Podcast by FaithWestwood UMC
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Matthew 14:22-33Jesus walks on the water, and the disciples cry out in fear. Peter says, “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” As Peter keeps his eyes on Jesus, he is fine, yet when he sees the wind on the water, he began to sink! Where in your life do you need to set aside your fear and doubt?…
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Mark 1:21-28As Jesus teaches in the synagogue, a man possessed by an impure spirit cries out, and Jesus commands, “Be quiet! Come out of him.” This teaching with authority amazed the people. What teaching, preaching, and/or healing of Jesus do we most need to claim?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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John 1:43-51After Jesus calls Philip to follow him, Philip found Nathanael and told him about Jesus. As Nathanael has his doubts, Philip says, come and see.” Sometimes your faith demands that you see before you believe. How can you invite others to come & see Jesus?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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Luke 9:28-37As Jesus and his inner circle of disciples go to the mountaintop, Jesus is transfigured before them. This holy moment continues to set the stage for the Messiah to be revealed. As we prepare for the Lenten season, how do we respond to Christ as we come down from the mountaintop?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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1 Corinthians 13:4-8aAbove all, the kind of love that we are invited to strive for in all of our relationships is agape love, God’s unconditional love. The Apostle Paul speaks to the Corinthians about this unconditional love that never ends! Our greatest love playlist concludes, At Last!저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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02-16-2025 - Greatest Love Songs - You've Got A Friend
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27:04John 15:9-17The Greek word for love of friends is philia. Jesus speaks to his disciples about the kind of love that helps them to remain and/or to abide in him! How can we strengthen our friendship love with Jesus and with others?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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02-09-2025 - Greatest Love Songs - Truly, Madly, Deeply
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25:43Song of Songs 8:6-7Passionate love, or eros love, certainly has its place, yet what does the Bible have to say about this? Hear passages from Song of Songs and learn more about this love described in so many songs.저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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Romans 12:9-21As we explore the gift of love in our lives, we will focus on storge love, the love of family. How can we best demonstrate our love for those members of our immediate family as well as extended family members?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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Micah 6:1-8The prophet Micah declares a truth bomb for God’s people about what the LORD requires of us! Think about our time spent here and now as Christians. What has God done for us? And what is God calling us to do in the future?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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Matthew 13:1-9 (18-23) Jesus tells the Parable of the Sower and how different soils receive the seed (the Word of God). There are things that you have to do before your “soil” gets too dry. What is the current condition of your soil? How will you receive the Word of God this year?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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Luke 3:15-17, 21-22As Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, his public ministry is about to begin! How do you and I claim baptism as the “outward sign of an inward grace” for our lives, and especially in this New Year?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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Matthew 2:1-12 with the Wesleyan Covenant ServiceRe>Imagine: RedreamNavigation systems say, “Recalculating…” or “Reroute!” The wise guys sought the Christ-child, and then they had to go home by another route. How is the Spirit leading us in the New Year to dream for the future – our own as well as the church?…
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Luke 2:21-40 & 41-52As we continue to celebrate Christmas, we hear childhood stories of Jesus remembering when Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day, when he was presented in the temple, and even when he was found at his Father’s house. These foundational stories help to shape how Jesus “grew in wisdom and stature, in favor with God and man.” How…
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Luke 1:57-66 & 67-80John the Baptist is born and named. As Zechariah’s tongue is set free, he praises the Lord “because he has come to his people and redeemed them.” God’s redemption comes to us because of His great love! In these days before Christmas Eve, how can we be inspired to prepare the way for love?…
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Luke 1:26-38The angel Gabriel reveals to Mary about the “holy one to be born” to her. Mary’s faith responds, “I am the Lord’s servant, may your word to me be fulfilled.” She found peace with this amazing news! Even in our day, how can we be inspired to prepare the way for peace?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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Luke 1:5-25As Advent begins with the birth of John the Baptist being foretold, we prepare the way for Hope to arrive! As we hear Zechariah and Elizabeth’s story, we hear the angel’s words of hope that that their son will “make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” In this Advent journey, how can we be inspired to prepare the way for hope?…
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Matthew 6:19-21Jesus shares in the Sermon on the Mount about storing up treasures in heaven. What do we find in our storehouses? The third part of our vision statement is to be a daily disciple – what does this mean and how might we insert daily gratitude into the stewardship of our gifts?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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Mark 12:28-34Jesus says that the most important commandment is to love God with one’s whole being, and we are called to do likewise. The first part of our vision statement is to be a deep disciple – what does this mean and how might we insert deep gratitude into the stewardship of our gifts?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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Mark 12:41-44Jesus lifts up a widow who put in everything she had into the treasury. What does it mean to share “all that we are” and “all that we have”? The second part of our vision statement is to be a daring disciple – what does this mean and how might we insert daring gratitude into the stewardship of our gifts?…
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Revelation 21:1-6The vision in Revelation reveals “a new heaven and a new earth” and casts a vision for God and people to dwell together. How might we give thanks and insert saintly gratitude for those who labored before us?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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Ezekiel 37:1-14As the Spirit led Ezekiel to a vision of dry bones, he is invited to prophesy to those bones to hear the Word of the LORD who will give them breath! In what areas are we experiencing “dry bones” and needing the Spirit’s breath? How might we insert hopeful gratitude for the future?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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Acts 8:9-25As the apostles were performing miracles and healing, Simon the Sorcerer believes and is baptized, yet he seeks the Spirit’s power for his own purposes. How do we keep our hearts in the right place to share in Christ’s ministry?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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10-13-2024 - Gifted - Walking, Jumping and Praising God
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25:09Acts 3:1-10Peter and John encounter a man who was lame from birth. The man was begging, yet Peter offers what he has, in the name of Jesus Christ. The man is healed! How do we offer the gifts that we have when needed most?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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Love is Indispensable1 Corinthians 12:31b –13:13The Apostle Paul shows the most excellent way to be the body of Christ: recognizing God’s unconditional love that never fails!How does love inspire us to use our gifts to glorify God through Jesus Christ?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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09-29-2024 - Gifted - Bonus Message by FaithWestwood UMC저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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1 Corinthians 12:13-31aThe Apostle Paul continues to speak to the Corinthian church about how one body has many parts, and so it is with Christ! How can the body of Christ recognize each part so that there is unity in the body?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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1 Corinthians 12:1-11The Apostle Paul informs the early Church about spiritual gifts. There are different kinds of gifts but the same Spirit distributes them. What are these spiritual gifts, and how can we use them today?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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On this Labor Day, may we join our hearts together in Word & Song, remembering that we are called to serve Jesus Christ every day!Scripture: Matt. 4:18-22; Matt. 8:18-22; Matt. 9:9-13; Matt. 9:35-38; Matt. 10:1-8저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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On this Labor Day, may we join our hearts together in Word & Song, remembering that we are called to serve Jesus Christ every day!Scripture: Matt. 4:18-22; Matt. 8:18-22; Matt. 9:9-13; Matt. 9:35-38; Matt. 10:1-8저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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John 15:1-9As Jesus proclaims that he is the True Vine, he reminds his followers about being pruned to bear more fruit. If Jesus is the vine, and his followers are the branches, then they must remain in him and in his love. How can we, as Jesus’ disciples, bear much fruit to the glory of God?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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08-18-2024 - Promises, Part II...I Am the Unnamed Faithful
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21:39Hebrews 11:32-40The author of Hebrews recounts the names of those who were commended for their faith yet did not receive what had been promised. Wait, what?! How can we live into the promises of “something better” that God has planned?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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08-11-2024 - Promises, Part I...I Am Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego
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23:30Daniel 3:1-18Daniel’s friends would not worship the gods of the Babylonian King, and so they were thrown into the fiery furnace. How do we believe in God’s promises to walk with us through the fires in life?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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John 14:1-7When the disciples were anxious and fearful about his departure from them, Jesus tries to give them encouragement, reminding them that he is the Way, Truth, and Life. How might we follow Jesus to the cross and beyond?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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Jeremiah 36:1-9 & Romans 16:1-2In the Old Testament, Baruch served in a very important role as Jeremiah’s scribe. In the New Testament, Phoebe is lifted up as a deacon, benefactor, and servant of the church. How might these witnesses inspire our servanthood?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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John 11:25-44Lazarus’ death deeply grieves his sisters, Mary and Martha, and even Jesus. When confronted, Jesus declares that he is the resurrection and the life and later raises Lazarus from the dead. How might we claim this resurrection spirit and be raised to new life?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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John 10:11-18Jesus declares that the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep who know him. Hired hands run away in times of danger and don’t care for the sheep like the shepherd. Today, how can we, like sheep, listen to the Shepherd’s voice and claim Jesus as the Good Shepherd?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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2 Samuel 12:1-14King David sinned, and the LORD sent Nathan to speak the truth in love to David. As he utilizes a parable to tell this story, David is convicted of the truth, confesses, and repents. How can we claim courage to speak the truth in love to those that we love as well as to repent of our sin?…
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John 10:1-10As Jesus speaks to the Pharisees, he describes how the one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep! This figure of speech escaped the religious leaders, yet Jesus’ proclamation of being the Gate for the sheep is a powerful one. How might we claim this gate and the abundant (full) life that Jesus offers?…
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1 Samuel 1:9-20During her time of worship, Hannah wept and prayed for the LORD to bless her with a child. Her encounter with Eli the Priest allows her to name her pain and hopes. How do we trust in God with all of our hopes and fears?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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John 8:12-20Jesus boldly proclaims that he is the Light of the World in contrast to religious leaders who would challenge him. How can we follow Christ today so that we never walk in darkness and claim the light of life?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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Esther 3:1-13In Esther, we experience hatred, prejudice, and even religious persecution. Haman’s plans to destroy the Jews are thwarted by Queen Esther. How do we continue to “renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness” in this world?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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John 6:25-35The multitudes looked for Jesus after they were fed bread and fish, yet Jesus invites them to work for the food that endures to eternal life. They want this bread! How can we believe in Jesus who is the Bread of Life?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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Joshua 2:1-14Before God’s people enter the Promised Land, Rahab helps the spies sent by Joshua and asks for kindness in return. Rahab believed that God’s hand was at work, and so she becomes a part of God’s amazing story. What risks might we take to experience new beginnings in the name of God?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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John 19:38 – 20:2 Inspired by this year’s VBS, take a Deep Dive as we remember when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. How does this inspire us to be raised to new life?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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06-23-2024 - Deep Dive - God Is A Friend We Can Trust!
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25:54Mark 4:35-41 (NIV)Inspired by this year’s VBS, take a Deep Dive! Jesus calms a storm and amazes the disciples. How can we learn to trust in Jesus through the storms of life?저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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06 - 16 - 2024 Deep Dive - God Is A Friend For Everyone!
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18:30Celebrate this year’s Scuba Vacation Bible School with songs, scripture, and lessons!저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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Jonah 3:10 - 4:11 (NIV) Inspired by this year’s VBS, take a Deep Dive and explore the story of Jonah. We can remember that God loves us, even when we try to run away!저자 FaithWestwood UMC
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06-02-2024 - Five Secrets...Legacy (Give More Than You Take)
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19:53Acts 4:32-37 (NIV) / As the early Church was growing in numbers and boldness, the believers began to live with generosity. These Christians not only shared Christ, they shared their resources with those in need. Learn the final Secret #5 and consider how we might leave a legacy of generosity for future generations?…
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05-26-2024 - Five Secrets - Crossroads (Leave No Regrets)
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25:24Acts 7:51-60 (NIV) / When the apostle Stephen spoke boldly about faith in the Righteous One, they stoned him to death, and he became the first Christian martyr. There are times in our lives when we come to crossroads and must make important decisions. Learn Secret #4 and reflect on how can we make Spirit-filled decisions so that we can live without…
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Acts 2:1-12 (NIV) / The apostles waited patiently for the Holy Spirit’s arrival. On the Day of Pentecost, they were filled with the Spirit which enabled them to speak many languages to the people gathered in Jerusalem. Learn Secret #3 to allow the Spirit to move and to celebrate the special moments of bliss in our lives.…
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