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Super Cereal Podcast

Paul and Nick

It's the sugar-coated conversation you didn't know you needed. Nick and Paul go over all those brightly colored boxes in the cereal aisle, talking about history, how they taste, what's good (Cinnamon Toast Crunch), what's bad (anything Pebbles), and the latest juicy cereal gossip. Yeah, there's juicy cereal gossip! Join us every week for a new installment of talking about cerealdom.
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show series
Paul and Nick mix it up with some mix in suggestions. Nick is very open-minded about goes into a cereal and Paul is more reserved. So it's a very on brand episode. Topics include:Cereal Bandits!;Nanner Rules; Bringing Berries to the Bowl; Fruit Follies!; Choosing Your Sweet Poisons; Secret Number 6; Zoe Sultana; Grape Woes; Do We Deserve Real Choco…
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Paul and Nick delight in Apple Cinnamon Toast Crunch to differing degrees but are back in the game. Watch out, haters. Are there haters? There are always haters. Watch out! Topics include: A Study in Nashville Heat; Previously On Tiny Toast; Apple Cinnamon Excitement; The Apple Cinnamon Siblings; Slow Claps and Minds Blown; Literally Reading the Bo…
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Paul and Nick ennui their way through Rip's Big Bowl, the health food cereal from Whole Foods! Why don't you take the challenge and eat some today? We should share the pain! Topics Include:A Rip Meet Cute; Texture, Taste, and Exit; The Most Bland Jazz; Hoping for a Raisin; Blandsome Shaming; An Invitation for Mix-Ins; Life is Too Beautiful to Waste…
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Paul and Nick make their way through other Grandpa Cereals this week with All-Bran and Fibre-One. If you thought Grape Nuts had a lot of opportunity for scatalogical goofs, man, this one is wall-to-wall with the stuff. Warning for all those who aren't into poop jokes. Topics include: Goat Hand; We Don't Need Urban Horses; Old Timey Bike Rescue; Nic…
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Paul and Nick grind their way through Grape Nuts, the first installment in a series celebrating(ish) the wonderful fiber-ful cereals your grandfather has to eat after a lifetime of chili dogs. Maybe pull up a chair for your pappy and he can enjoy in the misery. Topics include: Thank You for Being a Friend; Cereals for the Old Gullyworks; The Peanut…
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Paul and Nick divvy up split cereals, another Ralston gimmick from the 80s with two kinds of cereal in one box. How did we get here? What did it mean? When will it come back? Who are we? Topics include: You Just Can't Lose; What Does King Nicholas Choose Today?; Nerds Dispersions; Nerd Mascot Discussion; It's a Cereal, Wow; Well, Holo, Everyone; Th…
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Paul and Nick dunk into cookie cereals featuring Cookie Crisp (boooo), Girl Scout Cookies cereals (hmmm), and Keebler Cookie Dough Crunch (yaaaaaay). Topics Include: Kevin Costner Superfans; The Cookie Warlock; That Howl Though; New vs Classic Cookie Crisp; IHOP Express; Let Us Count the Ways (of Horribleness); Unto the Breach of Real Cookie Cereal…
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Paul and Nick roll up their sleeves for Cereals that Do Good, brands that donate to charity or do good works for the community. If you're looking for a way to contribute with your dollar (and your cereal craving) these might be good places to start. Topics include: Paul and Nick Pat Themselves on the Back; Box Tops for Education and Box Murder; Cam…
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Paul and Nick ring in the year with all the cereals new for 2017. They remain hopeful as ever, praising the sugary cereals and making Seinfeld references. We are your calm in the storm. With cereal. Topics include: Too Many Nick and Paul Podcasts; Cereal A Go?; The Future is Now!; Blueberry Pancake Decadence; Astronaut Ice Cream Does Not Befit Our …
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Paul and Nick sleigh through this year's holiday cereals, laughing so much our bellies are like bowls full of jelly. We're jolly, not fat! It's the last episode of the year, folks! Smell you later, 2016! Topics include:A Lot of Time Not Talking About Cereal; A Festive Bunch with a Festive Crunch™™™®;Columbus Day Crunch; Brand Standards Sleeping Aid…
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Paul and Nick stiff-upper-lip through a selection of British cereals with special guest/field correspondent Courtney! Some are amazing, some are abysmal, some taste like corn. Come with us on a journey across the pond! Topics include:College Cereal Rebellion; All the Food Laws We Broke; Krave Choco Roulette and Chocolate from Another Land; American…
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Paul and Nick muse about the possibilities of a cereal restaurant in this super-sized episode. They talk about everything from milk Freestyle machines to couch covering options to the after-hours menu. It's comprehensive. What do you think a cereal restaurant should have? Topics include;Payce, Product 19; Cereal as a Service; Paul and Nick, Cereal …
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Paul and Nick go micro as they discuss Single Serve cereal options. They also discuss half-full bags of chips and milk in jugs so join us on this journey as we become a podcast for grandpas. Topics include: The Spaghetti and Cereal Equivalency; The Small Box Entrapment; Eating out of the Box Like Savages; Powered by Honey Bunches of Oats; Trains, P…
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Paul and Nick sink their teeth into donuts and the cereals that try to emulate a donut. Notice we don't say "doughnut" because we don't feel an "ugh" belongs anywhere near anything as lovely as a donut. Topics Include:Pop Tarts Theory Extended to Donuts; Love to All You Donuts Out There; Breakroom Donut Etiquette; Donuts are a Flat Circle; Athletes…
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Paul and Nick get all creepy crawly with Halloween cereals of all shapes and sizes. Are you ready to get spooky? Topics include: Throwing Away the Monster Vote; The Value of Revolting Milk; Halloween: The Disposable Holiday; The Dream of the 90s Halloween Cereal; Bringing Sand to the Beach; You Mean Like a Walkman?; The Candy Corn Flavor Paradox; W…
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Paul and Nick swim through all the other hot cereals like Cream of Wheat, grits, polenta, and so many others. Who knew there were this many opportunities to soak grains in stuff to make them edible? Topics include:Kiss My Grits; Way to Go, Cream of; A Cream of Wheat Renaissance is Due; Crunchberry Cinnabon Bits are Real; Hello, Darkness, My Old Fri…
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Paul and Nick glop their way through oatmeal today, allowing Nick to shine and assuaging Paul's distaste. Will Paul ever be satisfied? He will never be satisfied. Topics include:Open Hearts, Open Minds; Official Cereal Sashes; Cut and Roll, Man; Lincoln, Played by Paul; The Biggest Disappointment in Cereal History; Business Breakfast Adventures; Th…
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Paul and Nick safari their way through the wilds of Enviorkidz. Turned off by the story, they still manage to find a way to really like these cereals. Who knew? Topics include:Knock-off Captain Planet; Ancient Civilization Snobbery; Pauls Pre-Historic Humor; Envirokidz Virgins; The Surprising Taste Test; Eating Toast like Oreos; Wringing the Bees o…
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Paul and Nick trudge through Life cereal today with a special guest: writer/author/wordsmith Bret Gunter! He's a very brave man for sharing his Life-related gastrointestinal issues. A brave man indeed. Topics include:Oh, Jason;Son of a Gunt!;Turning the Chairs Around; Marketing through Customer Error; Chasing that Dragon Called Life; The Children F…
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Paul and Nick crunch through Granola this week, discussing both questions of taste and metaphysics. It gets deep and contentious, folks. Listen to those tensions rise! Topics include:Hollywood Quakers; The World Will Go On Without You; The Granola Question; Granuuuuuula; Tougher Than Grape Nuts; The True Kellogg Legacy; Paul's Attempted Entrapment;…
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Paul and Nick sports it up when they talk about Sports and Cereals: Wheaties, Frosted Flakes, Flutie Flakes and even Vrooms. Not to mention the greatest Superfriends of Athletes ever conceived. Topics include:We Are Not Athletes, Surprising No One; The Cap'n is High on Life; Obama's Monday - Friday Cereal; How to Make Your Own Raisin Bran; The Cove…
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Paul and Nick scoop some pumpkin and pumpkin spice cereals out of the old gourds, aka grocery stores stocking fall cereals in early September. The results are surprising. No, really. Surprising! Topics include:The Eating Season; Nostradonuts; Land of Lincoln, Land of Pumpkins; Pumpkins Fully Realized; All the Pumpkin Nonsense; Cinnamon and Water Cu…
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Paul and Nick give you some of the deleted scenes from the last few episodes of the podcast to show you their hilarious range of interests. Some cereal, some not so much cereal. Topics include:Ken Hudson Campbell Sounds Like a Frosted Mini Wheat; Shufflepuck Referee; Interns Have the Best Ideas; Duck Tales and Pirates of the Caribbean Fan Fiction; …
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Paul and Nick dive deeper into Raisin Bran for the Season 1 Finale, going over everything that was missed during the discussion of Flakes in Episode 1. Or mostly everything. Nobody's perfect. Topics include:Bran is Comedy Gold; The Wolf Is Nothing but Sweet Sugar; The History of Raisins?; Health Food Masquerading as Candy; Big Cereal Strikes Again;…
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Paul and Nick hit the better Puffs: Trix, Cocoa Puffs, and Reese's Puffs. They are the anti-Kix. Topics include:Oatloading with Our Olympic Athletes;Trix is the Beginning of Our Fruit Decline; Turning the Brightness Down; Bullying Silly Rabbits; Blue Ribbon!; Tricks Is All Curves; Ruby Tuesday By a Nose!; The Great Milk Trio; Sunny the Cereal Kille…
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Paul and Nick snooze their way through what they call Boring Yellow Cereal: Kix, Corn Pops, and Honeycomb. It's not that they hate these cereals. It just -- people that get these know that Peanut Butter Crunch is RIGHT THERE, don't they? Topics include:The Weather;The Paul Blart Effect; Cut That Kix; The Kix Conspiracy and Marketing Genius; Free wi…
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Paul and Nick follow their noses to Froot Loops, Apple Jacks, and Honey Graham Oh's (aka Oh!s). The episode is a little longer this week but, if you stop listening before the Apple Jacks taste test (at 36:24), you won't even notice. Topics include:Big Thick O's; Eating from the Apple Jacks Stockpile; Red 40 Live at the Civic Center; The Cereal Age …
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Paul and Nick crunch into some Golden Grahams. And when you talk Golden Grahams, you talk S'Mores. And when you talk talk s'mores, the world becomes a little brighter. Then you talk about S'morz and the S'morcerer. And things get weird. Topics include:Tiny Toast is a Hit!;The Mortal Kombat Pit of Cereals; Truckasaurus Eats Its Way Out of a Bowl of …
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Paul and Nick dig into Shredded Wheat and all its different versions. This cereal's been around since before the Spanish-American War so there's a lot to discuss. Topics Include:Nyde korn, danske fætre; We Used to Be Young; The Perky Eeyore; Willy Wonka Biscuit Factory; Nick Suffers More Pedestrian Mind Explosions; No Human Can Eat a Wheat Pillow; …
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Paul and Nick crunch into Cap'n Crunch this week and risk slicing the roof of their mouths wide open. Anything for the pod. For the glory! Topics include:What a Beautiful More-ning; Fan Service; Drunk Tongue; What Cap'n Crunch Is Supposed to Actually Taste Like;Breaking News: Kids Like Crunchy; All Stars for the Cap'n; Demoting the Cap'n; Crunchber…
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Paul and Nick take on Pebbles cereals, both Cocoa and Fruity. It's pretty funny. But it's not pretty. Topics include:Denying Pebbles Its Cerealhood; Stephen King's Cereal Mascots; Krinkles Born from Fear and Intolerance; Flintstones to the Rescue; Fred Needs His Cool Winstons; Can We Have Our Money Now?; Those Famous Bedrock Key Parties; Pebbles Bu…
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Paul and Nick sample Tiny Toast, the brand-spanking-newest cereal from General Mills. What do they talk about when they have a cereal with no history? I guess you're going to have to find out. (Spoiler: weird flavors and guacamole Doritos). Topics include:Does Nick Get It?; What the Heck is Cereal for Women?; Basic 4 is Top Shelf; Ah, the Enchantin…
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Paul and Nick take a break from talking about cereal to dive into the weird and wonderful rise and disappointing decline of cereal prizes. A longer one this week but there's a lot of goodness packed in! Topics include:Cereal Box Structural Damage and Contamination; Soul-Crushing Paperwork for an 8-Year Old; All the Tiger Flipbooks; The Four Kinds o…
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Paul and Nick crunch on Chex this week and its various incarnations across cerealdom. This is also our backdoor pilot for Super Snacks Podcast. And maybe Super TMNT Podcast? Topics include:Horseface Nick Campbell; Life Broth; Pre-Packaged Pig Chow; Why Do Nets Even Work?; Teenage Emo Ninja Turtles; Moms Big-Leagued Kids on Kix; Never Cereal Settle;…
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Paul and Nick can't get enough Puffed Wheat this week as they tackle cereals like [Super] Golden Crisp and [Honey] Smacks. Do you dig it? Topics include:Quaker: Killing It with the Olds; Can Anyone Ever Get Enough?; Cereal for Dessert; The Crisp Remains; Advertising is Baby Talk; Germans Loves Their Muesli; Kellogg's Chases For Once; The Mysterious…
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Paul and Nick munch on Rice Krispies this week, the OG rice cereal with advertisements that even encourage you to pour sugar all over your breakfast. Topics include:Krispies: How Do They Work?; Tiny Toys of the 90s;Nick Guesses the Mascots but Doesn't Know What They Look Like;What's a Duck Blur?; Ricey Ricepecker; Stones Need Money, Too; Rice Krisp…
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Paul and Nick bite into corn bran cereals like Corn Bran Crunch and Puffins. Unfortunately, given the fiber content, this is also week two of Poop Watch. Sorry not sorry. Topics include:Why Didn't You Just Say Puffins?; No One Remembers All Bran; Lock Your Cornfield Windows, Kids; Insert Jokes from Other Podcasts Here; Requiem for a Milk Dream; Fee…
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Paul and Nick scare up some thoughts on Monster Cereals in their second part on marshmallowed varieties. Super Cereal Podcast prides itself on being a (mostly) clean podcast but there are a few stories in here about poop. You might want to wait until after you enjoy a bowl before digging into this episode. Fair warning. Topics include:Calling Bill …
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Paul and Nick sink their teeth into Lucky Charms, celebrated children's cereal and source of unwarranted adult shame. Stop living a lie, grown ups. Chase your bliss. Your bliss: the epitome of all sugary cereals. Kids are happy for a reason. Topics Include:No Podcast Apologies; Marshmallow Contrarians are the Worst; What Did You Do to Deserve Orang…
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Paul and Nick talk A LOT about Cheerios, the fundamental breakfast and high chair staple. There's a whole lot in those tiny little o's. Topics include:MOM is Worth More Than Cheerios?; Moose and Squirrel and Cereal; Cheerios Commercials and Chopping Onions; I Need More Boring Grains In My Life;HNC 2016; Kudos to Nelly, Bad Job to Cheerios;Apple Cin…
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Paul and Nick unrepress memories of Malt-O-Meal and the childhood embarrassment of cereal in a bag but, by the end, they come to unexpected conclusions! Topics include:Beyond Oatmeal, Beyond Granola; A Penny Saved is Eventually 1.5 Billion Dollars; Name! That! Knock-Off!; Do the Duck Walk; Malt-O-Meal: Secret Agent Cereal; Generational Shame; Whole…
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This week, Paul and Nick talk about Cinnamon Toast Crunch, one of those cereals that belongs in the Pantheon of the Breakfast Aisle. Topics include: That 80's Cereal; The Cannibalism Problem in Cereal Today; Hold On, There's a Fax Coming In; Healthier Toaster Strudel Care of Your Roommate; Slow Motion Eating is the Worst; Food Photographers are Our…
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This week, Paul and Nick take on Flakes, the beginning and the end of cereal. Let's get down to our roots! Topics discussed: Paul Pretends to Be Breaking Bad's Vince Gilligan,The Soggy Bell Tolls for Thee,Maybe the Wheaties Box is Not Such an Honor,Paul vs Blue Collar Cereal Workers,Just Because He Plays Baseball Doesn't Mean He's Not Still a Vicio…
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Meet Nick and Paul: two guys who are really into cereal. This is where they explain why they're doing this and what's ahead for this podcast. Topics discussed: Putting together Your IKEA Mueslix; Variety Pack Oatmeal is like a Carton of Cigarettes; Cereal is Meal Independence; Cows Love Kids and California; Nick's Food Elitism; Paul's Love for Chil…
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