電影院欣賞此大作。於是就在開車去載姑姑的途中,展開了一連串的垃圾話⋯⋯ 【 instagram 】@mentalkingshit 【 YouTube 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 【 Facebook 】男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Trash 🎧 KKBOX 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Spotify🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 🎧 Apple Podcast 🎧 男人幫幫忙 Men Talking Shit 💌 email us: mentalkingshit@gmail.com 💸 小額贊助我們:https://pay.f…
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