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Oscar i Szymon, młodzi przedsiębiorcy, marketingowcy i altruiści z natury. Swoje własne ścieżki w biznesie wydeptujemy już od ponad pięciu lat. Dla jednych będzie to szmat czasu, dla innych zdecydowanie za krótki. Dla nas jednak to czas, który obfitował w wiele upadków i wzlotów, nauki i zdobywania doświadczenia. Wiemy, że to dopiero początek naszej drogi, ale już teraz chcemy dzielić się tym co sami obserwujemy, by wspierać innych przedsiębiorców na ich drodze rozwoju.
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OrganicFit.TV is a safe space to learn, grow, and to become the best version of yourself that you have always dreamed of. Health is really a holistic approach from mind, body, and spirit. Join Adil Harchaoui to reach the potential you have always wanted. Topics vary from health, fitness, positivity, overcoming difficult times, law of attraction, and more. Sometimes it is hard digging through the trenches of daily life on your own. You're not alone. Follow OrganicFit.TV for relatable topics a ...
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Logo, zdaje się nieodłączony element każdej firmy, jak i w ogóle naszego całego społeczeństwa. Każdy z nas chwali się markami, pragnie podkreślić swoją indywidualność i tożsamość poprzez świadome wybory i odznaczenie się właśnie emblematami marek (lub ich brakiem, to też wybór!), w tym logo właśnie. Zdaje się zatem, że każda marka powinna posiadać …
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Pojęcie stresu zostało naukowo zdefiniowane i zdiagnozowane dopiero w 1956 roku. Samo zjawisko towarzyszy nam jednak od zarania dziejów. Współcześnie jednak oddziałuje na nas w zupełnie inny sposób niż na naszych przodków. Nie pomylimy się zatem jeśli powtórzymy śmiałą tezę wysuwaną przez część środowiska medycznego, że stres w XXI wieku jest jedny…
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Pojęcie stresu zostało naukowo zdefiniowane i zdiagnozowane dopiero w 1956 roku. Samo zjawisko towarzyszy nam jednak od zarania dziejów. Współcześnie jednak oddziałuje na nas w zupełnie inny sposób niż na naszych przodków. Nie pomylimy się zatem jeśli powtórzymy śmiałą tezę wysuwaną przez część środowiska medycznego, że stres w XXI wieku jest jedny…
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Kto z nas nie miał sytuacji, w której żałowaliśmy szybko podjętej decyzji i jeszcze długo borykaliśmy się z jej konsekwencjami lub dopracowywaliśmy prezentację tak długo, że wydawało nam się, że jest ósmym cudem świata, po czym nikt nawet nie docenił naszych starań. Z drugiej strony abstrakcyjny perfekcjonizm Steve’a Jobsa pozwoliły mu stworzyć tak…
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Susie Garcia is an Award-winning Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist, Healthy Lifestyle Coach, Author, National Speaker, Food Industry Consultant, Menu and Meal Planning Expert, Sports Nutrition Consultant and Corporate Wellness Advisor.The Topic today is How to Stop Emotional Eating, Enjoy Healthy Weight Loss and Keep it Off for Life!…
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It's December, the most important month of the year, time to reflect, plan and execute early your new year resolutions with these tips. Start right now Visualize the end results Focus on one Resolution Seek Accountability Have a Plan of Attack Reward Yourself & Have Fun with The Process
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Sam McMullen is going to expand on Key to happiness, and the most important moment is now. Does Mind-Wandering Make You Unhappy? and we are happy? When we stay in the moment The most important time is NOW. The present is the only time over which we have power. The most important person is whoever you are with. The most important thing is to do good…
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Let's not use pills for everything, let's use alternative medicine to cure and prevent sickness. These are some healthy home remedies to prevent and fight cold from my homeland Morocco that my mom is recommending : - Garlic - Mint and Great Tea - Argan Oil - Ginger - Cumin - Lemon visit : for more info…
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habits are hard to change, if someone said otherwise, they are mistaking. t’s called a habit for a reason. it’s difficult to change behaviors and beliefs that are literally “hard-wired” into our brain patterns. These tips I am sharing have helped me and a few of my clients to change our bad habits and stick to the great results. Cut yourself a slac…
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Key Benefits of resveratrol on Our Health, Anti-Inflammatory Anti-Aging, Anti-Oxidant Effects. Insipired By Dr David Sinclair.Studies shows that resveratrol can inhibit cancers of intestines and breast. The increase in nitric oxide gas in our body help increase the size of our blood vessels. which will lead to increase in circulation and the drop o…
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The Power Of Visualization, Affirmations And The Right Thinking To Have Breakthroughs and Achieve Your Goals In Life with SAMANTHA FE, It all starts with the mind. Samantha will share some great tips on how to leverage visualization and affirmation to accomplish anything in life.저자 Adil Harchaoui & Brittany Nikkole Thomas
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Performance Based Nutrition Tips with World Strongest Woman, Jennie talks about her career as an athlete, coach and overall performance guru, helping athletes reaching their full potential.저자 Adil Harchaoui & Brittany Nikkole Thomas
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Summer is over, it doesn't mean to fall back on your old habits and get off track because you don't have to take your shirt off or put the Bikini on that often. Stay consistent and live a healthy lifestyle all year long.저자 Adil Harchaoui & Brittany Nikkole Thomas
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sugar is your enemy, some health experts suggest that’s the source of this obesity epidemic America suffers from. Facts Check : According to some stats average American consumes 2.5 lbs of sugar a day. We are talking about 140 lbs. of sugar a year저자 Adil Harchaoui
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Enjoy these healthy tips to help prepare healthy snacks for your kids. Cultivating good eating habbits in your children starts early. These tips helps you make good healthy decisions for your and your kids저자 Adil Harchaoui & Brittany Nikkole Thomas
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Stress is necessary for life. You need stress for creativity, learning, and your very survival. it becomes overwhelming and interrupts the healthy state of equilibrium that your nervous system needs to remain in balance.저자 Adil Harchaoui & Brittany Nikkole Thomas
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Testosterone is a hormone primarily produced in the testicles, and it's most often associated sex drive, it helps maintain strong bones, muscle mass and strength, and keeps fat evenly distributed. if you want to build lean muscle, burn fat, boost energy and sex drive, testosterone is what you want to boost naturally with these foods in the podcast.…
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What happens to your body during a hangover? • Liver: ➢ Your liver can only detox the equivalent to one drink per hour. If you had more than one drink per hour, your body is playing catch up in an attempt to try to detoxify itself. ➢ Body Produces triglycerides (fat compounds) and free fatty acids, causing fatty liver ➢ Buildup of lactic acid follo…
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