NAU Newman Center in Flagstaff, AZ
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March 23, 2025. Third Sunday of Lent homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus advocates for us and desires us to persevere. God invites us to take that next step forward regardless of where we have been and at some point, fruit will be borne.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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March 16, 2025. Second Sunday of Lent homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus gives us a glimpse of the glory to come in heaven. Jesus embraces our suffering and walks with us on the way to the cross, in hopes of the Resurrection to follow.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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March 9, 2025. First Sunday of Lent homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how God invites us to call on Him in our time of need. Rather than relying on our own strength, we can be reminded of God's faithfulness through the Scriptures and turn to Him now.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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March 2, 2025. Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how what flows out of us reveals what is in us. We can bring to God that which is not good so that we are filled more and more with His goodness.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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February 23, 2025. Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how we are called to forgive and love others, who are God's anointed ones.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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February 16, 2025. Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Christ invites us to place our hope in Him, knowing that He is with us in all things and working all things for our good.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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February 9, 2025. Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus draws near to Simon Peter and invites him to follow Him. Jesus wants to work through Simon Peter, but needs His openness to being sent and going with Jesus.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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February 2, 2025. The Presentation of the Lord homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus, the Light of the World, comes to fulfill the Old Covenant by establishing the New Covenant in His blood. His light fills the Jerusalem temple, yet now He wants His light to fill us, His temple today, and be kept burning brightly until He leads us to the heavenl…
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January 26, 2025. 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about the words of Scripture have power and God desires to fulfill them as we hear His Word.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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January 19, 2025. Second Sunday of Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus desires to bless us with good wine now. His invitation is for us to bring our concerns and difficulties to Him and for Him to with be with us in them.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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January 12, 2025. Baptism of the Lord homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how God gives us His divine grace in baptism and then invites us to become disciples through cooperating with His transforming grace.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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December 25, 2024. Christmas homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how God who is all powerful and move all things by His arm, chooses to humble Himself and become a baby so that we can embrace Him in our arms.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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December 22, 2024. Fourth Sunday of Advent homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how God is continually trying to come to us, if we have hearts and ears open to it. One privileged way is through Mary, the mother of His Son, Jesus.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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December 9, 2024. Immaculate Conception homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Mary cooperated with God's grace. Even though we are not perfect, by cooperating with God's grace in His plan in our life, we are perfected.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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December 15, 2024. Third Sunday of Advent homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how we are called to Rejoice this Sunday and always, knowing that God is with us and in His will, all things work for good.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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December 8, 2024. Make Straight the Path by Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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December 1, 2024. First Sunday of Advent homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus will come again and now is the time to do what we need to be ready.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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November 24, 2024. Christ the King by Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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November 17, 2024. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus will come again. As we may have experienced His peace, love, and mercy already, so His coming on the last day will bring even more. We embrace His nearness this day so that we can ready and at peace on that day He comes again.…
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November 10, 2024. The Power of Poverty by Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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November 3, 2024. 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how God calls us to love Him above all because it helps heal and redeem our fallenness.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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October 27, 2024. 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Bartimeus approaches Jesus with the desire to see. Even though Bartimeus was blind, he saw enough to know that Jesus is God and the One he needs.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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October 20, 2024. 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus invites us to embrace His will and lay down our lives in service.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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October 13, 2024. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus invites us to follow and experience the goodness He holds in store for us. He asks us to let go of what possesses us to be able to receive more of what He wants to give.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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October 6, 2024. 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how God gives us the unique relationship of man and woman to bless one another and the world. By loving in marriage we become the people God desires us to be.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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September 29, 2024. 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus invites us to cooperate with His effort to remove sin and all that separates us from Him. He invites us to come to Him as we are and let His mercy purify us.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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September 22, 2024. 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus invites us to accept His cross and will as we would receive a child. Jesus chooses to be with us in our suffering, holding us, and working all things for our good.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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September 15, 2024. 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus invites us to freely embrace the cross because there we find Jesus carrying the cross with us out of love.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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September 8, 2024. 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus wants not only to heal us but to bring us to salvation.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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September 1, 2024. 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus wants to form our hearts by His commandments. As our hearts are transformed by His goodness, we can look forward to more and more goodness flowing out of us.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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August 25, 2024. 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how when people walked away from Jesus due to His teaching on His Real Presence in the Eucharist, He invited the other disciples to make a choice. Peter responds, where else shall we go, you have the words of eternal. God loves us and our freedom and invites us to make a c…
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August 18, 2024. 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus offers us His very self to nourish, sustain, and heal us. We can receive Jesus now and by His grace we are led to eternal life.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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August 11, 2024. 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how God gives us physical and spiritual sustenance to strengthen us on our journey to heaven.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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August 4, 2024. 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how our goal as Christians is union with God. In the Eucharist, Jesus is both the means that gives us strength and the end to which we are journeying (union in heaven).저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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July 14, 2024. 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus sends us out with nothing because He wants to be our everything. By responding with courage and following His prompts, we and the world are changed.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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June 23, 2024. 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how although Jesus is sleeping in the boat, He is still with us. Jesus stretches us to the point of being uncomfortable because He wants us to grow.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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June 16, 2024. Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how growth takes time and often in unseen ways. By God's grace, if we cultivate our faith and do what is good, it is guaranteed to bear fruit.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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June 2, 2024. The Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus (Corpus Christi) homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus enters into a covenant with us through His blood. He shares His divine spirit with us and invites us to offer ourselves back to Him.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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May 26, 2024. Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how God is a Trinity of persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, whose love pours out into our lives. We are then invited to go share His love, which allows us to experience even more of it.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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May 12, 2024. Ascension Sunday homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus' power with us can help us persevere through all things. Jesus is with us in our suffering and desires to raise us to share in His divinity in heaven.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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May 5, 2024. Sixth Sunday of Easter homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how God chooses to give us life and love and invites us to make a response of choosing Him. He seeks our greatest happiness and by putting Him first, we encounter the love we were created for.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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April 21, 2024. Fourth Sunday of Easter homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus is the one who brings healing and salvation through all means, including suffering.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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April 14, 2024. Third Sunday of Easter homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus brings something better to our lives and invites us to witness to that something better to the people around us.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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April 7, 2024. Second Sunday of Easter homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus responds to Thomas' desire. Jesus shows Thomas His wounds, letting Thomas know that Jesus was lovingly with him in his sufferings.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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March 31, 2024. Easter Sunday homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how encountering the Risen Jesus changes our lives and compels us to be witnesses of His goodness to the world.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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March 30, 2024. Easter Vigil homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus offers us a way out of the brokenness caused by Original Sin. The gift of His sacraments offers us redemption and new life that can only come from Him.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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March 29, 2024. Good Friday homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how each person has a choice in the face of sin: we can choose to turn away from Christ or toward Him and embrace His cross and find salvation.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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March 24, 2024. Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus chose to feel abandoned because that's where we are. We can choose to abandon how we wish we felt, abandoning ourselves into God's plan and will as Jesus did, knowing that He is with us right here where we are.…
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March 17, 2024. Fifth Sunday of Lent homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus shares that His glory will be revealed in His upcoming suffering. His disciples are invited to follow Him to the cross and to the glory that will follow.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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March 10, 2024. Fourth Sunday of Lent homily by Fr. Matt Lowry about how Jesus comes to save us from our diseased condition of Original Sin.저자 Catholic Jacks at NAU Newman Center
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