Celebration of 40+ years on the fringe of show business. Stories, interviews, and comedy sets from standup comics... famous, and not so famous. All taped Live on my Comedy stage. The interviews will be with comics, old staff members, and Friends from the world of Comedy. Standup Sets by Dana Carvey, Jay Leno, Tom Dreesen, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry Miller, Mark Schiff, Bobcat Goldthwait, Paula Poundstone, Garry Shandling, Ray Ramano, Cathy Ladman, Willie Tyler & Lester, and MORE. My web site has many pictures, items for sale, and more information www.standupcomedyyourhostandmc.com
A safe space to learn, grow, heal and connect with self. The Honey Temple will offer you healing meditations, fun informative teachings on spiritual self development with interviews with high vibe guests that are recognised as chosen leaders in their field. I have been on this self development journey now for 11 years and want to help other women,as I believe we are a soul tribe that must help each other, do the same. For me its all about not taking life too seriously, its about being REAL, RAW and AUTHENTIC, communicating to others from a balanced and realistic viewpoint to hold this space.
A safe space to learn, grow, heal and connect with self. The Honey Temple will offer you healing meditations, fun informative teachings on spiritual self development with interviews with high vibe guests that are recognised as chosen leaders in their field. I have been on this self development journey now for 11 years and want to help other women,as I believe we are a soul tribe that must help each other, do the same. For me its all about not taking life too seriously, its about being REAL, RAW and AUTHENTIC, communicating to others from a balanced and realistic viewpoint to hold this space.
We are now in the closing period of this powerful 7 year of chaos, truth and mastery. The number 7 is connected to the crown chakra and the chariot in the tarot. Fast moving energy but many are feel stuck and in this short video I discuss why and what you can do. We have one foot in our new reality and one in the past so we need to fully close out and let go of the old version of us just because they feel safe and step into that higher soul self expanded version of self. Especially with this grand earth trine on 31st December between the sun, the moon and the planet of expansion known as Jupiter. I created a FREE meditation to help you do this. Here is the link below ⬇️ https://youtu.be/snEzMbtyfC4?si=stXTIyyzsqXjnNeY Also to start this no 8 year off from a place of abundance and balance I am slashing the price of rhe Hornone Balance Chakra 8 week online Course by 33% to really help you cleanse, detox and promote soul self care as you mean to go on in 2024. Follow the link below ⬇️ https://soulselfmastery.com/hormone-balance-chakra-course/ And at the check out put in the code soulselfmastery33 to get £50 off!! Much love ad remember you are so got this… If you are interested in at of my reiki training attunement courses sed me an email to info@soulselfmastery.com and message me through instagram @soulselfmastery Sunday 21st January - Reiki Level 1 Sunday 11th February- Reiki Level 2 Sunday 3rd March- Reiki Level 3/ Masters Leigh xx…
Join me for this relaxing yet powerful healing meditation to help integrate and lock in the energies for the Winter Solstice 2023 otherwise known as Yule (means wheel) for this last turning of the wheel this year. Join me as we look in the mirror and love those parts of us that we have locked away in the shadows as we birth our light on this the shortest day and from this day forth our light grows stronger and stronger and so do we. Follow your light, your star, release the old from 2023 and set new intentions for 2024. If you wish to purchase the 12:12 portal the link is still available below ⬇️ https://soulselfmastery.com/products/1212portalactivat/ I hope your enjoy. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and happy new year 🥳 Love Leigh xx…
Welcome back. In this podcast I take a look at the energy for the month of November 2023 Samhain and Halloween in October was the end of the year so 1st November brought in a brand new energy as it was the start of a new year. It certainly felt that way as it took me 8 days to find the time to record! This month we go through the powerful 11:11 portal or gateway and download high wisdom and intuition codes to help us move forward with ease, union of the self and momentum. The number 11 is a master number making the vibration of this number super powerful in itself so when it is repeated in the month of November and on this day in 2023 it is actually tripled so expect powerful shifts. 11 is connected to leadership, responsibility, new beginnings, intuition and duality. I recorded a powerful 60 minute 11:11 activation which will be available until the end of November to help you move through this gateway with ease and flow. See the link below. Appreciate your support and energy exchange as it takes a lot of time and commitment to bring these channelled activations through. https://soulselfmastery.com/products/11-11-portal-activation-union/ I hope you enjoy Leigh xx…
Welcome back to my podcast or if this is the first time you have visited you are very welcome and I encourage you to listen the previous episode for some context for this meditation. I will pop the link here for the video version: https://youtu.be/V9Jgkju9fSY?si=nhrD_qoxDL79lSQw and the audio version below 👇 https://open.spotify.com/episode/4kftL9nZgbqT2c4EWca7Lp?si=GSESU8miT8OwUbAz6h8Pnw All my meditations are channelled so I never have any idea what is going to come through so this one was so lovely as I adore the movie ‘The Wizard of Oz’ and feel there is some powerful symbolism inherent within the script. If you think of the story. Dorothy’s world gets turned upside down but it wasn’t that great anyways and in the end it was all an illusion to get her to realise that she has everything she ever needs or wants within her and not some power outside of her. A parable of how to achieve spiritual enlightenment and use it effectively in the physical world. The yellow brick road is golden, representing our wisdom so I am guided to take you on a journey down this road to meet three aspects of self; your inner child (maiden or page), your mother (or father if male) and your crone or sage self. Then you release the old into the cauldron and watch as this is alchemised into gold wisdom and ceremonial cacao as you drink and integrate with these 3 aspects of self to full fully whole again and in your power. Beautiful but powerful. There may be symbolism along the way so trust what you are seeing and comment below so I can help you with the interpretations. I hope you enjoy and please share to help others. Love Leigh xx…
It’s the final week of October and boy it’s been a ride of a month and the final wave is still to come so hang in there. The final doorway to the past is closing out with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. I spend about 15 mins at the start of this video explaining the energy before we dive into guidance from the oracle. This moon is known as the blood moon where the shadow of the earth is projected on the face of the moon. You may feel very sensitive around as our shadow aspect comes out of the literal shadows… Eclipses initiate and usher in big life changes and challenges so take a minute or 40 mins out of your busy schedule to become aware of the energies so you can stay one step ahead and to really integrate and process the energies in your own shadow why now relax and do my 30 min meditation after this video to really integrate those 3 aspects of self. As I mentioned in this podcast or if you prefer the video version I will pop the link below: https://youtu.be/wJcoOFnAJzw Taurus is a practical earth sign really asking you to be persistent, committed and gentle with yourself and your needs at this time, including those that may come up from the shadows via our inner child. Taurus rules finances so this are may also be coming up for many at this time so take a breath and trust the process and work your way through it as best you can. We are in Scorpio season, which is all about embracing change, transformation, death and rebirth. Scorpio is a water sign that teaches us to keep dying, changing and growing. Just days after this full moon eclipse we have Samhain and Halloween which I could do a whole video on itself if I had time. The ultimate death! There is a reason why we dress up at this time in gory costumes because we are connected with our shadow and disowned self so embrace this time of the year and fully step into your crone/ sage, witch or wizard selves to help you with the next stage in your life. The theme for this Full Moon Eclipse/ Samhain energy is Initiation which is death and rebirth and ‘Calling back your POWER’ We are being asked to go slowly, the speak our truth, to connect with the dark feminine and set boundaries or at least think about them ready for actioning them in November We are being asked to sacrifice our comfort zones and what is familiar to step into the unknown. We are being asked to be strategic and plan, to be super clear on what and who we what to be going forward to manifest all that we wish. We are being asked to proceed slowly and allow our Hearts to Heal along the way. To help make this personal for you to heal and integrate your disowned aspects or shadow take 30 mins to go on a meditation journey with this channeled meditation I created for you. Link below 👇 Please leave me a comment if this resonated and of you enjoyed the meditation and share my work to help others at this time. Much love Leigh xx…
Welcome to October the ‘month of mystery’!! October is always an interesting month so I am delighted to bring you the guidance early to rest and retreat. Often we must do this before we can fully move forward and step into the new. There are 2 eclipses in October on the 14th and 28th October with an Arcturus Gateway in between hence why we have started downloading power light codes already. Karma is clearing big time hence why September was such an intense base chakra clearing month so we need time to stabilise and integrate the energy so ground ground ground is the best advice. Eclipses act as portals to bring stuff up that you wouldn’t otherwise look at to you can step forward in a big way and create the life you want. Eclipses are known to be like full moon or new moons on steroids as they affect our moods and behaviours so its a good time to withdraw from the world and retreat a bit before the hectic festive season. Please remember that eclipses only become difficult to handle when we resist the changes that we know are necessary to move forward so be prepared with Pluto going direct in the 10/10 portal bringing in sudden change and transformation but allow for out highest good. October is the 10th month and the numerology of the number 10 signifies wholeness and balance. 1 = independence 0= unity It is also known as a powerful manifestation number that we can use with intention to turn our dreams into reality. 10/10 energy on the 10th of October doubles this vibration hence why I am feeling the call to do an activation for you. The 10th card in the tarot is the ‘wheel of fortune’ so allow the wheels of your life to make a big turn, finally close that door to something that has not been serving you for so long and embrace the new as hard as it is at the start it will be worth it in the end. To get through the month you are being asked focus on forward momentum especially with Pluto going direct, the planet of transformation and personal power. To balance you chakras and energy field through ground practices in order to receive these creation codes with ease and above all stay in your masculine and feminine balances energy fully holding yourself as you rise above the darkness like the phoenix from the flames or the lady form the lotus. Follow your bliss and do what lights you up. Stay in your heart. Communicate Freely. Simplify your life and declutter getting rid of those energies that do not serve you. I will post the 10/10 portal activation when it is ready. Much Love Leigh xx…
Join me for a beautiful healing rebalancing meditation where we cleanse, clear and release each chakra energy centre and physical hormone gland before connecting with a planet to identify what area is coming up for healing in your life right now. Leigh xx
Welcome to my monthly energy update. In todays episode we look at the energies for September 2023. August was a powerhouse of a month and unearthed some unsettling energy so I’m September we are being asked to stabilise, ground and heal at the root / base chakra level. We are fully supported in all aspects to go deep within and look at what previously we have not been ready to look at and heal. Issues around relationship may come up as Venus comes out of retrograde or career as we may find we can no longer wear a mask or inauthenticity. As we start the month with a super blue full moon in Pisces it will feel super charged so go with it and release and let go whats no longer servicing. As I explain in this episode or video open that cupboard, room or drawer symbolically speaking where we have stuffed things down. Take time to clean up our physically and energetic space alongside our internal body and mind. Stepping into our power and being the car rather than the dog is also a major theme, taking responsibility and being in that logical ‘king of swords’ energy to ultimate make our wishes and dreams come true. To read more or sign up for The Hormone Balance Chakra Course click the Knick below 👇 https://soulselfmastery.com/courses/ Leigh xx…
Welcome to my August energy update where I intuitively look at the energies for the month ahead in conjunction with oracle & tarot and astrology. Please note I am not an astrologer but love to use it as a tool so always research and read further using the links and information from the experts below. When I think of August I think of POWER. It’s a powerhouse of a month. We start off the month with a super full moon in Aquarius on the 1st alongside Lughnasa which is the 1st harvest allowing us to bring into fruition the fruits of our labour over the past 12 months. Then the lions gate portal peaks on the 8th which is a combination of ancient astrology, cosmology and numerology all connected to a celestial alignment known as a trinity of alignment between the star Sirius, Earth, the Orion constellation and the pyramids of Giza. This alignment creates an opening of energy, a portal or doorway of manifestation of high frequency light codes. Pyramids are a symbol of protection, enlightenment, self awareness and spiritual growth, amplifying energy to help us grow, heal and evolve in our life. As discussed in this energy reading I have channelled a powerful 8/8 Lion Gate ACTIVATION which you can purchase with a small donation below as an energy exchange. The activation itself is about an hour long to be done any time in the month of August. It contains powerful healing codes, reiki healing energy and shamanic tools to prepare, clean and activate your 4 bodies to manifest and step into that higher version/ Soul led version of you essentially allowing you to RISE like the STAR you are as we all came from stardust. If you would like to receive powerful Lions Gate 8/8 Healing Activation click the link below ⬇️ https://soulselfmastery.com/products/lions-gate-8-8-activation/ I discuss ascension symptoms that some of you may be experiencing like sleep disturbances, headaches, aches and pain and high emotions along with solar flares and why we are experiencing so many of them now than ever before as the sun reaches its 11 year cycle in 2024. See the link below from Elizabeth Peru explaining this better. https://youtu.be/5mVNFuYtfko AFFIRMATIONS FOR AUGUST: “I always remain honest and true to myself. I have a plan and trust myself to walk the right path” “I am a miracle worker. Love is vibrating in all aspects of my being. I transform negative energy. I release the past and move forward with love. I attract inner peace and great joy every day in many ways. I see the bigger picture” “Love is my greatest superpower and I give it freely. I am loved, loving and lovable” General Themes; - Magic Manifesting (August is a powerful to manifest) - Communicate your needs, wants and desires and get a weight off your chest - Be your authentic self and show the world the REAL you - Healing the solar plexus ‘divine masculine’ and confidence are the keys to success - Balance spirituality and practicality - Stepping into your purpose - Closing a 10 year cycle - Entering the Ibis and getting comfortable being uncomfortable facing what you haven’t be able or willing to before - Being the observer and seeing from that higher point of view - Dreams and wishes being fulfilled but with daily consistent inspired action - Justice Beijing served and the scales becoming balanced- karma cleared - Free yourself you have had the key all along - Balancing masculine and feminine energies - Death and rebirth - Joy and fun - Stay grounded and be mindful of diet and movement to flush the old to allow the new If you would like to book an Akashic Records Clearing Session or Soul Self Mastery 1:1 session online or in person or enquire about the next round of the hormone balance visit my website below https://soulselfmastery.com/services/ Love Leigh xx…
What a week of energies it has been with that powerful new moon in gemini arriving on Father’s Day and then the schuman resonance (earth’s heartbeat) rising to 190 when it generally doesn’t go over 8 and then disappeared. This is never seen before energy that we will all be feeling hence why you could be feeling tired, irritable, angry, feeling physical pain or maybe very emotional and much interrupted sleep or vivid dreams. Saturn 🪐 the planet of karma and the great father energy went into retrograde meaning it goes backwards, taking us back over old karma, also at the time of the new moon. This has brought up the distorted masculine energies within us all males and females alike to be looked at with non judgement and compassion for all. Pls remember we are human and can make mistakes and say things we don’t mean when we are hit with a trigger but the most important thing is to learn for it, acknowledge your part and let it go with heart based energy so you can move forward. The summer solstice otherwise known as Litha is the longest day of the year, the day with the most light available, the day when you can fully feel, allow and experience all of your beautiful light. Remember the light can only be seen in the dark so allow your shadow self to be revealed so it can be brought to the light and healed. The light is the sun, the masculine, fire energy, action, will, desire, confidence, authenticity. I hope this meditation helps to integration the strong energies of this past week with ease into your bodies so you can fully step into your light and path ahead. Much love Leigh xx…
Sit back and relax with this gentle healing ‘clearing obstacles’ May Meditation. Join me as I take you on a shamanic healing journey through the elements of fire, water, air, earth and lightening (electricity) through the infamous ‘Dark Hedges’ from the Game of Thrones. The Dark Hedges were planted in the 18th century by the Stuart family to impress visitors as they approached the entrance to their mansion Gracehill house named after James Stewart’s wife Grace. I thought this was symbolic as I have been hearing the word graceful boundaries a lot. Grace means ‘unmerited divine assistance give it humans for their regenerations’ and ‘a virtue coming from God’ so to me this feels like we will all be receiving divine assistance for our patience, dedication and hard work over the last 6 months hence why obstacles are being removed in May. The Dark Hedges shot the scene of Ayra Stark escaping Kings Landing so makes sense why I was shown this site to bring through as a shamanic healing session for you as we finally escape our torments and fears that have been holding us back and keeping us stuck. During this meditation I wondered what type of trees surrounded the Dark Hedges as I was shown the Hawthorn Tree because it’s the May /Beltane tree so it’s as interesting to read afterwards that they were Beech Trees because they symbolise the death of something. At the end of this healing meditation as we walk down the road through the Beech Trees we literally enter a doorway to a new realm. I am hearing a threshold and crossing thresholds is a way of moving from one state of being to another but this can bring uncertainty and change as we confront our shadow. We are creatures of habit after all and it is much easier to stay with the known and familiar yet if we refuse to confront what lies behind the threshold we will remain stagnant and stuck in a repeating cycle. Beech signifies the death of something but also stand for the changes that rise through realisation because it’s gift is the revelation of experience. Oracle Cards used: Moonology by Yasmin Boland - Full moon in Scorpio (It’s time to release negativity) - Full moon eclipse (Conclusions are within reach) - Full moon (Surrender to the divine) If you would like to book a 1:1 soul self mastery healing session or oracle reading please check out my website below. www.soulselfmastery.com Thank you Leigh xx…
In today’s Podcast Episode I take a look at the energy for May 2023. The fifth month of the year; Gemini and Virgo energy with the dominant planet being Mercury, symbol of communication so it’s interesting that we are in Mercury Retrograde at the minute. The number 5 is connected to movement, adventure, travel, freedom, abundance and curiosity so kept those in mind as we navigate through this powerful month. We are supported this month with the ascended master and energy of Ganesh who clears any obstacles we have in our path preventing our highest timeline from manifesting. Mother Mary also steps in to support us. This month we start with letting go with the powerful full moon solar eclipse portal energy on 5th May (5/5). This allows us to step into our power and into our balanced masculine and feminine energies with the support of Beltane energies at the beginning of May. Beltane is a powerfully fire festival that is connected to union and marriage of the self, of the may queen and green man, of Cernunnos and Brigid to bring in more fertility, passion and fire action to help us with the second half of the year. Words for May are: - FORGIVENESS - FULFILLMENT - REMEMBRANCE What challenges will we face? Our own thoughts and mind wanting to control and know the way forward as we step into the unknown. What action can we expect? Stepping up as the leader in our own lives and creating in collaboration with all aspects of the self, feminine/masculine/ inner child. What positive words and affirmations will see us through the month? GIVE THANKS In your imagination kiss each of your favourite people in turn and thank them for being in your life. Then do the same, with an open heart, to each of the people who cause you difficulties. INDULGE Buy yourself a treat each week, even if it’s very modest. Enjoy it as though it were the greatest gift you have ever received. The universe will then provide many more gifts for your to enjoy. LOVE “Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and a richness to life that nothing else can bring” Oscar Wilde Oracle Cards used: Keepers of the Light by Kyle Gray Divine Animals Oracle by Stacey DeMarco The Light Seers’s Tarot by Chris-Anne The Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Oracle by Amanda Ellis Attracting Abundance by Jane Struthers Links mentioned: Hormone Balance Chakra Course (use the code at check for 33% off SOULSELFMASTERY33) https://soulselfmastery.com/hormone-balance-chakra-course/ Book: Trust your Truth by Shannon Algeo Free Chakra Balance Meditation Happy May Leigh xx…
In this episode I discuss my journey as a conscious parent. How I am still a work in progress. How I am not perfect. How we grow a s learn so much from our kids every day. I highly recommend that you google Abraham Hicks ‘scale of emotions’ to help children understand their emotions and take down my quick parenting tool as a reminder to keep your awareness high. P- perfectly imperfect /A- authentic self R- respond from balanced place / E- expectations / N- note to self ‘teach by example’ /T- triggers (know them, own them, integrate them)/ I- inner child/ N- never too late to start / G- give them your love, time & presence. Leigh xx…
Welcome to this requested episode. I get asked on a daily basis what you can do to cleanse and clear your energy field. In this episode I list 10 ways but I am sure there are more so just trust your own instincts and intuition and know that you are powerful so once you step into that you are fully protected. Thank you for listening. Please find the link to the CORD CUTTING MEDITATION on my YouTube channel: Cord Cutting Healing MEDITATION #poweranimal #merkaba #baschakra https://youtu.be/qeuIv8AyQj4. Leigh xx…
In this episode I explore the difference and how we can upgrade from Self Care to Soul Self Care protocols through a daily sacred practice. However before we get into the steps I explain what self care and soul care and essentially, what it means to be conscious, what is ascension and what is 3D, 4Dand 5D. Also here are some useful links if you want to join me and are listening to this before 17th October sign up here on my website www.soulselfmastery.com for my Hormone Balance Chakra Masterclass or if you want to join my 8 week program click here https://soulselfmastery.com/courses/ as always thank you listening. Love Leigh xx…
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