A look at developments from the technology sector and what they mean for investors. The Allianz Technology Trust investment team will offer their insight, as they discuss cutting edge companies and how they are changing our lives.
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Der Podcast „Antifeministische Allianzen“ befasst mit AntifeministInnen, ihren Ideologien, Netzwerken und Aktivitäten. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt hierbei auf dem Tun radikaler AbtreibungsgegnerInnen, da der Kampf gegen das Recht auf sichere und legale Schwangerschaftsabbrüche ein verbindendes Ideologiefragment ist, welches (extrem) rechte, christlich-fundamentalistische und konservative AkteurInnen zusammenbringt. In insgesamt acht Folgen beleuchtet der Podcast den umfassenden Kulturkampf de ...
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Allianz Global Investors’ Investment Intelligence Podcast brings together experts from all over the world to discuss all things investing, from recent market developments, to strategy, sustainable investing, asset allocation, risk management and more. Please visit https://www.allianzgi.com/social-media for important disclosures.
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In the 27th episode of the Silicon Valley Byte Size Podcast, Mike Seidenberg, Lead Portfolio Manager, joins host Cherry Reynard to discuss the current tech landscape, dominated by a handful of companies. Mike discusses the importance of looking beyond these giants to uncover new opportunities, sharing his insights on the key secular themes driving …
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Lange geplant und endlich da. Dies ist eine kurze Feedback-Folge zur ersten Staffel von „Antifeministische Allianzen“. QUELLEN & LITERATUR Mitteilung des Bundesministeriums für Famiie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend zum Bericht der Sachverständigenkommission: https://www.bmfsfj.de/bmfsfj/aktuelles/alle-meldungen/sachverstaendigenkommission-legt-abschl…
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Despite the well-established dominance of mega-cap technology companies that play a key role in IT infrastructures, Portfolio Manager Mike Seidenberg talks to Cherry Reynard about the potential of the mid- and large-cap sector for long term growth. Mike delves into the complexities and limitations of mega-cap companies, making a compelling case for…
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Semiconductors are everywhere – not only in things where we would definitely expect them, but increasingly in everyday items as well as those products become more technologically advanced. That proliferation has spawned some very profitable companies – Cherry Reynard and Mike Seidenberg discuss the different types of companies in the ecosystem and …
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Bei der Betrachtung radikaler AbtreibungsgegnerInnen stößt man zwangsläufig auf Netzwerke, die weit über religiös oder misogyn motivierte Agitation gegen das Recht auf Schwangerschaftsabbrüche hinausgeht. In dieser abschließenden Folge werfen wir einen Blick in diese Netzwerke und gehen der Frage nach, warum Antifeminismus aktuell eines der Quersch…
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The Internet-of-Things can often conjure up images of smart home devices and either utopian or dystopian views of a fully connected life. However, there are many other use cases, for example in industrial applications, where the technology has wide ranging implications for efficiency and improvement. Mike Seidenberg and Cherry Reynard delve deeper …
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Inhaltshinweis: Es geht in der Folge um Fehlgeburten und späte Schwangerschaftsabbrüche (Fetozid). Desinformation und Verschwörungserzählungen belasten das demokratische Miteinander. In dieser Folge geht es um die Strategien der transnational agierenden Agenda Europe und wie diese Anwendung gefunden haben. Wir lernen eine der zentralen Desinformati…
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Zieht bequemes Schuhwerk an, denn in dieser Folge besuchen wir verschiedene Anti-Choice-Demonstrationen in Österreich und Deutschland. Wir gehen auf eine gemeinsame Recherche-Tour und reisen nach Innsbruck, München, Augsburg, Annaberg-Buchholz, Berlin und Köln. Dort schauen wir uns dann gemeinsam Aktionen von AbtreibungsgegnerInnen an. QUELLEN & LI…
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Inhaltshinweis: Die Folge behandelt Bedrohungen sowie psychische und physische Gewalt bis hin zu Mord. In dieser Folge geht es um den umfassenden Kulturkampf der Anti-Choice-Bewegung, die mit ihren Aktivitäten versucht, die Stimmung in der Gesellschaft so beeinflussen, dass diese Schwangerschaftsabbrüche moralisch verurteilt und der Zugang zu siche…
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Die Anti-Choice-Bewegung ist Teil einer antifeministischen Formierung, entsprechend ist ihre Geschichte eine Geschichte des Dagegen-Seins. Die Folge beleuchtet schlaglichtartig den rund 150 Jahre währenden Kampf um reproduktive Gerechtigkeit und liefert Einblicke in die Entstehung verschiedener Anti-Choice-Vereine. QUELLEN & LITERATUR Rechte Quelle…
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Antifeministische Ressentiments sind in Deutschland weit verbreitet. Es gibt AkteurInnen und Organisationen, die diese Ressentiments befeuern, während andere sie für ihre Zwecke nutzen. Dabei dient einigen Milieus die Debatte um die Legalisierung von Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen als Kampagnenthema. In dieser Folge geht es um die Frage, warum Antifemin…
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Eine Auseinandersetzung mit der langen Geschichte des Paragrafen 218 StGB und der Kriminalisierung von Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen ermöglicht einen Blick auf die Rolle von Politiker*innen, Kirchenmännern und Richter*innen in den Kämpfen um reproduktive Selbstbestimmung. Die Folge beleuchtet die Auswirkungen, welche die Kriminalisierung von Abtreibung…
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In der ersten Folge des „Antifeministische Allianzen“ Podcasts geht es darum, wie Antifeminismus im Allgemeinen und Anti-Choice-Aktivismus im Speziellen den Schulterschluss verschiedener AkteurInnen ermöglicht. Beleuchtet wird die Ideologie radikaler AbtreibungsgegnerInnen, einige Definitionen vorgestellt und wir lernen erste AkteurInnen der Bewegu…
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Am 26. Februar 2024 erscheint „Antifeministische Allianzen“ der Podcast über AntifeministInnen, ihre Ideologien, Netzwerke und Aktivitäten. Für den Podcast habe ich, Lina Dahm, meine Recherchen rund um das Thema Antifeminismus neu aufbereitet. COPYRIGHT & DANK Titelmusik „Sakura“ von Maarten Schellekens, Quelle: Free Music Archive (https://freemusi…
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The technology sector that has emerged from the pandemic is different to the one that went before. And we are still seeing some of the ramifications. In this latest podcast we discuss how the sector has changed over the past two years, and how that is reflected in the portfolio. Which pandemic trends have endured, how has the higher interest rate e…
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ChatGPT has brought artificial intelligence (AI) firmly into investors’ sights in 2023. But, where are we today in terms of AI and its applications, and where are we going in the future? Cherry and Mike look at the implications and whether the initial euphoria from an investment perspective is warranted. There is no doubt that increasing use of dat…
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Picking up where the previous podcast episode left off, portfolio manager Mike Seidenberg and host Jon Cronin dive a little deeper on the topic of cybersecurity. Which companies are championing the fight-back, what should investors be thinking about in that sector, and how does cyber security stack up alongside other areas within tech?…
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In this latest podcast, portfolio manager Mike Seidenberg and stand-in host Jon Cronin focus in on the topic of cybersecurity. The team look at what the implications are to us all in our daily lives, but also how this impacts businesses, corporations, and governments. With huge criminal enterprises emerging and nation states weaponising cyber-attac…
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In this latest podcast, portfolio manager Mike Seidenberg and host Cherry Reynard focus in on a single issue: geopolitics and how it’s affecting the technology sector. The geopolitical landscape has seen many issues over the past year, with war in Europe and a significant deterioration in US/China relations destabilising global trade. With technolo…
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At the sunset of 2022, Mike Seidenberg joined Cherry Reynard for the final time of the year to discuss how unprecedented macroeconomic factors (at least in recent memory) and nervous markets are combining to make managing a technology portfolio something like trying to find one’s sea legs on a ship being tossed about in rough seas. It wasn’t an eas…
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2022 has undoubtedly been a difficult year so far for the technology sector and for technology investors in turn. Portfolio manager Mike Seidenberg joins host Cherry Reynard to discuss how the current negative market sentiment and economic backdrop is balanced against the ongoing demand drivers for tech firms as we look to the future. With the roll…
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Against the force of rising inflation and interest rates, there has been indiscriminate pressure on tech stock valuations. Those valuations now look much more reasonable, and all eyes are on corporate earnings with a dispersion of results emerging. As economic growth continues to slow and central banks flex more muscle, investors in the technology …
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Episode 46: Should investors be optimistic about emerging markets?
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Listen to Chief Investment Officer for Emerging Market Debt Richard House and Giulia Pellegrini, senior emerging market debt portfolio manager, talk about the outlook for emerging markets after a rough start to the year, why debt problems in Russia and Sri Lanka are unlikely to lead to contagion and why the asset class could benefit from rising int…
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Episode 45: Is your portfolio ready for cyber warfare?
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Listen to Portfolio Manager Michael Seidenberg and Product Specialist Johannes Jacobi discuss the heightened threat of cyber warfare after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and what it means to investors’ portfolios.저자 Allianz Global Investors
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Episode 44: What’s next for the Fed and the high-yield bond market?
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Listen to Fixed Income Portfolio Manager Jim Dudnick discuss the current investment landscape for the asset class, especially what’s ahead for the high-yield market. Also: Jim and host J.P. Vicente talk about where to find value amid quickly widening and shrinking spreads, the outlook for corporate credit, potential advantages of short-duration exp…
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Just one quarter into 2022 the world has already seen significant economic and geopolitical events. How might this impact the technology sector, both in the short- but also the longer-term? In this latest podcast, the team ponder the balance of short-term headwinds with continuing long-term growth themes. Produced remotely by the Lansons Content Te…
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Episode 43: Green bond investing in times of rising oil prices
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Listen to Global Head of Fixed Income Product Specialists Georgios Costa Georgiou discuss the fixed-income investment landscape amid rising inflation, monetary policy tightening, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and a subsequent spike in commodity prices. Specifically, Georgios discusses how investors should consider sustainable investing—especially g…
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Episode 42: Investing in non-US stocks amid rising geopolitical risk
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Listen to Global Growth Equity Portfolio Manager Marcus Morris-Eyton and Senior Product Specialist Christian McCormick discuss the challenges of investing in non-US stocks amid rising geopolitical risk after Russia’s full-out invasion of Ukraine in late February. Also: Marcus, Christian and host J.P. Vicente talk about the direction of global econo…
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Listen to AllianzGI’s Andreas Fruschki, Head of Thematic Equity, and Alexandra Russo, Thematic Equity Product Specialist, analyze the current state of investing in water. Andreas, Alexandra, and host J.P. Vicente discuss how investing in water today spans a wide array of potential opportunities, from impact on Sustainability to infrastructure, food…
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Episode 40: Investing for impact on the road to Net Zero
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Listen to AllianzGI’s Matt Christensen, Global Head of Sustainable and Impact Investing, and Mark Wade, Head of Sustainability Research and Stewardship, discuss the impact of COP26 and the Glasgow Climate Pact, and what role investors can play as we travel on the road to Net Zero. Hint: Investing for impact is a big part of it. Also: Matt, Mark and…
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Episode 39: Is your portfolio ready for the age of Digital Darwinism?
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Listen to Global Equity Chief Investment Officer Virginie Maisonneuve discuss the investment implications of a curious and very disruptive idea: Digital Darwinism. Virginie and host J.P. Vicente talk about the areas and industries most likely to be affected by Digital Darwinism; the implications to commerce, education, and healthcare; the impact on…
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Episode 38: An on-the-ground look at China’s investment landscape
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Listen to Global Head of Equity Product Specialists William Russell discuss the Chinese investment landscape from an on-the-ground perspective. William and host J.P. Vicente have a broad conversation on topics ranging from the state of the economy to fiscal and monetary policies, China’s zero Covid policy, the state of the property market and the t…
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With a new year upon us, Walter Price and Mike Seidenberg joined host Cherry Reynard late in December to look at some of the defining moments for the tech sector in 2021 and to reflect on the future of the sector. Produced remotely by the Lansons Content Team.저자 AllianzGI Investment Trusts
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Episode 37: Our 2022 Outlook through Four Investable Themes
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Listen to Stefan Hofrichter, Global Head of Economics at Allianz Global Investors, and Greg Hirt, Global Chief Investment Officer of the Multi-Asset team at AllianzGI, discuss our macro-economic and capital-markets outlook for 2022 through the prism of our four key investable themes for the coming year. It’s a packed conversation on “Navigating Rat…
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Episode 36: The pervasive power of Artificial Intelligence
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Listen to lead portfolio manager Sebastian Thomas discuss the latest trends in Artificial Intelligence investing, including how AI is helping companies to structure data, map consumer behavior, enhance cloud services, and further automate supply chains. Also: Sebastian talks about the growing role of AI in medicine, including the development of vac…
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New regulation and increased taxation for technology companies are inevitable over the coming years, particularly as the biggest companies gain increasing power – Walter Price and Mike Seidenberg discuss the potential impact on the sector. Although the social media giants help us to communicate effectively and businesses to advertise efficiently, t…
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Episode 35: What’s next for emerging markets post pandemic?
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Listen to Head of Systematic Equity Kunal Ghosh discuss the latest trends in emerging-market equities, including what’s in store for the Chinese economy, the impact of the tech crackdown on investors’ confidence, the state of the real estate market, and the consumer outlook. Also: Kunal analyzes opportunities in other emerging markets such as Russi…
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Episode 34: Are we entering a golden age for technology investing?
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Listen to senior portfolio manager Walter Price discuss how a confluence of factors challenging a post-pandemic world—i.e., labor shortages, supply-chain strains, the fight against climate change—can usher in a golden age for technology and set the stage for strong investing opportunities in the sector. Specifically, Walter talks about opportunitie…
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Listen to investment strategist Ann-Katrin Petersen discuss some top-of-mind issues for investors today, namely the future of inflation, labor shortages, and the shape of the global economy in a post-pandemic world. Also: Ann-Katrin discusses what this all means to portfolios, and how investors should consider allocating assets.…
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Episode 32: What does the US infrastructure spending plan mean for investors?
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Listen to Head of Infrastructure Debt Investing in the Americas Paul David discuss the impact of President Biden’s infrastructure package on the sector, and what opportunities it creates for investors. The $570-billion package has mustered bipartisan support in the US Senate, and, as of this writing, is yet to be approved by the Lower House. Also: …
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Episode 31: What’s ahead for portfolios after China’s crackdown on tech?
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Listen to Senior Product Specialist Christian McCormick discuss the impact on portfolios of China’s recent crackdown on technology companies listed as ADRs in the US, and what investors should consider doing with their China allocation going forward. Also: Christian reviews the Hong Kong market a year after China’s extension of its national securit…
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Episode 30: How will new EU climate targets impact sustainable investing?
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Listen to Head of Sustainability Research and Stewardship Mark Wade discuss how the recently announced new climate targets by the European Union will impact the geopolitical debate ahead of the UN’s 2021 Climate Change Conference as well as influence how corporations and investors adapt to a quickly changing regulatory landscape. Also: As sustainab…
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The world is entering a new phase. Most people agree there will be some kind of ‘new normal’ post-pandemic where remote working will mix with on-site working where possible. In this latest podcast episode, the team discuss how this will benefit businesses that can make this new hybrid workplace both effective and efficient. Furthermore, new generat…
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Episode 29: What are the Fed’s options to normalize policy, and what do they mean to FI investors?
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Listen to fixed-income portfolio manager Jim Dudnick discuss why he thinks that Fed Chairman Jay Powell deserves a place in the “central bank Hall of Fame,” and how Powell’s management and communication style has provided the Fed plenty of options to normalize monetary policy depending on how growth and inflation evolve. Also: What does this Fed “o…
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Episode 28: How can a supermarket chain help you invest sustainably?
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Listen to Former Trader Joe’s President Doug Rauch discuss how business leaders can rethink the way they run their companies to make them more sustainable, and how investors can better spot which organizations are on the right track and which are not. Also: Doug talks about re-thinking capitalism, re-generative design, issues of morality and inclus…
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Episode 27: What does faster global growth mean to your portfolio?
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Listen to Global Head of Economics Stefan Hofrichter discuss his midyear global economic outlook, including his views on growth, inflation, productivity, labor shortages, supply issues, demographics, and more. Also: Stefan contextualizes his forecasts in terms of portfolio positioning and available opportunities in the current fluid environment.…
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Episode 26: The US inflation conundrum and opportunities in clean energy
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Listen to US Investment Strategist Mona Mahajan discuss the outlook for inflation in the US, and its impact for investors going forward. Also: Fresh out of our inaugural US Sustainability Day, Mona talks about research she has been developing on climate and clean-energy opportunities, especially in light of President Biden’s proposed infrastructure…
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Episode 25: How Sustainability will reshape the investment landscape
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Listen to Global Head of Sustainable and Impact Investing Matt Christensen discuss how the growing interest in Sustainability will reshape the investment landscape in surprising ways: From alignment of personal and investment views, to new ways to measuring impact, to technological innovation, and corporate disruption. Also: Matt will be a guest at…
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With continuing signs of economic recovery, Walter Price and Mike Seidenberg talk to Cherry Reynard about the cyclical and ‘value’ parts of the technology sector likely to benefit. Tailwinds still remain though for high growth companies that did so well in 2020 and the team describe how they will play their part in a new dynamic as people emerge fr…
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Listen to Head of Thematic Equity Andreas Fruschki discuss how investors can make an impact on addressing global water scarcity issues while positioning portfolios to benefit from attractive opportunities in the space. In an engaging conversation, Andreas examines water consumption patterns, climate change, supply disruptions, and what the private …
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