Episode Notes [03:47] Seth's Early Understanding of Questions [04:33] The Power of Questions [05:25] Building Relationships Through Questions [06:41] This is Strategy: Focus on Questions [10:21] Gamifying Questions [11:34] Conversations as Infinite Games [15:32] Creating Tension with Questions [20:46] Effective Questioning Techniques [23:21] Empathy and Engagement [34:33] Strategy and Culture [35:22] Microsoft's Transformation [36:00] Global Perspectives on Questions [39:39] Caring in a Challenging World Resources Mentioned The Dip by Seth Godin Linchpin by Seth Godin Purple Cow by Seth Godin Tribes by Seth Godin This Is Marketing by Seth Godin The Carbon Almanac This is Strategy by Seth Godin Seth's Blog What Does it Sound Like When You Change Your Mind? by Seth Godin Value Creation Masterclass by Seth Godin on Udemy The Strategy Deck by Seth Godin Taylor Swift Jimmy Smith Jimmy Smith Curated Questions Episode Supercuts Priya Parker Techstars Satya Nadella Microsoft Steve Ballmer Acumen Jerry Colonna Unleashing the Idea Virus by Seth Godin Tim Ferriss podcast with Seth Godin Seth Godin website Beauty Pill Producer Ben Ford Questions Asked When did you first understand the power of questions? What do you do to get under the layer to really get down to those lower levels? Is it just follow-up questions, mindset, worldview, and how that works for you? How'd you get this job anyway? What are things like around here? What did your boss do before they were your boss? Wow did you end up with this job? Why are questions such a big part of This is Strategy? If you had to charge ten times as much as you charge now, what would you do differently? If it had to be free, what would you do differently? Who's it for, and what's it for? What is the change we seek to make? How did you choose the questions for The Strategy Deck? How big is our circle of us? How many people do I care about? Is the change we're making contagious? Are there other ways to gamify the use of questions? Any other thoughts on how questions might be gamified? How do we play games with other people where we're aware of what it would be for them to win and for us to win? What is it that you're challenged by? What is it that you want to share? What is it that you're afraid of? If there isn't a change, then why are we wasting our time? Can you define tension? What kind of haircut do you want? How long has it been since your last haircut? How might one think about intentionally creating that question? What factors should someone think about as they use questions to create tension? How was school today? What is the kind of interaction I'm hoping for over time? How do I ask a different sort of question that over time will be answered with how was school today? Were there any easy questions on your math homework? Did anything good happen at school today? What tension am I here to create? What wrong questions continue to be asked? What temperature is it outside? When the person you could have been meets the person you are becoming, is it going to be a cause for celebration or heartbreak? What are the questions we're going to ask each other? What was life like at the dinner table when you were growing up? What are we really trying to accomplish? How do you have this cogent two sentence explanation of what you do? How many clicks can we get per visit? What would happen if there was a webpage that was designed to get you to leave? What were the questions that were being asked by people in authority at Yahoo in 1999? How did the stock do today? Is anything broken? What can you do today that will make the stock go up tomorrow? What are risks worth taking? What are we doing that might not work but that supports our mission? What was the last thing you did that didn't work, and what did we learn from it? What have we done to so delight our core customers that they're telling other people? How has your international circle informed your life of questions? What do I believe that other people don't believe? What do I see that other people don't see? What do I take for granted that other people don't take for granted? What would blank do? What would Bob do? What would Jill do? What would Susan do? What happened to them? What system are they in that made them decide that that was the right thing to do? And then how do we change the system? How given the state of the world, do you manage to continue to care as much as you do? Do you walk to school or take your lunch? If you all can only care if things are going well, then what does that mean about caring? Should I have spent the last 50 years curled up in a ball? How do we go to the foundation and create community action?…
Digital X Radio Frankfurt from Germany. Straight Electronic Music, Techno, Minimal, EDM, EBM, Industrial, Dark Wave. Music 24/7, Podcast, Chillout sometimes. No politics. No news. No time announcements.
Digital X Radio Frankfurt from Germany. Straight Electronic Music, Techno, Minimal, EDM, EBM, Industrial, Dark Wave. Music 24/7, Podcast, Chillout sometimes. No politics. No news. No time announcements.
DJane Anna Reusch im Podcast bei Digital X Radio Frankfurt. Wie hat alles angefangen, wo geht die Reise und die Farm. Book her once, you will book her forever!
Bob Riemer ist Organisator vom Elektro-Festival "Homerun Open Air 2023". Das Festival findet am 1. Juli 2023 zwischen 10 und 23 Uhr im Exerzierplatz in Gelnhausen statt.
In dieser Folge des Digital X Podcasts spricht Moderator Jörg Stark mit dem Musikproduzenten Stefan Dabruck über seinen Lebensweg, seine Selbstständigkeit und seine Erfahrungen in der Musikindustrie. Stefan gewährt uns spannende Einblicke in seine Karriere als Produzent und wie er früher regelmäßig selbst aufgelegt hat. Er erzählt von seiner Kooperation mit McDonald's und Robin Schulz. Neben seiner Arbeit in der Musikindustrie teilt Stefan Dabruck auch seine Leidenschaft für den Sport, insbesondere für Eintracht Frankfurt und die Eishockey Löwen Frankfurt.…
Jörg von Digital X Radio hat Jörg von Digital X Radio hat Daniel Steindorf im Interview. Die beiden unterhalten sich in der aktuellen Folge des Digital X Podcasts über über Fashion, Musik und Tennis.
In unserem neusten Talk haben wir Rennfahrerin Desirée Müller und unsere Digital X Radio Moderatorin Eva begrüßt. Wenn du die Folge verpasst hast, kein Problem! Du kannst alles im Podcast nachhören. Im Podcast haben wir mit Desirée Müller über ihre Karriere als Rennfahrerin und ihre Erfahrungen im Motorsport gesprochen. Sie hat uns auch von ihren Zukunftsplänen erzählt und ihre Meinung zu aktuellen Themen in der Branche geäußert. Eva, unsere Digital X Radio Moderatorin, hat das Gespräch moderiert und interessante Fragen gestellt. Sie hat Desirée Müller auch Gelegenheit gegeben, ihre Persönlichkeit und ihre Interessen außerhalb des Rennstreckens zu zeigen. Der Podcast kannst Du wie alle anderen Folgen auf unserer Webseite oder über die meisten Podcast-Apps anhören. Du kannst ihn dir also bequem über dein Smartphone, Tablet oder Computer lauschen, wann immer es dir passt. Wir hoffen, dass du viel Spaß beim Zuhören hast und vielleicht sogar etwas Neues über Desirée Müller und den Motorsport lernst.…
Hier gibt's den Podcast von Digital X Radio mit DJ Justin und Jörg in der Moderation zum anhören! DJ Justin: Instagram - Soundcloud - Youtube - Facebook Digital X Radio : Webseite - Instagram - Facebook - DXR App Apple - DXR App Android Impressum