In the creative world, passion and talent are essential. But understanding the business side is fundamental for sustained success. "From Creative Passion To Profit" bridges the gap between creativity and commerce, providing you with the tools to manage your finances, develop marketing strategies, and grow your entrepreneurial mindset. By focusing on practical financial and business advice, specifically for individual artists and creatives, this podcast will provide valuable and focused support. Each episode delves into topics such as crafting a winning business plan, demystifying taxes, pricing your work confidently, and overcoming the starving artist mentality. Our goal is to equip you with actionable insights to make informed decisions, ensuring your creative practice not only survives but flourishes. Join us as we explore the intersection of art and business, helping you turn your passion into a profitable and fulfilling career. Subscribe today and take the first step towards mastering your creative enterprise with From Creative Passion To Profit!
The Adventist Pilot Podcast brings together Aviation professionals with an SDA worldview to discuss how our beliefs and values fit within the broader aviation culture.
The Adventist Pilot Podcast brings together Aviation professionals with an SDA worldview to discuss how our beliefs and values fit within the broader aviation culture.
What is it like to serve as a mission pilot overseas? And how can God take a tragedy and work to bring good out of it? Find out today as we talk with Dwayne Harris of the Philippine Adventist Medical Aviation Services (PAMAS). Website: Support the project!
What does it take to be ready at a moment's notice to combat deadly wildfires across the US? And what is involved in managing a Large Tanker aerial firefighting company? Find out today as we talk to Dan Snyder, formerly with Neptune Aviation.
This episode gets into the most dramatic and shocking stories that we didn't get to in Part 1 last week. WARNING: This episode contains graphic descriptions of injuries. Listener discretion is advised. Help us grow!
Does flying air ambulance give pilots a rush of adrenaline? What are the behind-the-scenes dynamics of flying for medevac companies? Find out in this episode. Help us grow!
What is it like to fly for a corporate company? And can we have a positive impact on the people running those large institutions? Find out in this episode. Help us grow!
Working in aviation, we have to learn how to effectively operate in an environment that is trying to kill us. Today we dig a little bit in to how learning to manage this risk teaches us more about God. Help us grow!
What is it like to fly for the major airlines in the US? Can you get a job that is Sabbath-friendly? Today is an intro to a much bigger conversation about flying for the airlines. Help us grow!
Join us as we talk about what it's like to train students as a Certified Flight Instructor, and how we can use that time to uplift others and show Christ in our work.
What is the process to go from zero to employable as a pilot? Joining us today to talk about the initial pilot certification process is Darryl Penney, professor of Aviation at Walla Walla University. ESDA | Adventist Aviation in the South Pacific Division Find an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) Help us grow!…