Those struggling with chronic migraine headaches, neck pain, chronic fatigue, low back pain, and muscle soreness know that low energy comes along for the ride. What is not often discussed is how these two things are connected. When the body can’t make, store, and move energy efficiently, it can’t power its important systems. Inefficient healing and chronic pain results. In this episode, we are discussing a sleeping giant in the health and wellness space - structured water. Differing from normal water in its structure and chemical properties, the human body is reliant on having good amounts of structured water available to be at it’s healthiest. This episode discusses what structured water is, what it does, and how to take advantage of this knowledge for your best health. Dr. Jake Dodds and Dr. Lauren Dodds are the upper cervical chiropractors and foundational wellness experts at Spark Wellness in Fairhope, AL. Providing cutting edge health information to Daphne, Spanish Fort, the eastern shore and mobile bay area is their passion. They have seen that people who feel well can show up as their best selves with the people they care about the most. They feel that is what life is all about! #migraines #chiropractornearme #chiropractic #fairhope #daphne #spanishfort #chronicfatigue #headaches #nucca #uppercervical #neckpain #lowbackpain…