Much is made about the creative decisions in ads for the Big Game, but how does all that money, those requisite celebrity cameos, and everything else that goes into these multi-million dollar investments translate into Return on investment? Today we’re going to talk about what the numbers tell us from all those high-profile ads and who the winners and losers of the Advertising Bowl are in 2025. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Nataly Kelly, CMO at Zappi, who unveiled their annual Super Bowl Ad Success report on Monday. We’re here to talk about the approach, the results, and what those results mean for brands that invested a lot of money - and time - into their campaigns. About Nataly Kelly I help companies unlock global growth For more than two decades, I have helped scale businesses across borders, as an executive at B2B SaaS and MarTech companies. I’m Chief Marketing Officer at Zappi, a consumer research platform. I spent nearly 8 years as a Vice President at HubSpot, a multi-billion-dollar public tech company, driving growth on the international side of the business. Having served as an executive at various tech companies, I’ve led teams spanning many functions, including Marketing, Sales, Product, and International Ops. I’m an award-winning marketing leader, a former Fulbright scholar, and an ongoing contributor to Harvard Business Review. I love working with interesting people and removing barriers to access. RESOURCES Zappi website: Connect with Greg on LinkedIn: Listen to The Agile Brand without the ads. Learn more here: Don't miss a thing: get the latest episodes, sign up for our newsletter and more: Check out The Agile Brand Guide website with articles, insights, and Martechipedia, the wiki for marketing technology: The Agile Brand podcast is brought to you by TEKsystems. Learn more here: The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Link—a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content.…
***Winner of Best Storytelling Fiction Podcast 2022 by Hubhopper*** Kahani Jaani Anjaani is a Hindi Stories (kahaani) podcast series narrated by theatre and voiceover artist, Piyush Agarwal. Following the mission of making sure no stories get lost he takes you to the world of Beautiful Hindi narrations & emotions. So stay tuned for new and old Hindi stories - every Friday! His weekly dramatized narrations of lesser known stories from popular authors like Premchand, Bhishm Sahani, Mannu Bhandari, Rabindranath Tagore along with curated stories by new-age hindi writers and their exclusive interviews are loved by over 100k listeners worldwide. Some of the popular writers featured on the podcast are Divya Prakash Dubey, Deepti Mittal, Sudha Arora, SuryaBala, Anurag Sharma and Sushant Supriye. Piyush is known to bring life to unheard, curated, best stories in Hindi to transport the listeners to a different world but also making an important contribution to Hindi literature. Listen to top rated stories that bring the world together for their love of listening to tales and audiodramas in hindi. कहानी जानी अनजानी पॉडकास्ट खूबसूरत हिंदी कहानियों की शृंखला है जो थिएटर और वॉइसओवर कलाकार पियूष अग्रवाल द्वारा बयान की गयी है | पियूष का एक सपना की कोई भी कहानी यूँ ही कहीं खो ना जाए , वो आपको ले जाएंगे खूबसूरत हिंदी कहानियों की दुनिया में। अपनी इस कोशिश से वह प्रेमचंद, भीष्म साहनी, मन्नू भंडारी, महादेवी वर्मा जैसे जाने माने लेखकों की अनसुनी कहानियों के साथ साथ नयी वाली हिंदी के लेखक दिव्या प्रकाश दुबे, दीप्ति मित्तल, ससूर्यबाला, सुधा अरोरा, अनुराग शर्मा और शुशांत सुप्रिये जैसे कई लेखकों की रचनाओं को विष्व भर में लोक प्रिय बना रहे है। कहानियों के साथ कई लेखकों से ख़ास इंटरव्यू भी उनके पॉडकास्ट में शामिल है। अपनी कहानी सुनाने के अनोखे शिल्प के साथ, पियूष ने सुनने वालो को एक अलग दुनिया में ले जाते है और हिंदी साहित्य के लिए एक बहुमूल्य तोहफा दिया है। तो बने रहिये पियूष अग्रवाल के साथ कुछ नए कुछ पुराने किस्से - कहानियों के लिये|
***Winner of Best Storytelling Fiction Podcast 2022 by Hubhopper*** Kahani Jaani Anjaani is a Hindi Stories (kahaani) podcast series narrated by theatre and voiceover artist, Piyush Agarwal. Following the mission of making sure no stories get lost he takes you to the world of Beautiful Hindi narrations & emotions. So stay tuned for new and old Hindi stories - every Friday! His weekly dramatized narrations of lesser known stories from popular authors like Premchand, Bhishm Sahani, Mannu Bhandari, Rabindranath Tagore along with curated stories by new-age hindi writers and their exclusive interviews are loved by over 100k listeners worldwide. Some of the popular writers featured on the podcast are Divya Prakash Dubey, Deepti Mittal, Sudha Arora, SuryaBala, Anurag Sharma and Sushant Supriye. Piyush is known to bring life to unheard, curated, best stories in Hindi to transport the listeners to a different world but also making an important contribution to Hindi literature. Listen to top rated stories that bring the world together for their love of listening to tales and audiodramas in hindi. कहानी जानी अनजानी पॉडकास्ट खूबसूरत हिंदी कहानियों की शृंखला है जो थिएटर और वॉइसओवर कलाकार पियूष अग्रवाल द्वारा बयान की गयी है | पियूष का एक सपना की कोई भी कहानी यूँ ही कहीं खो ना जाए , वो आपको ले जाएंगे खूबसूरत हिंदी कहानियों की दुनिया में। अपनी इस कोशिश से वह प्रेमचंद, भीष्म साहनी, मन्नू भंडारी, महादेवी वर्मा जैसे जाने माने लेखकों की अनसुनी कहानियों के साथ साथ नयी वाली हिंदी के लेखक दिव्या प्रकाश दुबे, दीप्ति मित्तल, ससूर्यबाला, सुधा अरोरा, अनुराग शर्मा और शुशांत सुप्रिये जैसे कई लेखकों की रचनाओं को विष्व भर में लोक प्रिय बना रहे है। कहानियों के साथ कई लेखकों से ख़ास इंटरव्यू भी उनके पॉडकास्ट में शामिल है। अपनी कहानी सुनाने के अनोखे शिल्प के साथ, पियूष ने सुनने वालो को एक अलग दुनिया में ले जाते है और हिंदी साहित्य के लिए एक बहुमूल्य तोहफा दिया है। तो बने रहिये पियूष अग्रवाल के साथ कुछ नए कुछ पुराने किस्से - कहानियों के लिये|
क्या भारत में शादी के बिदाई के दौरान दुल्हनों का रोना ज़रूरी है? कोई रोना कैसे सीखता है? पूनम पाठक की इस प्रफुल्लित करने वाली कहानी को सुनिए और जानिये! Is it important for Brides to cry during their marriage in India? How does one learn to cry? Find more in this hillarious story by Poonam Pathak Show Producer - Devanshi Batra “Kahani Jaani Anjaani” has been selected for the HT SmartCast Podmasters 2024 award!! Vote now to help us win the coveted title of "Best Storytelling" podcast and help spread the joy of listening to Hindi stories for more people!! Click here to Vote - If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our " ". You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at…
क्या सुनील को मिनाक्षी का प्यार मिलेगा? क्या सलीम और राजू से उसकी दोस्ती बनी रहेगी? :) सुनिए मानव कौल जी की लिखी प्रेम कबूतर में | Will Sunil find a way to express his love to Meenakshi? Will his friendship with Salim and Raju stay intact? :) Listen to Prem Kabootar (part 2) written by Manav Kaul. Show Producer - Devanshi Batra If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our " ". You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at…
क्या प्यार में इंसान सच में कबूतर हो जाता है ? :) सुनिए मानव कौल जी की लिखी प्रेम कबूतर में | Does love actually turns you into a character? :) Listen to Prem Kabootar written by Manav Kaul. Show Producer - Devanshi Batra If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our " ". You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at…
सुनिए शेख चिल्ली के मज़ेदार किस्से और लौट जाइये अपने बचपन में कहानी जानी अनजानी के साथ | Listen to funny tales of Sheikh Chilli & relive your childhood with Kahani Jaani Anjaani. Show Producer - Devanshi Batra If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our " ". You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at…
एक रोशनी की तलाश आपको कहाँ तक ले जा सकती है जानिये व्यंग सम्राट हरिशंकर परसाई जी की लिखी टोर्च बेचने वाले में | How far will you go in search of a light? listen to Torch Bechne Waale written by Harishankar Parsai ji. Show Producer - Devanshi Batra If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our " ". You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at…
कैसा होगा कर्मों का फल जानिये खुशवंत सिंह जी की लिखी कर्म में | How does Karma gets back to you, Listen to Karm written by Khushwant Singh. Show Producer - Devanshi Batra If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our " ". You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at…
कैसा होता है जब किसी का विश्वास टूटता है ? जानिये ओमप्रकाश वाल्मीकि जी की लिखी दिल को छूने वाली रचना पच्चीस चौका डेढ़ सौ में | How does it feels when someone's trust breaks? Listen to Omprakash Valmiki's Pachis Chauka Ded Sau. Show Producer - Devanshi Batra If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our " ". You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at…
कैसा हो एक दिन जब सब सच सच बोला जाए , जानिये आर के नारायण जी की लिखी सूरज जैसा में | How will be that day when you decide to speak truth all day, Listen to R.K Narayan's Sooraj Jaisa. Show Producer - Devanshi Batra If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our " ". You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at…
सुनिए प्यार के एक अलग रंग की कहानी , वनमाली जी की लिखी सन्तरेवाली में | Know a different color of love in Santrewali written by Vanmaali ji. Show Producer - Devanshi Batra If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our " ". You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at…
कैसी होगी एक जीत की उड़ान , सुनिए जसवंत सिंह विर्दी की लिखी खुले आकाश में | How high will be a winner's fly, Listen to Khule Aakash Mein written by Jaswant Singh Virdi. Show Producer - Devanshi Batra If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our " ". You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at…
Listen to hindi translation of O' Henry's A Harlem Trajedy ' Ek Mitti Ke Do Rang' and know what would be the different perspectives of life of two friends. कैसे होंगे दो सहेलियों के अलग अलग दुनिया के रंग , सुनिए ओ हेनरी की लिखी A Harlem Trajedy का हिंदी अनुवाद 'एक मिट्टी के दो रंग' में | Show Producer - Devanshi Batra If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our " ". You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at…
इस बसंत जानते हैं क्या होती है एक अध्यापक की व्यथा , सुनिए ज्ञान चतुर्वेदी जी की लिखी 'रामबाबू जी का बसंत' में | This spring understand what is the agony of a teacher, listen to Rambabu ji ka Basant by Gyan Chaturvedi ji. Show Producer - Devanshi Batra If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our " ". You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at…
जानते हैं एक पोस्टमैन की ज़िन्दगी को , शैलेश मटियानी जी की लिखी कहानी 'पोस्टमैन' की नज़र से | Understand the life of a postman , Listen to Postman written by Sailesh Matiyani ji. Show Producer - Devanshi Batra If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our " ". You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at…
विश्वास या अन्धविश्वास, कैसे होगा इसका फैसला? सुनिए वंदना राग जी द्वारा लिखी 'देवा रे देवा ' में | Faith or Superstition, how will it be decided ? Listen to Deva Re Deva written by Vandana Rag ji. Show Producer - Devanshi Batra If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email us and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our " ". You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at…
क्या सदानंद जीत पायेगा अपने अंदर उठे अंतर्द्वंद से , सुनिए सुरेन्द्र मोहंती जी की लिखी गुलमोहर में | Will Sadanand be able to fight his inner conflicts, Listen to beautifully crafted story Gulmohar written by Surendra Mohanty ji. Show Producer - Devanshi Batra If you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email us and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our " ". You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at…
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