Dec 17 2024- Nothing’s Off The Table To Trim City Costs, Insists Browaty
Manage episode 455970578 series 3406324
Taxpayers are ornery after the City of Winnipeg proposed a 5.9% increase to their property taxes. Finance Chair Jeff Browaty joins us in Episode 37 to pitch service improvements that he and Mayor Scott Gillingham say their budget will deliver.
7.15 Part 2- Coun. Jeff Browaty says that while in theory the law requires the city to have a balanced budget, escalating costs like overtime for firefighters and transit operators have wiped out the rainy day fund. While his budget proposes $41M in savings across departments, "if we don't have enough revenue, we're going to have to start closing down the amenities people appreciate."
Browaty addresses raising transit fares, new payment options, and 311 wait time improvements, but admits, "it's ridiculous that there's certain things that are failing residents and it's unacceptable."
14.00- Browaty confirms the poll Gillingham cited as proof there's support for the budget only surveyed 400 people, in a city of over 800,000.
With affordability an issue, raising taxes was "the last thing we wanted to do" but other levels of government benefit from inflation while "fire trucks are being purchased in US dollars."
17.40- Marty asks why city councillors aren't tightening their belts with wage or ward allowance rollbacks. Browaty airs some criticism of the spending of other council members.
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20.05 Part 3- Former Mayoral candidate Don Woodstock sent an email to council members on December 9 about the City needing a DOGE approach to reduce the cost of civic governance. Listen to Browaty explain a new process that will "drill down into the nitty gritty" on "big cost departments", to find more government efficiencies, such as lowering fleet costs.
23.15- "Nothing's off the table" for consideration, including Woodstock's proposal for the city resuming operation of an aggregate recycling program. Browaty is asked about Don's other proposals, like pulling performance bonds on errant contractors- "we should probably better stay on top of it."
25.00- The North Kildonan councillor had asked to appear on TGCTS in October (a top 20 episode) to warn Winnipeggers that water and other costs and fees were spiraling out of control - we ask about the North End Water Treatment Plant. He mentions other projects including Centreport and Parker Lands/Rapid Transit.
28.40 - What's going on with spending another $1.2M on Goulet? "I'm not sure because Goulet I think was basically completed. "
When asked if it could be the installation of an unconsulted bike lane, Browaty spoke about his view of the misnomer of winter cycling- "I believe it's a waste"- using seasonal infrastructure, where new lanes should go- and where they rank as a spending priority. He gives a history lesson of the booddoggle of the Assiniboine bike lane in 2010.
33.10- We asked Browaty if money refendums could bolster public confidence in civic democracy. He explains why he agreed to postpone the blanket Fourplex rezoning hearings.
- * The Season 5 Funding Drive is within $700 of the target- use the Donate tab to contribute today!
38.10 Part 4- A review and updates on Marty's Sun reports and columns, and audience comments, including-
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