I have a problem which i think is a solution but it compounds itself. * My obsessive lists and notes. I scribble thots on anything around me. * supposed to solve my gluttony of thoughts. My brain is overloaded with ideas and thoughts. writing them down frees my mind to concentrate, helps me organize their importance. * mainly the satisfaction of scratching off a DONE ITEM is the payoff, but I cant finish the list, get frustrated and start a new one. * in my defense, there ARE THINGS that if i dont write down, i wont do them, as things close by the time i get off work , and its critical that i pay bills before i start home. If i am thinking of going home an listening to my podcasts, i might get distracted and forget by the time i hit the driveway. * Life is complicated to manage. those who have a spouse that steps up and puts in their share of the work, helps greatly, and this is another episode, but when you feel like you are doing it all, it can fry your brain!! * DAkota? do you smell bacon?…