There is nothing we could do that would ever lead God to love us any less … for him to have regret for His sympathy for us and, therefore, change His mind regarding our eternity.
If your hopes have dried out … if you’ve run into dead end after dead end … if you are empty, unfulfilled, dissatisfied, or dried up ... the Lord has an invitation for you. You are just the kind of person He is after.
Jesus didn’t just sympathize once in coming, dying, and resurrecting. He continually sympathizes with ongoing mercy and grace in our times of need. Therefore, let us draw near.
Jesus Christ came into the world to confirm that God is just who He said He was on Mount Sinai—“a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin.”
The kingdom of heaven is leading to an end in which His citizens will be sorted out and separated from those with whom they currently reside. The basis of the sorting will be by fruit that is illustrative of a relationship with Jesus by grace through faith.