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We think of serial killers when we hear the word psychopath, but the vast majority are not in prison, but walking among us. Lacking a conscience, they leave a path of destruction and despair as they pass through life. There is no doubt that there is at least one psychopath in your life. You may not even yet know it, as psychopaths are very charming and persuasive. Your partner, your coworker, your boss, your neighbor – any one of them may be a psychopath. Psychopaths pursue their chosen victims with smooth talk and allure until they have total control.
We think of serial killers when we hear the word psychopath, but the vast majority are not in prison, but walking among us. Lacking a conscience, they leave a path of destruction and despair as they pass through life. There is no doubt that there is at least one psychopath in your life. You may not even yet know it, as psychopaths are very charming and persuasive. Your partner, your coworker, your boss, your neighbor – any one of them may be a psychopath. Psychopaths pursue their chosen victims with smooth talk and allure until they have total control.
Deception by an omission of the truth is as bad as a lie. Jennifer Chiaverini Clips Played: Body Snatchers Inc. : What If Your Implants Were Stolen Organs? (youtube.com) Music: Elvis Presley - (You're The) Devil In Disguise (Official Lyric Video) (youtube.com) *********************************************** Psychopath In Your Life UKRAINE Body Parts STOLEN or legally given? Tutogen Medical and RTI Surgical companies from USA and Germany buying Ukraine bodies for exploitation. How does this trick work? - Psychopath In Your Life In the Ukraine, for example, the security service believes that bodies passing through a morgue in the Nikolaev district, the gritty shipbuilding region located near the Black Sea, may have been feeding the trade, leaving behind what investigators described as potentially dozens of “human sock puppets” — corpses stripped of their reusable parts. “If I buy something from Rwanda, then put a Belgian label on it, I can import it into the U.S. When you enter into the official system, everyone is so trusting,” said Dr. Martin Zizi , professor of neurophysiology at the Free University of Brussels. Once a product is in the European Union, it can be shipped to the U.S. with few questions asked. “They assume you’ve done the quality check," Zizi said. "We are more careful with fruit and vegetables than with body parts.” Organ Theft - Not Just Urban Legend — Health & Wellness — Sott.net 42.90 Euros Per Arm: Inside a Creepy Global Body Parts Business - DER SPIEGEL Recycling dead humans into medical implants is a lucrative trade, rousing concerns about how tissues are obtained. Skin and Bone - ICIJ 4 Part Series Body Brokers Leave Trail of Questions, Corruption - ICIJ Skin & Bone: The Shadowy Trade in Human Body Parts (publicintegrity.org) Body wranglers at work: Inside the global trade in human corpses (nbcnews.com) Psychopath In Your Life Having a Baby in a USA Hospital - RISKY and COSTLY* Stealing Babies Blood Cords * Theft of Kidneys * USA Hospitals and Black-Market Organs - Psychopath In Your Life Ukraine Top Black Market Trafficker of Human Organs (sputnikglobe.com) The Ukraine Famine of 1932 - Owlcation https://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/tutogen-medical-inc-history/ Tutogen Medical GmbH - Medical Valley (medical-valley-emn.de) Homepage - RTI Surgical (rtix.com) ****************************************** Tutogen Medical and RTI Surgical: History & Funding Tutogen Medical Founded: 1985 in Germany Operations: Specialized in tissue-based medical implants, including bone and soft tissue grafts. Funding & Growth: Initially funded as a private company; expanded through various investments before being acquired by RTI Biologics in 2008. RTI Surgical (formerly RTI Biologics) Founded: 1998 as Regeneration Technologies, Inc. (RTI) in the U.S. Operations: Developed sterile biological implants from donated human and animal tissues for surgical procedures. Funding: Originally a spin-off from the University of Florida Tissue Bank. Went public in 2000 (NASDAQ: RTIX). Merged with Tutogen Medical in 2008, strengthening its global reach. Acquired by Montagu Private Equity in 2020, becoming a private company again. Recovery Agency Partners RTI values our recovery partners who provide donated tissue. By working with RTI Donor Services, our recovery partners benefit from the science, safety and innovation of RTI Surgical. Our focus is on delivering a high level of service to our recovery partners and developing safe, innovative regenerative health solutions that improve lives and maximize the gift of tissue donation. Support services offered to our agencies include: In-depth technical training and education to include Continuing Education Units (CEU) programs for agency staff Recovery support, including recovery materials and support for donor eligibility determination On-call assistance, with 24/7 response to inquiries Administrative, audit, and regulatory guidance and support Tissue usage reports containing the status of donor tissue and transplant information Comprehensive recovery feedback reports They get their donations with this group: Register to become an organ, eye and tissue donor - Donate Life America ****************************************** My file on how hormones work. https://psychopathinyourlife.com/CRD/ The Stolen Children Project – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline and History of Ruling Class – Psychopath In Your Life WHO are the Royal Monsters running the World? – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline of Eugenics “Natural” Disasters – Psychopath In Your Life Psychopath In Your Life – Dianne Emerson – YouTube Tune in: Podcast Links – Psychopath In Your Life BOOK *FREE* Download – Psychopath In Your Life TOP PODS – Psychopath In Your Life Google Maps My HOME Address: 309 E. Klug Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 SMART Meters & Timelines – Psychopath In Your Life *****************************************…
That didn’t happen And if it did It wasn’t that bad And if it was Its not a big deal And if it is It wasn’t my fault And if it was I didn’t mean it And if I did you deserved it Show Link: Psychopath In Your Life Gypsies - Italians & Jews -No Official History of Gypsies. Where do they come from? How to throw up and NOT DIE of a stroke. - Psychopath In Your Life Clips Played: Shouting Match Between Trump, Vance & Zelensky During Oval Office Press Conference (youtube.com) Chronology of Gypsy History (1) (europeantimes.news) History of the Gypsies - Owlcatation Brownists - Wikipedia This Happens to your Body when You Quit Sugar for 30 Days (youtube.com) Same group also did Melania Coin: Argentina's Memecoin Disaster Is Worse Than You Think (youtube.com) Argentina President Promotes Crypto Scam (youtube.com) LAWYER: How to Stop Cops From COVERING Your Porch Camera (youtube.com) Someone called the cops on me TWICE to make sure I was okay: How to Stop Cops From Using a “Welfare Check” to Search Your Home (youtube.com) ***************************************** My file on how hormones work. https://psychopathinyourlife.com/CRD/ The Stolen Children Project – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline and History of Ruling Class – Psychopath In Your Life WHO are the Royal Monsters running the World? – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline of Eugenics “Natural” Disasters – Psychopath In Your Life Psychopath In Your Life – Dianne Emerson – YouTube Tune in: Podcast Links – Psychopath In Your Life BOOK *FREE* Download – Psychopath In Your Life TOP PODS – Psychopath In Your Life Google Maps My HOME Address: 309 E. Klug Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 SMART Meters & Timelines – Psychopath In Your Life ***************************************** Gypsies in the 19th Century. It is estimated that 800,000 Gypsies lived in Europe by the year 1800. They were most numerous in the Balkans and had a substantial presence in Spain and Italy. About this time, a German scholar, Heinrich Gellmann, proved that the Romani language was linked to some languages of India. The first record of Gypsies in Europe is in 1417 in Germany, although it is quite likely that they arrived in Europe much earlier. They came as Christian penitents and claimed to be exiles from a land called “Little Egypt.” Europeans called them “Egyptians, ” which became corrupted as “Gypsies.” 1. Ethnic Background: Gypsies belonged to the Romani ethnic group, which was distinct from the majority populations of the countries they resided in. They had their own language, customs, and cultural practices. 2. Nomadic Lifestyle: Gypsies were known for their itinerant way of life, moving from place to place in caravans or living in temporary camps. They generally engaged in trade, horse trading, entertainment, or craftwork as means of making a living. 3. Distinctive Dress: Gypsies often had distinct clothing styles that set them apart from the local population. They might wear colorful and flamboyant outfits adorned with jewelry, headscarves, and traditional accessories. 4. Occupations: Gypsies were known for their skills in various trades and crafts such as metalworking, horse training, fortune-telling, and music. These occupations were essential to their survival and contributed to their reputation as a distinct and somewhat mysterious community. 5. Discrimination and Stereotypes: In the 19th century, Gypsies faced widespread discrimination and prejudice, often being viewed as social outcasts. They were subjected to various legal restrictions and social stigma imposed by the majority society. It is important to note that the term “Gypsy” itself carries negative connotations today, and it is more appropriate to use the term “Romani” when referring to the people from this community. What are common surnames among the Romani people? In the 19th century, some common surnames among the Romani people included Smith, Lee, Boswell, Cooper, Ayres, Harris, Stanley, Wood, Brown, Taylor, and Young. These names were often adopted by Romani families as they interacted with settled communities and sought to blend in or avoid discrimination. However, it is important to note that the Romani people are not a homogeneous group, and surname usage can vary depending on regional and cultural factors. ***************************************** 661 Arab Empire: Indians (Zott) brought from India to Mesopotamia. 669 /670 Arab Empire: Caliph Muawiya deports Gypsies from Basra to Antioch on the Mediterranean coast. c. 710 Arab Empire: Caliph Walid resettles Zott from Mesopotamia to Antioch. 720 Arab Empire: Caliph Yazid II sends still more Zott to Antioch. 820 Arab Empire: Independent Zott state established in Mesopotamia. 834 Arab Empire: Zott defeated by Arabs and many of them resettled in border town of Ainzarba. 855 Arab Empire: Battle of Ainzarba fought. Greeks defeat the Arabs and take Zott soldiers and their families as prisoners to Byzantium. c. 1050 Byzantium: Acrobats and animal doctors active (called athingani) in Constantinople. 1192 India: Battle of Terain fought. Last Gypsies leave for the west. 1290 Greece : Gypsy shoemakers appear on Mount Athos. 1322 Crete: Nomads reported on the island. 1347 Byzantium: Black Death reaches Constantinople. Gypsies move west again. 1348 Serbia: Gypsies reported in Prizren. 1362 Croatia: Gypsies reported in Dubrovnik. 1373 Corfu: Gypsies reported on the island. 1378 Bulgaria: Gypsies living in villages near Rila Monastery. 1384 Greece: Gypsy shoemakers reported in Modon. 1385 Romania: First transaction recorded of Gypsy slaves. 1399 Bohemia: The first Gypsy is mentioned in a chronicle. 1407 Germany: Gypsies visit Hildesheim. Germany: Gypsies expelled from Meissen region. Holy Roman Empire: King Sigismund issues safe conduct to Gypsies at Lindau. France: First Gypsies reported in Colmar. Switzerland: First Gypsies arrive. Belgium: First Gypsies reported in Antwerp. Holland: First Gypsies reported in Deventer. Italy: Gypsies come to Bologna. Italy: Andrew, Duke of Little Egypt, and his followers set off to visit Pope Martin V in Rome. Slovakia: Gypsies reported in Spissky. 1425 Spain : Gypsies reported in Zaragoza. 1447 Catalonia: Gypsies first reported. 1453 Byzantium: Turks capture Constantinople. Some Gypsies flee westward. Slovenia: A Gypsy smith is reported in the country. 1468 Cyprus: Gypsies first reported. Switzerland: Parliament meeting in Lucerne banishes Gypsies. Rhine Palatinate: Duke Friedrich asks his people to help the Gypsy pilgrims. 1485 Sicily: Gypsies first reported. 1489 Hungary: Gypsy musicians play on Czepel Island. Spain: First draft of the forthcoming law of 1499 drawn up. Italy: Gypsies expelled from Milan. Germany (Holy Roman Empire): Expulsion of Gypsies ordered. Spain: Expulsion of the Gypsies ordered (Pragmatica of the Catholic Kings). Russia: Gypsies first reported. France: Expulsion of Gypsies ordered. Denmark: Two groups of Gypsies enter the country. Scotland: Gypsy pilgrims arrive, probably from Spain. 1510 Switzerland: Death penalty introduced for Gypsies found in the country. 1512 Catalonia: Gypsies expelled. Sweden: First Gypsies arrive. England: Gypsies first mentioned in the country. 1554 England: The death penalty is imposed for any Gypsies not. leaving the country within a month. 1557 Poland and Lithuania: Expulsion of Gypsies ordered. Early Separatists from the Church of England . They were named after Robert Browne , who was born at Tolethorpe Hall in Rutland , England , in the 1550s. The terms Brownists or Separatists were used to describe them by outsiders; they were known as Saints among themselves. In 1608, a congregation of disgruntled English Protestants from the village of Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, left England and moved to Leyden, a town in Holland. These “Separatists” did not want to pledge allegiance to the Church of England , which they believed was nearly as corrupt and idolatrous as the Catholic Church it had replaced, any longer. Most of the Separatists aboard the Mayflower in 1620 were Brownists, and Pilgrims were known into the 20th century as the Brownist Emigration. First, the Separatists returned to London to get organized. A prominent merchant agreed to advance the money for their journey. The Virginia Company gave them permission to establish a settlement, or “plantation,” on the East Coast between 38- and 41-degrees north latitude (roughly between the Chesapeake Bay and the mouth of the Hudson River). And the King of England gave them permission to leave the Church of England, “provided they carried themselves peaceably.” In August 1620, a group of about 40 Saints joined a much larger group of (comparatively) secular colonists—“Strangers,” to the Saints—and set sail from Southampton, England on two merchant ships: the Mayflower and the Speedwell. The Speedwell began to leak almost immediately, however, and the ships headed back to port in Plymouth. The travelers squeezed themselves and their belongings onto the Mayflower, a cargo ship about 80 feet long and 24 feet wide and capable of carrying 180 tons of cargo. The Mayflower set sail once again under the direction of Captain Christopher Jones. Because of the delay caused by the leaky Speedwell, the Mayflower had to cross the Atlantic at the height of storm season. As a result, the journey was horribly unpleasant. Many of the passengers were so seasick they could scarcely get up, and the waves were so rough that one “Stranger” was swept overboard. (It was “the just hand of God upon him,” Bradford wrote later, for the young sailor had been “a proud a and very profane younge man.”) 1621 Eventually, the Plymouth colonists were absorbed into the Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony. Still, the Mayflower Saints and their descendants remained convinced that they alone had been specially chosen by God to act as a beacon for Christians around the world. “As one small candle may light a thousand,” Bradford wrote, “so the light here kindled hath shone to many, yea in some sort to our whole nation.” The Brownists were eventually absorbed into the Mennonite Church , while others joined the Baptist Church . (They were not the same as the Puritans, who had many of the same objections to the English church but wanted to reform it from within.) The Separatists hoped that in Holland, they would be free to worship as they liked In fact, the Separatists, or “Saints,” as they called themselves, did find religious freedom in Holland, but they also found a secular life that was more difficult to navigate than they’d anticipated. For one thing, Dutch craft guilds excluded the migrants, so they were relegated to menial, low-paying jobs. Even worse was Holland’s easygoing, cosmopolitan atmosphere, which proved alarmingly seductive to some of the Saints’ children. (These young people were “drawn away,” Separatist leader William Bradford wrote, “by evill [sic] example into extravagance and dangerous courses.”) For the strict, devout Separatists, this was the last straw. They decided to move again, this time to a place without government interference or worldly distraction: the “New World” across the Atlantic Ocean. Did you know? The Separatists who founded the Plymouth Colony referred to themselves as “Saints,” not “Pilgrims.” The use of the word “Pilgrim” to describe this group did not become common until the colony’s bicentennial. Mayflower Descendants There are an estimated 10 million living Americans and 35 million people around the world who are descended from the original passengers on the Mayflower like Myles Standish, John Alden and William Bradford. include Humphrey Bogart, Julia Child, Norman Rockwell, and presidents John Adams , James Garfield and Zachary Taylor . Germany: Bavaria closes its borders to Gypsies. Portugal: Gypsies mentioned in literature. 1525 Portugal: Gypsies banned from the country. Sweden: Gypsies ordered to leave the country. 1526 Holland: Transit of Gypsies across country banned. 1530 England and Wales: Expulsion of Gypsies ordered. 1534 Slovakia: Gypsies executed in Levoca. 1536 Denmark: Gypsies ordered to leave the country. Portugal: Deportation of Gypsies to colonies begins. Spain: Any males found nomadizing to be sent to galleys. Scotland: Gypsies allowed to live under own laws. 1541 Czech lands: Gypsies accused of starting a fire in Prague. 1544 England: Gypsies deported to Norway. 1547 England: Boorde publishes specimens of Romani. 1549 Bohema: Gypsies declared outlaws and to be expelled. Estonia: First Gypsies appear in the country. 1557 Poland and Lithuania: Expulsion of Gypsies ordered. 1559 Finland: Gypsies appear on the island of Aland. England: Provisions of previous acts widened to include people who live and travel like Gypsies. Italy: Council of Trent affirms that Gypsies cannot be priests. Scotland: Gypsies to either settle down or leave the country. Ottoman Empire: Gypsy miners working in Bosnia. Portugal: Wearing of Gypsy dress banned. Wales: Gypsies first reported. Finland: First Gypsies reported on the mainland. 1584 Denmark and Norway: Expulsion of Gypsies ordered. 1586 Belarus: Nomadic Gypsies expelled. 1589 Denmark: Death penalty imposed for Gypsies not leaving the country. 1595 Romania: Stefan Razvan, the son of a slave, becomes ruler of Moldavia. 1611 Scotland: Three Gypsies hanged (under 1554 law). 1633 Spain: Pragmatica of Felipe IV takes effect. Gypsies expelled. 1637 Sweden : Death penalty introduced for Gypsies not leaving the country. 1692 Austria: Gypsies reported in Villach. 1714 Scotland: Two female Gypsies executed. 1715 Scotland: Ten Gypsies deported to Virginia. 1728 Holland: Last hunt clears out Gypsies. 1746 Spain: Gypsies to live in named towns. Sweden: Foreign Gypsies expelled. Spain: Round-up and imprisonment of all Gypsies ordered. Austro–Hungarian Empire: Maria Theresa begins assimilation program. Russia: Gypsies banned from St. Petersburg. 1765 Austro –Hungarian Empire: Joseph II continues assimilation program. 1776 Austria: First article published on the Indian origin of the Romani language. Hungary: Two hundred Gypsies charged with cannibalism. Russia: Settlement of nomads encouraged. Spain: Gypsy language and dress banned. United Kingdom: Most racial legislation against Gypsies repealed. 1791 Poland: Settlement Law introduced. 1800: Establishment of Washington, DC as U.S. capital 1802 France: Gypsies in Basque provinces rounded up and imprisoned. 1803: Louisiana Purchase deal doubles the size of the U.S Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806) The Lewis and Clark Expedition, also known as the Corps of Discovery, was a two-year exploration of the newly acquired Louisiana Territory and the Pacific Northwest region of North America, commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson in 1803. 1812 Finland: Order confines nomadic Gypsies in workhouses. During the War of 1812, many tribes allied with either the US or Britain, with many who chose to ally with the British viewing them as less of a threat than the growing United States. The Burning of Washington is the name given to the burning of Washington, D.C., by British forces in 1814, during the War of 1812. Strict discipline and the British commander's orders to burn only public buildings are credited with preserving most residences, but as a result the facilities of the U.S. government, including the White House, were largely destroyed. One of Biden's great-great-great-grandfathers was born in Sussex, England, and emigrated to Maryland in the United States by 1820. Nancy Pelosi Father: D'Alesandro was born in Baltimore on August 1, 1903. He was the son of Maria Antonia Petronilla and Tommaso F. D'Alessandro. His father was born in Montenerodomo , Abruzzo , Italy, and his mother was born in Baltimore, to parents from Genoa , Liguria , Italy. [1] D'Alesandro attended Calvert Business College in Baltimore. Before beginning his political career, he worked as an insurance and real estate broker. [2] 1822 United Kingdom: Turnpike Act introduced: Gypsies camping on the roadside to be fined. 1823: Monroe Doctrine announces the U.S. as a global player 1828: Baltimore-Ohio railroad starts the transport revolution 1830 Germany: Authorities in Nordhausen remove children from their families for fostering with non-Gypsies. The Trail of Tears was the forced displacement of approximately 60,000 people of the "Five Civilized Tribes" between 1830 and 1850, and the additional thousands of Native Americans and their enslaved African Americans within that were ethnically clea... 1835 Denmark: Hunt for Travelers in Jutland. United Kingdom: Highways Act strengthens the provisions of the 1822 Turnpike Act. 1837 Spain: George Borrow translates St. Luke’s Gospel into Romani. Transylvania: Serfs (including Gypsies) emancipated. Denmark: Gypsies allowed into the country again. The California gold rush (1848–1855) was a gold rush that began on January 24, 1848, when gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California. The news of gold brought approximately 300,000 people to California from the rest of the United States and abroad. The sudden influx of gold into the money supply reinvigorated. The Orphan Train Movement was a social experiment that transported children from crowded coastal cities of the United States, such as New York City and Boston, to willing foster homes across the country. The orphan trains ran between 1854 and 1929, relocating an estimated 250,000 orphaned, abandoned, or homeless children. 1855 Romania: Gypsy slaves in Moldavia emancipated. 1856 Romania: Gypsy slaves in Wallachia emancipated. 1860 Sweden: Immigration restrictions eased. Because of the Circassian genocide , which was perpetrated by the Russian Empire during the Russo-Circassian War in the 19th century, most of the Circassian people were exiled from their ancestral homeland and consequently began living in what was then the Ottoman Empire —that is, modern-day Turkey and the rest of the Middle East . In the early 1990s, the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization estimated that there are as many as 3.7 million Circassians in diaspora in over 50 countries. The two Circassian languages —western Adyghe and eastern Kabardian —are natively spoken by the Circassian people. In May 1864, a final battle took place between the Circassian army of 20,000 Circassian horsemen and a fully equipped Russian army of 100,000 men The American Civil War, also known as the War Between the States or simply the Civil War (see naming), was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 in the United States after several Southern slave states declared their secession and formed the Confederate States of America (the "Confederacy" or the "South"). North America's first transcontinental railroad (known originally as the " Pacific Railroad " and later as the "Overland Route") was a 1,911-mile (3,075 km) continuous railroad line constructed between 1863 and 1869 that connected the existing eastern U.S. rail network at Council Bluffs, Iowa with the Pacific coast at the Oakland Long Wharf on San Francisco Bay. 1865 Scotland: Trespass (Scotland) Act introduced. 1868 Holland: New immigration of Gypsies reported. The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. Usually considered one of the most consequential amendments, it addresses citizenship rights and equal protection under the law and was proposed in response to issues related to formerly enslaved Americans following the American Civil War. The amendment was bitterly contested, particularly by the states of the defeated Confederacy, which were forced to ratify it in In United States history, the Gilded Age is the period from about the late 1870s to the late 1890s, which occurred between the Reconstruction era and the Progressive Era. It was named by 1920s historians after Mark Twain's 1873 novel The Gilded Age 1872 Belgium: Foreign Gypsies expelled. Ottoman Empire: Muslim Gypsies given equal rights with other Muslims. Denmark: Gypsies barred from the country once more. Bulgaria: In a pogrom, villagers massacre the Muslim Gypsies in Koprivshtitsa. 1879 Hungary: National conference of Gypsies held in Kisfalu. Serbia: Nomadism banned. Many years before there was a $15-billion empire to fret over, there was a ten-year-old immigrant boy with little more than a sharp mind and an unyielding will to succeed. Nicholas Pritzker arrived in Chicago in 1881 after his family had fled the Jewish ghetto near Kiev, Russia. The Kennedy family (Irish: Ó Cinnéide) is an American political family that has long been prominent in American politics, public service, entertainment, and business. In 1884, 35 years after the family's arrival from County Wexford, Ireland. 1886 Bulgaria: Nomadism banned. Germany: Bismarck recommends expulsion of foreign Gypsies. 1888 United Kingdom: Gypsy Lore Society established. Electrical service to American homes began in the late 1890s and blossomed from 1920 to 1935, by which time 70 percent of American homes were connected to the electrical utility grid The Capone family immigrated to the United States in 1893 and settled at 95 Navy Street, in the Navy Yard section of downtown Brooklyn, near the Barber Shop that employed Gabriele at 29 Park Avenue. When Al was 11, the Capone family moved to 38 Garfield Place in Park Slope, Brooklyn. THE “BANANA WARS” is a term coined for the conflicts involving the United States across Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean from 1898 to 1934. 1899 Germany: Police Gypsy Information Service set up in Munich by Alfred Dillmann. Germany: Prussian Parliament unanimously adopts proposal to regulate Gypsy movement and work. Bulgaria: Sofia conference held, demanding voting rights for Gypsies. Germany: A census of all Gypsies in Bavaria is taken. Finland: Mission to the Gypsies set up. France: Identity card introduced for nomads. Germany: Prussian minister issues special instructions to police to “combat the Gypsy nuisance.” 1914 Norway: Some 30 Gypsies are given Norwegian nationality. Sweden: Deportation Act also makes new immigration of Gypsies difficult. Holland: Caravan and House Boat Law introduces controls. Bulgaria: Istiqbal organization founded. Germany: In Baden, all Gypsies are to be photographed and fingerprinted. Bulgaria: Journal Istiqbal [Future] starts publication. Slovakia: A group of Gypsies is tried for cannibalism; they are found innocent. USSR: All-Russian Union of Gypsies established. Germany: Bavarian state parliament brings in a new law “to combat Gypsy nomads and idlers.” Switzerland: Pro Juventute starts a program of forced removal of Gypsy children from their families for fostering. USSR: First moves to settle nomadic Gypsies. Germany: Legislation requiring the photographing and fingerprinting of Gypsies instituted in Prussia. Bavaria institutes laws forbidding Gypsies to travel in large groups or to own firearms. Norway: The Aliens Act bars foreign Gypsies from the country. USSR: Journal Romani Zorya (Romany Dawn) starts publication. Germany: Nomadic Gypsies in Germany are to be placed under permanent police surveillance. Prof. Hans F. Günther writes that it was the Gypsies who introduced foreign blood into Europe . Slovakia: Pogrom takes place in Pobedim. USSR: Nikolai Pankov’s Romani book Buti i Dzinaiben [Work and Knowledge] published. Norway: A doctor recommends that all Travelers be sterilized. USSR: First issue of the journal Nevo Drom [New Way] appears. USSR: Teatr Romen opens in Moscow. 1933 Austria: Officials in Burgenland call for the withdrawal of all civil rights for Gypsies. Bulgaria: Journal Terbie [Education] starts publication. Germany: The National Socialist (Nazi) Party comes to power, and measures against Jews and Gypsies begin. Gypsy musicians barred from the State Cultural Chamber. Sinto boxer Johann Trollmann stripped of his title as light-heavyweight champion for “racial reasons.” Act for the Prevention of Hereditarily Ill Offspring, also known as the Sterilization Act, instituted. During “Beggars’ Week,” many Gypsies were arrested. Latvia: St. John’s Gospel translated into Romani. Romania: General Association of the Gypsies of Romania founded. National conference held. Journals Neamul Tiganesc [Gypsy Nation] and Timpul [Time] start publication. USSR: Teatr Romen performs the opera, Carmen. Germany: Gypsies who cannot prove German nationality expelled. Romania: Bucharest “international” Congress. Germany: Marriages between Gypsies and Germans banned. Yugoslavia: Journal Romano Lil starts publication. Germany: The right to vote removed from Gypsies. June-Internment camp at Marzahn opened. General Decree for Fighting the Gypsy Menace instituted. November-Racial Hygiene and Population Biological Research Unit of the Health Office begins its work. The minister of war orders that Gypsies should not be called up for active military service. Poland: Janusz Kwiek elected king of the Gypsies. Germany: April-Decree on the Preventative Fight against Crime: All Gypsies classed as antisocial. Many Gypsies arrested to be forced labor for the building of concentration camps. June-Second wave of arrests to provide labor to build the camps. Autumn-Racial Hygiene Research Center begins to set up an archive of Gypsy tribes. October-National Center for Fighting the Gypsy Menace established. December-“Fight against the Gypsy Menace” ordered. USSR: Government bans Romani language and culture. Germany: September-Deportation of 30,000 Gypsies planned. October-Settlement Decree: Gypsies not allowed to travel. November– Gypsy fortune-tellers arrested and sent to Ravensbrück concentration camp.German–occupied Czech lands: Nomadism forbidden. German–occupied Poland: Special identity cards issued for Gypsies. Austria: August-Internment camp built in Salzburg. October– Internment of the Gypsies in Burgenland ordered. November– Internment camp for Gypsies set up in Lackenbach. Czech lands: August-Labor camps set up in Lety and Hodonín. France: April– Government opens internment camps for nomads. Germany: Heinrich Himmler orders the resettlement of Gypsies in western Poland. Baltic States: December-Governor Hinrich Lohse orders that Gypsies should “be given the same treatment as Jews.” Croatia: Jaseno-vac concentration camp opened. Czech lands: October-Decision that Gypsies from the so-called Protectorate are to be sent to a concentration camp. Germany: March-Exclusion of Gypsy children from school begins. July-Reinhard Heydrich, Heinrich Himmler’s deputy, brings the Gypsies into the plans for a Final Solution to the “Jewish problem.” Latvia: December-All 101 Gypsies in the town of Libau are executed. Poland: October-A Gypsy camp is set up in the Jewish ghetto of Lodz for 5,000 inmates. Serbia: May-German military commander states that Gypsies will be treated as Jews. November-German military command orders the immediate arrest of all Jews and Gypsies, to be held as hostages. Slovakia: April-Decree separating the Gypsies from the majority population. USSR: June–Schutzstaffel (Storm Troopers) Task Forces move into the occupied areas and systematically kill Jews and Romanies. September-Task forces carry out mass executions of Jews and Romanies in the Babi Yar valley. December-Task Force C murders 824 Gypsies in Simferopol. Yugoslavia: October-German army executes 2,100 Jewish and Gypsy hostages (as reprisal for soldiers killed by partisans). Bulgaria: August-6,500 Gypsies registered by the police on one day. Croatia: May-The government and the Ustasha order the arrest of all Gypsies and their deportation to the extermination camp in Jasenovac. Germany: March-A special additional income tax is levied on Gypsies. July-A decree of the army general staff again orders that Gypsies not be taken for active military service. September– Himmler and Justice Minister Otto Thierack agree to transfer any Gypsies in prison to concentration camps. December-Himmler issues the order to deport the Gypsies in Greater Germany to the concentration camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Poland: January-All Sinti and Romanies from the Lodz ghetto are transported and gassed at Chelmno. April-Romanies are brought into the Warsaw ghetto and kept in the prison in Gesia Street. May-All Gypsies in the Warsaw district to be interned in Jewish ghettoes. July-Several hundred Polish Romanies killed at Treblinka extermination camp. Romania: Spring and Summer -Some 20,000 Romanies are deported to Transnistria. Serbia: August-Harald Turner, head of the German military administration, announces that “the Gypsy question has been fully solved.” Poland: January-Gypsies from Warsaw ghetto transferred to the extermination camp at Treblinka. February-First transports of Sinti and Romanies from Germany are delivered to the new Gypsy Section in Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. March – At Auschwitz, the Schutzstaffel (Storm Troopers) (SS) gasses some 1,700 men, women, and children. May-A further 1,030 men, women, and children gassed by the SS at Auschwitz. SS major Dr. Josef Mengele transferred at his own request to Auschwitz. July-Himmler visits the Gypsy Section in Auschwitz and orders the Gypsies killed. USSR: November-Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories orders all nomadic Gypsies in the territories are to be treated as Jews. Belgium: January-A transport of 351 Romanies and Sinti from Belgium dispatched to Auschwitz. Holland: May-A transport of 245 Romanies and Sinti sent to Auschwitz. Poland: 2 August -1,400 Gypsy prisoners are sent from Auschwitz to Buchenwald concentration camp. The remaining 2,900 Gypsies are killed in the gas chamber. Slovakia: Autumn-Romanies join the fight of partisans in the National Uprising. 27 January -At 3:00 p.m., the first Soviet soldiers reach the main camp at Auschwitz and find one Romany among the survivors. May-World War II ends in Europe. All surviving Gypsies freed from camps. Bulgaria: Gypsy Organization for the Fight against Fascism and Racism set up. Germany: Nuremburg Trials of Nazi leaders begin. Crimes against Gypsies are included in the charges. France: Mateo Maximoff’s novel The Ursitory published. Poland: Roma Ensemble founded. Bulgaria: Teatr Roma established in Sofia. Bulgaria: Teatr Roma in Sofia closed. France: The Pentecostal movement among Gypsies starts. Denmark: Gypsies readmitted to the country. Source: Historical dictionary of the Gypsies. Donald Kenrick. Unlike in many southeastern European countries, Romani people (Gypsies*) make up only a small portion of the Lithuanian population (2 500 people) but they used to be very visible for those who seek. Next to Vilnius international airport, there was a unique Gypsy district ("Taboras") full of illegally constructed wooden shacks whose owners refuse to. Gypsies are noted in the 12th-century history of Constantinople as bear keepers, snake charmers, fortune tellers, and sellers of magic amulets to ward off the evil eye. Balsamon warned the Greeks to avoid these "ventriloquists and wizards" that he said were in league with the Devil. Symon Simeonis describes Gypsies in Crete (1323) as "asserting themselves to be of the family of Ham. They rarely or never stop in one place beyond thirty days, but always wandering and fugitive, as though accursed by God ... from field to field with their oblong tents, back and low." Gypsies living in Modon are described in 1497 by Arnold von Harff as "many poor black naked people ... called Gypsies ... follow all kinds of trade, such as shoemaking and cobbling and also smithery." Gypsies are reported in Serbia in 1348; Croatia in 1362 (as goldsmiths); and Romania in 1378—as slaves put to work as barbers, tailors, bakers, masons, and household servants. Gypsies first surfaced in Switzerland, Hungary, Germany, and Spain in 1414–1417. During this time, they traveled about with a safe-conduct (similar to a passport) from Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. After Sigismund died, Gypsies traveled around Europe with safe-conduct letters from the Pope. Those from Sigismund were legitimate, but the supposed papal letters were forgeries. Hermann Conerus wrote this about Gypsies: "They traveled in bands and camped at night in the fields outside the towns ... They were great thieves, especially their women, and several of them in various places were seized and put to death." In Switzerland, it was noted that Gypsies wore rags that resembled blankets but were bedecked in gold and silver jewelry. The Gypsy women became known as palm readers and petty thieves suspected of sorcery. Many towns in Europe began to pay Gypsies to go away as soon as they appeared. A Bologna chronicle from 1422 gave this account of a visit from a Gypsy group "Amongst those who wished to have their fortunes told, few went to consult without having their purse stolen . . . The women of the band wandered about the town, six or eight together; they entered the houses of the citizens and told idle tales, during which some of them laid hold of whatever could be taken. In the same way, they visited the shops under the pretext of buying something, but one of them would steal." In the 15th century, the Gypsies spread many myths about themselves around Europe. The greatest of these myths was outlined in the forged papal letter. The letter stated that the Gypsies had been sentenced by the Pope for their collective sins to live as nomads, never to sleep in a bed. Along with that sad tale, the letter instructed the people reading it to give the Gypsies food, money, and beer and exempt them from any tolls and taxes. Even though the majority of Gypsy people left the Ottoman Empire and moved on to Europe, some remained. Suleiman the Magnificent issued a decree to regulate Gypsy prostitution in 1530. It is known that Gypsy men played a significant role as miners in the Ottoman Empire of the 16th century. Others were watchmen, iron workers, and charcoal burners. In 1696, Sultan Mustafa II issued orders for Gypsies to be disciplined for their immoral and disorderly lifestyles. They were described as "pimps and prostitutes." But we also find that Gypsy people worked in the Ottoman Empire as broom-makers, chimney-sweeps, musicians, weapon-repairers, and in the manufacture of weapons and ammunition. Gypsies are first noted as musicians in European history in 1469 (Italy). In 1493, they were banned from Milan because they were beggars and thieves who disturbed the peace. While a turban-wearing Gypsy woman told your fortune, her children would pick your pockets. It was said that the Gypsy women cast spells and practiced witchcraft; the Gypsy men were experts at picking locks and pilfering horses. Settled people are usually suspicious of rootless, masterless wanderers with no fixed address. The Gypsies traveled about Europe as did no other people, so they knew more than most about what was happening in various countries and the activities of their inhabitants. This led to rumors that Gypsies were being used as spies. In 1497, the Diet (legislature) of the Holy Roman Empire issued a decree that expelled all Gypsies from Germany for espionage. In 1510, Switzerland followed suit and added the death penalty. A Swiss chronicler denounced Gypsies as "useless rascals who wander about in our day, and of whom the most worthy is a thief, for they live solely for stealing." One hundred thirty-three laws against Gypsies were passed in the Holy Roman Empire between 1551 and 1774. One of those, passed in 1710, made it a crime to be a Gypsy woman or an old Gypsy man in Germany. They were widely viewed as a godless and wicked people. Violators were to be flogged, branded, and deported. “What hath God wrought?” Although the query posed by Samuel Morse related to the unforeseeable consequences of his “Morse code” telegraphic breakthrough, it could just as easily have been directed at the topic of the religious pilgrimage to America. For it was a God-fearing Pilgrim sect called the Puritans who inadvertently set the wheels in motion for a vast criminal reign that would rule the New World two centuries hence. Espousing a dogmatic, Bible-ruling theocracy, these seventeenth-century settlers to colonial America set the stage for a hedonistic backlash that reverberates to this day. Their humanity-denying canon in fact helped contribute the most unsightly fabric to the patchwork of the soon-to-benamed United States of America. The “law of unintended consequences” was never more aptly applied. The late-nineteenth-century immigration wave deposited an assemblage of new citizens on America’s shores, many fr To be a Gypsy man in Germany was to be given a life sentence of prison and hard labor. Children of Gypsy people were taken away from them and put into good Christian homes. In the face of this persecution, we find Gypsy men in Germany forming gangs and turning violent in the eighteenth century. A huge crowd gathered at Giessen, Hesse, to watch the executions of 26 Gypsies in 1726. They were a gang led by the notorious Hemperla (Johannes la Fortun). Some were hung; some were beheaded. The most famous of the German Gypsy brigands was Hannikel (Jakob Reinhard). He was hanged in 1783, along with three of his henchmen, for murder. Hannikel had himself a little army, which included women and children. His father was a platoon drummer. In view of this violence, the King of Prussia decided in 1790 that Gypsy men should all be drafted into the military. Other European countries followed suit, and Gypsy men have since served as soldiers for every country in Europe. Sign warning Gypsies they will be flogged and branded if they enter the Netherlands (1710) We first find Gypsies in Scotland in 1505 as tinkers, peddlers, dancers, raconteurs, guisers, and mountebanks. In 1609, the Vagabonds Act was aimed at Gypsies, and four male members of the Faw family were hung in 1611 for not maintaining a permanent address. Eight more men, six of them with the last name of Faa, were hanged in 1624 for being "Egyptians." The Scottish Gypsy surnames Faa and Baille go back perhaps 500 years. A new decree was issued in 1624 that traveling Gypsy men would be arrested and hanged, Gypsy women without children would be drowned, and Gypsy women with children would be whipped and branded on the cheek. Billy Marshall was a famous Gypsy King in Scotland. He died in 1792 after living 120 years. Billy Marshall fathered over 100 children, some by his 17 wives and some by other women. In England, the Egyptian Act of 1530 was passed to expel Gypsies from the realm, for being lewd vagabonds, conning the good citizens out of their money, and committing a rash of felony robberies. In 1562, Queen Elizabeth signed an order designed to force Gypsies to settle into permanent dwellings or face death. Several were hanged in 1577, nine more in 1596, and 13 in the 1650s. Under King James I, England began to deport Gypsy people to the American colonies, as well as Jamaica and Barbados. Dumping undesirables into the colonies became a widespread practice, not only Gypsies but also "thieves, beggars, and whores." Abram Wood and his family were the first Gypsies to settle in Wales circa 1730. Abram was a great fiddler and storyteller. He became known as the King of the Welsh Gypsies. The sons and grandsons of Abram Wood mastered the national instrument of Wales: the harp. Gypsy mule clippers in Spain (lithograph by Villain) In Provence, it seems the Gypsies were welcomed. It is there that they first began to be called Bohemians. People flocked to them to have their fortunes told. The Gypsies claimed to have dukes and counts among them and later added captains and kings. The Spanish nobility protected the Gypsies at first. Gypsy women were adored for their beauty and seductive charms; Gypsy men were admired as excellent judges of the quality of horses and hired by nobles to procure them for their stables. But in 1499, King Charles expelled all Gypsies from Spain under penalty of enslavement. King Philip III again ordered all Gypsies (who were called Gitanos) out of Spain in 1619, this time under penalty of death. An exception was granted for those who would settle down in one place, dress as Spaniards, and stop speaking their ancient language. Philip IV lowered the penalties to six years on the galleys for men and a good flogging for women in 1633. The city with the most Gypsies was, at the time, Seville. Many Gypsies were publicly flogged there for deceiving the populace by claiming to reveal secrets by divination, heal the sick by magic, cast spells, and for selling maps to buried treasure. A new plan was hatched and executed in 1749, by which all Gypsies in Spain (est. 12,000) would be rounded up in a single night and forced into slavery, with their possessions confiscated. Gypsy women were sent to work as spinners, boys in factories, men in mines and shipyards. Fourteen years later, they were freed by King Charles III. In 1783, legislation was enacted whereby all Gypsy people were required to maintain a permanent address (but not in Madrid). However, this bill banned them from working in many of their popular livelihoods, such as shearing, trading in markets or fairs, and innkeeping. Those who continued to live as nomads were to have their children taken from them and placed in orphanages; a second offense would result in execution. Portugal banned Gypsies in 1526, and any of them born there were deported to the Portuguese African colonies. The first record of Gypsy people being deported to Brazil appears in 1574. Whole groups of them were sent to Brazil in 1686. There were also times in the seventeenth century when the policy was only to send Gypsy women to the colonies, while the men were enslaved on galleys. Hungarian Gypsies at Carpentras in 1868 (painting by Denis Bonnet) The King of France, Charles IX, banned Gypsies in 1561. He ordered that any Gypsy man caught in France be sentenced to three years on the galleys, although they were pronounced a non-violent people. In 1607, Henry IV enjoyed Gypsy dancers at court. By 1666, Gypsy men were again condemned to galleys—this time for life—and Gypsy women caught in France had their heads shaved. The Gypsies were declared royal servants in Hungary and valued as smiths and makers of fine weaponry. They were called "Pharaoh's people" on official Hungarian documents. In a letter from the queen's court in Vienna (1543) it says, "here the most excellent Egyptian musicians play." Gypsies also served as messengers and executioners. Gypsies were expelled from Denmark in 1536 and Sweden in 1560. All these problems with the authorities of European countries resulted in many Gypsy encampments being set up in remote areas on borders since police had no authority beyond their provinces. More and more Gypsy men and women were being flogged and branded. Ferenc Bunko's Band 1854 (Drawing by Varsanyl) A census was conducted in Hungary (1783) that counted over 50,000 Gypsies. They are described as wanderers who lived in tents except in winter, when they retreated into cave dwellings. Gypsies had no chairs or beds, did not use kitchen utensils, ate mostly meat and noodles, loved tobacco and alcohol. They were disdained for eating carrion. Gypsy people had only one set of clothes but lots of jewelry. They were known to be peddlers, beggars, and thieves. Gypsy men were renowned as excellent horsemen and horse traders. Some worked as skinners, as makers of sieves or wooden implements, as gold-sifters or gold-washers, even as tavern keepers. Gypsies were known as exceptionally proud people but with little shame or honor. Parents loved their children very much but did not educate them. The Gypsy way of life was contrary to the rules of every organized society. And those who did settle down were disdained by those who continued as nomads. An early reading waggon in Nottingdale, London, 1879 Gypsies in the 19th Century It is estimated that 800,000 Gypsies lived in Europe by the year 1800. They were most numerous in the Balkans and had a substantial presence in Spain and Italy. About this time, a German scholar, Heinrich Gellmann, proved that the Romani language was linked to some languages of India. Although these people would no longer be considered Egyptians, the name Gypsy stuck (as well as the word "gyp"). During the 19th century, Gypsies became prominent as musicians, chiefly in Hungary, Spain, and Russia. Hungarian nobility developed a tradition of having a Gypsy minstrel next to the host of a banquet to play for his guests. Before long, Gypsy bands proliferated, always including a virtuoso violinist. The first famous Gypsy violinist was Janos Bihari, from Bratislava, who performed at the Congress of Vienna in 1814. By 1850, Gypsy music was popular all over Europe. Gypsy groups went on the road to perform, some as far as America. In 1865, Ferenc Bunko played for the King of Prussia. Imitators of the famous Gypsy bands were soon ubiquitous in Europe, playing in taverns, markets, fairs, festivals, and weddings. In Russia, Gypsies were beloved more for their singing talents. Most every noble family employed a Gypsy chorus, with Gypsy women (who were also dancers) in the main roles, accompanied by a seven-string Russian guitar. The first recorded singer of flamenco music in Spain is a Gypsy man, Tio Luis el de la Juliana. Types of English Gypsy vans The Census of Hungary in 1893 identified 275,000 Gypsies, with most of them by now sedentary, gathered in their own enclaves. Ninety percent of the Gypsy people were illiterate; 70 percent of Gypsy children did not attend school. Besides musicians and horse traders, the Gypsy men were primarily engaged as smiths, brickmakers, and construction workers. Women were mostly hawkers. The largest concentration of them was in Transylvania. In Victorian England, we see the emergence of Gypsy caravans with horse-drawn wagons (vardos) and donkeys or mules in trains. Nomadic Gypsies still lived in tents—even in winter. The Gypsy folk are noted currently as tinkers, potters, basket makers, brush makers, and cheapjack's. It was also in the nineteenth century that they became known as Travelers. It appears that the Gypsy population in Britain was about 13,000 by 1900. The Gypsies served a useful function by distributing goods to remote towns and villages not yet served by trains. They enlivened village festivals with their musicianship, singing, and dancing. They gained a good reputation as people who could repair almost anything. Townsfolk would await the arrival of the Travelers to hear the latest news and gossip from other parts of the realm. Gypsies were also quite involved in the harvesting of hops in England and Ireland, while their womenfolk worked carnivals and fairs telling fortunes. One writer invited tourists to come and see the Gypsies but advised them to come in the morning, as at night the Gypsies are inebriated. The coming of mechanized harvesting machines, as well as cheap machine-manufactured goods, lessened the demand for work common to Gypsy travelers. French Gypsies In Romania, 200,000 Gypsy persons were still enslaved in the first half of the nineteenth century. They worked as grooms, coachmen, cooks, barbers, tailors, farriers, comb makers, and domestic servants. Their master's could kill them with impunity. One reformer described the treatment of these slaves in Iasi: "human beings wearing chains on their arms and legs, others with iron clamps round their foreheads ... Cruel floggings and other punishments, such as starvation, being hung over smoking fires, being thrown naked into a frozen river ... children torn from the breasts of those who brought them into the world, and sold ... like cattle." Before World War One, Gypsies drew huge crowds in England and France when they would wander into a town. People longed to see Gypsy women in person, with gold coins around their necks and bosoms, as well as in their hair-plaits. Gypsy men would call on factories, breweries, hotels, and restaurants in search of work repairing copper vessels and the like. The United States welcomed many Ludar, or "Romanian Gypsies" (actually, most were from Bosnia) from 1880 to 1914. These people joined circuses as animal trainers and performers. Passenger manifests show that they brought bears and monkeys with them across the Atlantic. Gypsy woman Gypsy Marriage Traditions In traditional Gypsy culture, the father arranges the marriage of his son with the father of a prospective bride. The young people generally have the right of refusal. The father of the groom pays a bride-price, which varies according to the status of the two fathers and the two families, as well as the girl's potential as an earner and "history." The new couple then reside with the parents of the groom. The new bride must perform household duties for her in-laws. Sometimes, families exchange daughters as brides for their respective sons. A great fear of Gypsy people through the ages has been of the mullo (a ghost or vampire). In some tribes of Gypsies, it is customary to destroy all property belonging to a dead person to prevent them from haunting the living. In England, this would include the person's living-wagon (van). The Gypsies also dread being declared "polluted" by their clan, which is social death. One can become polluted (defiled) by contact with an unclean female, whose lower parts are considered marime. This term is complicated, but we can safely say it has much to do with genitalia, bodily functions, puberty, menstruation, sex, pregnancy, and childbirth. Kalderash women on the march in England, 1911 Gypsies in the 20th Century Gypsies were never well received in Germany. Near the close of the 19th century, things got worse as Germans subscribed to the theories of Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso. One of his ideas was that criminality is inherited. As one proof of this, Lombroso pointed to the Gypsies, whom he described as generation after generation of people who are vain, shameless, shiftless, noisy, licentious, and violent. Not to mention puppeteers and accordion players. In 1886, Bismarck noted "complaints about the mischief caused by bands of Gypsies traveling about in the Reich and their increasing molestation of the population." In 1899, a clearing house was set up in Munich to collate reports of the movements of Gypsies. The general German opinion was that the nomadic Gypsies used the cover of being entertainers and perfume dealers but focused on begging and stealing. In 1905, Alfred Dillmann distributed his Gypsy Book to police around Europe. The book profiled 3,500 Gypsies. Dillmann hoped it would help eradicate the "Gypsy Plague." By 1926, laws were passed that made it compulsory for Gypsies in Germany to have a permanent address and maintain regular employment. Violators were sentenced to two years in a workhouse. The reason for this penalty was: "These people are by nature opposed to all work and find it especially difficult to tolerate any restriction of their nomadic life; nothing, therefore, hits them harder than loss of liberty, coupled with forced labor." In Switzerland, after 1926, Gypsy children were taken from their parents; their names were changed and placed in foster homes. This policy ended in 1973. Nazi spokesman Georg Nawrocki had this to say in 1937: "It was in keeping with the inner weakness and mendacity of the Weimar Republic that it showed no instinct for tackling the Gypsy question ... We, on the other hand, see the Gypsy question as above all a racial problem, which must be solved and which is being solved." The National Socialists designated Gypsies, along with Jews, for annihilation. Dr. Robert Ritter, a Nazi scientist, wrote in 1940: "Gypsies [are] a people of entirely primitive ethnological origins, whose mental backwardness makes them incapable of real social adaptation ... The Gypsy question can only be solved when ... the good-for-nothing Gypsy individuals ... [are] in large labor camps and kept working there, and when further breeding of this population ... is stopped once and for all." The National Socialist Workers Party (NAZI) rounded up the Gypsies for "protective custody" and shipped them off to concentration camps. Gypsy persons were forcibly sterilized, the subjects of medical experiments, injected with typhus, worked to death, starved to death, froze to death, and gassed in various numbers. The total dead at the hands of the Nazis is estimated to be 275,000. By the 1960s, Gypsy caravans were now mostly drawn with motorized vehicles, and tents had largely been replaced by rough shacks. Many took up residence in state-supplied slum housing. Most Gypsies remained uneducated and illiterate. Many of the men became scrap dealers, and some worked with copper to produce ornamental, decorative pieces of art. Gypsy women were still noted for fortune telling and begging. Some Gypsy children turned to shoplifting, picking pockets, and stealing from vehicles since they were immune to prosecution. One would expect that Gypsy people would have fared well under Communist regimes, what with their stated philosophy of equality for all. But entrepreneurial activities were illegal in Communist states, and these were the specialties of Gypsies. There were 134,000 Gypsies in the Soviet Union in 1959; by the census of 1979, they numbered 209,000. Nomadism was against Soviet law. Work in Soviet factories and farms held little appeal to Gypsies. Starting in the 1950s, Poland offered housing and employment to Gypsies, but most continued to wander. Therefore, Gypsies were forbidden to travel in caravans in 1964. This law was strictly enforced, and within two years, 80 percent of Gypsy children were enrolled in school. In Czechoslovakia, a law was passed in 1958 that forced Gypsies into settlements. Violators had their horses killed and wagons burned. The Czech people looked down on Gypsies as a primitive, backward, and degenerate people. Two hundred twenty-two thousand of them were counted in the 1966 census, and 9 percent of all babies born that year in Czechoslovakia were Gypsies. Their numbers rose to 288,000 by 1980. Romania, in the early 1970s, tried to obliterate Gypsy culture and force the Gypsies into squalid ghettos. Their valuables were confiscated, including their favorite form of savings—huge old gold coins. Bulgaria forbade Gypsies to travel and closed their associations and newspapers. Things were better under the milder form of Communism practiced in Yugoslavia. There we see television and radio stations that broadcast in the Romani language. Gypsies began to participate in regional politics, and a few hundred of them became doctors, lawyers, and engineers. Still, only 20 percent of Gypsy adults had even attended elementary school. They settled in small towns and began buying and selling ready-made goods, surplus and seconds, and used clothing. Gypsy dancer Gypsies embraced education more readily in Britain. They seemed to become aware that at least basic school learning is necessary in the modern age. It is handy to be able to write estimates and receipts; to read plans and manuals; to hold a driving license and insurance; and mostly, to be able to deal with Britain's social services bureaucracy. A 1989 report by the European Community stated that only 35 percent of 500,000 Gypsy children in the 12 member states attended school regularly; half had never been to school even one time; hardly any went on to secondary education; and Gypsy adults had an illiteracy rate of 50 percent. Spain decided to integrate the Gypsies, but there was a fierce backlash from Spanish citizens against having Gypsies as neighbors or having their children attend school with Gypsy children. In Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Bulgaria, settled Gypsy families were beaten up and their houses set on fire. For this reason, some reverted to the nomadic life. The Caravans—Gypsy Camp Near Arles (painting by Vincent van Gogh) Gypsies Today Today, there are five or six million Gypsies living in Europe. Over one million live in Romania; half a million in both Bulgaria and Hungary; a quarter of a million in Russia, Spain, Serbia, and Slovakia. In France and Italy, Gypsy families still work the circus and fairgrounds. In many countries, they operate repair services of various types; sell used cars, furniture, antiques, and junk; sell carpet and textiles. They still hawk, make music, and tell fortunes. One new development is the rise in Pentecostalism among Gypsies. There is even a Gypsy Evangelical Church, with over 200 churches in France alone. There have been six World Romani Congress forums held from 1971 to 2004 to discuss how best to press for rights for the Gypsy people. Answer: It is estimated that we have one million Gypsies in America. I certainly do not consider them 'pests' and in my long life have never heard them described as anything but people - just like everybody else. Question: My exposure to the gypsy culture was a gift however do they still sell off their daughters around age 9 to much older men? Do they still lack official birth names, social security numbers, consistent addresses, and or bank accounts? Do they still sell junk RV's to old people that have been spray painted and molded with bondo? This was what I experienced. Answer: I am not aware of the selling of children to old men. I would think most of them do have government papers but maybe not consistent addresses. As to the RV question I would guess 'yes' but I have no evidence to back that up.…
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Exogenous and endogenous formaldehyde-induced DNA damage in the aging brain: mechanisms and implications for brain diseases | Cell Biology and Toxicology (springer.com) New radioactive landfill in southern Ohio ignites fear about water supply (youtube.com) Breaking Anti-Cancer News: Ditch the Peanuts and Spread the Word | Eat and Beat Cancer Baby tries sugar for first time: https://youtube.com/shorts/8xkXlrDh5ts?si=sZUEsOV_HLNakELZ Baby Tries Chocolate For The First Time (youtube.com) Machine learning the hard way: Watson's fatal misdiagnosis • The Register Book: Turtles All the Way Down – Vaccine Science and Myth: Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth (fakeologist.com) About NutritionFacts.org | NutritionFacts.org Motorola Solutions T600 35 Miles Waterproof Two-way Radio Green, 2-pack | Costco STAGED war scene for the news: and photographs war scenes- NUCLEAR WAR - GLOBAL CIRCUS - YouTube USA & Germany stole body parts Body Snatchers Inc. : What If Your Implants Were Stolen Organs? (youtube.com) Romania is now a bigger NATO base than Germany US, NATO CAUGHT In Romania COUP As Election CANCELLED - YouTube Romania To Host Largest NATO Military Base in Europe | Balkan Insight Brussels-USA-Romania-Ramstein Germany Turn the heat DOWN, Stay toasty warm for $12, stock up now The Wayy Big Hoodie Unisex, 2-pack | Costco 5-Tier Stackable Planter by Multy | Costco Which Frozen Ingredients You Should Cook With | Techniquely with Lan Lam (youtube.com) **************************************** Professor Thomas Seyfried New Study Confirms that Cancer Cells Ferment Glutamine (youtube.com) Listen to Part TWO here: Professor Thomas Seyfried: Part 2: New Study Confirms that Cancer Cells Ferment Glutamine - YouTube The Key to Managing Cancer is Unrelated to What Oncologists Practice (youtube.com) Can a keto diet eliminate cancer growth? Dr. Thomas Seyfried says yes (youtube.com) Why Do Children Get Cancer? (youtube.com) The Cancer Expert: "This Common Food Is Making Cancer Worse!" - YouTube [PDF] Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer Download (oceanofpdf.com) Professor Thomas Seyfried Channel: Talking Cancer With Professor Thomas Seyfried - YouTube Dr. Thomas Seyfried Charity Channel (by Fans) - YouTube ***************************************** Barbara O’Neill: START Doing These 7 Things that Repair DNA and Kill CANCER | Barbara O'Neill (youtube.com) Wellpedia - YouTube Dezi Health - YouTube Barbara O'Neill Videos - YouTube [PDF] [EPUB] The Lost Book of Simple Herbal Remedies: Discover over 100 herbal Medicine for all kinds of Ailment, Inspired By Dr. Barbara O'Neill (Herbal Remedies With Dr. Barbara O'Neill 1) Download (oceanofpdf.com) [PDF] [EPUB] Barbara O'Neill Natural Remedies Complete Collection: Discover 400+ Pages of Life-Changing Herbal Remedies and Natural Solutions for Every Ailment and ... and Natural Remedies Complete Collection 1) Download (oceanofpdf.com) ***************************************** Dr. Robert Lustig Children now have fatty livers like alcoholics -Environmental Obesity The Glucose Expert: The Only Proven Way To Lose Weight Fast! Calorie Counting Is A Load of BS! - YouTube Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity an Disease. Dr. Robert Lustig FREE DOWNLOAD: [PDF] Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease Download (oceanofpdf.com) The Hacking of the American Mind: The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of Our Bodies and Brains. Dr. Robert Lustig FREE Download: [PDF] [EPUB] The Hacking of the American Mind: The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of Our Bodies and Brains Download (oceanofpdf.com) Dr. Robert Lustig YouTube Channel: Robert Lustig - YouTube ***************************************** Things to Consider Is Your Silicone Cookware Safe? Try the “Pinch Test” (youtube.com) @ 11:55 dish soap dangers 10 Toxic Kitchen Items You Should Declutter Immediately (what to do instead, part 2) (youtube.com) From Air Fryers to Coffee Pots and Popcorn in bags: 14 Toxic Kitchen Items You Should Declutter Immediately (and what to do instead) (youtube.com) Worst Cookware Lurking in Your Kitchen to Toss Right NOW From a Toxicologist | Dr. Yvonne (youtube.com) Environmental Working Group – EWG's Dirty Dozen™ and Clean Fifteen™ Lists are here! | Environmental Working Group ***************************************** Grow your OWN FOOD: How to Grow Kale from Seed in Containers and Grow Bags | Easy Planting Guide (youtube.com) The USDA does not regulate how potting soil is labeled; Therefore, potting soil can be labeled “organic” if it technically contains only natural carbon-based ingredients. Grow These 7 Perennial Crops for Endless Harvests! (youtube.com) How to Dehydrate with an Oven | Dehydrating Tips | Oven Drying | Food Storage (youtube.com) How to Grow Onions from Seed in Containers and Garden Beds| Easy Planting Guide (youtube.com) EVERYTHING I Wish I Knew When I Started Growing Tomatoes 🍅 (youtube.com) Watch This Before You Plant Garlic (youtube.com) How To Grow Garlic Indoors Anytime Anywhere (youtube.com) How To Grow Onions Indoors From Cutting - Easy (youtube.com) Get those windows OPEN: Amazon.com: Lasko Ascend 36" Tower Fans for Home, 29 ft/s Airflow, Quiet 29dB on Low, 90° Oscillation, 12 Hour Timer, Air Filter for Hair & Dust, Remote, Black, OST100 : Home & Kitchen $65 "Lasko 20"" Metal Blade Box Fan, 3 Speeds, Weather-Resistant, Portable, White, B20200" - Walmart.com $20 If Available buy the BLACK color. Grisham 32 in. x 80 in. Universal Powdered Coat White Surface Mount Steel Security Door with Expanded Steel Scree 80812 - The Home Depot $137 Grisham Steel Security Door,32'' x 80'' Steel Security Screen Doors (805 White) - Walmart.com $569 Unique Home Designs 32 in. x 80 in. Su Casa Black Surface Mount Outswing Steel Security Door with Expanded Metal Screen 5SH202BLACK32 - The Home Depot $268 ***************************************** My file on how hormones work. https://psychopathinyourlife.com/CRD/ The Stolen Children Project – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline and History of Ruling Class – Psychopath In Your Life WHO are the Royal Monsters running the World? – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline of Eugenics “Natural” Disasters – Psychopath In Your Life Psychopath In Your Life – Dianne Emerson – YouTube Tune in: Podcast Links – Psychopath In Your Life BOOK *FREE* Download – Psychopath In Your Life TOP PODS – Psychopath In Your Life Google Maps My HOME Address: 309 E. Klug Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 SMART Meters & Timelines – Psychopath In Your Life…
"Do not bite at the bait of pleasure, till you know there is no hook beneath it." ~ Thomas Jefferson Music: Make Your Own Kind Of Music (youtube.com) In the NEWS: United Health Replaces Slain CEO With SCAMMER: "Biggest Fraud in History" (youtube.com) For the first time, military aircraft are used to deport undocumented immigrants (youtube.com) Mississippi bill would pay bounty hunters to catch undocumented immigrants (thehill.com) Seed Oil Lobbyist Gets Key Trump Admin Position, Putting MAHA To Early Test (msn.com) ****************************************** Vitamin D[3] is not technically a vitamin, i.e., it is not an essential dietary factor; rather, it is a prohormone produced photochemically in the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol. The molecular structure of vitamin D is closely allied to that of classic steroid hormones (eg, estradiol, cortisol, and aldosterone) in that they have the same root cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene ring structure. Technically, vitamin D is a secosteroid because one of the rings of its cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene structure has a broken ring. A secosteroid ( /ˈsɛkoʊˌstɛrɔɪd/ ) is a type of steroid with a "broken" ring. The word secosteroid derives from the Latin verb secare meaning "to cut", and 'steroid'. Secosteroids are described as a subclass of steroids under the IUPAC nomenclature. Some sources instead describe them as compounds derived from steroids. ****************************************** The basic philosophy of Shabbatai’s doctrine of redemption through sin was based on the teachings of Isaac Luria a century earlier. Leading rabbi and Jewish mystic in the community of Safed in the Galilee region of Ottoman Syria, now Israel. He is considered the father of contemporary Kabbalah, his teachings being referred to as Lurianic Kabbalah. Isaac Ben Solomon Luria | Encyclopedia.com Sabbatai Zevi’s message of redemption through sin was enthusiastically received by many. ****************************************** 'I never thought it would happen to me': Homeowner claims spray foam insulation made house stink (youtube.com) Is Polyurethane Toxic? - The Filtery Fusion CENTERS get notified about “negative” views of companies: Government Monitoring Those With "Negative" Views of Health Insurance Companies (kenklippenstein.com) Jill Biden dresses up as a giant panda for White House Halloween event | Sky News Australia My show about Vitamins and Medicine – 4 year ago China Controls Medicine Vitamins -ALL MADE in CHINA (youtube.com) Trump loves crypto = Crypto Jews = Fake Jews. Is Crypto also FAKE Crypto's Biggest Lies Debunked (youtube.com) Virgil P. Sydenstricker (1889–1964) - The Journal of Nutrition Best Vitamin D Supplement! It's Not What You Think! (youtube.com) ****************************************** A very good clip about how to use a tanning bed to get D Illegal Vitamin D Advice (youtube.com) This Can Be DEADLY! (youtube.com) Why vitamin pills don't work, and may be bad for you (bbc.com) Fact or Fiction?: Vitamin Supplements Improve Your Health | Scientific American The Corrupt History of Medicine | John D. Rockefeller | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums How Rockefeller Destroyed Natural Cures to Found Big Pharma – Crazz Files The Nobel Prize and the discovery of vitamins - NobelPrize.org 50 Years Ago, Sugar Industry Quietly Paid Scientists To Point Blame At Fat : The Two-Way : NPR Vitamin D3 is actually Rat Poison | HealthGlade Is Vitamin D3 Really a Mouse and Rat Poison? | The People's Pharmacy (peoplespharmacy.com) ****************************************** History of Fat Manipulation, VERY good information about HOW it happened: Science -- Taubes 291 (5513): 2536 (ucl.ac.uk) CPAP Machine Recall Causes Serious Problems for Sleep Apnea Patients - MedicineNet Health News Nightshade Vegetables may Cause Adverse Reactions in Some People - NaturalNews.com Includes countries and what they put D into: Fortifying foods and drinks with vitamin D: main report - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 9 Reasons Why You Should Stop Drinking Milk (happyhappyvegan.com) Debunking the myths surrounding sun exposure and sunscreen — Health & Wellness — Sott.net VitaminDWiki | VitaminDWiki Which Foods Are Irradiated and Sterilized For Claims of Safety? (wakingtimes.com) endocrinology - Is vitamin D a vitamin or a hormone? - Biology Stack Exchange Irradiation: What It Is, What It Does, and How It Affects the Food Supply (todaysdietitian.com) Fortifying foods and drinks with vitamin D: main report - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) The importance of vitamin D in maternal and child health: a global perspective | Public Health Reviews | Full Text (biomedcentral.com) WARF, Vitamin D, and the Public Interest, 1 | Research Enterprise Is Vitamin D Bad For Bones? - DrWeil.com Why Don’t Europeans Refrigerate Their Milk? | 12 Tomatoes Get the Sunshine In: The Licensing of Irradiated Milk in 1932 - WARF Why Is the United States the Only Country to Allow Hormones in Food Animal Production? | BestFoodFacts.org Should Vitamin D be added to milk to stop us getting sick? | Daily Mail Online Why is there no vitamin D in milk? (calendar-uk.co.uk) Secosteroid - Wikipedia ****************************************** GROW your OWN FOOD Indoors: Grow Lights under $20: 4-Head LED Grow Light for Indoor Plants, Full Spectrum Plant Growing Lights (Red/Blue/Mix), 3/9/12H Timer, 10 Brightness & Auto ON/Off - Walmart.com Grow Lights $40 for TWO: SuncoGrow LED Grow Light, 4ft, 40W Full Spectrum, Linkable – Sunco Lighting Single Marijuana Seeds Canada - Seed Drop Cannabis Seeds Be very careful when buying garden soil. No regulations. Amazon.com : Organic Earthworm Casting All-Natural Fertilizer for Indoor and Outdoor Planting, Enhances Root and Overall Health, Revitalizes Soil with Health Microbes,15 lbs. : Patio, Lawn & Garden ****************************************** My file on how hormones work. https://psychopathinyourlife.com/CRD/ I have to gather more data, but this is my focus. The Stolen Children Project – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline and History of Ruling Class – Psychopath In Your Life WHO are the Royal Monsters running the World? – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline of Eugenics “Natural” Disasters – Psychopath In Your Life Psychopath In Your Life – Dianne Emerson – YouTube Tune in: Podcast Links – Psychopath In Your Life BOOK *FREE* Download – Psychopath In Your Life TOP PODS – Psychopath In Your Life Google Maps My HOME Address: 309 E. Klug Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 SMART Meters & Timelines – Psychopath In Your Life ******************************************…
Don’t let your fear of what could happen make nothing happen. ****************************** The Prather Point – AREA 51 UNUSUAL Activity @7:18 DEEP STATE'S SCORCHED EARTH DEPARTURE! (rumble.com) My interview with The Prather Point starts around 45:00 FIRST RULE OF REPUBLIC RESCUE! (rumble.com) My Show about Santa Ana Winds: Psychopath In Your Life USA Tax Dollars =sending BILLIONS to Ukraine and NOT much for people suffering in USA. WHO is helping steal BILLIONS of Tax Dollars for Ukraine, Penny Pritzger - making money on DEAD Soldiers in Ukraine -Are Santa Ana Winds CREATED? - Psychopath In Your Life Thermite and Smart Meters: Psychopath In Your Life Fires - HOW to Burn down homes to seize land AND Murder. Thermite - Smart Meters - How our homes are wired to go up like firebombs - A Psychopathic Dream to burn us in a RING OF FIRE.. - Psychopath In Your Life I did a show about this years ago, the USA also has a fire prone way to build our homes with LUMBER, Balloon Framing. Why are American Houses Made of Wood? (bestdiplomats.org) Weather as a Force Multiplier, Owning the Weather by 2025 – /tardir/mig/a333462.tiff (coreysdigs.com) Forest Fire As A Military Weapon | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (stateofthenation.co) ****************************** BOOKS: Opus The Cult of Dark Money – Human Trafficking, and Right-Wing Conspiracy – Inside the Catholic Church. Download Free Book Here: [PDF] [EPUB] Opus: The Cult of Dark Money, Human Trafficking, and Right-Wing Conspiracy inside the Catholic Church Download (oceanofpdf.com) *** Supermob: How Sidney Korshak and His Criminal Associates Became America’s Hidden Power Brokers by Gus Russo Download Free Book Here: File Download Supermob: How Sidney Korshak and His Criminal Associates Became America’s Hidden Power Brokers PDF by Gus Russo (pdfdrive.to) ******************************* Weather Modification Patents (Credit; FoxBlog) YEAR – PATENT NUMBER – PATENT NAME 1891 – US462795A – method of producing rainfall 1914 – US1103490A – rain maker (balloon images) 1917 – US1225521A – protection from poisonous gas in warfare 1920 – US1338343A – process and apparatus for the production of intense artificial clouds, fogs, or mists 1924 – US1512783A – composition for dispelling fogs 1927 – US1619183A – process of producing smoke clouds from moving aircraft 1928 – US1665267A – process of producing artificial fogs 1932 – US1892132A – atomizing attachment for airplane engine exhausts 1933 – US1928963A – electrical system and method (for spraying chemtrails) 1934 – US1957075A – airplane spray equipment 1936 – US2045865A – skywriting apparatus 1936 – US2052626A – method of dispelling fog (mit) 1937 – US2068987A – process of dissipating fog 1939 – US2160900A – method for vapor clearing 1941 – US2232728A – method and composition for dispelling vapors 1941 – US2257360A – desensitized pentaerythritol tetranitrate explosive 1946 – US2395827A – airplane spray unit (us. dept. of agriculture) 1946 – US2409201A – smoke-producing mixture 1949 – US2476171A – smoke screen generator 1949 – US2480967A – aerial discharge device 1950 – US2527230A – method of crystal formation and precipitation 1951 – US2550324A – process for controlling weather 1951 – US2570867A – method of crystal formation and precipitation (General Electric) 1952 – US2582678A – material disseminating apparatus for airplanes 1952 – US2591988A – production of tio2 pigments (dupont) 1952 – US2614083A – metal chloride screening smoke mixture 1953 – US2633455A – smoke generator 1954 – US2688069A – steam generator 1955 – US2721495A – method and apparatus for detecting minute crystal forming particles suspended in a gaseous atmosphere (General Electric) 1956 – US2730402A – controllable dispersal device 1957 – US2801322A – decomposition chamber for monopropellant fuel 1958 – US2835530A – process for the condensation of atmospheric humidity and dissolution of fog 1959 – US2881335A – generation of electrical fields (haarp – for re-charging clouds!) 1959 – US2903188A – control of tropical cyclone formation 1959 – US2908442A – method for dispersing natural atmospheric fogs and clouds 1960 – US2962450A – fog dispelling composition (see references) 1960 – US2963975A – cloud seeding carbon dioxide bullet 1961 – US2986360A – aerial insecticide dusting device 1962 – US3044911A – propellant system 1962 – US3056556A – method of artificially influencing the weather 1964 – US3120459A – composite incendiary powder containing metal coated oxidizing salts 1964 – US3126155A – silver iodide cloud seeding generator (main commercial ingredient) 1964 – US3127107A – generation of ice-nucleating crystals 1964 – US3131131A – electrostatic mixing in microbial conversions 1965 – US3174150A – self-focusing antenna system (haarp) 1966 – US3257801A – pyrotechnic composition comprising solid oxidizer, boron and aluminum additive and binder 1966 – US3234357A – electrically heated smoke producing device 1966 – US3274035A – metallic composition for production of hydroscopic smoke 1967 – US3300721A – means for communication through a layer of ionized gases (haarp) 1967 – US3313487A – cloud seeding apparatus 1967 – US3338476A – heating device for use with aerosol containers 1968 – US3410489A – automatically adjustable airfoil spray system with pump 1969 – US3429507A – rainmaker 1969 – US3430533A – aircraft dispenser pod having self-sealing ejection tubes 1969 – US3432208A – fluidized particle dispenser (us air force) 1969 – US3437502A – titanium dioxide pigment coated with silica and aluminum (dupont) 1969 – US3441214A – method and apparatus for seeding clouds 2001 -US20030085296A1 – Hurricane and tornado control device ******************************* My work about hormones: https://psychopathinyourlife.com/CRD/ The Stolen Children Project – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline and History of Ruling Class – Psychopath In Your Life WHO are the Royal Monsters running the World? – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline of Eugenics “Natural” Disasters – Psychopath In Your Life Psychopath In Your Life – Dianne Emerson – YouTube Tune in: Podcast Links – Psychopath In Your Life BOOK *FREE* Download – Psychopath In Your Life TOP PODS – Psychopath In Your Life Google Maps My HOME Address: 309 E. Klug Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 SMART Meters & Timelines – Psychopath In Your Life…
“The paradise of the rich is made out of the hell of the poor.” ― Victor Hugo Are Santa Ana winds created? SCROLL DOWN for list of Patents Weather as a Force Multiplier, Owning the Weather by 2025 - /tardir/mig/a333462.tiff (coreysdigs.com) The Pritzgers GYPSY Past: The Elites are Transgenders - Psychopath In Your Life I have Zelenski and his “wife” in this file: https://psychopathinyourlife.com/CRD/ Penny Pritzker as an example of the criminality of our elites (dailykos.com) Pritzker (allreligionsareone.org) Gus Russo Supermob How Sidney Korshak And His Criminal Associates Became America's Hidden Power Brokers Bloomsbury ( NYC) ( 2006) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Biden Appoints Billionaire From CIA-Mafia Linked Family to Oversee Exploitation of Ukraine’s Economy by Multi-National Corporations - CovertAction Magazine Illinois Democrats, the Pritzker dynasty and the imperialist plunder of Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site (wsws.org) Pritzker family - Wikipedia Zelensky's funeral business: American Democratic Party donors and the Ukrainian president are profiting from the burial industry in Ukraine - Foundation to Battle Injustice (fondfbr.ru) How This Billionaire Couple STOLE California's Water Supply | The Class Room ft. @SecondThought - YouTube ******************************* The Stolen Children Project - Psychopath In Your Life Timeline and History of Ruling Class – Psychopath In Your Life WHO are the Royal Monsters running the World? – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline of Eugenics “Natural” Disasters – Psychopath In Your Life Psychopath In Your Life – Dianne Emerson – YouTube Tune in: Podcast Links – Psychopath In Your Life BOOK *FREE* Download – Psychopath In Your Life TOP PODS – Psychopath In Your Life Google Maps My HOME Address: 309 E. Klug Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 SMART Meters & Timelines – Psychopath In Your Life ******************************* Weather Modification Patents [6] YEAR - PATENT NUMBER - PATENT NAME 1891 – US462795A – method of producing rain-fall 1914 – US1103490A – rain maker (balloon images) 1917 – US1225521A – protection from poisonous gas in warfare 1920 – US1338343A – process and apparatus for the production of intense artificial clouds, fogs, or mists 1924 – US1512783A – composition for dispelling fogs 1927 – US1619183A – process of producing smoke clouds from moving aircraft 1928 – US1665267A – process of producting artificial fogs 1932 – US1892132A – atomizing attachment for airplane engine exhausts 1933 – US1928963A – electrical system and method (for spraying chemtrails) 1934 – US1957075A – airplane spray equipment 1936 – US2045865A – skywriting apparatus 1936 – US2052626A – method of dispelling fog (mit) 1937 – US2068987A – process of dissipating fog 1939 – US2160900A – method for vapor clearing 1941 – US2232728A – method and composition for dispelling vapors 1941 – US2257360A – desensitized pentaerythritol tetranitrate explosive 1946 – US2395827A – airplane spray unit (us. dept. of agriculture) 1946 – US2409201A – smoke-producing mixture 1949 – US2476171A – smoke screen generator 1949 – US2480967A – aerial discharge device 1950 – US2527230A – method of crystal formation and precipitation 1951 – US2550324A – process for controlling weather 1951 – US2570867A – method of crystal formation and precipitation (general electric) 1952 – US2582678A – material disseminating apparatus for airplanes 1952 – US2591988A – production of tio2 pigments (dupont) 1952 – US2614083A – metal chloride screening smoke mixture 1953 – US2633455A – smoke generator 1954 – US2688069A – steam generator 1955 – US2721495A – method and apparatus for detecting minute crystal forming particles suspended in a gaseous atmosphere (general electric) 1956 – US2730402A – controllable dispersal device 1957 – US2801322A – decomposition chamber for monopropellant fuel 1958 – US2835530A – process for the condensation of atmospheric humidity and dissolution of fog 1959 – US2881335A – generation of electrical fields (haarp – for re-charging clouds!) 1959 – US2903188A – control of tropical cyclone formation 1959 – US2908442A – method for dispersing natural atmospheric fogs and clouds 1960 – US2962450A – fog dispelling composition (see references) 1960 – US2963975A – cloud seeding carbon dioxide bullet 1961 – US2986360A – aerial insecticide dusting device 1962 – US3044911A – propellant system 1962 – US3056556A – method of artificially influencing the weather 1964 – US3120459A – composite incendiary powder containing metal coated oxidizing salts 1964 – US3126155A – silver iodide cloud seeding generator (main commercial ingredient) 1964 – US3127107A – generation of ice-nucleating crystals 1964 – US3131131A – electrostatic mixing in microbial conversions 1965 – US3174150A – self-focusing antenna system (haarp) 1966 – US3257801A – pyrotechnic composition comprising solid oxidizer, boron and aluminum additive and binder 1966 – US3234357A – electrically heated smoke producing device 1966 – US3274035A – metallic composition for production of hydroscopic smoke 1967 – US3300721A – means for communication through a layer of ionized gases (haarp) 1967 – US3313487A – cloud seeding apparatus 1967 – US3338476A – heating device for use with aerosol containers 1968 – US3410489A – automatically adjustable airfoil spray system with pump 1969 – US3429507A – rainmaker 1969 – US3430533A – aircraft dispensor pod having self-sealing ejection tubes 1969 – US3432208A – fluidized particle dispenser (us air force) 1969 – US3437502A – titanium dioxide pigment coated with silica and aluminum (dupont) 1969 – US3441214A – method and apparatus for seeding clouds 2001 -US20030085296A1 - Hurricane and tornado control device Of Weather Control Or Modification Patents [6] I am not sure where the original source of this is.…
“The finest trick of the devil, Charles Baudelaire wrote, is to persuade you that he does not exist” (Paris Spleen). Perhaps he was mistaken. His finest trick, I believe, is to convince the world that he is God. I did a show about this years ago, the USA also has a fire prone way to build our homes with LUMBER. Why are American Houses Made of Wood? (bestdiplomats.org) According to Valdus Construction, builders have opted for wood over brick in many parts of the country because “wood is a flexible material capable of withstanding low-intensity earthquakes or light tornadoes.” The price has also driven its popularity. AND Easier to burn in a fire. Antony Blinken Says the War in Gaza Won’t Define His Legacy (youtube.com) Vyto Babrauskas, Ph.D. Fire Science and Technology Inc. (childrenshealthdefense.org) Smart Meter Fires & Installation (stayonthetruth.com) Copper Clad Aluminum Building Wire for Use in Residential Branch Circuit Wiring – IAEI Magazine Why Should You Switch To Copper Wiring? - HomeAlliance The US Firebombing of Wuhan, Part 1 – China in WW2 (chinaww2.com) How to Debunk Thermite on 9/11 – The Burning Platform The Fires of War: Thermite, Napalm, and Other Incendiaries (helpiks.org) WEF Insider Reveals LA Wildfires Were Engineered to Seize Land for 15-Minute Cities - The People's Voice (thepeoplesvoice.tv) LA's Insane Plan for the 2028 Olympics - YouTube Satan brings natural calamities down from heaven. (earthsfinalmovements.com) Satanic_Rituals.pdf (satanslibrary.org) Occult Holidays and Sabbats: Why Holidays are Satanic Rituals - Prepare For Change Magic Demonology and Satanism | ZoSo's TRUTHTALK13 (wordpress.com) Occult Ritual Calendar (libertytothecaptives.net) Fires Burn Hotter with Metals from Chemtrails - Christian Observer Was Hiroshima Firebombed and Not Nuked? | Winter Watch Understanding The Use Of Thermite On 9-11 (rense.com) • Lookout Mountain L.A.- Studio that faked nuclear blast films (big-lies.org) ******************************* The Stolen Children Project - Psychopath In Your Life Timeline and History of Ruling Class – Psychopath In Your Life WHO are the Royal Monsters running the World? – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline of Eugenics “Natural” Disasters – Psychopath In Your Life Psychopath In Your Life – Dianne Emerson – YouTube Tune in: Podcast Links – Psychopath In Your Life BOOK *FREE* Download – Psychopath In Your Life TOP PODS – Psychopath In Your Life Google Maps My HOME Address: 309 E. Klug Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 SMART Meters & Timelines – Psychopath In Your Life *******************************…
Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools...that don't have brains enough to be honest. - Benjamin Franklin. Do you know that atmospheric oxygen is being denatured by microwave transmissions and that the amount of atmospheric oxygen has been depleted from 21% in 1950 to 16% now? My file on how hormones work. https://psychopathinyourlife.com/CRD/ How to Increase Oxygen Levels in Your Home: 12 Best Tips (wikihow.com) Why Breathing Through Your Nose Is Best | HowStuffWorks They Are Starving Us of Oxygen | Principia Scientific Intl. (principia-scientific.com) Why Do We Need Oxygen: The Crucial Element for Life - The Explanation Express (branchor.com) What's One Thing You Can't Live Without? What's Important To You? (themocracy.com) Otto Heinrich Warburg - Wikipedia OTTO WARBURG Normal Cells Oxygen Respiration — Cancer Cells Sugar Fermentation (healingcancernaturally.com) Warburg effect(s)—a biographical sketch of Otto Warburg and his impacts on tumor metabolism | Cancer & Metabolism | Full Text (biomedcentral.com) BOOK about Warburg; Download here: DOWNLOADS Ravenous: Otto Warburg, the Nazis, | vesyghixubuth's Ownd (amebaownd.com) Ravenous: Otto Warburg, the Nazis, and the Search for the Cancer-Diet Connection Unlimited Books. Ravenous: Otto Warburg, the Nazis, and the Search for the Cancer-Diet Connection (pdflook.pics) Dr. Otto Warburg: Discovered the Prime Cause of Cancer 100 Years Ago (endalldisease.com) Barbara O’Neill - the SMARTEST WOMAN on the planet: Barbara O'Neill: Why Sugar is More Dangerous Than You Think! (youtube.com) Barbara O’Neill has a LOT of information here: Wellpedia - YouTube ******************************** I have to gather more data but this is my focus. The Stolen Children Project - Psychopath In Your Life Timeline and History of Ruling Class – Psychopath In Your Life WHO are the Royal Monsters running the World? – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline of Eugenics “Natural” Disasters – Psychopath In Your Life Psychopath In Your Life – Dianne Emerson – YouTube Tune in: Podcast Links – Psychopath In Your Life BOOK *FREE* Download – Psychopath In Your Life TOP PODS – Psychopath In Your Life Google Maps My HOME Address: 309 E. Klug Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 SMART Meters & Timelines – Psychopath In Your Life *******************************…
Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people. - Spencer Johnson SOURCE for todays show: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/3839860786036530/permalink/4429979300358006 Gorgi Shepentulevski Theory says it's actually the year 1720 because the early Middle Ages were faked — Secret History — Sott.net The Stolen Children Project - Psychopath In Your Life This woman does great work about the tricks. Royal actors Destroy Humanity | Facebook Music: Chicago - Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (Official Audio) (youtube.com) Psychopath In Your Life with Dianne Emerson: Photos*Printing*Railroads*Castles*Monuments*Telephones (libsyn.com) ******************************************** Firstly 1,712 non-exiting year were added to history – Part 4 Before I start with the short list of the past 1000 years true timeline chronology, I will first present how they firstly added 1,712 non-existing years to true history’s chronology! All of the history books which exist in the education system are written by AI in the 19th century AD in the German-Nordic Institute, so everything from 1900 AD and back into the history, there is not a single original document, manuscript, or book. They firstly added 1,712 non existing years to the timeline chronology. I found out about this German-Nordic institute from Macedonian historian, scientist, researcher and publicist by the name of Dr. Petar Popovski, when in his in-depth research of World history found a lot of inconsistencies of fake history German Nordic institute promoted and written about it. Firstly, 1,152 non-existing years were added to true timeline chronology of history between years 1ad – 1152ad. Anatoly Fomenko discovered 1,152 non-existing years added to history from the time when Jesus was born until 1152 AD. A person by the name of Joseph Scaliger, who was a French Jesuit monk, who created what we know as Zero AD, the birth of Christ, and 33 years later Christ was crucified. And that sets the timeline we still to this day follow. So, everyone looks at Zero and goes back, but in reality, this scientist, and a mathematician from Russia by the name of Fomenko, has written 7 volumes about this, and had spent 27 years studding this problem with the history. Fomenko proved through the use of astronomy, and astronomical forensics that 1152 non-existing years were added to history’s chronology. According to the star of Bethlehem where it was in the sky at the time, he could reverse-engineer with an algorithm and with the software that he developed, he used the same knowledge of today to actually backdate and calculate that at the point what we know of Zero AD, it was actually in 1152. It was in 1152 when the Star of Bethlehem was in the specific location in the sky. 2. Secondly, another 263 non-existing years were added to the true timeline chronology of history, pushing it back to 796 AD. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz wrote, “Between 1152 AD and 1500 AD historians count approximately 263 years too many in their chronology.” 3. Thirdly, another 297 non-existing years were added to this true timeline chronology of history, between the period of 1500ad – 1900ad, in order to create the so called “Early Middle Ages” which in reality never existed. According to German historian Heribert Illig, the Gregorian calendar is a lie, and a chunk of 297 years of Middle Ages was completely made up. In 1991, Heribert Illig claims there was conspiracy back in time by 3 World rulers who got together and changed the calendar, adding to it 297 non-existing years. Heribert Illig further claims that the trio altered existing documents and created fraudulent historical events and people, in order to back themselves up. He claims that fake Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne was not in fact a real ruler, but simply a King Arthur-type legend. He explains that through all of this tampering and forgery, an extra 297 years were added to history. Heribert Illig says that an inadequate system of dating medieval artefacts, as well as an over-reliance on written history are to blame. According to his research, the years between 614 and 911 AD do not quite add up. The years prior to 614 were full of historically significant events, as were the years after 911, however, he claims that the ones in between were unusually dull. Heribert Illig was not alone with this claim. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz published a paper in 1995 titled “Did the Early Middle Ages Really Exist?” Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz concluded that Early Middle Ages Never Existed, but it is a fictional fabrication of events and people to fill in that period of non-existing 297 years. Jesus Christ was born in 1712! When all of these 1712 non-existing years are taken away, it is only logical to conclude that Jesus Christ was born in 1712ad, only 312 years ago from today's 2024. Fomenko thought Jesus was born in 1151 because he did not take into consideration another 560 non-existing years added to history's chronology which Niemitz and Illig discovered! They have messed up the history and its chronology so much that even today religious officials are neck-in-neck with disagreements, because there is NOT a single historical original document which is older than 200 years for anyone to read and consult. It would be good to mention here that before the creation of the traditional chronology, there were about 200+ dates who wanted to adapt history to the biblical concept. The age difference was really impressive. The period from Creation to Jesus Christ was in the interval between 3,483 and 6,984 years. More than 3,500 years difference. What they did it was they took names and events from the real Old World Macedonian history and invented a lot of fictional stories which never existed, to create fake narrative of events and names, and published it in millions of fake history books, which New World Order education system is using to teach the masses today. So, there is not a single ORIGINAL BOOK in existence today which is older than 200 years, and every single public book in existence is a fictional story written by AI in the German-Nordic Institute, which was closed down in 2012, having fabricated every single subject we learn at school and universities around the World. AI bot utilizes natural language processing (NLP) algorithms and machine learning models to analyse vast amounts of data, including texts, articles, and documents. Through this analysis, the AI writer learns the patterns, syntax, and context of human language, and writes what you have asked to write. They extended the history firstly by 1,712 year by copying history from country to country, they changed the names and dates of places and characters but used the same history, with a few changed details here and there as different non-existing nations and events were being artificially created. So, true history is hidden in coded patterns in books that AI was instructed to write, and when they read these books today, they can consult the coded guidelines to de-code it by processing it through a computer, and the computer will write for them the true history of the World, which to the ordinary reader, who does not have access to this software technology for decoding, will have false narrative and different understanding. It is all about games with words. The true history is hidden in the open in books right there in front of you, but you need to know how to de-code it to be able to understand it correctly. Remember what Terence Kemp McKenna, an American ethnobotanist and mystic said about ‘Words’: ‘THE REAL SECRET OF MAGIC IS THAT THE WORLD IS MADE OF WORDS, AND THAT IF YOU KNOW THE WORDS THAT THE WORLD IS MADE OF YOU CAN UNCOVER THE MISTERY OF THE WORLD’. 228. Arabic script and language were invented in Germany in the 19th century! 229. At the same time when Ottomans was being cloned and founded in Germany prior to 1852, Arabic language and script was also newly invented to serve the purpose of the Ottoman Empire. So, Arabic language and script was invented in Germany in the German-Nordic Institute and enforced to be used throughout the whole Ottoman Empire, first in Europe mostly in the Balkans, and then spread to Arabia, Asia, and North Africa, as the Empire extended. 230. Arabic language and script were invented in Europe in the early 19th century by German Oriental Linguists in the German-Nordic Institute for the needs of the upcoming Ottoman Empire, which eventually became the 5th most spoken language in the world today! 231. The Syllabic script of Macedonian Demotics found in the middle text of Rosetta stone was used as a prototype for the construction of the Arabic script, and Macedonian root words were used to create the Ottoman language by inserting many elements to the root words. Read more about it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3839860786036530/permalink/4429979300358006 232. Macedonian Demotic Rune script is a form of writing that is basically a syllable, consonant and vowel rotations and is read from right to left. The reason Arabic script is also read from right to left, because it was copied from Macedonian Demotics to create new phonetic script with changes of the symbols to look different from its source! Today we find many traces and symbols from Macedonian Demotics with the same meaning in the Arabic script, Hebrew script, Japanese script, Chinese script, Tibetan script, Filipino script, etc... 233. Fomenko also found that 80% percent of gold and silver coins in Northern Europe are in Arabic writing, and only 20% percent divided throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. 234. And not only that, but thousands swards and artifacts from the 19th century had been inscribed in Arabic script, when freshly cloned Ottomans were being educated in the newly invented language and script, armed with newly made swards, and financed by newly created gold and silver coins with Arabic inscription on them, which were used as a money system in the Ottoman Empire. The reason most of the gold and silver coins, as well as swards written in Arabic script were found in Europe, and only a small number in Arabia, is because they were manufactured in Europe for the needs of German made Ottoman cloned army! 235. Arabic language and script were firstly used in Macedonia and the Balkans, when the Ottoman Empire was firstly established, before it spread to Arabia and other countries in Asia and Africa as the Empire expanded to its biggest size. The official story we heard about Ottoman invasion which says that nomadic goat herders from the deserts of Arabia came on their camels, miraculously forming the Ottoman Empire, spreading their scripts and books throughout Europe, is a fake fictional story which does not make any sense. 236. This document in the photo below proves the fact that Ottoman script was invented in Germany and was used for the first time in practice in Macedonia when Ottoman empire was established! 237. The document below belongs to Natasa Miteva, who inherited this document for her great grandfather who was living during the Ottoman Empire in the village of Beli in Macedonia. 238. This was a property purchase and sale document which Natasa was trying in vain for a long time to find someone to translate it into Macedonian language. Eventually she sent a copy of this document to her friend who had friends in Israel, and an old man in Israel told him that this document was written in Farsi script but was not able to translate the content. 239. Officially it is impossible to find a document written in Farsi script in Macedonia, because Iran was never present in this part of the Balkan Peninsula! How did Farsi script ended up in the village of Beli in Macedonia? The only possibility for the presence of Farsi script in Macedonia is if Farsi script first originated in Macedonia and then spread to Iran and the rest of the Arab world. 240. And that’s what exactly happened! 241. The Ottoman Empire, as explained previously, did not originate and did not come from the Arab world, but was founded in Europe, and Constantinople was conquered through the Macedonian territory of The Balkans, and the Farsi script and language was first used here in the Balkans, and afterwards spread to Iran. 242. This document inherited by Natasa’s great grandfather, originating from the village of Beli, has priceless museum value, proving that the Farsi script was first used in Macedonia, and then spread to Arabia. This document also proves that the Ottomans did not come from the Arab world, but from Europe and they firstly established the Ottoman Empire in Macedonia, which afterwards spread in Africa and Asia to the borders of India, and with that the Farsi script spread from Macedonia to Iran. 243. This document was hiding within itself a great secret for a very long time, which eventually revealed its mystery in a great fashion to debunk the biggest lie about the Ottoman Empire! Part 31 218. In 1852 Ottoman Empire was financed and founded in Germany by the Jesuits! 219. Ottomans did not come from the deserts of Arabia and Anatolia, but from the cloning factories in Germany! … See more Ottoman Empire was not founded and formed in the deserts of Arabia, but in the cloning factories in Germany where fully grown male clones were being taken out of the incubator machines just in 21 days’ time, and then sent to military camps in Germany to undergo combat training, as well as Ottoman language learning, because they were newborns just like newly born babies. My grand-parents, as well as other elderly people, who were living in the Ottoman Empire always talked about “men born by a mother’ and “men born by something else”, because they knew that Ottomans were not born naturally by a mother! 220. In just 6 months of combat training and language learning cognitions, Ottoman army of infantry soldiers were ready to be deployed in war zones to kill and pillage no question asked wherever it was required, in a same manner as biological robots who do not possess any human sense to distinguish right from wrong! When these Ottoman combat trained and equipped clones were sent to the Balkans in hundreds of thousands of them, they killed, pillaged, and raped men, women, and children indiscriminately, and for this reason, Macedonian Comity liberation fighters always had with them one last bullet saved to commit suicide, so they won’t be captured alive when they were surrounded without any possibility of escaping. 221. The word “infantry” itself is derived from the Latin word “infants” which means “newborn without a speech”, which it was exactly what these Ottoman soldiers were, newly created grown-up clones just taken out from incubators without a speech. In absence of women, one can only imagine what was going on between these men of cloned soldiers, who could not have distinguished right from wrong! 222. So, Ottoman Empire was founded in Germany, financed and controlled by German Jesuits. The word “Ottoman” is a German word. “Otto” is a masculine German given name and a surname, an element meaning "wealth, prosperity". And “Man” is “man”! So, “Ottoman” means “Man of Wealth”, because it required quite a lot of money and scientific skills to produce fully grown combat clone with basic verbal cognitions. 223. All of Ottoman Pashas were Germans disguised as Arabs. Ottoman empire was founded and financed by German Jesuits, and the highest official title of honour called ‘Pasha -Turkish Paşa’, were all ethnic Germans, and the sovereigns' main rulers Sultan, Padishah (Emperor) and Khan (Clone) were all German Jesuits. 224. When this well-equipped Ottoman army of masculine and combat trained clones marched from Germany to conquer the Balkans, led by German Jesuits called Pashas, and under the command of German Jesuit called Sultan, their ever first Ottoman Empire was established on Macedonian territory, and when all of Macedonia with its capital city of Constantinople was conquered, they marched on to occupy the whole of the Arab world, up to the borders of India, under control from Europe! 225. So, the war was raging on, not only between Ottomans and Macedonians, but between Ottomans and Arabs. If most of the Ottomans were of Arab origin, why waging a war against themselves, it does not make any sense!?! That is the same as saying that from the deserts of Arabia nomad goat herders jumped on their camels, and mysteriously within few decades invaded the Balkans, Middle East and North Africa, stretching their Empire from India to Northern Europe. 226. The truth of the fact is that, not a single soldier in the Ottoman Empire was Arab, Kurd, Armenian, Turk, or Anatolian, because Ottomans were cloned German army of soldiers. Just a remainder here that, during the Ottoman Empire Turkish nation and Turkish state did not exist, but only when Ottoman Empire was dissolved in 1922, Turkish state was newly created. 227. It is well known fact, as written by Anatoly Fomenko, that the invasion of the Balkans, formerly known as Macedonia, and its capital Constantinople, came from Continental Northern Europe, not from Asia. Ottoman empire was founded in 1852, not in 1299 as we were told, and dissolved in 1922, which only lasted for 70 years, and had never established full control of Macedonian Peninsular, today known as Balkan Peninsular. ********************************* Timeline and History of Ruling Class – Psychopath In Your Life WHO are the Royal Monsters running the World? – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline of Eugenics “Natural” Disasters – Psychopath In Your Life Psychopath In Your Life – Dianne Emerson – YouTube Tune in: Podcast Links – Psychopath In Your Life BOOK *FREE* Download – Psychopath In Your Life TOP PODS – Psychopath In Your Life Google Maps My HOME Address: 309 E. Klug Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 SMART Meters & Timelines – Psychopath In Your Life *******************************…
“Always trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, watch your back.” Modernizing Conservatorship Law to Better Help & Protect Californians Most in Need of Care | Governor of California Proof 'The United States' is a Criminal Corporation | Wake Up World (wakeup-world.com) Proof-that-the-USA-is-Controlled-by-Foreign-Corporations-Legislative-Office-of-the-State-of-West-Virginia.pdf (wakeup-world.com) Senate Document 43: Proof That You Do Not Legally Own Any Property | Wake Up World (wakeup-world.com) Senators Demand the Military Lock Up of American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window | ACLU Mental Health Law (laist.com) ************************************** Timeline and History of Ruling Class - Psychopath In Your Life WHO are the Royal Monsters running the World? – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline of Eugenics “Natural” Disasters – Psychopath In Your Life Psychopath In Your Life – Dianne Emerson – YouTube Tune in: Podcast Links – Psychopath In Your Life BOOK *FREE* Download – Psychopath In Your Life TOP PODS – Psychopath In Your Life Google Maps My HOME Address: 309 E. Klug Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 SMART Meters & Timelines – Psychopath In Your Life *******************************…
“When your ears hear one thing, but your eyes see another…use your brain.” – Frank Sonnenberg New INFORMATION: Timeline - Psychopath In Your Life The March Of Dimes: A Revolutionary Charity (beehiiv.com) The REAL History Behind the Polio Vaccine (healthimpactnews.com) These Tricks Are Played to Get You to Vaccinate Your Child | The Liberty Beacon History and Science Show Vaccines Do Not Prevent Disease (healthimpactnews.com) Retraction Watch – Tracking retractions as a window into the scientific process Hydroxychloroquine study retracted; drug isn't treatment for COVID (usatoday.com) The REAL History Behind the Polio Vaccine (healthimpactnews.com) The polio vaccine: A worthless and carcinogenic threat to humanity — Health & Wellness — Sott.net ************************************** The Jesuits – Psychopath In Your Life WHO are the Royal Monsters running the World? – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline of Eugenics “Natural” Disasters – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline – Psychopath In Your Life Psychopath In Your Life – Dianne Emerson – YouTube Tune in: Podcast Links – Psychopath In Your Life BOOK *FREE* Download – Psychopath In Your Life TOP PODS – Psychopath In Your Life Google Maps My HOME Address: 309 E. Klug Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 SMART Meters & Timelines – Psychopath In Your Life *******************************…
"Only cowards hide behind silence." -Paulo Coelho Clips played: Syria’s New Leader Ditches Military Fatigues for Suit | Vantage with Palki Sharma (youtube.com) Do They Know It's Genocide? The Band Aid Tale - YouTube Who are the Alawites? (youtube.com) How Muslims Influenced Thomas Jefferson and America’s Founders | American Muslims - YouTube How The Royals Hoard Their Wealth (youtube.com) ******************************************************** Barbara Walters, Queen Noor all players: The Royal Scam (youtube.com) Bachar al Assad = King Philip VI of Spain Royal actors Destroy Humanity | Facebook They control their OWN people, Wells Fargo Bank got a conservatorship over Wendy Williams, YES, her BANK said she needs to be monitored and managed. Wendy Williams (The TRUTH) (youtube.com) Death by Government (1994) (howardnema.com) Timeline of Conflicts, Wars, Battles, Insurgencies, Rebels and Empires (donsnotes.com) Very Interesting: This video was discovered during the research for the Havens East project which tells the stories of some of the 4,000 child refugees who came to Britain in 1937 to escape the Spanish Civil War. Children of Spain (youtube.com) Who’s White; Who’s Not? June 2011 - American Renaissance (amren.com) Underground Facility In Kansas Holding 750 Million American Indian Records / What Are They Hiding ? (youtube.com)\ The Federal Reserve is PRIVATELY OWNED (facts-are-facts.com) EU Officials Will Claim Ignorance of Israel’s War Crimes. This Leaked Document Shows What They Knew. - The Intercept At 3:00 – 10:30 Arab spring The Brutal Reality of Mediterranean Human Trafficking | Lethal Cargo | Documentary Central - YouTube at 23:00 Mauratania route 33:00 Former NATO facility now a camp. 49:00 Priority for Syrians 9_10_Sidebar_Project+2025’s+Ties+to+Opus+Dei+in+Europe+and+the+US.pdf (squarespace.com) Cleckley was the first to put people in comas. MK Ultra: CIA mind control program in Canada (1980) - The Fifth Estate (youtube.com) Climate change and human trafficking FREE movement between borders The Brutal Reality of Mediterranean Human Trafficking | Lethal Cargo | Documentary Central - YouTube Franco: Spain’s Most Feared Leader | Full Docuseries (youtube.com) 19:00 Nazis – 28:00 Hitler meeting – 29:00 Plane Crash –32:00 Germans and Italians want Franco – 48:00 Plane Crash –56:00 Famine –5 months after Civil War WW2 –1:02 Neutral – but not really –Mauthausen Concentration Camp – 1:40 Roman Salute – 2:04 DAMS – 2:18 Stolen Children burial and one day of life had to be documented – 2:28 USA sets up bases in Spain in 1953 - Named after Francis J Bellamy, who wrote the original Pledge of Allegiance. Though it may seem like alternate history — something that couldn’t possibly have been true — the Bellamy Salute was quite standard until 1942. Bellamy salute - Wikipedia Meat Sacrificed to Idols? | Heaven Awaits (wordpress.com) The Origins of Satanism and Pedophilia – Birth of a New Earth Blog THE ZOHAR | jonthegurdjieffian (wordpress.com) History of freemasonry (allreligionsareone.org) J.D. Vance’s Hindu wife Usha is an evident handler of J.D. Vance for the British Pilgrims Society – American Intelligence Media (aim4truth.org) How access to power is granted through the rape, torture and ritualistic slaughter of the innocent. Eaters of Children: The Pedocracy Exposed (catbox.moe) How they CLAIM it is the Roman Salute: SHORT HISTORY OF THE NAZI SALUTE (youtube.com) Manufacturing Consent and the Case of Satan (currentaffairs.org) REQUIREMENT FOR CONSENT (wordpress.com) Michael Hoffman -- Kabbalah Judaism is Satanism - henrymakow.com How the Nazi Salute Became the World's Most Offensive Gesture - Atlas Obscura Opus Dei -- Catholic Church Embraces Satanic Cult - henrymakow.com 2008-07-17-THE-PILGRIMS-SOCIETY-A-Study-of-the-Anglo-American-Establishment-Rockefellers-Rothschilds-Mellons-Windsors-etc-by-Joel-van-der-Reijden-ISGP-Jul-17-2008.pdf (fbcoverup.com) Puppetmasters of Child Sexual Abuse – Le Cercle, Gladio, Knights of Malta and Opus Dei Networks | foxblog1 (wordpress.com) Exploring Real History: Part 17 of 17 Eaters of Children the Pedocracy Exposed ... Child Predator Services ... Pedd State ...“#PizzaGate” Truth About New Life In Exile of Syria's Ex-First Lady Revealed! (youtube.com) 3:10 photos Family Photos Found in Assad’s Palace Uncover Long-Hidden Secrets (youtube.com) America has a massive child marriage problem (youtube.com) Puppetmasters of Child Sexual Abuse – Le Cercle, Gladio, Knights of Malta and Opus Dei Networks | foxblog1 (wordpress.com) CHILD ABUSE AT THE PRESIDIO | THE PARENTS’ AGONY, THE ARMY’S COVERUP, THE PROSECUTION’S FAILURE. – Douglas Duane Dietrich (douglasdietrich.com) Chapter 8: America’s Military Pedophilia Scandals – Daycare Scares and “Satanic Panic” – Satanic Empire (pedoempire.org) Aangirfan: THE CIA RUNS THE PEDOPHILE RINGS (aanirfan.blogspot.com) PEDOGATE: THE CIA RUNS THE PEDOPHILE RINGS | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (stateofthenation.co) Covenant House – HISTORY HEIST brunoleaks: Part 1: The WHOLE story of the SPARTACUS International Gay Guide, of its founder John D. Stamford and how Bruno Gmünder made the bargain of his life. brunoleaks: Part 2: The FULL story of the SPARTACUS International Gay Guide, of its founder John D. Stamford and how Bruno Gmünder made the bargain of his life. brunoleaks: Part 3: The WHOLE story of the SPARTACUS International Gay Guide, of its founder John D. Stamford and how Bruno Gmünder made the bargain of his life. brunoleaks: Part 4: The WHOLE story of the SPARTACUS International Gay Guide, of its founder John D. Stamford and how Bruno Gmünder made the bargain of his life. brunoleaks: Part 5: The FULL story of the SPARTACUS International Gay Guide, of its founder John D. Stamford and how Bruno Gmünder made the bargain of his life. brunoleaks: Part 6: The FULL story of the SPARTACUS International Gay Guide, of its founder John D. Stamford and how Bruno Gmünder made the bargain of his life. brunoleaks: Bruno Gmünder, John D. Stamford and the >Spartacus International Gay Guide< ... Part 7 and (preliminary) conclusions. The country of slavery, polygamy, and baguettes. Mauritania, a wild walk. Nouakchott. Africa. (youtube.com) Every secret CIA prison, mapped (youtube.com) PLAY ALSO al queda deal loophole attorneys found SOURCES: CIA Blacksites - Google Docs Track the CIA's Secret Rendition Flights with a New Interactive Map (vice.com) Why Syria: A Crucial Region in the Middle East | A Full-Scale War for a Nation - YouTube Death by Government (1994) (howardnema.com) Church abuse scandal: next Archbishop already facing calls to quit over inaction (youtube.com) Saudi war for Yemen oil pipeline is empowering al-Qaeda, IS | Middle East Eye History of Syrian civil war in Timeline - Popular Timelines Category:Civil wars by country - Wikipedia How the US Occupied the 30% of Syria Containing Most of its Oil, Water and Gas (mintpressnews.com) Psychopath In Your Life Spain stole 300,000 babies during Franco. The world has less than 1 BILLION population. 8 BILLION is a big lie. The Stolen Children Project podcast podcast - Psychopath In Your Life Basque child refugees meet for final reunion, 75 years after arrival in Britain | Social history | The Guardian World War II early aggressions -- Spanish Civil War Basque children refugees (histclo.com) The Rise and Fall of Pan-Arabism | IHEID (graduateinstitute.ch) Victims of ‘kids-for-cash’ judge outraged by Biden pardon: ‘What about all of us?’ (msn.com) Hot water Bottle 2 Liter for $9.99: Amazon.com: samply Hot Water Bottle with Knitted Cover, 2L Hot Water Bag for Hot and Cold Compress, Hand Feet Warmer, Ideal for Menstrual Cramps, Neck and Shoulder Pain Relief, Purple : Health & Household Hot water Bottle 100 oz for $17.99 - Amazon.com: GetfuQi Hot Water Bottle -Extra Large Hot Water Bottle with Cover,100 Fl Oz Large Hot Water Bag with Hands Wamer,Fuzzy Warm Water Bottle for Pain Relief and Bed,Pink Heated Water Bottle for Women Gift : Health & Household ************************************** The Jesuits - Psychopath In Your Life WHO are the Royal Monsters running the World? – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline of Eugenics "Natural" Disasters - Psychopath In Your Life Timeline – Psychopath In Your Life Psychopath In Your Life – Dianne Emerson – YouTube Tune in: Podcast Links – Psychopath In Your Life BOOK *FREE* Download – Psychopath In Your Life TOP PODS – Psychopath In Your Life Google Maps My HOME Address: 309 E. Klug Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 SMART Meters & Timelines – Psychopath In Your Life *******************************…
George Washington is documented saying: “If we would agree to take the Fezzes, and Turbans off the Moors’ Heads and remove the sandals from their feet and enforce it with severe punishments, and also swear a death oath between ourselves to religiously, and faith fully not allow anyone to teach the Moorish Children whom they really are or who their forefathers were. “Of all forms of deception self-deception is the most deadly, and of all deceived persons the self-deceived are the least likely to discover the fraud.” - Aiden Wilson Tozer Clips Played: The African Moors: Masters of European Civilization (youtube.com) Music: Carmen Amaya - Y su espectacular baile (youtube.com) Carmen Amaya “ Greatest Flamenco dancer & first woman to master footwork reserved for males (1944) ******************************************* 7 Famous Flamenco Singers Who Made Us Weep (spanish.academy) The Discovery of America by the Moors 6 centuries before Christopher Columbus - The Moorish Times The forgotten cause of the Civil War by Lawrence Raymond Tenzer | Open Library When Black Men Ruled the World: 8 Things the Moors Brought to Europe (atlantablackstar.com) Chicago Reader | The Aging of the Moors: Eighty years ago a prophet came to the south side of Chicago and drew thousands of followers. Today the remaining few Moors face an uncertain future. By Tasneem Paghdiwala (archive.org) Granada Land is the Promised Land of Israel - America is the Old World White Slavery in America - Bibliography (jrbooksonline.com) Catholic Church Always Crypto Jewish - henrymakow.com MCIA-MauritaniaHandbook.pdf (publicintelligence.net) World Crime Syndicate Ancient Secrets of Races, Empires, & Evils | World Crime Syndicate ******************************************* The original Al-meri-khan/Amer-Inca (Almorroco/ American) Constitution is a trust document, hence, the Public Trust, which is designed to govern public officials who are trustees for the Heirs of the Vast Moorish Estate once known as Amurru Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu’urs (Moors), aka, the Ancient Ones/ Mound Builders. The Washitaw Moors [Amurru Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu’urs] are the oldest indigenous people on the planet according to the UN Nations. Please refer to my previous blog post, “The Washitaw Moors/ Mu’urs.” The Moorish Science Temple of America is a religious trust created by Prince Noble Drew Ali of the Washitaw Empire. Yes, Noble Drew Ali, was a Prince of the Washitaw Empire. His Mother Eliza Turner was an heir of the Turner (Tunica) Royal Family. The land that Prophet Noble Drew Ali put into Trust belonged to his own family, the Turner’s. This is why the Turners never undid what the Prophet did, because it was something the prophet did to protect our land. The Turner royal family surname (Tunica) is derived from Tunis. For example: Turner=Tunica=Tunis=Tennessee. Tunis is a Muslim Country in North Africa that was established by the Carthaginians. The Carthaginians were a branch of the Phoenicians. Tennessee was Tunis: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/the-ottoman-empire-in-the-americas/ . Tunisia, a once wealthy port city, is famous for having been one of the sites of the ancient Phoenician civilization and was a premier destination for travelers heading to Carthage [Carthage, Tennessee?]. North America has 15 Carthage place names, which suggests that Grand Tunis and Grand Phoenicia were in the Americas. Yes, the Phoenicians are from the Americas: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/the-phoenicians-are-from-the-americas/ . Carthage (Phoenician: Qārt Ḥadāšat, “new city”; Latin: Carthāgō) was the capital city of the ancient Carthaginian civilization , on the eastern side of the Lake of Tunis in what is now Tunisia . Carthage was one of the most important trading hubs of the Ancient Mediterranean and one of the most affluent cities of the classical world. The Constitution is derived from the “Great Law of Peace,” which is Royal Moslem Law of the Ancient Berbers (Washitaw Moors), who were given the misnomer as Indians after 1621 when “the word Indian was substituted for Moorish; with this single Alteration the original text was again transcribed in 1703. ” [Source: Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology 1888 – Harvard University Vol.]. In this post is an image of a 1491 map of the Distribution of the Barbarous Tribes, East of the Mississippi. This map is from the University of South Florida: http://fcit.usf.edu/florida/maps/pages/2500/f2554/f2554.htm . Barbarous is just a descriptive word for barbarians, which is just code for the word Berber; especially, since we know that the vowels are interchangeable with ancient Semitic languages; therefore, Barbar-ous can easily be converted to Berber-ous tribes, which where Turks/ Moors. The Spanish considered the Saracens (Moors) uncivilized barbarians, because of their belief in Islam. I have noticed that most of the old maps prior to 1492 (prior to the invasion of the Moors), show Moorish territories and dominions in the Americas, and this 1491 map is a perfect example of Moorish territory prior to 1492. The year 1492 marked the start of the conquest of the Moors. Notice on the 1491 map, all of the names of these Berber Indians (Moors): Seminoles, Choctaws, Cherokee, Creeks, Chickasaws, Maskoki, Yamasees, Catawbas, Iroquois, Shawnees, Powhatans, Delaware, Algonquin, Mohawk, Miami, Abenaki, Pequot, Seneca (Senegal), Wampanoag, and many more Indian tribes that I did not name, but you can see them on the 1491 map in this post. Some of these tribes were major Indian tribes, so who can say that the Moors were not Indigenous when the Moors were also Indians from India Superior (the Americas)? The said tribes were predominantly Algonquin tribes, since they spoke Algonquian languages. The prefix of AL in Algonquian is interesting since AL is a Moorish surname and it is the feminine form of EL, which means, God, force, or power. ALabama (Allah-ba-ma) and Illinois (Al-linois or El-linois) are two U.S. States that also have the AL/EL prefix, since the letter I in Illinois is a vowel that can be substituted with another vowel like A or E. EL was also the Phoenician/ Canaanite God of the Amorites (Moors) and the pre-Israelites. El is depicted as a Black man wearing a golden fez and golden Moorish attire. El eventually became the Hebrew God Yahweh. Electricity, elevate, election, elder, etc., are all forms of EL. The Algonquin tribes spoke Egyptian. Hebrew and Arabic are the same language, but only with a different dialect, according to Dr. Alim El-Bey: “The Indigenous Algonquin Tribes Spoke Egyptian (Ta Meri-An)-Phoenician Language”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRbWa0PvoSw . The fact that the Algonquin tribes spoke Egyptian is more evidence proving that Ancient Egypt was in the Americas: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/ancient-egypt-was…/ . The Moors became the custodians of the Egyptian Mysterious when Egypt fell according to the book, “Stolen Legacy,” by George G. James. Maur (Moor/ Muur) means a high priest of Anu according to a book called, “The Teachings of Ptahhotep the oldest Book in the world,” by Asa G. Hilliard. Further evidence that American Indians are Moors is from the book, “The Americas” by Dr. Yousef Mroueh. “The descendants of the North American Moors are the present-day Iroquois, Algonquin, Anasazi, Hohokam, Olmec, Apache, Arawak, Arikana, Chavin (Chavis), Cherokee, Cree, Hupa, Hopi, Makkah, Mohawk, Naca, Zulz, Zuni.” However, we can also include the Taino, Lenape, Seminoles, Creeks (Greeks), Choctaws, Washitaw, Yamasee, Tuscarawas, Cheraws, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Sioux, Micmak, Acadians, Amazons, Tuscarora, Mohawk, Seneca, Wichita (Washitaw), Blackfoot, Sioux, and all of the Barbarous (Berber-ous) tribes East of the Mississippi River were also North American Moors. The Rebel Flag, aka, the Confederate Flag, is just the flag of the Iroquois Confederation (See photo in this thread) and also the Saint Andrews Flag. The Iroquois Confederation was part of the Washitaw Empire. How do I know this? Well, because Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s Father was John Thompson Drew, and he was a Colonel for the Confederate Army. Believe it or not, but the Confederate Flag is not a symbol of hate and slavery it’s actually the flag of the Osirian (Christ Jesus) resurrection, which means being reborn again or resurrected, which is only possible through spiritual practice. Osiris was the Holy Father (Christ) in the Egyptian mysteries and was called Lord of the perfect Black. Osiris is based on a very powerful Priest-king/ Dragon-king that lived over 75,000 years ago named Nimrod/ Pharaoh Narmer. Nimrod, a mighty hunter/ mighty warrior, was one of the first recorded Black panthers, aka, Messiah to wear the mighty leopard’s skin/ Jaguar’s skin. Nimrod was the first person to ever rule the world. The Confederate Flag has been converted into a symbol of hate and slavery to get you to hate your own sign and symbol, so that you will not associate yourself with it, and be able to claim your southern Heritage to the several southern states. The first Slave owner in America was Anthony Johnson and he was a Moor (black). You even had black confederate generals & soldiers according to the books “Black Confederates and Black Slave Owners.” (See photo of the book in this thread and image of Blackamoor confederate soldiers). How do I explain this, lol? Well, we fought a civil war amongst ourselves for over 20 years before European slavs (slaves) got involved (see images of white slaves picking cotton). The Civil war was between the Iroquois confederation (South) vs. the Powhatan confederation (North). The civil war was fought over economic concerns for the Union, since the North feared that if the South left the Union that action would bankrupt the North; therefore, the Civil war had nothing to do with race or ending slavery. For more evidence that the Moors ran the South, please watch this video, entitled, “The Black Southern Confederacy,” by Straight up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SN7AE7mDok . The YouTube video: The Black Southern Confederacy, by Straight up demonstrates that Jefferson Davis, Alexander Stephens, and General Robert E. Lee were Moors (Blacks) that fought for the South to defend their way of life. Jefferson Davis was the President of the Southern Confederacy and his Vice President was Alexander Stephens. Robert E. Lee was the General for the Southern confederacy. These men were all Black men that fought for the South during the Civil war that started in 1861 and lasted 4 years until 1865. You had more whites in slavery than blacks in the South, because Moors owned the South. The Cherokee were the Moors (See photo of Moslem Moor, whom was the last Cherokee Chief) and they owned European slavs (slaves): https://www.facebook.com/Americaisthetrueoldworld/posts/1356286357768994 . “To be a white slave was to be a Muslim slave,” according to “Slavery, Indentured Servitude & Race,” by Gunther Peck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT2SHuM9DIA&list=LL&index=19 . In this post is a comparison image between the 1861 State Flag of South Carolina and the 1844 flag of the Ottoman Empire. As you can see, both flags are Islamic and are almost identical to each other. Yes, South Carolina was part of the Ottoman Empire, since the Carolina’s was once Turkey: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/ancient-turkey-was…/ . The 1861 State Flag of South Carolina proves that South Carolina was ancient Turkey since it is almost identical to the State flag of Turkey, and the flag of the Ottoman Empire. In this post is a YouTube video from Kurimeo called, “The Untold Cause of the Civil War,” which is a book that costs over $1000 dollars on Amazon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wveKuXV5KKo&t=4156s . Now, you can go online and read the book with Kurimeo for free. The book explains how the Civil War was not fought to end Slavery, since the North had their own slaves. According to this book, the Civil war was caused due to economic concerns because the North feared that if the South had left the Union, it would bankrupt the North, who relied on cotton, corn, lumber, and other imports from the South to fuel their economy. This makes a lot of sense to me, so I shared the video. Yes, it was the North who needed the imports from the South to fuel their economy, so it was the North that started the Civil War by bombing Fort Sumter, and not the other way around, because it was the North who needed the South. Desperate people have always been known to do desperate things. The Confederate Flag Banner is also almost identical to the State flag of Turkey, the flag of the Ottoman Empire, and the 1861 State Flag of South Carolina, which are Islamic states, since the said flags all have cherry red backgrounds with the Islamic Crescent Moon and star on them. This highly suggests that the South were indeed Moors or Turks, aka, the seed of Ishmael, the son of Abraham of the Bible. The Seminole Nation and the Creek Nation were blood allies that also fought for the South during the Civil War since they were also Moors. The 1861 Pro-Confederate flags of the Creek and Seminole nation are almost identical Islamic flags that feature the crescent moon and star on them (see post images). In addition, as further proof that Moors/ Turks ran the South, we have a dissertation written by Historian Margaret deMontcourt Storey, phd, entitled “Southern Ishmaelites: Wartime Unionism and is Consequences in Alabama, 1860-1874. Additionally, we have the state name of Alabama to consider, which is of Arabic origins since the Islamic God, “Allah,” is in Alabama (Allah-ba-ma). All of this evidence is undeniable proof that the Moors ran the south and were here way before Christopher Columbus. You ever heard of the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.)? Well, D.A.R were the white slave women that were the concubines for the Moors in their Moorish Harems. Now, DAR has become an elite secret society of White Women and they still do wear the Moorish Fez that the Moors let her wear after we breed her and raised her up from an animal state. Google Moorish Harem for more evidence on this. You see, our slavery is always talked about, but white slavery is never talked about. The original constitution was the first 10 Amendments. The number 10 is perfection, and it also means resurrection or rebirth. 10 is also the unification of male (1) and female (0) energies to create life. The Human Form is based off of 10, which is also the binary programming code for Computers: 1’s and 0’s. The Human form has 10 fingers and 10 toes. The word Constitution is derived from the word Constituent, which means to form a body; make up a body; and/or to compose. The Constitution is a body of Natural Laws/ God’s law. The word Amendment is derived from the Black Egyptian God Amun/ Amen, which means the Hidden source of power, or so be it. The suffix of Amendment, “Ment/ mint,” means to make publish or make known. Ment is also the root-word of mental. The word Amendment, I define as meaning the hidden law/ hidden power made flesh, or the hidden source revealed. Yes, law is very philosophical because real law is philosophy. Attorneys don’t learn this type of information in law school because they are not real lawyers. Attorneys are military agents (knights) for the Vatican/Queen of England (the Eagle/Rome) and all they learn in law school is theories based on Statutes and Codes. Most attorneys don’t even learn procedure until after they finish law school and start reading case laws on their own. This YouTube video, “When white supremacists overthrew a government,” is how wight Supremacy overthrew our governments everywhere in the Americas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVQomlXMeek&feature=share… . Yes…, Moors were the prominent rich liberal Republicans at first, because the Americas were our homeland, and we started the first governments and businesses (commerce) in the Americas. In this post is images of Black Republican US Senators, and Black Republican US Presidents from the Facebook page “Knowledge of Self.” Please, read the post right here: https://www.facebook.com/KOSIII3/posts/2838443139776208 . According to the evidence (see post images): Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Haynes, James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Grover Cleveland, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, John Tyler, James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, and James Buchanan were all so-called Black men. These said men were all former U.S. Presidents! This information does not surprise me since our first U.S. President was a Black man named George Washington: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3h-oePZtoU . Abolitionist, John Brown was also a Black man that fought to end white slavery in the South. The post images also reveal that these following people were Black Republicans: William Pitt Kellogg (US Republican Senator and Governor of Louisiana), James L. Alcorn (28th Governor of Mississippi and US Republican Senator), Alfred Eliab Buck (US Republican Senator of Alabama), Charles Memorial Hamilton (Us Republican Senator of Florida), Samuel F. Gove (US Republican Senator of Georgia), Benjamin Franklin Whittemore, (US Republican Senator of South Carolina), Christopher C. Bowen (US Republican Senator of South Carolina), Henry R. Pease (US Republican Senator of Mississippi), Oscar James Dunn (Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana), etc. I have included some of those images in this post, but you all still need to read that link though, because it is a good read. The images were taken by Mathew B. Brady (c. 1822 – January 15, 1896), who was an American photographer, and one of the earliest in American history. Best known for his Civil War portraits, he studied under inventor Samuel F. B. Morse, who pioneered the daguerreotype technique in America. How do you explain all of these Blackamoor Republicans, Presidents, Senators, and congressman, during this time period (before the civil war), if so-called Blacks were slaves? The overthrow did not just happen in North Carolina. This happened to Moors everywhere in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, because even after all of the first major land grabs of our lands, we still had the majority of the American land. This event happened in 1898 in Wimbledon, North Carolina. You see how the poor whites were the Democrats at first and Blacks were the prominent rich liberal Republicans at first. Yes, white Europeans have switched places with the Moors. White people were even Blak (pale) at first and Moors were white (pure race). White Europeans took the title of white after the 1870 Reconstruction Act. White people just recently started calling themselves white with the Naturalization Act of 1790, which was amended in 1870. White is a status, and it has nothing to do with color. Please look up, “Free White Persons,” in the Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition. Read also, “The Invention of the White Race,” by Theodore W. Allen, or watch it on YouTube. The Democrats were the Klansmen that got jealous and took everything, which is the custom of the jealous poor Europeans. The same thing happened during the Red Summer of 1919, which is considered to be a riot, when it was a race war. More examples of this jealous European behavior are Black wall street and Rosewood, all of which were prominent Blackamoor establishments that were destroyed by jealous poor whites. The evidence provided in this post proves beyond doubt that the Moors use to be the Republicans, because the de jure Republic belonged to the Moors/ Hebrews/ Indians/ Egyptians (all one and the same people). How do you Explain this? Well, the Moors owned over 80% of America all the way up until the Red Summer of 1913, which is listed as a riot, when it was a race war over land. Moors were driven from their lands and were killed for their lands. The cause of the Great Depression was when the Moors who owned most of the Banks during this point in time had stopped doing business with the UNITED STATES. Also, around this time Prophet Noble Drew Ali had put 75% of the America landmass, which is Washitaw county/territory in an ecclesiastical (Religious) trust. The Moors that owned banks and the prophet pulled out of the UNITED STATES corporation around the same time, so best believe that was a coordinated financial war that our ancestors had waged, which caused the great depression. If these Moors were freed slaves, how do you explain their rise to power in such a short period of time, during these racist times? Yes, your history is a lie, and it means His-story, because he won the war and wrote the book in his image. Every Historian needs to be arrested, charged with treason, and then shot. Why Do People Hate Moors: The hate of Moors stems from popular people banging on the Moors like Young Pharoah, General Seti, Dan Calloway, Kurimeo, Khandrop, etc. In fact, you all were fed misinformation about the Moors since it came from people who were biased towards the Moors, due to a lack of knowledge on their end. Moor means, “Land, ” according to the Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition. Moor also means light and Guardians of Osiris. Ethiopia Superior (Tameri), aka, Abyssinia (the Americas) was called Moorenland, according to definition, which makes perfect sense because Tameri means the land of the Maurs. Evidence that America is Ethiopia Superior (Tameri), “the land of the Moors,” or “the Country of the Moors,” can be found in this blog post: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/gibraltar-of-the-west/ . The Moors were running the American Government as the Continental Congress up until when the real George Washington, a Black man, was murdered and replaced by Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt made an interesting comment too about removing the fezzes and the sandals of the Moors: https://www.facebook.com/Americais…/posts/1386675394730090 . The Real George Washington was a Moor that was put in power by the Moors, because if you create a government, the UNITED STATES, like the Moors did, you put one of your own in power to oversee your creation. When the Moorish government was overthrown by George Washington, aka, Adam Weishaupt, when he chopped down his father’s cherry tree. The cherry tree that Adam Weishaupt (George Washington) chopped down was ole glory, the Moroccan flag. George Washington is documented saying: “If we would agree to take the Fezzes, and Turbans off the Moors’ Heads and remove the sandals from their feet and enforce it with severe punishments, and also swear a death oath between ourselves to religiously, and faith fully not allow anyone to teach the Moorish Children whom they really are or who their forefathers were. And only allow the Moorish Children to be taught that they were truly Negros, Black people and Colored Folks.” George Washington stated that 200 years from today the Moorish people would not know their nationality nor the national name of their forefathers also they would not know from which land or ancestors that they descended from. In this post is a $100 dollar US gold coin of the original statue of liberty. This gold coin was approved in 2017 as the official US currency. Yes, the original statue of liberty was the image of a Moorish (black) Muslim woman. The image of the Moor’s head is very powerful in history and it served as a family brand or logo. Lady liberty is also the ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis, Mother Mary/Maya/Meru, and the Creek (Greek) Goddess Columbia. Columbia was just the poetic name for the Americas and the name Columbia precedes Christopher Columbus by far. Please read more about the Creek Goddess Columbia by reading my previous blog post, “Who were the Moors in Ancient times.” People that continue to hate the Moors are either agents or religious zealots for their own personal faith or belief system. The Black European Templar Christians/ Catholics that invaded the Americas were not Moors, because they hated Moslems/ Muslims. The invasion was a result of a long serious of Holy Wars, aka, Crusades, between Moslems and Jews vs. Christians and Catholics. Yes, the Crusades were fought on both sides of the world, but mostly in the Americas since America is the Promised land. The Americas was Moslem-Jerusalem, aka, Granada land (Promised land/Israel); therefore, it is ridiculous to suggest that the Moors willfully invaded their own promised land in the Americas, when we have the dum diversas of 1452 issued by the Pope and the edict of the worms (dragons) issued by the Black Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, which banned Islam in the late 1400’s, proves that this was certainly not the case since the dum diversas authorized Christian Templars to take land, wealth, and possessions of Saracens (Moors) and pagans (Jews/Hebrews): https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/granada-land-is-the…/ . *************************************** WHO are the Royal Monsters running the World? – Psychopath In Your Life Timeline – Psychopath In Your Life Psychopath In Your Life – Dianne Emerson – YouTube Tune in: Podcast Links – Psychopath In Your Life BOOK *FREE* Download – Psychopath In Your Life TOP PODS – Psychopath In Your Life Google Maps My HOME Address: 309 E. Klug Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 SMART Meters & Timelines – Psychopath In Your Life *******************************…
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