<div class="span index">1</div> <span><a class="" data-remote="true" data-type="html" href="/series/this-is-womans-work-with-nicole-kalil">This Is Woman's Work with Nicole Kalil</a></span>
Together, we're redefining what it means, looks and feels like, to be doing "woman's work" in the world today. With confidence and the occasional rant. From boardrooms to studios, kitchens to coding dens, we explore the multifaceted experiences of today's woman, confirming that the new definition of "woman's work" is whatever feels authentic, true, and right for you. We're shedding expectations, setting aside the "shoulds", giving our finger to the "supposed tos". We're torching the old playbook and writing our own rules. Who runs the world? You decide. Learn more at nicolekalil.com
Conversations with Catholics of color and those from communities of non-European origin, where we can get to know about each other’s faith experiences, stories, spirituality, and culture.
Conversations with Catholics of color and those from communities of non-European origin, where we can get to know about each other’s faith experiences, stories, spirituality, and culture.
Reflection Sharing the Vision of Black Catholic Congress In this episode, I share impressions and highlights of the 13th National Black Catholic Congress which brought almost 3000 black Catholics from around the United States together in Maryland this past July. To read today’s transcript go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wSTojDUvmGdgYLDpYOD1JN2riu0e0tfV/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107774066431502474908&rtpof=true&sd=true What is the National Black Catholic Congress? Go to www.nbccongress.org See some photos from the closing Mass at Congress XIII, https://nbccongress.org/photo-gallery-closing-mass-at-national-black-catholic-congress-xiii/ Cardinal Gregory speaking at Congress XIII, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSN-zGqV7hA Black Catholics from Boston attend Congress XIII, http://www.thebostonpilot.com/article.php?ID=195285 Stay connected with Voices from the Pews Send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com Call and leave a voicemail at 617.682.0885 Follow or like us on Facebook, Instagram and Threads @Voicesfromthepews This podcast is powered by Pinecast .…
Fr. Paul Zirimenya Be A Light for Others Today, we are joined by Fr. Paul Zirimenya, a priest for the Archdiocese of San Francisco who currently serves as the chaplain for the Deaf community and administrator of St. Benedict's Parish. Fr. Paul shares about discerning his vocation to the priesthood, his journey from Uganda to the United States and his ministry to deaf and hearing, different cultural backgrounds and all walks of life. Transcript of today’s episode: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U05xC_do8BiuSMw_aXHCCDYmqUWfKitF/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107774066431502474908&rtpof=true&sd=true To learn about St. Benedict parish for the Deaf in San Francisco sfdeafcatholics.org Deaf people have their own language with distinctive cultural and linguistic features and consider their communicative abilities to be fully thriving. Read about Deaf Culture, https://ncpd.org/disability-ministry/deafness-hearing-loss the ministries and programs of The national Catholic Office for the Deaf https://www.ncod.org and the International Catholic Deaf Association https://www.icda-us.org/ the history of American Sign language (ASL) www.startasl.com/history-of-american-sign-language/ Pray the Our Father in ASL, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYkvQps_QBE Ugandan Sign Language https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ugandan_Sign_Language Brief lesson in Ugandan Sign Language (USL) www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAfLZ-BgK60 During this episode, I mention that I will be attending Congress XIII and will be presenting during one of the break out sessions. To learn more about the National Black Catholic Congress www.nbccongresss.org Stay connected with Voices from the Pews Send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com Call and leave a voicemail at 617.682.0885 Follow or like us on Facebook and Instagram @Voicesfromthepews This podcast is powered by Pinecast .…
Kimberly Pérez Counseling Through the Eyes of Mercy Kimberly Perez, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and the Founder of the Divine Mercy Healing and Counseling Center joins us today for a conversation about her journey of faith, the way in which her faith in Christ shapes how she sees her role as a therapist, the importance of mental wellness and the stigma surrounding mental health in communities of color NOTE : if you or someone you know is in need of support, please reach out to a licensed professional. You can also call or text 988 to reach the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline number . To learn more about Kimberly's practice, go too: https://divinemercyhealingcounseling.com Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers: https://catholicmhm.org national Catholic Partnership on Disability Council on Mental Illness and Wellness https://ncpd.org/councilonmentalillness Stay connected with Voices from the Pews Send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com Call and leave a voicemail at 617.682.0885 Follow or like us on Facebook and Instagram @Voicesfromthepews This podcast is powered by Pinecast .…
Paul Albert (Encore) Answering the Call to Mission This is a rerelease episode of a conversation with Paul Albert, husband, father, and Director of Missions for Life Teen as well as cofounder of Missionary Impulse. Paul shares his transformative faith journey and the impact that answering the call to mission has had on him and his wife Anna. invite Paul to speak at your next event, www.catholicspeakersofcolor.com www.missionaryimpulse.com Watch Paul talk about (in Haitian Creole) the St. John Paul II Center in Madian, Haiti, www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A95AtfStnQ Read about Paul and Anna as they were preparing for their wedding and to become missionaries. www.enterprisenews.com/story/news/2011/08/20/stoughton-couple-prepares-for-mission/40074764007/ learn more about Life Teen, //lifeteen.com learn about Life Teen’s mission in Haiti. // lifeteen.com/missions/haiti-missions/ Read St. Pope John Paul II’s encyclical, Redemptoris Missio, that Paul briefly references during our conversation, www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_jp-ii_enc_07121990_redemptoris-missio.html Stay connected with Voices from the Pews Send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com Call and leave a voicemail at 617.682.0885 Follow or like us on Facebook and Instagram @Voicesfromthepews This podcast is powered by Pinecast .…
Richard Lane Go Make Disciples. Richard Lane, Catholic lay evangelist, Director of Evangelization at St. Patrick of Heatherdowns Parish in Toledo, Ohio, and friend of the podcast joins us today to reflect on the importance of evangelization and why we need to always be ready to share our witness of how Christ has made a difference in our lives. Richard will be featured on a future episode where you will hear his inspiring faith journey. You can find Richard Lane at richardlaneministries.com Read about what the Church teaches about evangelization. This is only a small sample Evangelii Gaudium: Apostolic Exhortation on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World, Pope Francis, 2013 www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations/documents/papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20131124_evangelii-gaudium.html U.S. Bishops document, Go Make Disciples , www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/how-we-teach/evangelization/go-and-make-disciples/introduction_go_and_make_disciples Inviting All to Follow Jesus: Pastoral Letter on Evangelization , Sean Cardinal O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap_., 2011_ www.bostoncatholic.org/sites/g/files/zjfyce871/files/2020-01/PastoralLetterRGB_4_EnglishLetter.pdf Stay connected with Voices from the Pews Email voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com Leave a voicemail at 617.682.0885 Follow or like us on Facebook and Instagram @Voicesfromthepews…
Ashley Piche A Heart for Truth, Beauty, and Creation Today’s guest, Ashley Piche, wife, mother, educator, and Executive Director of Creatio, shares about her journey of faith and how her search for meaning in suffering led her to find solace in the Catholic Church. We also learn about the ministry of Creatio. To find out more about Creatio’s mission trips and pilgrimages, go to, https://creatio.org And about the Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati Hiking Pilgrimage , Italy, go to https://creatio.org/causes/frassati-info/ . Read about Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/saint/pier-giorgio-frassati-736 https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=6994 Seven keys to finding God in nature , https://denvercatholic.org/seven-keys-to-finding-god-in-nature/ Read LAUDATO SI on the Care of Our Common Home , Encyclical by Pope Francis, May 2015 https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html Learn about St. Patrick , https://www.galwaycathedral.ie/news/saint-month-st-patrick And pray the Lorica of St. Patrick , https://www.ourcatholicprayers.com/st-patricks-breastplate.html Ashley is an avid reader. Here are a few selections she has read along her journey of faith: No man is an island by Thomas Merton, https://www.amazon.com/No-Man-Island-Thomas-Merton/dp/0156027739 Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, https://www.amazon.com/Mere-Christianity-C-S-Lewis/dp/0060652926 Anthology of short stories by Flannery O’Connor, https://www.amazon.com/Flannery-OConnor-Collected-Everything-Converge/dp/0940450372/ref=asc_df_0940450372/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312014159271&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1016789132087341544&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=90 Stay connected with Voices from the Pews Send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com Call and leave a voicemail at 617.682.0885 Follow or like us on Facebook and Instagram @Voicesfromthepews…
Lorna Heron To Grieve with Faith, Hope and Healing Today, Lorna Heron, a dedicated healthcare advocate, and parishioner of St. Katharine Drexel parish in Boston shares about her journey of faith, the loss of her child and how it has led her to start a ministry for parents who are also experiencing grief. During our conversation, Lorna mentions that there will be a Mass and reception for parents who are grieving the loss of a child. To learn more about Lorna’s ministry and the Mass, send a message to heronstravel@gmail.com To learn about the history of Black Catholics in the United States, read https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2022/02/04/history-black-catholics-242339 https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/history-black-catholics-in-america-180969271/ To learn about St. Katharine Drexel parish, https://stkdparish.org Stay connected with Voices from the Pews Send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com Call and leave a voicemail at 617.682.0885 Follow or like us on Facebook and Instagram @Voicesfromthepews…
Pondering the Paschal Mystery in Hiroshima Sr. Mary Corripio In this episode, Friend of the show, Sr. Mary Corripio shares her reflection on the Paschal Mystery in relation to the city of Hiroshima and how after the atomic bomb blast, it was able to rebuild and today thrives as an ambassador for peace. Read and contemplate the messages of Pope Francis, Benedict and St. Pope John paul II about the Paschal Mystery. Pope Francis, General Audience, 13 April 2022 https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/audiences/2022/documents/20220413-udienza-generale.html Pope Benedict XVI, general Audience , Wednesday, 8 April 2009 http://www.vatican.va/liturgical_year/holy-week/2009/index_en.htm St. John Paul II, General Audience, April 1998 https://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/audiences/1998/documents/hf_jp-ii_aud_08041998.html To learn more about Hiroshima- How Hiroshima Rose from the Ashes of Destruction https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2016/apr/18/story-of-cities-hiroshima-japan-nuclear-destruction Learn about Hiroshima’s path to reconstruction https://hiroshimaforpeace.com/en/hiroshima75/history-hiroshima/ Hiroshima and Nagasaki- the Aftermath https://www.history.co.uk/article/hiroshima-and-nagasaki-the-aftermath Stay connected with Voices from the Pews Send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com Call and leave a voicemail at 617.682.0885 Follow or like us on Facebook and Instagram @Voicesfromthepews…
Monica Lacouture Build the Faith Today's guest, Monica Lacouture, co-founder of the ministry, Build the Faith, shares the powerful story of her faith journey and how her faith became much stronger during the experience of her daughter's battle with cancer and how this led her and her family to start Build the Faith. To learn more about build the Faith, go to www.buildthefatih.org . People are still sharing and requesting prayers in the Facebook group, 1 million prayers for Cristy, https://www.facebook.com/groups/513058112050859/ Share your thoughts about this episode send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com or leave a voicemail at 617.682.0885 Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @Voicesfromthepews…
ENCORE-Sr Mary Corripio Journey of a Soul Sr. Mary Corripio, SNDdeN a Cuban American religious sister who serves as a missionary in Hiroshima, Japan joins us on Voices from the Pews to tell us about her spiritual journey that led her to embrace God’s call to bear witness to His goodness Learn about The sisters of Notre Dame de Nemur https://www.sndden.org/ their founder, St. Julie Billiart https://www.franciscanmedia.org/saint-of-the-day/saint-julie-billiart https://snddensjb50.org/2019/03/01/family/ How someone is officially declared a saint in the Catholic Church https://www.usccb.org/offices/public-affairs/saints The Martyrs of Japan https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=4773 https://www.franciscanmedia.org/saint-of-the-day/saint-paul-miki-and-companions How generations of Japanese Catholics have kept the faith alive https://catholicherald.co.uk/how-generations-of-japanese-catholics-have-kept-the-faith-alive/ Hiroshima for peace https://hiroshimaforpeace.com/ Stay connected with Voices from the Pews Send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com Call and leave a voicemail at 617.682.0885 Follow or like us on Facebook and Instagram @Voicesfromthepews We’d love to hear your questions, comments, and story ideas…
To Begin Again Voices from the Pews is back. Lorna shares about how Lent gives us the chance to begin again and focus on deepening our relationship with our families, friends, communities and God. Pope Francis Message for Lent, https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2023/02/17/230217c.html Journey to the Foot of the Cross - 10 Things to Remember For Lent, https://www.usccb.org/prayer-and-worship/liturgical-year/lent/journey-to-the-foot-of-the-cross-10-things-to-remember-for-lent Stay connected with Voices from the Pews. Share your questions, comments, and story ideas!!! Send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com Call and leave a voicemail at 617.682.0885 Follow or like us on Facebook and Instagram @Voicesfromthepews…
ENCORE-Sr. Marcia Hall Providence Provides Sr. marcia Hall, OSP joins us on Voices from the Pews to talk about her vocation to religious life as part of the Oblate Sisters of Providence and their founder Servant of God, Mother Mary Lange who is one of 6 Black Catholics currently being considered for sainthood. Learn about The Oblate Sisters of Providence and the Mother Mary Lange Guild oblatesisters.com How someone is officially declared a saint https://www.usccb.org/offices/public-affairs/saints 6 Black Catholics from the U.S. being considered for sainthood https://www.usccb.org/committees/african-american-affairs/road-sainthood-leaders-african-descent https://angelusnews.com/faith/the-holy-perseverance-of-six-black-catholics-on-the-road-to-sainthood/ The overlooked history of Black Catholic nuns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31YRa3Qig_8 https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/246467/the-hidden-history-of-black-catholic-nuns-in-the-us PRAYER FOR THE CANONIZATION Of Servant of God, MOTHER MARY LANGE https://www.dosp.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Mary-Lange-Prayer-Web.pdf Is there a topic you’d like to hear about? Stay connected with Voices from the Pews Send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com Call and leave a voicemail at 617.682.0885 Follow or like us on Facebook and Instagram @Voicesfromthepews Look for the next episode in two weeks…
Advent Reflection 3 Fr. Stanley Rousseau Fr. Stanley Rousseau a priest from Haiti, serving in the Archdiocese of Boston considers the experience of the ancient people of Israel waiting for the Lord and the experience of the people of Haiti today. Wishing all of you a happy and blessed Christmas. Readings for the fourth Sunday in Advent, https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/121822.cfm Hail Mary in Creole, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49qo2FE8FtY Haïti, https://www.state.gov/countries-areas/haiti The Cost of Haiti’s Freedom, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/03/podcasts/the-daily/haiti-revolt-france-payments.html Bishops of Haiti decry ongoing insecurity and gang violence, https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/2022-08/bishops-of-haiti-decry-ongoing-insecurity-and-gang-violence.html Living in hell: A Jesuit superior describes dire conditions in Haiti, https://www.americamagazine.org/politics-society/2022/10/21/jesuit-superior-conditions-haiti-gangs-violence-kidnapping-hunger Listen to the previous reflections by Susan Ho and Natalia Pellicano wherever you regularly listen to podcasts. Although Voices from the Pews is taking a brief break, we’d love to stay connected - Send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com Call and leave a voicemail at 617.682.0885 Follow or like us on Facebook and Instagram @Voicesfromthepews We’d love to hear your questions, comments, and story ideas…
Encore -Sr. Barbara Gutierrez Our Lady of Guadalupe- An Encounter Across Cultures, Across Time This is an encore presentation of a conversation with Sr. Barbara Gutierrez, SNDdeN. about Our Lady of Guadalupe. What did her appearance say to the Indigenous people in Mexico, to the conquistadores during this time of early conquest? What does she say to us in the 21st century? read the transcript, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DAT2SenkaIefeNYLhisMW7HX9eZ8YC9_/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107774066431502474908&rtpof=true&sd=true Read more about Our Lady of Guadalupe, https://aleteia.org/2017/12/12/the-hidden-symbolism-of-8our-lady-of-guadalupes-image/ https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/2018-12/our-lady-of-guadaloupe-feast-day-mexico-americas.html and at the official website of the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe https://virgendeguadalupe.org.mx/en/ to learn about St. Juan Diego, the first Indigenous saint from the Americas, https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=73 and https://www.vatican.va/news_services/liturgy/saints/ns_lit_doc_20020731_juan-diego_en.html Read about The mysterious Black woman in the eyes of Our Lady of Guadalupe, https://www.blackcatholicmessenger.com/guadalupe-eyes/?ref=black-catholic-messenger-newsletter Pray St. John Paul II’s Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe, https://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/cultural-diversity/hispanic-latino/resources/upload/our-lady-of-guadalupe-jp-II-prayer.pdf Sr. Barbara belongs to the Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, to learn about her religious community, go to https://www.sndden.org/ Get in touch with Voices from the pews Send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com Call and leave a voicemail at 617.682.0885 Follow or like us on Facebook and Instagram @Voicesfromthepews We’d love to hear your questions, comments, and story ideas!!…
Advent Reflection Natalia Pellicano As we enter into the third week of Advent, let us take a moment to hear a reflection by Natalia Pellicano to help us prepare spiritually for Christmas. “Be patient, brothers and sisters, until the coming of the Lord.” Readings for the 3rd Sunday in Advent, bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/1211 , 22.cfm Learn why the third Sunday in Advent is called Gaudete Sunday, www.newadvent.org/cathen/06394b.htm Get in touch with Voices from the pews with your questions, comments, and story ideas, Send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com Call and leave a voicemail at 617.682.0885 Follow or like us on Facebook and Instagram @Voicesfromthepews…
Advent Reflection Susan Ho As we begin the season of Advent, let us take a moment to hear a reflection from, friend of the show, Susan Ho, to help us prepare ourselves spiritually for the miracle of Christmas. Readings for the 1st Sunday in Advent, bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/112722.cfm Listen to the earlier episode featuring Susan, voicesfromthepews.com/2022/05/13/susan-ho/ read Susan’s blog at lostsheepfound.com Get in touch with Voices from the pews with your questions, comments, and story ideas, voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com 617.682.0885…
Michael Howard Eat The Scroll Today’s conversation is all about evangelization and how to evangelize with educator, writer, speaker, and evangelist Michael Howard from Eat the Scroll Ministry. Michael shares resources and reflections from ministry leaders from around the country at Eat the scroll Ministry, https://www.eatthescrollministry.com https://www.facebook.com/eatthescroll/ Michael Howard new fellow in LMU Black Catholic program https://www.blackcatholicmessenger.com/michael-howard-lmu-fellow The course Michael is teaching at Loyola Marymount University https://crs.lmu.edu/programs/faculty/?expert=michael.howard The Presence of Black Catholics Today and Tomorrow Michael mentions his conversation with Sr. Thea Bowman, who is one of the 6 Black Catholics currently being considered for sainthood. Read about her, https://www.sistertheabowman.com/biography/ What does it mean to evangelize? To evangelize is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others. https://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/how-we-teach/evangelization/go-and-make-disciples/what_is_evangelization_go_and_make_disciples The Second Vatican Council’s central purpose was evangelization. All its reforms, whether about liturgy, ecumenism and interreligious dialogue, or education, were all ordered toward one goal: to make the Gospel more accessible to the modern world. https://www.ncregister.com/news/vatican-ii-and-the-new-evangelization-29721pee Get in touch with Voices from the pews with your questions, comments, and story ideas, voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com 617.682.0885…
Emily Strand & Eric Styles Meet Father Rivers (Part 2) Today, we continue our conversation about Fr. Clarence Rivers who influenced so many as a priest, liturgist, composer and mentor with Emily Strand and Eric Styles, cohosts of the podcast, Meet Father Rivers. Learn more about Fr. Clarence Rivers https://lykefoundation.org/rev-clarence-rivers/ https://www.praytellblog.com/index.php/2021/11/06/unsung-hero-fr-clarence-rivers/ Take a look at the first edition of the Lead Me, Guide Me Hymnal, published in 1987 which was dedicated to Fr. Rivers. https://www.amazon.com/Lead-Me-Guide-American-Catholic/dp/9992233044 What was Vatican II anyway? Pope St. John XXIII announced the Second Vatican Council in 19599, explaining that this would be an opportunity for an “aggiornamento” — a serious reflection on how to express and live the truths of the faith in a way that would be heard, understood, and received. https://www.pillarcatholic.com/what-was-vatican-ii-anyway/ Some of the changes brought about by Vatican II included the way in which the liturgy was celebrated- the priest faced the people the Mass was celebrated in the vernacular and not in Latin The Day the Mass Changed, how it Happened and Why -- Part I https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?recnum=9377 Black Catholic Worship: Some Reflections by Bishop Joseph N. Perry Each culture brings its distinctions and styles that make the church so diversely rich. There are more fundamental goods predicated in human cultures than there are denials or distractions from fundamental Christian truth. “Catholic” means universal; and in this universality is found racial, ethnic and philosophical diversity. https://www.americancatholicpress.org/Bishop_%20Perry_Black_Catholic_Worship.html More on Black Catholic culture and how it is reflected within liturgy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_At5RC2zHc You can find the Meet Father Rivers Podcast at https://meetfatherrivers.libsyn.com/ or wherever you listen to podcasts Get in touch with Emily and Eric at meetfatherrivers@gmail.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MeetFatherRivers Contact Voices from the pews with your questions, comments, and story ideas Email voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com or call and leave a message at 617.682.0885…
Emily Strand & Eric Styles Meet Father Rivers (Part 1) Today, Emily Strand and Eric Styles, cohosts of the podcast, Meet Father Rivers talk to us about Fr. Clarence Rivers a hidden yet essential figure in Catholic history of the United States. We learn about how he influenced so many through his ministry as a priest, liturgist, composer, author, speaker, teacher, and mentor. He strove to infuse the Catholic liturgy with the many gifts from the African American culture. Emily and Eric also share how Fr. Rivers influenced them and the way in which they view the role of music in the liturgy. Learn more about Fr. Clarence Rivers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarence_Rivers https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Fr.+Clarence+Rivers%2C+liturgy+pioneer%2C+dead+at+73.-a0127432639 https://www.praytellblog.com/index.php/2021/11/06/unsung-hero-fr-clarence-rivers/ Listen to Fr. Rivers sing “God is Love” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXqfh5KxqYs “Bless the Lord,” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOM769nrzrI Listen to the Missa Luba , a Congolese setting of the Mass, which influenced Fr. Rivers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RSZNxcgIuA You can find the Meet Father Rivers Podcast at https://meetfatherrivers.libsyn.com/ or wherever you listen to podcasts Get in touch with Emily and Eric at meetfatherrivers@gmail.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MeetFatherRivers Twitter @RiversPodcast Contact us with questions, comments, and story ideas Email voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com or call and leave a message at 617.682.0885…
Deacon Sermed Ashkouri A Courageous Faith Deacon Sermed Ashkouri, a bi-ritual deacon who serves the Chaldean mission in the Chaldean Catholic Diocese of St. Thomas and the Archdiocese of Boston joins us on Voices from the Pews to talk about coming to the United States as a teen, what life is like for Christians in Iraq today and the events and activities of the Immaculate Conception Chaldean Mission. ** Content advisory There are some descriptions of violence during our conversation. So, if you are listening with little ones, you may want to listen with headphones or consider not allowing them to hear this portion of our conversation. Watch The Ordination of Deacon Sermed Ashkouri to the deaconate https://chaldeanchurch.org/diaconate-ordination-of-sermed-ashkouri to contact the Immaculate conception Chaldean Mission of Boston, go to https://chaldeanchurch.org/churches/immaculate-conception-chaldean-mission/ Learn about the Chaldean rite https://cnewa.org/magazine/chaldean-rite-catholics-christians-with-a-distinct-spirituality-30081/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaldean_Catholic_Church the Christians of Iraq https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/2021-03/pope-francis-iraq-christianity-ancient-history-mesopotamia.html Iraqi Christians today https://www.fmreview.org/sites/fmr/files/FMRdownloads/en/iraq/lamassu.pdf Christian Iraqis wary of Easter attacks https://www.dw.com/en/christian-iraqis-wary-of-easter-attacks/a-17579253 Iraqi Christians resilient on Easter https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iraq-christians/iraqi-christians-resilient-on-easter-idUSTRE73N19Z20110424 Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv3HI8wkzRA Pope Francis in Iraq 2021 - Witness the pivotal moments of this historic trip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSfIrqmogvY Would love to hear your comments, questions, and story ideas. Send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com or call and leave a message at 617.682.0885…
Nate Tinner -Williams Black Catholic Messenger Nate Tinner -Williams, seminarian, commentator, and cofounder of The Black Catholic Messenger joins us on Voices from the Pews to talk about his journey into the Catholic Church, connecting with Black Catholics and his discernment to enter the priesthood. Learn about The Josephites (St. Joseph's Society of the Sacred Heart) https://www.josephites.org The Institute for Black Catholic Studies https://www.xula.edu/ibcs Read The Black Catholic Messenger blackcatholicmessenger.com The History of Black Catholics in the U.S. by Fr. Cyprian Davis https://www.amazon.com/History-Black-Catholics-United-States/dp/0824514955 Get in touch with questions, comments, and story ideas Email voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com or call and leave a message at 617.682.0885…
Malena Towers This is Her Story, this is Her Song Malena Towers, Cuban born Opera Singer / Vocalist, Pianist and Music Teacher, who serves as Director of Music at her parish, St. Mary, mother of God church, in Middletown NJ joins us on Voices from the Pews. Learn about Malena towers https://www.malenatowerssoprano.com Malena sings “My Tribute-to God be the Glory” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAvlxJZaH1Q Catholicism in Cuba What's the state of the Church in Cuba? https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/35981/whats-the-state-of-the-church- Report on International Religious Freedom: Cuba https://www.state.gov/bureaus-offices/under-secretary-for-civilian-security-democracy-and-human-rights/office-of-international-religious-freedom/ the challenges of living the Catholic faith in Cuba: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdNQsFWnDpI St. John Paul II in Cuba: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIinM2IrU1Y Please share your thoughts and comments Send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com or call and leave a message at 617.682.0885…
Episode Notes Sr Mary Corripio Journey of a Soul Sr. Mary Corripio, SNDdeN a Cuban American religious sister who serves as a missionary in Hiroshima, Japan joins us on Voices from the Pews to tell us about her spiritual journey that led her to embrace God’s call to bear witness to His goodness Learn about The sisters of Notre Dame de Nemur https://www.sndden.org/ their founder, St. Julie Billiart https://www.franciscanmedia.org/saint-of-the-day/saint-julie-billiart https://snddensjb50.org/2019/03/01/family/ How someone is officially declared a saint in the Catholic Church https://www.usccb.org/offices/public-affairs/saints The Martyrs of Japan https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=4773 https://www.franciscanmedia.org/saint-of-the-day/saint-paul-miki-and-companions How generations of Japanese Catholics have kept the faith alive https://catholicherald.co.uk/how-generations-of-japanese-catholics-have-kept-the-faith-alive/ Hiroshima for peace https://hiroshimaforpeace.com/ Is there a story you’d like to share? Is there a topic you’d like to hear about? www.voicesfromthepews.com Look for the next episode in two weeks Notes go here…
Sr. Marcia Hall Providence Provides Sr. marcia Hall, OSP joins us on Voices from the Pews to talk about her vocation to religious life as part of the Oblate Sisters of Providence and their founder Servant of God, Mother Mary Lange who is one of 6 Black Catholics currently being considered for sainthood. Learn about The Oblate Sisters of Providence and the Mother Mary Lange Guild oblatesisters.com How someone is officially declared a saint https://www.usccb.org/offices/public-affairs/saints 6 Black Catholics from the U.S. being considered for sainthood https://www.usccb.org/committees/african-american-affairs/road-sainthood-leaders-african-descent https://angelusnews.com/faith/the-holy-perseverance-of-six-black-catholics-on-the-road-to-sainthood/ The overlooked history of Black Catholic nuns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31YRa3Qig_8 https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/246467/the-hidden-history-of-black-catholic-nuns-in-the-us PRAYER FOR THE CANONIZATION Of Servant of God, MOTHER MARY LANGE https://www.dosp.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Mary-Lange-Prayer-Web.pdf Is there a story you’d like to share? Is there a topic you’d like to hear about? send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.comhttp:// www.voicesfromthepews.com ) Look for the next episode in two weeks Episode Notes…
Fr. Alex Castro Faith, Food, Fun Fr. Alex Castro, AA, Pastor of St. Anne/St. Patrick Parish in Sturbridge, MA, and chaplain of the Filipino Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Boston joins us on Voices from the Pews to talk about his vocation story, the Filipino Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Boston and the connection between faith and culture. Learn about Which Countries have the largest number of Catholics in the world www.romereports.com/en/2019/08/17/top-5-countries-with-highest-number-of-catholics The Assumptionist Fathers https://www.assumptio.org The Filipino Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Boston www.facebook.com/Filipino-Apostolate-of-Boston-209496125747105/ www.filipinoapostolate.com Cardinal Sean O’Malley Celebrating 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines with the Filipino Community http://cardinalseansblog.org/2021/11/05/celebrating-500-years-of-christianity-in-the-philippines Is there a story you’d like to share? Is there a topic you’d like to hear about? voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com @Voicesfromthepews www.voicesfromthepews.com Look for the next episode in two weeks Episode Notes Notes go here…
Episode Notes Continued conversation with Jamille Lima Pandolfo, wife, mother, member of Shalom Catholic Community and Evangelization Consultant for Ethnic Communities in the Archdiocese of Boston. Learn more about: The Shalom Catholic Community. founded by Moysés de Azevedo. https://www.comshalom.org The Shalom Community in Boston. https://instagram.com/shalom.boston?utm_medium=copy_link The ministry that Jamille and I are a part of in the Archdiocese of Boston. https://www.evangelizeboston.com/resources/ethnic-communities/ is there a topic you’d like to hear about or a story you’d like to share? voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com www.voicesfromthepews.com Look for the next episode in two weeks.…
Jamille Lima Pandolfo (Part I ) A Heart filled with Shalom Jamille Lima Pandolfo, wife, mother, member of Shalom Catholic Community and Evangelization Consultant for Ethnic Communities in the Archdiocese of Boston Shares about her experience growing up in the Shalom Catholic community and how she fell in love with Jesus and then felt called to become a missionary. Learn more about the Shalom Catholic Community founded by Moys_ és de Azevedo https://www.comshalom.org The Shalom Community in Boston https://instagram.com/shalom.boston?utm_medium=copy_link Learn about the ministry that Jamille and I are a part of in the Archdiocese of Boston, https://www.evangelizeboston.com/resources/ethnic-communities/ Let your voice be heard!!! What have you enjoyed about _Voices from the Pews ? is there a topic you’d like to hear about? Is there a story you’d like to share? voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com @voicesfromthepews www.voicesfromthepews.com Look for part II of this conversation in the next episode in two weeks Episode Notes Notes go here…
Paul Albert, husband, father, Director of Missions for Life Teen, and Co-Founder of Missionary Impulse shares about growing up Catholic, his journey to a deeper faith in Christ and how he and his wife Anna discerned becoming missionaries in Haiti. Watch Paul speaking (in Haitian Creole) about the St. John Paul II Center in Madian, Haiti, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A95AtfStnQ Read St. Pope John Paul II’s encyclical, Redemptoris Missio, that Paul briefly references, https://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_jp-ii_enc_07121990_redemptoris-missio.html invite Paul to speak at your next event, https://www.catholicspeakersofcolor.com learn more about Life Teen, https://lifeteen.com learn about Life Teen’s mission in Haiti, https://lifeteen.com/missions/haiti-missions/ Let your voice be heard!!! Share your thoughts about this episode. Is there a topic you want to hear about or is there a story you’d like to share? voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com www.voicesfromthepews.com Look for the next episode in two weeks Episode Notes Notes go here This podcast is powered by Pinecast .…
Susan Ho Lost Sheep found Susan Ho Joins us on the Voices from the Pews podcast to tell us about her journey of faith and how her heart was inflamed with a deeper faith in Christ. To read Susan’s blog, where she shares from her heart go to lostsheepfound.com “The New Evangelization is a call to each person to deepen his or her own faith, have confidence in the Gospel, and possess a willingness to share the Gospel. It is a personal encounter with the person of Jesus, which brings peace and joy.” To learn more, go to https://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/how-we-teach/new-evangelization/disciples-called-to-witness/disciples-called-to-witness-part-i To share your thoughts about Voices from the Pews podcast, send an email to voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com Or Go to www.voicesfromthepews.com Episode Notes Notes go here This podcast is powered by Pinecast .…
Sr. Barbara Gutierrez, SNDdeN joins us to share the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe. What did her appearance say to the Indigenous people in Mexico, to the conquistadors during this time of early conquest? What does she say to us, living today in the 21st century? To read more about Our Lady of Guadalupe, go to https://aleteia.org/2017/12/12/the-hidden-symbolism-of-8our-lady-of-guadalupes-image/ https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/2018-12/our-lady-of-guadaloupe-feast-day-mexico-americas.html and at the official website of the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe https://virgendeguadalupe.org.mx/en/ Sr. Barbara belongs to the Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, to learn more about her religious community, go to https://www.sndden.org/ To read the transcript of this episode, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DAT2SenkaIefeNYLhisMW7HX9eZ8YC9_/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107774066431502474908&rtpof=true&sd=true To share your thoughts about Voices from the Pews podcast, send an email to [voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com…
We are called to open wide our hearts and embrace the gifts found in the unity of our diversity within the Church. This podcast features conversations with Catholics of color and those from communities of non-European origin so that we can learn more about each other’s faith experience, spirituality, and culture. Share your thoughts about the Voices from the Pews Podcast, send an email to: voicesfromthepewspodcast@gmail.com…
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