You can't save your way to your dream life anymore. The truth is, you’re gonna need to learn to make more money. The Travis Makes Money Podcast is not your typical personal finance show. Rather than shaming you for buying a Starbucks coffee or pressuring you to become a billionaire, we focus on empowering you to make more money so you can enjoy life today while preparing for your future. You don’t have to cut back so much that you miss out on the present, and you don’t need to become the next Jeff Bezos either. Hosted by veteran podcaster Travis Chappell, each daily episode features interviews with regular people just like you – yes, you – who have learned how to make more money in unique and unconventional ways. From turning side hustles into an extra six figures to building massive business empires, these conversations dive into the mindset shifts, hard-earned lessons, and simple strategies that helped these individuals succeed. With over 1,000 podcast episodes under his belt, Travis has developed a unique ability to pull out inspiring stories and practical advice you can apply to your own financial journey that you just won’t hear anywhere else. Whether you’re looking for strategies on side hustles, skill building, investing, building generational wealth, or just motivation to take your next steps, this podcast is your resource. Tune in daily for insights, actionable tips, and inspiration from some of the most successful and interesting money-makers on the planet.
Mε αφορμή το βιβλίο του ΜacFarlane «Υπογαία» μια κατάδυση σε ένα από τα πιο γοητευτικά θέματα της urban μυθολογίας, την αχανή απαγορευμένη πόλη που διακλαδώνεται κάτω από το Παρίσι
Ο πίνακας του σπουδαίου Γάλλου ζωγράφου που βγήκε στο φως μετά από έναν αιώνα δείχνει μια τάση που αναπτυσσόταν στην ευρωπαϊκή κοινωνία στα τέλη του 19ου αιώνα, αυτήν της δερματοστιξίας.
Ο Γιάννης Κωνσταντινίδης γράφει έναν σύντροφο ανάγνωσης για μία από τις δημοφιλέστερες νουβέλες που γράφτηκαν ποτέ στη γερμανική γλώσσα, και της οποίας η ερασιθάνατη λάμψη παραμένει ανεξίτηλη.