Episode 18/365 der kapitalmarkt-stimme.at daily voice auf audio-cd.at heute mit Spieldauer "8 Std. und 12 Min" und 34-seitigem PDF auf Audible: " CFA AudioLearn - Complete Audio Review for Chartered Financial Analyst Level One Exam". Kostenpflichtig, aber günstig und wertvoll, meine ich. Alleine schon das PDF mit den Formeln ist lässig. Hier der Audible-Teaser: Developed by experienced professors and professionally narrated for easy listening, this course is a valuable tool when preparing for your Chartered Financial Analyst Level One or CFA Exam. The audio is focused and high-yield, covering the most important topics you need to know to succeed on the test. The material is accurate, up-to-date, and broken down into bite-sized chapters. There are quizzes and key takeaways sections following each chapter to review questions commonly tested and drive home key points. In this course, we will cover the following: - Ethical and Professional Standards - Quantitative Methods - Quantitative Methods Application - Microeconomics and Macroeconomics - Monetary and Fiscal Policy International Trade, and Currency Exchange Rates - Financial Reporting and Analysis - Income Statements, Balance Sheets, and Cash Flow Statements - Inventories, Long-Lived Assets Income Taxes, and Non-current Liabilities - Financial Reporting Quality and Financial Statement Analysis - Corporate Governance, Capital Budgeting, and Cost of Capital - Leverage, Dividends and Share Repurchases, and Working Capital Management - Portfolio Management - Equity Market Organization, Market Indices, and Market Efficiency - Equity Analysis and Valuation - Fixed-Income Basic Concepts - Fixed-Income Risk Analysis - Derivatives - Alternative Investments We will end the course with a 100 question practice test including the correct answers. Also included, is a follow-along 34 Page PDF manual containing all of the figures, charts, and graphics we’ll be reviewing in the audio. - CFA AudioLearn - Complete Audio Review for Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level One Exam bei audible: https://shorturl.at/dSeE4 - Englischsprache News zur Wiener Börse for free: https://audio-cd.at/page/playlist/7622 - Die drei beliebtesten Seminare der Wiener Börse Akademie: https://audio-cd.at/page/podcast/6687/ Unser Ziel: Kapitalmarkt is coming home. Täglich zwischen 19 und 20 Uhr. 2h Wiener Börse Silvesterparty mit Gunter Deuber / Wolfgang Matejka: https://audio-cd.at/page/podcast/6616 kapitalmarkt-stimme.at daily voice Playlist auf spotify: http://www.kapitalmarkt-stimme.at/spotify http://www.kapitalmarkt-stimme.at Musik: Steve Kalen: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6uemLvflstP1ZerGCdJ7YU Playlist 30x30 (min.) Finanzwissen pur: http://www.audio-cd.at/30x30 Bewertungen bei Apple (oder auch Spotify) machen mir Freude: http://www.audio-cd.at/apple http://www.audio-cd.at/spotify…