Last summer, something monumental happened. One of Uncuffed's founding producers, Greg Eskridge, came home after more than 30 years in prison. In this episode we’ll bring you back to that emotional day last summer when he walked out of the San Quentin gates, free at last. Our work in prisons is supported by the California Arts Council, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, independent foundations, and donations from listeners like you. Learn more, sign up for Uncuffed news, and support the program at Follow us @WeAreUncuffed on Instagram and Facebook Transcripts are available within a week of the episode coming out at…
IgniteLife Church, Gold Coast. The church that models Jesus' Great Invitation: 'Follow Me'. A church plant within Australian Christian Churches, Qld & NT.
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Are you a disciple of Jesus or merely a professing Christian? If you engage in a local church, you're in a small minority of the Australian population - about 3%. Governments in western countries, including Australia, are gradually privatising religion. Ultimately, they will outlaw it. Are you prepared to pay the price for being a disciple? You pro…
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Ps Rod presents the second in a series of sermons on discipleship. Here, he focuses on Matthew 11:28-32, the well-known 'Come to me all who labour and are heavy laden' scripture. He invites us to consider this scripture as applying to both the spiritual and political/economic life. He explains how Jesus is interested in both spiritual and political…
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In this sermon, Dr Rod explores what it means to be a disciple, to be committed to God's purpose, His principles and His plan. Rod suggests that God's overall purpose, revealed throughout the Bible is to fill the earth with people like Him and that His principles and plans stem from that purpose.저자 Dr Rod
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Wokeists, If I Were You I Wouldn't Cancel Women: Dr Rod St Hill - 2 June 2023
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29:18June was Pride Month in some of the 'western' nations. Some of the more outrageous behaviours were naked men riding bicycles (Seattle) and activists chanting, 'We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children' in New York. Big business promoted Pride. Ps Rod objected to Pride Month on the ground that it sought to cancel women. In this sermon…
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Leadership In Two Words: Dr Rod St Hill - 25 June 2023
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27:38In this sermon, Dr Rod, pastor at IgniteLife Church Gold Coast, relates a personal testimony about how God answered his prayer on leadership with two simple words - wisdom and compassion. He shares about how we can develop both.저자 Dr Rod
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Praying Against the Great Awokening II: Dr Rod St Hill - 16 Oct 2022
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36:06Dr Rod concludes his two-pair series on how Christians should pray against what he calls, 'The Great Awokening' or the adoption of Cultural Marxism by those on the left. He reiterates that we should eschew anger at the people who espouse woke ideas but that we should pray and intercede without ceasing, not allowing ourselves to be discouraged if ou…
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Praying Against The Great Awokening: Dr Rod St Hill - 9 Oct 2022
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40:15There is a major clash between classical (or historical) Christianity and Cultural Marxism. The growth of Cultural Marxism has been rapid since about 2010. In Australia today, Christians can lose their job just because they are Christians. Dr Rod St Hill explains why Cultural Marxism upsets Christians and discusses how we can pray against the 'Grea…
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Jesus used the parable of the sheep and goats in Matt 25. His words have inspired some Christians to argue that we should be building sheep nations now. Dr Rod explains the concept of the sheep nation and discusses the important motif of living under the grape vine and fig tree.저자 Dr Rod
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'The story of your life is the story of the long and brutal assault on your heart by the one who knows what you could be and fears it.' (John Eldridge)Dr Rod continues his discussion on resilience. In this part, he notes five behaviours of resilient Christians. Towards the end of the discussion he recommends John Eldridge's recent book, Resilient, …
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In this discussion point, Ps Rod defines resilience as 'the quality of being able to break through all the life-altering challenges you face and move toward your destiny.' He explains that resilience is the biblical norm. In the Bible we find both exhortations to, and assurances of, resilience.저자 Dr Rod
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Stickto-it-ivity (Queen Elizabeth II): Ps Rod St Hill - 11 Sept 2022
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24:58Queen Elizabeth II died on 8 September 2022, aged 96 years and having celebrated her Platinum Jubilee as Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth of Nations, Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England. In this discussion point, Ps Rod attributes her 'stick-to-itivity' or resilie…
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A Year Of Great Grace Reprise: Ps Rod St Hill - 1 May 2022
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27:00Early this year Ps Rod shared a word for IngiteLife. It was: And with great ability and power the apostles were continuously testifying to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace [God's remarkable lovingkindness and favour and goodwill] rested richly upon them all. (Acts 4:33 AMP)This discussion point is a reprise of that message, with …
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It is undoubtedly true that most people, even some people who think of themselves as Christians, doubt the resurrection, yet without it Christianity fails utterly. In this Discussion Point, Ps Rod St Hill addresses four common objections to the resurrection.저자 Dr Rod
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If Jesus did not rise from the dead, he would have been guilty of blasphemy under the law. He wasn’t! We know this because God raised Him from the dead. The resurrection is historical fact. God vindicated Jesus!저자 Dr Rod
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Many of us have grown up believing that God is angry with us or will smite us for the smallest indiscretion. Nothing could be further from the truth! Matt Hallet shares from the Word of God and his own experience about the goodness of God.저자 Dr Rod
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Lazarus Raised From The Dead: Ps Rod St Hill - 10 April 2022
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29:31On Palm Sunday we traditionally focus on the so-called triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem (in early April, around 33 AD). It is arguable that things were set in motion for the crucifixion of Jesus by the public miracle of Lazarus raised to life by Jesus about four months earlier. Although nobody denied this miracle it divided the people betwee…
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Many people like to live dangerously. They seek thrills and have spills. Here are some tips for true living dangerously. Speak the truth; take up your cross; given your life for others; let compassion motivate you; love the unloved; have the courage to forgive.저자 Dr Rod
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There are disagreements between Catholic and Protestant understandings of Matthew 16:13-19. Ps Rod explains the differences and focuses on what it means for protestants today. He touches on interpretations of 'binding and loosing' and explains ekklēsia. He notes that Catholic beliefs associated with (Simon) Peter underpin their notion of the magist…
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Bloom Where You Are Planted - Ps Rod St Hill, 20 Mar 2022
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46:38Ps Rod explains what it means to 'bloom where you are planted.' He offers three keys for blooming, namely, 'be resilient', 'be fruitful', and 'be righteous.'저자 Dr Rod
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In Acts 4:33 we read, 'And with great ability and power the apostles were continuously testifying to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace [God's remarkable lovingkindness and favour and goodwill] rested richly upon them all' (Amplified Bible). In this discussion point, Ps Rod explores what this might mean for the church in 2022. He s…
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Ps Rod continues his discussion of the importance of the local church. Among other things, he points to the 'church gathered' as a temple of God (Ephesians 2:21)저자 Dr Rod
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The Greek word ekklesia is usually translated ‘church’. Apparently this goes back to King James who instructed his translators to use ‘church’. Ekklesia is probably better translated as ‘assembly’ or ‘gathering’. Its common meaning at the time the New Testament was written was ‘an assembly of the called-out or elect.’ In this discussion point, Ps R…
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Malachi 3:8-10 is often used in messages about tithes and offerings, yet it could be argued that New Covenant blessing is based on faith rather than obedience to law. Ps Rod explores this idea and emphasises how important it is that Jesus fulfilled the law on our behalf.저자 Dr Rod
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Baptism in the Holy Spirit: Ps Rod St Hill - 23 May 2021
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59:10The book of Acts records the amazing impact of baptism in the Holy Spirit in the early church. Ps Rod lists 31 events in chapters 1 to 12 that demonstrate the empowering influence of the Holy Spirit.저자 Dr Rod
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Friend of God, Enemy of the Devil: Ps Keith Walters - 25 April 2021
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41:21Ps Keith uses Nehemiah and Jesus to describe our position in the world as a friend of God and enemy of the devil.저자 Dr Rod
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Revelation 18 records the future destruction of political and economic Babylon. Ps Rod explains this event in the 14th part of his series on the book of Revelation.저자 Dr Rod
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The Cross is Not Enough: Ps Rod St Hill - 4 April 2021
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41:10Theologian Michael Bird says that the cross is not enough. Ps Rod explores this idea. Did you know that the probability of the resurrection is 0.97. It’s almost a ‘dead’ certainty.저자 Dr Rod
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The first Christian might have been the criminal on the Criss to whom Jesus said, ‘Today you will be with me in paradise’. Ps Rod explains the good in Good Friday.저자 Dr Rod
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Ps Rod continues teaching on the book of Revelation. Among other things he contrasts the donkey of Palm Sunday with the white horse of Rev 19.저자 Dr Rod
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Ps Rod discusses research on the effectiveness of prayer. He explains why statistical analysis is problematic and outlines the biblical basis for prayer.저자 Dr Rod
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Last year we covered Revelation chs 1 to 16. That took 12 Discussion Points. In this Discussion Point, we return to Revelation. Chapter 17 describes the woman, ‘Babylon the Great, Mother of all Prostitutes and Obscenities in the World’, seated on a scarlet beast, and her destruction. Many commentators argue that the woman represents the apostate ch…
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Is God really in control? Ps Rod presents some data and addresses the sovereignty of God. He explains determinism and free will and outlines the biblical principles of divine delegation and ambassadorship.저자 Dr Rod
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The Four Core Elements of Sunday Connect: Ps Rod St Hill - 28 February 2021
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32:07The core structure of Sunday Connect at IgniteLife Church Gold Coast is Worship, Communion, Word, Community. Ps Rod explains the biblical basis for all of these.저자 Dr Rod
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Blessing, Law, and Faith: Ps Rod St Hill - 21 February 2021
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29:03There are many blessings described in the Bible. In the Old Testament, blessings were contingent on obedience to the law. Now, blessings are provided by God by grace and we access them through faith. We don’t need miracles when we live the blessed life.저자 Dr Rod
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Sabbath for Christians: Ps Rod St Hill - 7 February 2021
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39:02Ps Rod contrasts the Old Testament Sabbath Day with the New Testament Sabbath Rest. To the extent that we strive in the Christian life, we should ‘strive to enter His rest.’저자 Dr Rod
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In this discussion point, Ps Keith Walters explains how important it is to humble ourselves before God. Humility before God is the essence of greatness.저자 Dr Rod
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Have you ever wondered why living the Christian life seems so hard? Trials come to us all. Senior Pastor of the Ignite Life family of churches, Ps Keith Walters, shared on this subject at Sunday Connect today.저자 Dr Rod
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In this third part of a three-part series on marriage, Ps Rod addresses the issue of divorce. He cites infidelity, desertion and abuse as grounds for divorce.저자 Dr Rod
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Prophecy in Jeremiah 29: Ps Suzette Torti - 29 November 2020
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34:54In this discussion point Ps Suzette Torti presents a prophetic perspective on Jeremiah 29 that is a word in season for the IgniteLife community.저자 Dr Rod
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Michael (aka Robert) McCullough knows what it’s like to be a star. He also knows how lost we are without Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Listen to his testimony. You will be moved by it.저자 Dr Rod
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This is the second in a series on marriage. This part focuses on the purpose of marriage. It will help you understand why the Christian church generally teaches that marriage is a covenant relationship between a man and woman for life. Ps Rod uses scripture and data to explain the purpose of marriage.…
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Marriage is still popular and the majority of Australians think it is an important institution. In this discussion point, Ps Rod summaries Australian data on marriage and explains the high view of marriage held by Jesus.저자 Dr Rod
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1 Nov was our Mission Sunday. Ps Rod outlined five reasons for mission: the cultural mandate, the Great Invitation, the Great Commandment, the Great Commission and the civilising effects of Christian worldview.저자 Dr Rod
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Many Christians ask, ‘Does a Christian who commits suicide forfeit heaven?’ Ps Rod says, ‘No’ and explains why.저자 Dr Rod
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The ACC Queensland and Northern Territory State Conference was held last Tuesday. In this discussion point, Ps Rod summarises the addresses given by the State and National Presidents, Ps John Hunt and Ps Wayne Alcorn. Rod also emphasises the importance of voting Christianly in the Queensland State election on 31 October.…
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IgniteLife Church is committed to the ‘Three Greats’, the Great Invitation, the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. In summary: come, love, go. Ps Rod explains how these fit together and how the first two make the third possible.저자 Dr Rod
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Over a decade ago God spoke to Ps Rod about the need for the Pentecostal movements to get back to their roots. He shared about the humble, gracious, black preacher, William J Seymour whom God used to establish the foundation for the growth of Pentecostalism in the twentieth and twenty first centuries. It is that foundation that we need to get back …
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A prophecy was spoken over IgniteLife Church last year. Part of it was, ‘Your people are pillars.’ Ps Rod explained what he believes that prophecy means in this week’s discussion point.저자 Dr Rod
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Guest speaker Dougall Hamilton shares on how love motivates us.저자 Dr Rod
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In this discussion point, Ps Rod reminds us that what we say creates our world or, at least, our experience of the world. He used the incident when Jesus cursed the fig tree to illustrate the power of words.저자 Dr Rod
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