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Keeping abreast of Taiwan news has never been easier, nor more informative. Every week, the ICRT news team from around the island takes a look back at the important stories that affected Taiwan. From Taipei all the way down to Pingdong, and even far beyond. Friday nights at around 8:20, tune into ICRT FM 100 for Taiwan This Week. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Talking Taiwan

Felicia Lin

Talking Taiwan is a Golden Crane Podcast Award Winner, and has been shortlisted in the 2024 International Women’s Podcast Awards “Moment of Visionary Leadership” category. Hosted by Felicia Lin, Talking Taiwan is the longest running, independently produced Taiwan-related podcast that covers political news related to Taiwan and stories connected to Taiwan and Taiwan’s global community. To learn more about Talking Taiwan visit: www.talkingtaiwan.com
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Hear in Taiwan

English Service, Rti

We know it's impossible for you to come join us at the metaphorical office water cooler to hear what we talk about in the newsroom. That's why we created the program: Hear in Taiwan. Tune in every weekday for a panel discussion with the news team to learn about the stories that caught our attention but did not quite make their way into the nightly newscast. Image: Kimmie Phan Stattman
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Taiwan is patchwork quilt of diverse, motiving personalities. Here, we have politicians who make history, entrepreneurs whose innovations help keep the global economy afloat, and artists who explore creativity in fascinating, inspiring ways. Taiwan Talk shows its listeners the unique perspectives of Taiwan all over the world. From those at home, those abroad, and those who’ve chosen to make this island their home. Taiwan Talk airs on ICRT FM100 at 8am, and in the evening in the 6pm news hour ...
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The Taiwan History Podcast: Formosa Files

John Ross and Eryk Michael Smith

NEW: Full-length ENGLISH episodes every THURSDAY (and other days too) - One short CHINESE episode on TUESDAY. The history of Taiwan (1600 C.E. - 2000) told through interesting stories in a non-chronological order. John Ross is an author and publisher of works on Taiwan and China, while Eryk Michael Smith has worked as a writer and journalist for several media outlets in Taiwan. Both hosts have lived in Taiwan for well over 20 years and call the island home. Email: formosafiles@gmail.com
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The Taiwan Take

Ghost Island Media 鬼島之音

A current affairs podcast on Taiwan and the world. Every episode, we invite a journalist to a conversation with an expert to get the big picture context of what we need to know. These are global issues, and this is The Taiwan Take. Nominated for Best News Podcast at 2020 Excellent Journalism Award in Taiwan. Produced by Ghost Island Media in Taipei, Taiwan. 2020年台灣卓越新聞獎 Podcast 新聞獎入圍者.這是一個專門討論臺灣時事的訪談性英文節目, 以「縱觀世界議題,以臺灣觀點論述」為主軸,由記者採訪跨領域專家、名人與來賓等,第一手將臺灣的故事推向國際. 鬼島之音製作播出.
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Taiwan On-Air 空中直播台灣

The Northern Institute of Taiwan Studies

What is Taiwan for the world and the world for Taiwan? In this podcast series, a group of Taiwan specialists based at the University of Central Lancashire, chat with book writers, artists, directors, professionals from, or with, an interest in Taiwan and explore how the ‘little’ island of Taiwan can be a starting point to (re)think the way we look at the world. Whether you already know Taiwan, you want to know more about it, or you just want to be inspired by it, this is the podcast for you! ...
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Learn Taiwanese Mandarin

Learn Taiwanese Mandarin

Learn Taiwanese Mandarin is a podcast aimed at intermediate to advanced learners.It’s all in Chinese(from the 4th episode), and if there are advanced words, I will explain them using slower and easier Chinese words and sentences! You will also learn some culture knowledge about Taiwan. With more episodes coming out, I'll also teach you some useful Taiwanese/Hokkien. 跟我一起用中文學習中文吧!Website: https://lear-taiwanese-mandarin.webnode.tw/(Icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com)
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布克新聞 Taiwan Book News

Readmoo讀墨電子書與布克新聞Taiwan Book News聯合製播

本節目由Readmoo讀墨電子書與布克新聞Taiwan Book News聯合製播 這裡是全台灣同溫層最厚的閱讀Podcast, 每週五更新,介紹台灣當前值得你閱讀的作品, 歡迎你一起加入我們的行列。 主持群: 藍士博,圖書金鼎獎得主,桃園區市議員參選人,兩個小孩三隻貓咪的爸爸,喜歡咖啡、棒球、血肉果汁機。 B編,射手座A型,韓劇迷妹,出版業打滾中的多重身分人,曾任出版社編輯及行銷企劃,唯一不變的身分是「編笑編哭」經營者。 劉定綱,奇異果文創總監,台大社會所博士。射手座B型。最近勤學貓語,已經能和貓進行五分鐘的對話,貓沒有跑掉 廖之韻,詩人作家肚皮舞孃,奇異果文創總編輯。創作類型廣泛,最新跨足領域是輕小說,但內心最愛的是BL。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Welcome to Taiwan Tea Time – your go-to podcast for learning English while spilling the tea on Taiwan’s latest trends! From cutting-edge tech and fashion to beauty, pop culture, and quirky fun facts, we bring you relaxed and engaging conversations. Whether you're brushing up on English or just curious about what's trending in Taiwan, grab a cup of tea and join us for a fun and easy listening experience!
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Taiwanese Change Makers

Taiwanese Change Makers

Discover Taiwan's most innovative minds in "Taiwanese Change Makers," a podcast featuring conversations with the island's groundbreaking entrepreneurs, technologists, artists, and scientists. Each episode uncovers the stories and insights of visionaries who are shaping Taiwan's future through cutting-edge startups, technological breakthroughs, artistic innovation, and scientific discovery. Join me, Adrian de Courcey, as we explore the ideas and passion driving Taiwan's emergence as a global ...
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Join Abby to explore Taiwan while improving your Mandarin listening skills and learning to talk like a Taiwanese! Each podcast is 100% in Taiwanese Mandarin, best for intermediate to advanced learners. Full transcripts are available on my Patreon. 透過各種話題的分享,希望讓外國朋友們在學習中文的同時能更認識台灣。 ► Patreon(full transcripts): https://www.patreon.com/TalkTaiwaneseMandarin ► Chinese graded readers & Chinese Lessons: TalkTaiwaneseMandarin.com ► Support my work: https://talktaiwanesemandarin.com/support/ Tips: A ...
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☀️ 小路&浩爾 策展主播 週一到週五台灣時間 8-9 am @ Clubhouse 補充時事營養素,與世界接軌 努力認真,希望節目越做越好,讓更多人關心國際,誠摯歡迎建議! 本節目由付費訂閱的聽友支持得以持續運作 歡迎加入Premium聽友的行列 👉 https://open.firstory.me/join/morningtaiwan 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️ \Instagram好友募集中/:https://www.instagram.com/morningtaiwan/ 🔔加我們的Facebook 社團,跟大家串連在一起:https://www.facebook.com/groups/morningtaiwan/ ✉️ 早安新聞商業合作信箱 → morningtaiwannews@gmail.com 代表單位:浩瀚兄弟文創社 統編:42415706 Tel:02-25338767 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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RTF, 3 lettres pour une émission qui se consacre aux Relations entre Taiwan et la France. Dans ce programme inédit enregistré depuis la France, nous aborderons ensemble les relations entre les deux pays, qu'elles soient économiques, culturelles, universitaires, scientifiques, politiques et autres. Nous irons pour cela découvrir les nombreux événements franco-taïwanais qui prennent place dans l’hexagone. Ces échanges ne seraient pas possible sans celles et ceux qui y conrtribuent par leurs ac ...
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大家好,這裡是透過分享台灣文化並學習國語的節目,希望大家會喜歡! _____ Hello everyone, this is a program where we share Taiwanese culture and learn Mandarin. Hope you all enjoy it! ¡Hola a todos! Este es un programa donde compartimos la cultura taiwanesa y aprendemos mandarín. ¡Espero que les guste! Youtube ➡︎ https://www.youtube.com/@taiwanesemandarin Patreon ➡︎ https://www.patreon.com/c/taiwanesemandarin
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台湾の最新のトレンドを紹介しています。 また、台湾最大のインターネットフォーラムであるPTTを利用して、台湾のネチズンの意見を紹介する 中国語がなくても、台湾のsnsでトレンドになっていることを理解できる 人気の話題以外にも、台湾人が日本をどう思っているのか Powered by Firstory Hosting
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狀態更新 : 大胖熊現在撞到頭想不開跑離開台灣了 所以說故事的部分就暫時先放著 等之後有機會再跟大家好好分享👍🏿 用台語說人生小故事。 facebook粉絲專頁: https://reurl.cc/q8zdkN google表單留言: https://forms.gle/EtrmZ46PrfdgSRAt7 wordpress : https://wp.me/PddgEW-3 如果想要小額與我分享一杯咖啡的朋友,也可以利用以下網址,隨意捐款喔! 贊助連結 : https://p.ecpay.com.tw/758720F
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The Taiwan Context


In-depth stories covering one topic on Taiwan featuring expert guests. Part of the Taiwan Report network at www.report.tw Website - report.tw Facebook - facebook.com/thetaiwanreport Youtube - youtube.com/taiwanreport Twitter - twitter.com/taiwanreport
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大家好,我是林老師! This is MandarinWithMissLin from Taiwan. I'm from Taipei, Taiwan. I hope this Podcast can help you train your Chinese listening skill and learn natural Taiwanese Mandarin vocabulary and phrases. My mission is to help learners to speak Chinese naturally, to help you learn authentic Taiwanese Mandarin, and discover Taiwanese culture. To learn more with me , please take a look at my courses or my Youtube channel. More free Taiwanese Mandarin sources on my website. https://www.taiwane ...
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Eric & Anita

Taiwanica is a podcast made for those who are interested in hearing the cultural differences between the USA and Taiwan. These topics are discussed between a married couple: Eric (American) and Anita (Taiwanese). They are teachers and life coaches who help people improve their quality of life. IG: @taiwanicapodcast Taiwanica是一個專為對於美國和台灣之間文化差異感興趣的人所設計的播客。這些議題是由一對已婚夫妻討論的:Eric(美國人)and Anita(台灣人)。他們是教師兼生活教練,幫助人們提升生活品質。
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TaiwanPlus is the nation's first English-language video news and programming plarform for an international audience. With "TaiwanPlus on ICRT", you can enjoy this daily nes update on the major stories in Taiwan. But best of all, we give it to you in an audio format, so you can listen as you're commuting to the office, working out at the gym, or just relaxing at home. TaiwanPlus also features informative looks at culture, the arts, and everyday life in Taiwan.
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show series
Découvrir la culture taïwanaise et la langue à travers des spectacles de marionnettes à gaine, c'est ce que propose l'INALCO durant tout le mois de mars. Exposition, projections, conférences... les événements vous permettront de mieux connaître cette pratique taïwanaise. Pour discuter du programme des rencontres, nous recevons Liu Chan-yueh, enseig…
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NISSAN電驅學院活動開課中! 試乘新能源車款ARIYA、X-TRAIL e-POWER、KICKS e-POWER,就有機會獲得「價值5萬元 Formula E電動方程式賽事日本東京站雙人之旅」,入主再享4萬配件金及低頭款低月付方案。 和郭泓志一同探索你的電動車適配度:https://sofm.pse.is/79qgcr -- 臺南市安平「考古埕-尋找熱蘭遮市鎮」特展,首度公開熱蘭遮市鎮現地考古成果。更多資訊請上「臺南文資處」官網查詢。 https://sofm.pse.is/79qgm6 ▌展期|2024/9/22~2025/3/23 ▌時間|週三至週日及國定假日,09:00~17:00 ▌地點|安平劍獅埕(臺南市安平區延平街35號) ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商…
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🔸如單集開頭遇到廣告,下方播放時間點需多加30秒~1分鐘左右🔸 【全球讀報】 (00:07:14) 北韓從價值 15 億美元 ByBit 駭客攻擊中套現數百萬美元 (00:08:57) BBC: 川普的威脅如何改變了加拿大政局 (00:11:11) 波蘭為烏克蘭星鏈與馬斯克爭執 盧比歐斥不知感恩 (00:14:39) 美國務卿:83%的美國國際開發總署援外計畫正式取消 —— (00:17:07) 早安新聞超展開題 (00:21:19) 抑制米價飆漲 日本政府罕見釋出緊急儲備米糧 (00:23:11) 中國石油需求現峰值跡象,影響深遠 (00:24:10) 沙國資助職業女網選手帶薪產假 引發「體育洗白」質疑 【全球串連】 (00:31:49) 翠翠 - 日本:日本岩手縣山林火災 災民創傷與專家…
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Jonas Parello-Plesner is Executive Director of the Alliance of Democracies Foundation. He’s the author of the book, “The Battle for Taiwan”. “The Battle for Taiwan” (“Kampen om Taiwan”) was first published in Denmark in 2023 as the first book on Taiwan for the Danish audience. The English edition was published in April, 2024. Alliance of Democracie…
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Send us a text Did you know that giving someone shoes or a clock in Taiwan could bring bad luck? Or that many buildings skip the 4th floor because it sounds like "death"? 😱 In this episode, we uncover some of Taiwan’s most intriguing superstitions—from nighttime taboos to hotel room rituals. Whether you're visiting or just curious, these quirky bel…
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錄音當天是情人節,節目播出是婦女節前一天,這些與女性相關的節日經常觸發大家思考「女性」的定義、價值,B編小時候一直有一個困惑,為什麼有「職業婦女」沒有「職業男性」呢?這個世界是「預設」男性視角嗎?長大後才逐漸理解「女性」在歷史、社會等各種層面的缺席,所以現在的「強調」或許只是一種補足?本集透過討論女性投入勞動市場,談談台灣的職業婦女吧! 📍本集重點 ✓ 女生才能做的事 ✓ 職業婦女 ✓ 走她的路 ✓ 一邊旅行一邊學歷史 ✓ 約會新選擇 ✓ 九條路線 ✓ 高雄的女性社會運動 📍推薦書 《走她的路:台灣「女路」旅遊指南,帶你探索每個她的故事》 《記憶鏡行事》 📍本集節目贊助 Readmoo 讀墨電子書,繁體中文最完整的電子書服務平台,透過「布克新聞」專屬連結成功讀墨註冊享好禮三重送! ✅30 天…
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Two common brands of toothpaste sold in Taiwan: one of them is strangely/poorly named, but the other has a very long history of flirting with racism. In this less-somber episode, you’ll learn the backstories of both “Whitemen Toothpaste” 白人牙膏, and Hei Ren “Darkie/Darlie Toothpaste” 黑人/好來牙膏, and also enjoy a bit of info on the “ten courts of hell,” …
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From scoring a coveted Golden Apple on the Netflix show "Crazy Delicious" to cooking for Taiwan's de-facto ambassador to the UK, food blogger Tiffany Cheng has made her mark as an unofficial ambassador for popular Taiwan cuisine. How she accomplished that and what she learnt along the way is a story she shares on Taiwan Talk. Hosted by ICRT's Hope …
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Join us for an insightful episode featuring Tammy Hu, a social entrepreneur transforming Taiwan's approach to sustainability. From her beginnings in banking and fashion to becoming the co-founder of B-Lab Taiwan and Domi, Tammy’s journey illustrates the power of purpose-driven work. As she shares her unique perspective on climate action, she highli…
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In this episode, our host, Ti-han, invited Ray Chin金磊, a Taiwanese wildlife photographer who pioneered in the field of underwater and cetacean photography. In the last two decades, Ray has travelled from Taiwan to the Pacific islands, then to the Galapagos islands and the Nordic seas to capture breathtaking photos of whales and dolphins. Today, not…
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March is Women’s History Month and in this episode of Talking Taiwan I’ll be speaking with the Angela Feng, the organizer of the Empowering Women Through Education and Community Action panel, a UN CSW69 Parallel Event that’s going to be held here in New York City on Friday, March 14th from 4:30pm-6:00pm. CSW69 stands for the 69th Session of the Uni…
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